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Sunday, September 28

Amendment 8

A year ago, budget shortfalls hit higher education particularly hard, and the public universities had to fight with the Legislature over the power to raise tuition and freeze freshman enrollment. Community colleges were also affected as Gov. Charlie Crist, proposed to reduce their state funding by at least 4%, or about $43.5 million, at a time when enrollments increased 7.2% across 28 campuses last fall. The cuts — a direct result of the housing downturn—also collided with counter-cyclical enrollment cycles of community colleges. During good times, people work and enrollment is down. During bad times, enrollment rates increase. And this is when the state comes in and says “sorry… but …”

Community Colleges expect the problem to get worse after the Board of Governors’ vote to freeze freshman enrollment at four-year universities at last fall’s level. With the number of new high school graduates increasing, community colleges are the only solution to many students as the university system had a total enrollment of 282,134 in 2005.

And this is how Amendment 8 was introduced. On Nov. 4, when –hopefully- all of you exercise your right to vote, you will see Amendment 8, placed on the ballot by the Florida Taxation and Budget Reform Commission. Its title is “Local Option Community College Funding.” Amendment 8 will allow counties to raise their sales tax in order to increase community college funding. Allan Bense, chairman of that committee, has explained the amendment. "“What Amendment 8 does, it basically provides another way for community colleges to raise money. If this amendment passes, then every community college will have the option of having a local referendum to increase the sales tax by up to a half cent. Now, if a community college is located in more than one county, all of those counties would have to participate and it would have to pass in all three counties.”

If the voters approve of the local option sales tax, it would have to be reauthorized every five years. Bense said that among his 24 colleagues on the Taxation and Budget Reform Commission, support for putting Amendment 8 on the ballot was very strong.

“I think it was unanimous. Frankly, I think it was about the only unanimous vote that we had. The members of the commission were of many conservatives, many liberals, from South Florida, from North Florida, but clearly I think all 25 agreed that the needs that our community college system has and the great job it does in educating students is important and we felt this would help that mission.”

However, not everyone is happy with it. It has been criticized as “regressive.” A regressive tax rate decreases as the amount subject to taxation increases, and therefore it imposes a greater burden on lower-income families. Also, if passed in certain counties and not in others, certain colleges would get extra funding, and others would not. The Board of Trustees of Manatee Community College has voted to oppose it while St Petersburg College supports it.

What are your thoughts on Amendment 8? Do you believe we need it or not?


Darren L. said...

Wow this is very difficult, in my opinion, this could go in either way. I really do like the amendment 8. I think it is fair that the actual county picks the tax increase, for the funding of the colleges to go up. I also think though, that it will badly hurt the lower income community. Those who actually will work, like the article proposed, instead of going to school, will have to pay more taxes for something they don't use. Overall, I think it is a great idea. Not only does everyone deserve an education, everyone deserves a good education, which they can get at a lot of community colleges. So in exchange for lower income families suffering having to pay more taxes, i think it is a better exchange for everyone else to have the privilege to go to school. So i say go Amendment 8.

pt4life813 said...

I will vote "Yes" to Amendment 8 on November 4th. I think that this is a great idea. In my personal opinion, whether we vote yes or no on this subject, taxes are going to be raised for SOMETHING. This is the way I see it: This Amendment doesnt pass- kids that actually WANTED to go to college are not financially able to attend thus making them find jobs, more than likely, minimum wage. Im not saying that all, or that even most kids that dont have an education are on welfare, but the likely hood of a kid going to school vs. a kid not in school needing welfare is im sure a major difference. So either we pass this Amendment and pay a little more for kids to get an education, or we continue to pay higher taxes for things such as people on welfare and people that are in jail. I think if kids wants to attend college and pursue their dreams..we should support them in any way that we can.

Ashley Michelle said...

I agree with Darren, I also am swinging toward liking amendment 8. I think that it's amazing that more and more kids are actually graduating with their high school diploma and moving onto a college. I like the fact that it provides funding for community colleges. I would definitely vote for it in November and I think that it actually provides more pros than cons. A community college is almost exactly like a university, except it's smaller and I believe that you get more one on one contact with the professor. Everyone should be able to receive an education. I also do agree that community colleges do an exceptional job teaching students and that amendment 8 would help make that connection stronger.

lkm1991 said...

I believe we need Amendment 8 to pass in Hillsborough County so that a one half percentage point can be added to the local sales tax to fund community colleges in Hillsborough County. I hope that this provision will make up the deficit caused by the reduction in State funding. Education should be a priority for Florida. Our state does not rank very well as it is with other states in the United States in the area of education. If there continues to be a freeze on enrollments for four year colleges, the community college is the only available and logical alternative for students seeking higher education. Unfortunately, I am only 17 and cannot vote for the amendment myself, but I know my parents will vote for anything having to do with education. With regard to the shortfall in the State budget, I am sure there are other state expenditures that can be cut that do not have as far reaching consequences for a lack of support. Do not our legislative representatives realize that it is the youth of today that will be dealing with their needs
and services when they are old. Let’s have some respect…not only for students but for our educational institutions and the job they are expected to perform.

wswiegert said...

On November fourth I think this ammendment will be overlooked by too many voters because of their own interests not having anything to do with community colleges of their home county. And it is fair to think that eventhough taxes would be raised at most a half cent, any student chosen at random will gripe about existing costs and financial responsibilities, let alone others to come. And the article raised a good point about whether or not each county would be equal, regardless of equal opportunity to do so. The population of different counties are more dense in retirees than others and so on... All things considered I would have to oppose the approval of this ammendment.

Caduceus01 said...

Not so many years ago we voted to pay for the stadium to be built for the Tampa Bay Bucs and also additional monies to be added to the school system, and if I am not mistaken that was a cent and a half tax. At what point do we expect people to carry their own weight. Currently, I think a half a cent goes to Tampa General Hospital for indigent care. Take note that in Chicago, I believe the sales tax is eleven and a half percent. So to that extent if we are trying to get to that number then I am all for it, but they also have a state income tax, which we might consider adopting as well. Certainly the average house hold has one to two thousand dollars of unappropriated money that could be better spent by the government. If we could raise taxes enough, we might be able to not only provide a good education but perhaps a new car, that way they have a way to get to school and if we bought American we could keep the auto industry afloat. Just an idea!

Artimid said...

Personally, I feel this is a horrible idea. As Caduceus01 said, but with one note that the schools barely got ANY money from us gifting a billionaire with large amounts of property, and paid for a stadium that we have to pay to go into... we can bet that every 5 years they would raise half a cent. This would also give precedent that we are willing to raise our taxes for sales tax, and others would try to raise it as well.
Stay away from taxes, our state makes large amounts of money from taxes. We have several issues in this country where we have districts and countys paying the majority of the taxes, and then receiving barely any of the benefit back to their projects.
We are in a recession, we have a horrible housing market, very few worthwhile job openings past minimum wage, and we have tons of construction where it isn't needed. While this hurts -us-, it still pays big for the state, and county. We also have a problem in Florida where our law makers out and out lie to us, and completely ignore what we vote for. We vote for classrooms to be reasonably sized, they complain and call us stupid and consider doing it in 3-5 years from -now-. Also, if this does go through, would HCC lower the rate of tuition? Probably not, though they said that we, the students, agreed it was a good idea, and that it was because of budget cuts. If suddenly they have large amounts of money will we see our tuition go down to under $70? Probably not.

For more info on our taxes, btw, - It is only from 2001 though. I couldnt' find anything newer that didn't have a bunch of random stuff thrown around.
In closing: This is a horrible idea, and while people consider it dimes and nickles, think the same thing when stamps are at .75c a piece, which probably won't be to far in the future. We will have more money taken from our accounts, property taxes might go up, insurance rates through the roof, sales tax going up every 5 years for sure, and more and more we are pushed in recession goodness.

Athena Smith said...

Some of you mentioned the stadium and possibly Tampa General as being built through similar back door taxes. However, make no mistake on that. All public facilities and institutions, to a great extent are funded through your taxes, direct and indirect.

Sute, the economy is down. The question becomes, how do you turn the tide?

brian said...

its a hard decision, but i am voting for admendment 8. its hard because it puts low income people in a tighter spot, but it also pays for a better education. i think its great becuse istead of us payin money for jails and welfare people were payin to better ourselves and our eduactions. the taxs were going goin to go up anyway right? we might as well pay for sumthing that benefits ourselves. said...

Do it! Vote yes! If people in our county would vote for a public works tax (i.e. the stadium tax), then a bill to raise money for education is reasonable. Small tax increases take away "invisible" money. If you do not see it, you do not miss it! I do not totally agree with the tax increase putting a burden on the lower class. The lower class would benefit the most from the tax increase. Yes, they would also have to contribute to the tax fund, but by the very nature of being lower class, their contribution would be small. The people that would see the biggest increase are the people spending the most money. It would not prevent poor people from buying groceries, but it might allow more poor people to attend community college. They would have a better shot of lifting themselves up to another socio-economic level. I will vote yes!. I am graduating from community college next term, so I will not get any primary benefits from the bill. I will get the secondary benefit of living in a place that offers more access to education. SET AN EXAMPLE!!!

Unknown said...

Ammendment 8 is one of the most talked about ammendments for the upcoming election. I personally am all for it! Everyone is saying that this will affect the lower income communities?! It is a half cent! In all reality it will HELP them. By having the community join in and help educate it's civilians by paying a small tax increase, hundreds if not thousands will be able to go to school because it is now more affordable. I am not eligable for Financal Aid so I am paying for school out of pocket,(rather than getting a loan), I struggle when it comes time to buy my $150 books and pay for tuition! If there is a simple way to make school more afforable...I don't see why more people aren't jumping for it.

Snake said...

Well since Im part of the lower income families I guess I would oppose it, but I know that the colleges need the money too so I guess I could go either way. I think we do need amendment 8 if it will give more money to community colleges. But if it will become a problem for lower income families it will give me and my family problems too. They should also fix how its set up for different counties if its passed for one county and the other it didn't, which would give certain colleges more money and not others. Either way some people will be happy with and others will not. As for me I don't think I can decide on which way to go. Both sides have there advantages and disadvantages.

amooney2 said...

I am all for any item on the ballot that will increase funding for education.
I will vote YES on amendment 8 and I have discussed it with everyone I know.
Community College is a more affordable option for students to get a degree and I think we all agree that education is so important for success. And to decrease funding for the middle class is absolutely unacceptable. We need to revamp how we are allocating current funds and continue to find innovative ways to improve the whole education system. I can't believe that anyone will really feel the impact of this amendment in their wallets; however I would hope they would feel the impact when sitting in the classroom.
Teachers should be making millions of dollars and the professional athletes should work for tips.

As with all items on the ballot, please do your research, read the verbiage carefully and when in doubt ask questions for both sides of the issues.

auroralights said...

We have so many taxes right now. Why cannot we shift some of the support for things such as the stadium to things like schools? This way we will not have to pay any more and our schools will get the funding they need!

Athena Smith said...

Ammooney2 said:

"Teachers should be making millions of dollars and the professional athletes should work for tips."

I so agree..... :)))

hunter07 said...

I think this is a good idea. It will negatively affect low income families but in the big picture we have less taxes in Florida than many other states. We do not have to pay state taxes or taxes on motorized vehicles which saves us money. A half a cent isnt going to affect individuals all that much. But from the schools stand point it will add up quickly. I think it will help quite a bit and with it being reapproved every five years we should give it a try and see how it affects things.

Jecka said...

I will be for amendment eight on Nov. 4th. It won't be that much of a raise on taxes and Community College's can use the help. Community College's like HCC give more students a chance to attend a college and give others a second chance why would we not want to vote for it? If we could keep education rates down more students can attend and give themselves a better future and salary in return. It sounds great although we might see a bit of an increase in taxes. I will have to agree with most of the bloggers and will vote for Amendment 8.

TaureanWong said...

8 is great! No problems I can see other than the tax increase but again I don't feel the primary affects like others mentioned on paying another 10 cents or what not for my groceries that I would be bargain shopping for anyway being someone that financially is lower-class. Most things that pose me as being middle class are opportunities in institutions like college that with adequate funding can provide more opportunities to offset costs for lower income individuals. Big ups to education, I'm down with 8 and I recommend others to be as well.

Clarifying point/question, didn't the article mention that every 5 years the ammendment could be looked at & redetermined, or did it actually say it will gradually increase every 5 years?

Athena Smith said...

It will be re-authorized every five years. In other words, if passed, it will last five years.

eney352 said...

I like the amendment 8. I believe college all the money they can get. Whether in a 4-year university or in a community college. Especially with tuition rising at Florida's four year universities. The courses at a community college are exactly the same as the classes at a four year university. College is really expensive. Most community colleges dont offer grants and scholarships like the four year universities do. They either have to take out a loan or pay the tuition out of pocket. Which is why community college is alot more cheaper than a four year university's tuition. Almost half as much. I really like the amendment 8, and i think it should apply to all community colleges not just a selected few. Extra money for school is good thing. A major problem solved thanks to amendment 8. I rather receive money from the community college than taking out a loan and repaying it. So yes, i'm for the amendment 8, as long as every community college has that amendment active at their school. That's just the fair way.

eney352 said...

I like the amendment 8. I believe college all the money they can get. Whether in a 4-year university or in a community college. Especially with tuition rising at Florida's four year universities. The courses at a community college are exactly the same as the classes at a four year university. College is really expensive. Most community colleges dont offer grants and scholarships like the four year universities do. They either have to take out a loan or pay the tuition out of pocket. Which is why community college is alot more cheaper than a four year university's tuition. Almost half as much. I really like the amendment 8, and i think it should apply to all community colleges not just a selected few. Extra money for school is good thing. A major problem solved thanks to amendment 8. I rather receive money from the community college than taking out a loan and repaying it. So yes, i'm for the amendment 8, as long as every community college has that amendment active at their school. That's just the fair way.

mescobar3 said...

This is a very controversial topic indeed. In general i must agree that this amendment obviously will help students and future students in getting the best education possible. However, like the article mentions, working lower classes, who wont ever go to school and just work will in fact not be in favor of this because they're spending money in something they wont use. Which is true but, if colleges can provide an opportunity for these less fortunate income families a chance for education then this would be great. It really is simple just how Hcc send pell grants for lower income families, colleges would be able to send more money out in return having more people educated.
Also along from giving an opportunity to families for education, it seems that this governor is also taking away education possibilities for middle income families that can just afford college tuition. Therefore, if have to give a half or a full cent more in tax to maintain education then I agree in putting this amendment in place.

Trau said...

I will vote yes to amendment 8 because over all it is a good idea. Everyone who wants and education should have the chance to have one regardless of their income bracket. I'm glad to see a higher percentage of high school graduates, my class of 07 had 500 freshman to start with and only about 140 graduated. While what Darren stated about lower income families is true these people who do graduate should have a chance to go to college, and maybe the people who are not in college will take this chance to go, if there already helping fund it.

sylvia said...

I could also go either way on this. I'm not really one to promote tax increases, especially unneccessary ones, but I feel that having sufficent funds for education is important. Now, as a student at a community college I may be slightly biased, but I feel the same way about funding for public schools also.

I think that they should be able to raise funds through a half cent tax increase, but that there should be limitations to the power. Half a penny on the dollar is not that much more out of pocket to the individual, but collectively, the entire county paying half a cent more in taxes.

The younger generation continuing their education is something that benefits everyone, because it allows society as a whole to advance. It is something that affects not only those attending and about to attend college and their parents. It is something that everyone needs to be concerned with, not only those who think their lives will be immediately infuluenced by the lack of money for colleges, and saying it helps too small a group of people to do something they should take care of on their own need to consider money the government raises for social security and welfare, because the same argument can be made there, but taking away those systems would throw millions of people into chaos.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rose said...

I think that the Amendment 8 is a very good idea. We need our education to get us further in this life. Like we always hear, "education is the key to success." Growing up we were always told to stay in school, but now that we are in school fundings are being cut.
I think that it is awesome that community colleges would be allowed to raise funding. But I also feel bad about the burden that it places on lower income families. Don't get me wrong, I am all for the eduction like I said previously, but Its not fair that someone else has to suffer because if anothers success. Well I guess thats how the world works these days, but I wish for once that both the schools and low income families can win for a change.

Unknown said...

I am against Amendment 8. I know that community colleges need extra funding due to all of the recent budget cuts, but there has to be another way. Certainly, state budgets could cut expenses in other ways (unnecessary programs, etc.) to allow more funding to go to education. A half cent tax seems like a small amount, but don’t you remember when we paid $0.99 for a gallon of gas? Little increases build up over time and with the hole many Americans find themselves in these days with the higher cost of gas, food and other vital household expenses, any extra out of pocket expenses would make staying afloat even more impossible.

Rose said...

Ok, just to spice things up, I say vote for Obama. Ater watching the presidential election, he seems to be the only one that cares about our education and low income families while McClain beats around the "Bush". Even Obamas' wife gave a speech from one of the florida colleges on Saturday. So far they are for the everyday people who work hard for a dollar, not just millionaires who could careless about anyone else. So to me Obama could be that neutral President we all need that could be the answer to help out our colleges, and our low income families, and for once, everyone comes out a winner :)

Dr.Beemdaddy said...

I was actually one of those students who was shut out of enrollment at usf. It was supposed to be my back up school but then they froze and im here. i agree with amendment 8. Even though our taxes will go up it will increase college funding which is what i wish happened last year.

Dr.Beemdaddy said...

And on top of that its really not so bad. after to years at a communnity college you can transfer out if your grades are above average.

Anonymous said...

I think that this sounds like a great idea! Its not like someone's proposing raising a tax so our governor can buy a new house. This is something that is very important and Americans need to be very educated. Our country is far behind some other countries when it comes to education and we need to make sure that the kids that are kids now,who will one day be at the top of our corporations and working in our health care, have the best opportunities. For this raise in taxes, what I'm curious about is how much would be coming out of peoples pockets. A few cents?

Dgirl89 said...

I would have to say that I agree with amendment 8 and I am very glad that they will be putting it on the ballot for this years election. I was shocked to find out how much college funding was cut this year. Amendment 8, if it is passed will definately help a lot of people. I understand that it will not benefit lower income families, but hopefully it wont be that much more than what their paying now. Everyone deserves a good education and no student should not be able to have the opportunity to further their education. College is very important and funding should be available when needed.

PixieBob said...

I will definitely vote for amendment 8 to pass. Though raising tax is a negative result I believe that many people-as evidenced by my classmates responses- will be willing to pay for something that is a positive neccessity for the future. The fact that a higher percent of high school students WANT to go to college shows more of a dedication to making the future better, and I think we should all do our part to ensuring that happens.
Most people are too wrapped up in what THEY can get now or what THEY want to think about the benefits for the rest of the community.

I worked for quite awhile before being able to come back to school and I still work now. From my point of view even though lower income workers may be hurt by the taxes this will give more of them a chance to go back to school and to change their income status.

Belle said...

I will be voting YES to amendment 8 on election day. I think that education should not suffer from budget cuts because to me that means our future suffers.

In the Political Science class I am in we just discuss how people hate taxes, but very rarely can one expect something for nothing. I do not see this effecting the lower income families to much. How I see it is… I am sure they most likely all have children, grandchildren, or nephews and nieces. That young generation could possibly benefit from this in their future if they choose college. Education is crucial in a young persons life today!

With jobs becoming more and more limited, you need a nice résumé to get in a field you would ENJOY! I hate the thought of one day absolutely hating my job and dreading work. (My dad for one has had a count down to retirement for three years now… we are down to one year! Yay!) I know many people think that is reality, but I believe that I have control of my future and I am able to dream and set goals. Without a GOOD education, it is hard to think that way.

Without amendment 8… our community colleges will keep filling with high school graduates and others that can not get in a university at that time. (like fender71) The community colleges need funds to accurately accommodate every student! Vote YES and see the difference in the future!

Artimid said...

People saying it will help lower class... what you think is -only- half a cent, builds up when you are talking about half a cent for hundreds of dollars. In a month, some people may buy $100 worth of groceries (I buy lots of ramen.. so I am estimating), that is around $8 in taxes a month, and it builds up. Every time you buy something, an extra hit. Also, if someone could point me to where it says that schools will -lower- tuition, instead of just raising taxes. I am willing to bet that this will just raise taxes, and schools will still be increasing tuition per hour. Add in with rising and rising gas prices, and more and more people out of work due to increasingly high unemployment rates. All this says though, is that more money will be taken from us, and tuition will keep going up, and the freezes will keep going because they want to restrict people who are able to go.

Frogger said...

I will say “yes” to Amendment 8 on November 4th. Everyone should have the opportunity to attend college. I am willing to pay the few extra pennies to help someone out. Plus think of all the people who come here to Tampa (the snow birds, and vacationers) who are also going to be helping improve our lives here at HCC. As for the tuition issue that keeps being brought up, think of how bad it could be, we are paying what like $80 a credit hour for in-state tuition? I am facing the fact that I will have to transfer to a private college after HCC to finish my degree at the hefty cost of $1000 a credit hour.

Anonymous said...

I support Amendment 8. It seems like it makes perfect sense, as long as the money is going to the colleges and not waster on something irrelevant. Although the economy is not so great right now, I do not believe that $0.005 per dollar will make that much of a difference. In order to provide enough staff for this surge of students that will most likely be forced to go to community colleges, money will have to come from somewhere sooner or later. It is much better to have a plan now rather than wait until there is an issue with lack of teachers etc. and the price will be more than 50 percent of a penny by then I’m sure.

Nurse4U said...

I'm not quite sure how I will vote on Amendment 8, I see the good and bad on both sides. Why should lower income families pay for something they will not use? Is this increase in sales tax going to fund a better education or is it going to increase some executives salary? I don't know all the facts about this amendment so I will definitely have to do some more research before I vote in November. I do believe we all deserve a good education so if this amendment is geared toward solely that purpose then I would have to vote yes.

Anonymous said...

Well this is a very good subject but an also for me, a difficult decision to make, but really in the end of it i think it would be a good idea for them to do that so that kids that are upcoming have a good education and don't have to result to low-end jobs in the future. Now I'm not going to say who I am voting for but i can definitely say that this is one thing I'm going to vote for..

Athena Smith said...

It is uplifting that so many of you intend to go to the polls and vote one way or another.
Please remember that the deadline for registration is approaching fast.
Again, I repeat, politicians of all parties react to populations that have a high turn-out rate. It does not matter if you voted for them or not. As long as your group did vote.
We have been faced with serious cuts in our budget, with cuts in your financial aid, and one of the most efficient ways to defend your interests is to show that you care.

I have tried to find an article that presents both pros and cons of Amendment 8 in detail, but I was not able to. If any of you has found one, please give the link.

Athena Smith said...

As for the registration form, the link is given on the blog page (top right) and also under the online course in Blackboard.

Gator_Gal5 said...

Ok so I'm kind of going back and forth on this one. I mean yes it would be great if the college fundings went up but it would also suck when the sales tax is increased.
We college need the colleges to have more fundings to help us students out. If amendment 8 is passed in Hillsborough then I wouldn't be affected as much because I live in Pasco. But if they raised it in Pasco, I'd be affected. Yeah if they raised the sales tax by half a cent it wouldn't be much. But if you think about it after awhile it's going to affect your budgets for not only school but everything else you do too.
So I'm still kind of stuck on whether or not to choose amendment 8. I know I should vote but I'm choosing not too. Maybe in the future I will but as of right now no. So if people choose amendment 8 they choose it, if not I'm fine with it, because I'm still up in the air with this one!

allisonbeck said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
allisonbeck said...

It is true, having Amendment 8 can be a good or bad thing. I believe it is more for the better, because yes, it can surely hurt lower income class families, but maybe knowing that the extra taxing will go to a good cause, helping the funding for community colleges, in return, may push more people, even those who cannot afford college, to try to persue it more, and give more of a bright look on it. Some people do not see college as needed for them or somewhat of that outlook, but knowing this Amendment will be making college more useful and better, they may change their minds. Helping fund more things for community colleges is surely a good idea, and in the long run, may be beneficial for all working classes and all peope alike. I say it's a good plan. I would vote for it, for the most part.

Ronald O. Horne said...

I can honestly say I will definitely vote yes for amendment 8. Not only because I’m a college student but the fact that the small amount of tax increase will help out the education system a lot. I think those couple of dollars here and there from families will not even be noticed as much as how much it will help our education system. The increase in tax will make families better at saving and using their money on better things than just wasting it. The money that they are saving to cope with the tax increase will benefit many. I agree with most people that said its a little give and take. Well I say the give is worth the take.

DiamondSteel47 said...

I agree this is difficult, from an economics stand point as the communinty college begins to grow as the accpetnace rate drops at the universities, the communinty college will require more funding to accomdate all these students, but on the other hand tutition is high and one would think with the growing number of students and each classes being filled nearly to the max that a bill like this wouldnt even be needed. With that said, I will still vote from amendement 8.

blue sky said...

My response to Amendment 8 is short, simple, and sweet. YES!!! I don't have to question this amendement because I am a student first this is after becoming a veteran entering the workforce 2 years ago. It wasn't so great then and it definitly has gotten worst now. I was getting ready to transfer to USF next semester and with all these budget cuts I have been waiting for the past 2 1/2 months to find out if I have been accepted with my 3.6 G.P.A. I am the first in my family to go to school so it means a great deal. Also my G.I. Bill money only lasts 36 mths. (3 years) so I have been loading my classes that way I can have as much paid 4 as possible. I have managed to reach my A.A. in 5 semesters. Now that I am having trouble transfering I will be forced to continue to use my alloted money while not progressing fast enough.
With all this said you tell me is paying half a penny more a month worth allieviating the burdens of our good ol' boys short changing our education. To me its a perfect reciepe for poverty cake. and no thanks I'm not hungry for that.
So when I go to vote I will say YES!!! to amendement 8. If you think our budget cuts are bad now just wait and see how much more they'll take now that Wall St. is falling apart. Do yourself a favor invest a little now in your future so tomorrow you'll have a fighting chance.

RSXGirlie1988 said...

I will be voting yes to Amendment 8. Everyone should have the option or chance to go to college whether it be a community or state. It does seem like it would hurt the lower income families, however it seems better than freezing the freshman enrollement. A lot of students work very hard to get a diploma and go on to a higher education and the government should support that. If the numbers of freshman enrollment is increasing-students are taking the importance of education. Taxes are going to be raised for something might as well raise it towards education.

greenjellybean said...

I would vote for amendment 8. We already pay for taxes toward jails and other things so what could be better then saving and protecting our education and schools. Even though this adds up to more money out of our paychecks and pockets it may force society to focus on buying necessities rather than personal wants. I have a part time job that pays minimum wage right now and my parents buy me absolutely nothing. Especially with high gas prices I have no choice but to save and spend money wisely so these taxes won't hurt anyones budget as long as they properly manage the money they earn.

Nelly12345 said...

I am 100% for the amendment 8. I think its awesome that there is an amendment that (if passed) will make things easier financially for college students. Honestly, I am not the most educated person when it comes to the details of bills and taxes and things of that nature, but from what I read in the article, I dont see why anyone would be against it. Its not anything significant as far as the tax raise, I think the article said half a cent? Ok, what is half a cent if it means a better college with more opportunity for the students and teachers? Im wondering if this bill will help students seeking financial aid .. if so, then I am even more for it, not to trail off to a different subject but financial aid is so important, and for some students the only option, and anything that can give more potential college students the opportunity to make their dream a reality: awesome. In conclusion, yes I am for amendment 8, and I will definitely vote in favor of amendment 8 when I vote (yes, I am voting, and I am excited because it will be my first time doing so :)

RAwildcats06 said...

This is a tough topic. I think that it does suck that our funding has been cut. I would be a great thing to have that funding back to help college students. I think that if one county does it however that all counties should do it. If one out of three counties have the tax increase then who is to say the people in the two counties not getting extra funding wont just come and apply to the school in the county who is. That would increase enrollment for that school. That would just cause more problems. I also think it could be hard on those families who are struggling to pay bill I like amendment 8 but think it would be more fair if it had to apply to all counties.

Athena Smith said...

Gator Gal
What about PHCC? Pasco or Hernando?


It is my understanding -but do not quote me on that- that increased enrollment can be accomodated by shifting to hybrid courses.
Not every course can be taught in a hybrid form... but certainly this course could... (we meet once a week, the rest is online).

Athena Smith said...

I see that many of you support this amendemnt. This is quite surprising for me prsonally, having lived in Europe for quite a few years.
There, -I believe- this bill stood zero chance of being passed.
Quite a difference in the outlook!
We'll talk about it in class!

Athena Smith said...

An informative article on taxation on both sides of the Atlantic is here

fefe said...

I would like to agree with Daren and Ashley Michelle, I would definitely vote for that because community colleges are very good especially when graduate from high school it is very hard to move on to a huge university so most of the student pick to go to Community colleges first then they would transfer so I am with amendment 8 about the community colleges. There is no difference between community colleges and universities except that community colleges are smaller and from my prospective, “better because you can talk to the prophesier face to face or one to one”. If you are a community college student I think you should go for it.

TACK Ministry said...

I personally agree with Ammendment 8 from what I read on this post. It doesn't solve the entire issue of community college funding but it does at least begin to stop the bleeding that will no doubt occur if nothing is done at all. It is very rare when there is an increase in taxes that is proposed that it doesnt affect the lower income community, however, there is a return on your investment. The more college graduates or degree seeking professionals that remain here in our community, the greater the chances of new businesses and higher incomes that will help our community. Higher taxes aren't usually considered anyones friend but in situations like this one it is an "means to an end" and myself and I'm sure other college students and parents will support it.

Madeline said...

I agree with it. I feel it is a small price to pay to better the community college program. Everyone benefits when the society they live in is an educated one. SO even if someone isn't giong themselves they are living in the society that is better because of the education provided by the community college.

chantillylace26 said...

I agree with Amendment 8 because a lot of students aren't capable of going to a university right out of college, so they choose community college. Since more students are enrolling, there also needs to be more funding. I think this amendment will help that issue, but also put an even bigger strain on the already struggling economy. People can't afford more taxes, however I think this one is necessary. I also think it is the responsibility of the school to use the funding properly. I also agree with it because I feel that everyone deserves a chance at a college education, and universities are limiting even more students who apply.

Jason Raimondo said...

Amendment 8 sounds like an OK idea. I would prefer a repeal of Gov. Christ's original referendum, where he stripped funding from all of the state's public school's in order to give recent home buyers a 200 dollar per year tax break. 200 dollars in the grand scheme of things for a home buyer is peanuts. But still this money was doing plenty of good for the school system.
I enjoy many aspects of attending a community college, and even as they hike the tuition, I feel that it is a better deal than any university in the state. My only real concerns for the lack of funding is that either less qualified professors will begin teaching here, or that professors who take pay cuts will become disheartened and begin fumbeling through their classes instead of approaching them with a high level of energy and professionalism.
I will probably vote no on amendment 8 unless it provides funding to all of the schools whom lost funding in the Governor's original referendum. What happens to the community college affects me directly, but it is this deiregard for others and, guarding of personal interests that drove our state into this financial crisis to begin with. If the state submitted a piece of legislation that seemed selfless, and improved education on all levels in the state then I would pay double the sales taxes that I do right now, but I will have to read this whole bill in the newspaper before the election so that I can decide how helpful it really is.

joeyohweoh said...

I strongly believe that amendment 8 should be passed. First of all not everyone is accepted into a university due to an individual’s circumstances. With the higher rates of students graduating from high school the more people you can expect wanting to broading there eucation level. As of this year students attending HCC who school is payed for them by FASA has felt the effects of Gov. Charlie Crist decision making. Less and less currency is being deducted from the students slowly until there is nothing to give. I believe as a tax payer that my taxes actually go into something that will help the countrie common people.

sduffy3 said...

I will definately be voting "Yes" in November to Amendment 8. In my opinion, community colleges play a huge role in educating the majority of students. A community college allows students to save up a bit of money before moving up to a university, while receiving an education that is just as good.

It is going to make things MUCH more difficult for students if Amendment 8 is not passed. Increasing the price of books, tuition, and losing financial aid is a BIG issue. If this can be helped, even a little bit, I am all for it. Although taxes will be increased, I think that it is a small price to pay for education. Everyone should have the opportunity to better themselves in school, at an affordable price.

I believe that Amendment 8 will benefit more than it will hurt. Yes, it will be more weight on lower income families, but in the long run, it will allow them to rise up and receive an education that maybe, they might not have been able to get before. Education is an important thing, and that should be recognized. It is a wonderful that more and more students are graduating with a high school diploma and wanting to attend college. Amendment 8 just might be the key to open the door of opportunity for a lot of people.

Costello said...

i think amendment 8 is a good idea. I know the taxes are going to be raised but in turn it would benefit community colleges. I am going to a community college and if it would benefit me in someway why not do it. There is a reason we tax. It is to improve our economy. If we haft to raise the taxes to do that then so be it.

goodriddens said...

This is actually a difficult choice, I like the idea of each county having the say of weather or not to pass the tax if the amendment does get passed beacause not everywhere will want this. But I don't know if we need it, from my experience at HCC so far it appears that everything is up-to-date and the school has enough funding, but I havn't yet seen the results of the decrease of funding appear. Personnally I'm going to vote yes on this amendment but I would like the county to wait another 6 months to a year before imposing the tax, if they decide to, to see weather HCC needs it or not. But I think it will be a great thing to have just in case the school starts to lose huge amounts of money and we do need new things, of which the only thing i can think of is a bigger parking lot.

But I don't know what we can do about the fact of how much it will hurt low income families, maybe somewhere down the road give them their money back when they do taxes? And those who don't choose to go to school should pay it still because they have the option to, or if they graduated already then they should know how bad some schools need that money.

I say vote yes to it!

ALong said...

This ammendment obviously hits home because we all go to a Community College. I think that the education system in general needs more funding. Hasn't everyone agreed already that education is very important and there are so many beneifts to going to college? Therefore, I believe that this amendment should be passed, because even though it will raise taxes slightly, can people really put a price on a person's education? Besides, taxes are going to increase somehow, someway, no matter who gets elected. I think this is a great idea and I will be voting for it.

figlio della lupa said...

Did you ever notice that when you put the words "The" and "IRS" together, it spells "THEIRS?" ~Author Unknown
I think education should be one of the number one priorities of any government in the world. I think this tax is absolutely ridiculous because to me this is what it says.."oh oops! we screwed up! so now you guys can pay for our mistake!"
The government should be looking for places to cut back their OWN funding, not the funding of the hard working people.
To add a nice ending, this is a story I learned when I lived in Costa Rica for some time. That country disbanded their army in the 50's after a civil war.
During a diplomatic visit, the princess and princess of Spain asked the president to see the army.
The president did not wish to make royalty look like fools so he took them to the university stadium that was filled with students and said "this is our army. We cut back our military funding to give them free college education."
Since then, Costa Rica has become the second economical stronghold of Central America only second to Mexico.
Told you I missed the blog Mrs. Smith :-p

Lessner said...

I think amendment 8 is a good idea if not the only choice right now in such a slump of an economy.Taxes usually pays for anything we need such as roads,bridges,welfare,and schools.It will hurt people right now because the economy is so bad and jobs are scarce but in the long run,it will only help children to be able to do better in life and maybe become politicians to help come up wih ways to help everyone live a better life with aiding education without causing too much hardship on the lower income families.Right now,everyone is going to suffer in order to have anything worthwhile.No education means no future which means no change.Having the ability to give our children an education is always worth a little sacrifice.

Athena Smith said...

We are cutting down on expenses, but not on enrollment...

Figlio della lupa
We missed you back!
Do keep visiting! :))

You are very right about Costa Rica.

Sixty years ago they abolished their army and channelled their resources into infrastructure, education and health. Today the country enjoys the highest living standard in Central and South America.

Athena Smith said...

I also think we are in for a rough ride...:((

One piece of advice to all of you!
Save!Try to keep debt to a bare minimum.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I believe we should pass amendment 8. I think it would be a wise investment for everyone’s future. Not passing it, could lead to some pretty severe consequences. Imagine a large amount of freshly graduated teens expecting college and unable to get in. They always say you should start college right away because if not you get into the swing of things, like living paycheck to paycheck. We shouldn’t be letting people get used to that. Plus, it’s a half a cent to better the community. As long as when the economy gets back on its feet we can dissolve this amendment, I really don’t see a problem.

pachrique said...

Being a student and a staff member at HCC, I know the finacial problems we are having. Were I work in the success center we are having to run on half of our budget of last year, which is actually half of what we NEED to run the center.

It sickens me that education funds is one of the first things cut, it should be one of that last, esp. since America is majorly falling behind in education.

I think we should take what ever measures necessary to make sure we have enough money in our schools to make sure we can deliever the highest quality of education as possible. So, I am in support of this amendment.

I also feel that schools should cut back on the spending they do on their sports teams and focus on academics a little more. New sports equipment every year, but the same text book for 20 years is a little ridiculous.

"Teachers should be making millions of dollars and the professional athletes should work for tips."

couldnt have said that better my self.

Da Chris said...

First, as for money for Community Collages dropping as enrollment goes up is due to two seperat causes. The economy is suffering so the budget for schools goes down. However, the economy means people will need to find better jobs. One of our country's hypocrisies is to cut education first.

Amendment 8 is tricky. There are really two sides to the coin with tails (or heads, depending on your preference) possibly killing it. For one, the schools need this money. Heck, all schools could use more money. Even without budget cuts this could be a good thing. However (and this is the kicker) no one likes more taxes. With the strain of the economy, many people would hate give their dollars to Uncle Sam (or Dr. Stevenson in this case). So, the edge that will cut the head is the T word (thats taxes for those who aren't English majors).

The difficulty with supporting this (in my opinion) is I don't want to give out any money. My family has been hit hard and I'm not sure I would want the trade off. It's not that I don't want to fund colleges, but I don't want my family going down the tube.

lilbit said...

I will vote for amendment 8 because either way its a win lose situation. It will be good for the comunity colleges and we need to keep funding the community colleges for the students that already go to one and the future students that won't be able to get into universities because of freezes or budget cuts. I also agree with pt4life because either way they are going to find some stupid excuse to raise taxes so why not do it now and make it count for soomething good. I know this will be harder for the lower income families and for the people that amendment 8 won't help but I know for me anyways that if this gets passed it will help out in the long run.

iROCK. said...

I think Amendment 8 is a great is a great solution to help our education system, because it's nice to see that the high school graduation rate is increasing yearly. And with more and more
kids graduating, everybody will most likely have a specific college they would like to attend to further their education. So why limit it because of the rising tuition rate? That’s more funds to worry
about besides other financial causes for school. I rather have my taxes being pulled out for education purposes than for other reasons that don’t affect me.

Athena Smith said...

The full text of the amendment is here

Miranda said...

Well, this is something that i believe will effect everyone. Not just those who are in college but everyone in Florida! i like the sound of it but i also hate it. As a student it sounds good having more money for the schools but then as a tax payer, i don't want the state taxes to increase; especially in our current economic crisis. If i had to choose now to support or not support amendment 8, i would not support it! I can not afford to pay more taxes. I understand that it will only slightly go up, maybe i will not even notice but when taxtime comes around you will definitely see it.

bucs06 said...

My decision on this topic is still in the air it’s hard to give a straight forward answer because I can agree with both parties. First of all with growing number of high school graduates there must be somewhere for them to go or our efforts to educate will be wasted and society will suffer. I definitely understand and can empathize with the people who say that this could be a burden with the increase of taxes on people struggling in today’s economy. I do have to say I am swaying towards voting for the amendment because of the simple fact that we do need to help fund the growing community colleges to further students education, and if the amendment passes for the people who feel it is not a good idea amendment 8 is only in affect for five years then it will be voted on again so if worst comes to worst were only living with our decision for a short time then it can be reevaluated.

JK said...

I feel that the amendment 8 is a good amendment with the county being able to increase the tax for the funding of the colleges to go up. Yes the people that are from lower income levels will get stuck with having to pay the increase in taxes. But having the community colleges around it helps out alot of people that need the small classrooms and the community college will offer jobs. I feel that the amendment 8 will be for the better in the future.

Athena Smith said...

Pachrique and Ammooney2
You should go to Tallahassee and lobby for that noble cause! :))

dragonfly said...

At a time of high taxes, low job rates, and the economy’s gazillion dollar deficit, can the society take one more added tax to an already over taxed economy? Looking at the present, some people would be opposed to raising an “up to a half a cent” for continuing education. However, we have to think smart and vote smart knowing that an education is the opportunity to develop the minds for the future. The proposed vote in November would not actually impose the new tax, it just gives the county the option. If the county approves a community college sales tax, it would have a five year lifespan as statement in the amendment. As a student and as a citizen living in Fl, my vote is an unanimous YES to vote for the Amendment 8.

Jinkzt3r said...

Personally, I can see the good and bad on both sides of this situation. Then again, the state could have easily delved into other areas to cut funds without taking a huge chunk out of one particular area, no? And for those who say it isn't much, at the end of the year it's going to be a good amount of some ones money, so it's hard to say. In the end I will probably vote yes, and 5 years down the road, if it was a mistake, I will vote no. This year, our age group, our generation, I'm sure will turn out to the pulls in massive numbers. As I heard when listening to the news, something along the lines of "This generation is one of the most politically involved since those of the Vietnam War." It's time to start kicking our politicians in the rump, so let's do it November 4th.

kirby <(^_^)> said...

In the majority I believe this is definitely something that needs to be striven for. There are many students, including this year's high school seniors; whom just want to get a fresh start in the education system known as college. Myself until a month ago, just would have needed to find a way to cope, and pray with everything I would receive my Bright Futures back, now if I hadn't enlisted in the Navy this may have not even been a possibility as most state funded scholarships are creating more and more rules and requirements in order to receive seventy-five percent or more of their education. Hopefully although this will be a now included tax it will benefit many more than it disuades.

bellabelle66 said...

I think amendment 8 is a tough choice to make, but when you really do sit down and think about it the lower income families may have to pay a little more but that gives them and all of us a chance to be able to go to school and have a better life over all. I also do not have financial aid or student loans and pay out of pocket and every year school just keeps getting more and more expensive. So, I agree with amendment 8!

Anonymous said...

I think amendment 8 1s a good idea. The counties actually get to vote to decide on the matter so they are only individually affected. This is bad, but its good too..... If some counties aprove the increase but others refuse it, we get to know if the amendment was actually worth passing. Some will benefit, others wont be so lucky.
Among the "unlucky" ones,you can find most of the lower class. If they don't go to college this whole tax thing seems like a collossal waste of money unless their children do go to college. If you think about it, this does seem like a good reason to raise taxes (a lot of people won't like the extra money out of their pockets, but you can't hope to satisfy everyone) Today's economy seems to be in bad shape. One can assume taxes are going to be increased for a reason, better for the money to go to education.

crguy73 said...

I think that this amendment is trying to do something good by helping out the community colleges. However I do not think that it is right to pass this burden directly onto the taxpayers. I think this amendment is going to create a serious imbalance in community colleges. The communities that can afford to pay the extra sales tax will have better community colleges and the poorer communities will be left behind.

Take Indian River Community College in Okeechobee, the county of Okeechobee had a median household income of $31,332 in 2004 according the the US census. That is $9000 less than the Florida average of $40,900.

This law would obviously not pass in the agricultural county of Okeechobee. This would mean that Indian River Community College would not receive any extra funding which would only perpetuate the cycle of making the rich richer and the poor poorer.

I think that this problem needs to be addressed at the state and federal levels. The budget needs to be re-thought out and some conclusion drawn. I will vote NO on this amendment

pgb8899 said...

This is a difficult proposition. I can say that with the freeze on freshman enrollment and the extreme rise in community college attendees, the local community colleges are going to need more funding. On one hand this idea makes sense to me but on the other I feel for the low income families and our counties already struggling as is. Thinking of myself first, I would much rather see a half cent tax increase over an increase in tuition which is one of the reasons so many of us go to HCC. I work 40 hours a week while going to school full time and a tuition increase is the last thing I need. This would allow our colleges to grow at a much faster rate to fit the need of their growing student population.

pgb8899 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kazoom525 said...

Although this would probably benefit me personally, i don't necessarily think that it's fair. I think that everything is hard enough right now without raising the taxes even more. And the money would be going to the schools, but who's to say exactly what the schools would be using them for? Maybe they need new computers, more parking spaces, a new building. Not to say that those things are bad or aren't needed, just that people will use thier money to better themselves before they use it to better others. I personally don't see anything wrong with having to work a little harder to get a better education. those who don't step up to the plate and study their butts off don't really want it anyways.

Livelife220 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Livelife220 said...

It’s been said that education is the key to success and I cannot agree more. I believe in amendment 8 because I know it will help students receive the best education there is and thus will help them strive more in life. In the article, it said that the low income families may be affected but I know in the end, it’s worth it for everyone including low income families.To those coming from low income families and are worried about having to lose money from their own pocket for school, there are many opportunities to receive free scholarships.It's just up to people to work for what they want in life. So why not take the chance at amendment 8? Either way, our tax will increase for some sort of purpose and I personally think education should be one of the government’s priority so amendment 8 is needed!

Crystal said...

I agree with Amendment 8 as long as the county doesn't raise our taxes to an outrageous amount. It's a great plan to me, community colleges need all the help they can get and especially now if students have the opportunity to go for a degree. I dont think I would agree if I could only get my AA. I would just pay out of pocket and vote to have my sales tax go to the large universities. So I definately think it's a wonderful idea and I will dfinately be voting for it.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JulyssaV said...

I do agree with the statement that this topic isn't very interesting. I do think that alot of voters are going to easly look over Amendment 8. I mean now that it is brought to my attention, I will support it but I do think it will hurt both sides though, more taxes less money for lower income families but school is a great benefit. Plus now more students are graduating now so education is key!

vertuxa said...

The cornerstone of every civilized society is proper education. In my opinion US government has an obligation to maintain a budget that helps to support city and state colleges and universities. There are many people who want to get post-school education and to achieve certain goals in life. Unfortunately, many of these people cannot afford the exorbitant fees that private institutions charge. The options without college education are limited, and alternatives are grim.

My husband is a good example of how a life situation was dramatically improved by post college education. Rising private college fees forced him to drop out, but luckily he obtained a career as software developer during computer and internet boom of the late 90s. Once the infamous “internet bubble” popped he was out of job like so many other people in the industry. He decided to go back to school and completed his undergraduate degree at City University of New York. CUNY program education costs are kept low by city subsidies, and my husband graduated debt-free with Business Management degree. Later he found a job as a business development consultant, and now he started and manages his own consulting firm.

In summary, I am a strong supporter of the Amendment 8. There is no law that will make everyone happy, but in this case the benefits outweigh the detriments.

Enigma Breeze said...

I'm a little on the fence about Amendment 8. I think it does provide a wonderful opportunity for more people to attend commmunity college, but then again it also increases sales tax. While a half cent isn't much to some, it could mean something big to another. Mind the fact the economy is already in a declining state, a sales tax increase really isn't the best look for anyone not rolling in dough. If the state really gave a damn about people improving and doing better, this wouldn't be an issue because the budget for college education wouldn't have gotten cut. How bad does it suck that a person who actually wants to go to college after graduation can't simply because the state decides education isn't as important as building new facilities for football? It's BS! It's already hard enough to get financial aid and to pay for books and etc. if you have to do it alone. I lean towards Amendment 8 because I think continuing education is great and should be offered to anyone (and free), however, I'm not sure about it because even if it's a small tax increase, an increase in the cost of anything right now isn't good.

Anonymous said...

I feel as if we should have Amendment 8 be passed in Hillsborough County not only for our own personal gain, but for all of the future college classes in the years to come who can make a difference in the world. Here in America many people choose to get their GEDs in high school, and now the numbers are skyrocketing more than ever! Sadly these people in exchange for their GED end up working a low paying job, barely being able to provide for themselves let alone a family, knowing all along that they had no chance of going to college, and end up relying on welfare. Is that how people should be living just because they cant afford to go to college? We all know from today's economy that taxes are going to go up regardless, so let's make the cause count. In the past Floridian's have wasted tax dollars on things such as the Raymond James Stadium, and contributed to the finacial housing meltdown of homes on the market. If this law was to be passed, the toss-up would be lower income families having to pay more taxes which in return benifits everyone else with the opportunity as well as a privilage to attend school. In my opinion it's a fair trade off, so make a difference and vote yes to Amendment 8!

Ian Quinn said...

I will be voting Yes for Amendment 8. I believe that the equal opportunity that the community college system provides society deserves sufficient funding, and if we can help by raising the sales tax, I think that it’s money well spent. The days of manual labor (after minimal training, and no college education) for a solid income to pay a mortgage, raise a family, and consume products, have been fading fast. Advancements in technology, and outsourcing of factory jobs to nations where companies pay workers a fraction of the cost, have severely decreased the value of uneducated workers in America. People who fit into this category now need the state to help out by providing them an affordable chance to get a quality education more than ever, BUT how can we accomplish this when it seems like time after time education seems to be the first thing to see budget cuts when money is tight? Those who support keeping government spending on education low in order to provide families, and businesses with tax cuts are doing more harm than good to the lower middle-class. Publicly funded universities can only admit a limited amount of applicants now, and are forced to provide a less resources to students, and pay for teachers. Add that to the fact that we are in a time where the desire to get an education is so high (as the article states), the criteria for acceptance gets to be ridiculously competitive, not to mention the cost. The free-market in turn plays a bigger role in education due to the government’s absence. College education becomes exclusive to those with the higher qualifications, to gain admittance into the under-funded state schools, and students from families that can afford to send them to a private university. Community college is a positive thing, because it provides an avenue for more people to get a shot at college curriculum, gain knowledge applicable to the real world, and build the skills and intelligence to continue schooling, or become an asset to society.

pcenluv08 said...

This definitely is a tough decision but I think what it comes down to is voting yes on Amendment 8.Our education is extremely important, that`s why I am in favor of Amendment 8 on the November ballot. The increase in this tax would support community colleges towards raising money and would allow all students the opportunity to attend a community college with the possibility of transferring to a four year institution. Without Amendment 8 we may soon see that community colleges have no other choice but have to close the doors of education on students. Everyone deserves the opportunity for an education, so thats why I am all for Amendment 8!

CandaceRenee07 said...

Although this has serious pro's and con's, I would have to say I like amendment 8. I understand that it would hurt the lower class in a way, however, maybe this opportunity would help provide a better financial situation when the chance to go to school arrives. When you pay tax, you don't realize the amount you are spending. Poor people do not by alot in the first place, so they wouldn't be spending that much more money. The rich would notice the difference since they spend more money. Community colleges are just as good, if not better than universities. Community colleges have smaller classes which makes it easier to have one on one contact with your professors. I see the perks and downfall of this amendment, however, I would have to say I support it.

Cardboard_Composite said...

I think many times people don't get that funding for schools, police, the fire department and many other vital government institutions have a direct relation with the taxes we pay. People watch the news and hear about these systems getting cut down and say wow that's terrible. Yet at the same time they want lower taxes. Sometimes taxes are good and many times necessary. I think education is worth it. Especially the community college, designed for the ordinary people. If we don't educate our country America will fall behind as a super power. Our country would deflate with zillons of stupid people walking around. lol I know too late right? But education helps.

cale87 said...

I will said that amendment 8 is a good option but at the same time is not so good because there is some people that pay taxes even if they don’t have papers and they cannot go to college because they don’t give them the opportunity to pay like any other college student they ask them to pay way too much for a class and is not fear for them to pay for something they cannot use even though I believe we all deserve a good education and is not our false that they came here and haven’t be able to get papers but if you think about it they also came for a dream like everyone else and they also deserve to be treat like all of us because they even pay taxes that they don’t need to pay for because they can just get their money and leave but instead they get a tax id number and pay every year taxes because that’s the right thing to do but what if that was you would you pay taxes I don’t think so. I will say that what whether happens I will be fine with it.

Bluefieldstana said...

I would like to vote for amendment 8 because I think that college should have more funds since education is the key for a successful life. Community colleges help students that can’t afford four year degree which is more expensive. Amendment 8 will benefit college, but at the same time will hurt low income family that probably will not benefit from that. I think that the government should give more funds to college instead of giving tax relieve for big company that doesn’t help future generation (students). Unfortunately I will not be voting for amendment 8 because I am not an U.S citizen and I am not allowed to vote. However I am persuading my husband and friends to vote for it. I wish I could vote?

irishqt7 said...

In a way I would have to oppose Amendment 8 because for one this issue does not affect everyone. Secondly I’m sure there are many lower income families that would also oppose this Amendment. On the other hand the colleges do need the money so it could really go either way. I will be voting for Amendment 8. Community College’s give more student a chance to attend a college and possible move on to a University. Everyone who wants an education should be able to get one no matter what their income might be.

CrazyFred21 said...

This is a great opportunity for student going to community colleges to vote for something that may directly affect them. If the bill doesn’t get passed we will see our tuition rates go up even more than they already have. I believe anyone who votes against this bill is not looking at the big picture. Education is very important for our future as Americans, and even if individuals don’t have kids who go to college they should still support this bill. The tax increase is very minimal, and I doubt it would break anyone’s bank, even the lower class citizens. If anything it will help the lower class citizens, by making community college more affordable.

keekee said...

Let me start by saying that Amendment 8 states that it will give the counties the options to levy our taxes, not that the Amendment will increase our taxes. If you vote “yes” on Amendment 8, you are only giving our counties the option down the road, which I would hope that if needed, they could find alternative funding, if not, we could impose a tax that could help out OUR community college’s. Remember, if you make less money, you pay less taxes. Having the option, each county could determine if it is needed. They would have to bring it before the people of the county, then and only then could it mean a tax increase. Voting “yes” on Amendment 8 WILL NOT RAISE YOUR TAXES, it will give us the OPTION down the road to put it to a vote. Don’t take away our future option to better our schools and communities. Remember that those counties that have a majority of residents that are low-income could vote no new taxes for their schools. Just like most of you feel that everyone should be able to have the OPTION of getting an education, we should have the same OPTION on funding for our education. Education is power… more about what you are voting on this November. Goggle “Florida’s Amendment 8” and read more about ALL the Amendments.

torasu said...

I most defenitely agree with Amendment #8. The fact that so many high school students are graduating is very good, and I think its sad that some people actually want to make it harder for them to continue their education. The Amendment is clearly doing more good than it is causing harm, and I for one (as a college student) would not mind paying a little extra on taxes when that little extra is going to cause a phenominal difference in how much money is going to community colleges.

supergirl said...

Amendment 8 is a tough topic. If it passes, the increase of taxes could greatly hurt people that earn a lower income. On the other hand, it would greatly benefit those who want to go to college. But, if the amendment doesn’t pass, I think that taxes will raise eventually anyways. I think its great that the individual county would get to decide for themselves though. So, if taxes are going to raise eventually anyways… why not allow them to raise to benefit education? We cannot propel our society forward without being educated. The only problem that I can see coming if the amendment is passed is that there would be a great burden on people that earn less income. So, while I do support Amendment 8, I don’t know if right now is the most opportune time for it to take action.

Athena Smith said...

Keeke and a few others also clarified the point that the Amendment will give the counties the option to increase the tax.

Athena Smith said...

I think it is very important that each one of us acquire some knowledge on the amendments we will be voting for. Florida Department of State
Division of Elections
Initiatives / Amendments / Revisions
is the site you should be looking at.

If there is anything from this site that you would like to discuss on the blog, the floor is yours.

kobebro21 said...

Im going to vote YES for amendment 8. I will vote for anything that has to do with funding or helping schools. I feel Education is one of the most important things in life. Without education people wouldnt get far in life. I can understand some people arent going to vote yes for this amendment for various reasons like but i think we all should give it a try and if we dont like it we can vote against it in five years. Its going to increase state taxes, but its going to for a great reason. Vote amendment 8!!

Sneakers10 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sneakers10 said...

I like amendment 8, but is going to be a little harder for the lower income people. But When voting day comes around im so voting for this amendment. Our community colleges need this amendment to support and help the kids who really want to study. i rather pay a little more for our schools then paying for jails, more bars and junk like that. This amendment could also give a little raise to our teachers who realy do deserve it. So yeS i vote for this amendment we need to raise some money for our community colleges and help the people who really want to get an education.

Flip Barbie said...

Well I'm registered in Georgia to vote, so I wont be able to vote for it, but I do think Amendment 8 is a great idea. However, I don't think the timing is right. Our economy isn't really in the best situation right now so a lot of people are trying to save what little they can. Even if it is a half cent, if you are unemployed with these rising prices, every cent matters.
If I could vote in the Florida elections I would definitely vote yes to Amendment 8, not only because it goes towards education, but because it would help me, as a student, personally.

Harper said...

Amendment 8, sounds like a great idea. I think the pros in this case definitely outweighs the cons. community colleges are in many times the hart beat of the community in which it exists. personally HCC, has given me a chance to get a good education, the type of education that at one time i did not think was possible for me, for that i am very thankful. With that said, i am for any amendment or idea that gives money to the community college so that anyone who desires an education can get one.(besides what is a half of cent when it comes to someones future)!!

Disneyfreak said...

I think that I am going to vote yes for Amendment 8. There are some pros and cons to it though. The pros are that Individual counties will have to decide for themselves if they want to raise the sales tax. With the passing of this bill we the people, are just giving them the Opportunity to vote on whether they want to raise the funds for community colleges or not. Also if I understand it right it means that tuition might go down if the bill is passed. PLEASE SOME ONE CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG! The cons are that if the community college is in multiple counties then there might be some major debating going on. if one decides that it does not like the bill. Second it would put a burden on low income families who can barely afford to by what they need already because of how expensive little items are. However I think that I am going to say yes to the bill any way.

jayci57 said...

I would go ahead and vote yes for amendment 8. We get taxed for so much, so if it's not this, it will definitely be something else we are getting taxed for. Overall, i think it's a pretty good idea. I think that everybody who wants to get a college education should be able to get one without having to worry as much with financial situations. Our tax money would be going to something that effects us close to home, not jails or anything like that. So I vote yes to 8 !

wes said...

I say YES to Amendment 8!
Despite the critics, I believe that Amendment 8 is proposed with good intension. Being aware of our countries economic state, I am happy that Amendment 8 was proposed to support community college funding. As a working student coming from a low income family , I rather see my tax dollars go toward my education go toward my education rather than not knowing where it goes at all. I believe many students working full-time or even part-time will feel the same way. I feel that the passing of Amendment 8 is a great investment on the productivity of Florida residents, more graduating seniors will enroll in college. It was mentioned that Amendment 8 would hit low income families hard however, perhaps they may benefit from this by their children having the opportunity to attend an affordable community college to obtain the education for upward mobility out of the low income status. Community Colleges are often an alternative for students who can not afford to attend a 4 year college or university, take funding away, what is left? Another point that I have to make is why is it always the low income families that have to suffer when it comes to education? I believe that those of higher income, can afford the tax hike and lower income families deserve a break.

wes said...

In addition, I would like to emphasize, It was mentioned that Amendment 8 would hit low income families hard however, perhaps they may benefit from this by their children having the OPPERTUNITY to ATTEND an AFFORDABLE community college to OBTAIN the EDUCATION for upward mobility OUT OF LOW INCOME STATUS. EDUCATION is often to key out of poverty, THE KEY TO HIGHER PAYING JOBS. Most people in low income families work 2 or sometimes more jobs, as Florida residents their tax dollers should go towards their best interest.

Athena Smith said...

Ii is my understanding that it will not affect tuition... unless you have read something I have not...

If anyone has info on the subject, please share the link.

x3tink0x3 said...

I do think we need amendment 8. I will vote yes for it on november. I believe that each student deserves a good education and taxes are going to be raised no matter what. It does suck for those who don't decide to go to school though because they will still have to pay. The one thing that is and isn't right is that the counties pick if the amendment goes through. It wouldn't be good if all community schools are getting different funding. This would eventually make some community schools better than others and thats not right. community schools shouldn't be battling. I do thik that this will be unnoticed by many voters that do not think about community college though. but all in all i say Vote yes!!!!

x3tink0x3 said...

I do think we need amendment 8. I will vote yes for it on november. I believe that each student deserves a good education and taxes are going to be raised no matter what. It does suck for those who don't decide to go to school though because they will still have to pay. The one thing that is and isn't right is that the counties pick if the amendment goes through. It wouldn't be good if all community schools are getting different funding. This would eventually make some community schools better than others and thats not right. community schools shouldn't be battling. I do thik that this will be unnoticed by many voters that do not think about community college though. but all in all i say Vote yes!!!!

Jessica said...

First off, I want to start by saying that even with taxes raised by amendment 8 being put into effect sometime in the future, I doubt one would see a significant increase in their taxes. Those in lower income brackets it will benefit most because it is those people who need this to begin with. I don't pay my tuition, I have a scholarship that pays it, so it will not affect me. However, lower income families may be helped because with additional funding, a college can lower its tuition, increase enrollment, and allow those families to educate themselves and their children to perhaps move out of that lower income bracket.

It often bothers me when people talk about the taxing being a "con" because that is how things are paid for. I am not necessarily happy when money is taken out of my checks to pay for programs like medicare or social security but you have to remember that it will help benefit others in the end. Not only that but it benefits in the long run because there will be something that will benefit you in the long run. It is a cycle.

Therefore, I say yes to amendment 8 because I believe that education should be for everyone and the cuts on enrollment and funding is ridiculous. In these tough times, it is educating the masses that will take us from the recession and back to the economic power we once were.

Stranger said...

If I were able to vote, I would definitely say yes to amendment eight. We pay so many taxes, and don't the same amount of results. At least with this plan we will be able to see where the extra money is going, and how students would get a first hand benefit from it. Of course no one wants to pay more money, but not many people want to sacrifice education either. It takes more than one person's wallet to fix problems, especially when the problem affects thousands and tousand of people trying to get a higher education.

Brandon Vergara said...

I think this is great. I like that the community college can pick their own taxation. This may actually make it more affordable to others b/c the county will have to pick what the pricing is for kids to go to college. it may actually be in our advantage to vote yes.

London Skies said...

I think amendment 8 sounds like a great idea. I understand some people would suffer but at least we would be getting taxed for a good reason. Taxes will inevitably go up anyways so it might as well be for a good cause. I really don't think it will effect the lower class as much as people think it will. Like somebody else stated, really it will effect the people who spend more the most. So in the end I think it is a great idea and i hope it passes so that our community colleges can have the opportunity to get more funding.

ehendry89 said...

personally i will vote yes on amendment 8. the way i see it is either the taxes will go up either way. and i would rather have the funds go to something useful. there is nothing wrong with a community college. community colleges allow EVERYONE to get their education. you have professors there that actually seem to care. they actually give the lecture... instead of hearing a recording. personally i would rather go to a community college than a university. alot of people dont have the money to go to a university, where as a community college isnt nearly as expensive... i think if more people vote yes to amendment 8, and it gets passed, more people will definitely benefit from it in the long run.

wrtmillions said...

Wow! This is a very tough subject to me. Most of my family and friends are low income and middle income families that can not afford another tax increase. With me being a member of the community college and taking the advantages that are offered to me there, I would have to support Amendment 8. I would hate to lose those advantages and would hate for the next student who enroll not to enjoy community college. I think that my family and friends wouldn’t mind Amendment 8 passing because they know that it would be going to a good source enough if they can’t afford the increase.

nabilla abreu said...

On November 4th I will be voting yes for Amendment 8. I honestly think we need this for students. There are so many students out there who want to go to college and get a career but can't because they are not financially able to. How are economy is right now taxes will eventually rise so, why not have a tax for students in college? Its better to have a tax that pays for students education then to have another tax imposed on us to pay for welfare and criminals in jail. I know i rather have my parents tax dollars go to education than for welfare and prison inmates.

iOperationJapan! said...

I think this will help better community colleges. I think anytime we are pumping money into education it will end up positive. Our country needs better education. I think more money for the schools to work with will only help us in the end.
I'd vote yes for amendment 8.

clalexa said...

I had to read a little bit more about this amendment for me to understand more of the pros and cons that will carry. My understanding is that basically this amendment provides the mechanism for Florida counties to raise money for their community colleges by increasing sales taxes with voter approval and has a 5 year life span.
With this amendment voting Yes we eventually support a sales tax for colleges and voting No opposes a sales tax for colleges. The main concern to me is no where the money will go as much as, will this amendment be feasible for all counties involved. I think is a great idea as long as is equally supported colleges now days are suffering for financial cuts from the state government and they need a innovative way to raise funds.

lolita said...

Absolutly, I support this amendment because ibelieve in what it is trying to do. with the economy how it is these days everything is going to suffer and the education system is no exception, therefore, I think it is necessery to take some sort of action.Like pt4life813 said taxes are going to go up for some reason or another so why not for a good cause? And yes some people always suffer from the governmetns decisions however, they will still have the opportunity to go to school and afford it. The way I see it not nothing is ever a "win win" situation therefore we have to do the best we can and pick the "lesser of two evils" if you will.

almostmarried said...

I would vote "yes" on amendment 8, I really do not want to be charged for more taxes, but if the school had better funding, more and more students would be able to get scholarships and that would be a miracle to some students. I had to take out a student loan which I really did not want to do, but if the school had better funding than maybe I would have better chance of getting a little financial aid. So, when it is time for us to vote ,I am going to vote yes on amendment 8.

mp88 said...

I think that Amendment 8 is a great idea because it gives everyone a chance to get a better education. I am all for paying taxes for a better education because it is something that everyone can benefit from. Even though it can hurt lower income families, it really isn’t that bad because it can help people in the long run. I mean we are already paying taxes that really do not benefit us in any way, so why not pay a little bit more to help us in the future and that can benefit us. So I’m glad that this Amendment is all about helping students with their education.

blogger59 said...

I agree with Melissa, I believe we need amendment 8. I am one of the poor, who thinks we have a better chance as a group to help one another become more educated, so that we can earn more opportunities. It is unfortunate that it is the middle class who suffers the most from taxations. In the ideal world we could incorporate a higher tax fee across the board to those that make above middle income wages and then at the end of the year the very rich can find a small portion of a return in their tax return; very small fraction of a tax credit not a refund credit. The monies can be allocated to Public schools across the board.

Warren Buffet has a great concept: increase sales tax across the board and allocate the appropriate % to the “Public” school systems. The poor will be motivated to make more money in order to spend more, but by no account will the poor ever truly contribute in tax dollars to make as much difference as if they actually went out and voted. Our votes from the rich and poor are valuable and can make a change; we just have to be persistent; more persistent then trying to be comfortable with being poor.

beren1hand3 said...

i think this is a good thing. nobody wants to pay higher taxes, especially with the economy in the shape its in, but from what i can tell this is a well thought out amendment that leaves the final decision to tax up to the countys, not the state. this doesn't force everyone to pay the tax, it only suggests that a county can decide if the tax is preferred. it looks safe because of the reauthorization every 5 years, so once the economy rebounds the tax doesn't have to stand. we pay pretty low sales taxes compared to most states and another half cent wouldn't be too much of an increase. i am a fan of community college, there are far too many dropouts in universities, i could have attended a university but i chose to attend HCC because i felt i needed a slower adjustment into higher education. i support this amendment because i support the community colleges. even though i am in a low income family, i support it because i recognize the best way to change that, that is to get an education.

lacrossechic8 said...

I will support amendment 8. I believe it will help students who do not have the money to get into college. More students now are graduating with their diploma and would like to continue on to a Community College to get a degree and if possible go to a university. Many of us can afford a one half cent tax and it will make us feel better to know that we are helping out students who want to earn a further education and get a degree to get better jobs. If we do not pass this amendment then students who are not financially able to go to school will most likely have to get jobs that only pay minimum wage, or they will fall into a life of crime. Passing this amendment has more pros than cons and I for one will vote for this amendment.

J3NNii3 BABii3 said...

I say go for it. I like the idea of amendment 8 because it helps the community colleges out. I think it really has one down fall and thats hurting the lowered income people but thats one little glitch. I feel if its helping the majority then it should happen. That may sound a little selfish but if you think about we always have little programs and schoalrships for fundings. And as of right now alot of people are opting out of going to a four year university and just attending community colleges because you get the same if not better education. And thats whats important here. And to the people who think it wouldn't be fair because some counties will have it and others not. Well they need to pull together and get their votes in.

Aboylan said...

This is a difficult desicion to make. I feel the amendment has both pros and cons. I like how the counties will individually be able to pick the tax amount increase. However, I do not like how some counties will be recieving different amounts of funding. It seems to me that if a school just across the border into another county recieved better funding and in general was then a better school I would prefer to go there. I feel like I would have to look more into my local area decisions and see what the effects would be on my local area.

sally soltau said...

I will definitely vote for amendment 8 on November 4th! Education is one of the most important investment in a persons life. Frankly I think Florida especially needs to raise their ranks in the education department. Not only is it a written fact, but as a student who went to school outside of Florida, I can tell the difference. Yes it will hurt the low income families, but the reason why the community schools are funding are for their educational sake. They can not afford to pay for University out of pocket and might not be able to pay for their loans later on. Government aid will help them in either case but at least it will be well funded. Personally i would rather pay taxes for education rather than welfare.

DannyBoy said...

I belive i will be voting for the amendment 8.It sounds like a great way to improve our school system.I belive the schools are one of the most important ways to spent this money.It sounds like a good investment,everyone deserves a good education.This is a great way to improve the schools in florida and help students get a better education.So I will deffinatly be voting yes to this amendment come november!Besides there are worse things our tax dollars could be going towards.

pyrobee said...

I will vote no for a few reasons. First off I think we the people are already taxed to you know what. Second the community colleges get a lot of money from tuition. Now its not fair for low income families to have to pay more taxes when they just get by on how it is right now not to mention rising cost of living such as gas. I think the whole issue can be solved with rebudgeting current funds , such as giving student gov. less money, and the gov. cutting back on stupid expenditures.

Jensjacob24 said...

I would vote for amendment 8, I don’t think half a cent is going to kill anybody, yes it does add up but at least its adding up for the right reason. For me personally I had to use financial aid and I’m glad for it because it paid most of my tuition fees, I don’t think I would have a problem with people voting no because yeah why pay for something you don’t use... and that’s really your choice, so I can see it swing both ways, but you can count on my vote for supporting higher education.

TooSweet08 said...

i'm on either side of this amendment. This both helps and harms the community. It makes sense for communitys to be able to choose their own taxes. The choice is kind of like find a way to pay for school or go find a job. With the way the ecomomy is right now anything that may help other peoples pockets is ok with me. Especialy if the benifits trickle down to education. I like many others that are paying for their education with no help could deffinately use some extra funds.

pachrique said...

Prof. Smith.
I actually am lobbying for better science and math education in Hillsborough Vounty at the moment, which is where America has fallen behind the most.

I'm using the argument that most people can name 5 NFL, MBL, NBA players, but can not name 5 living scientists, historians, anthropologists, ect.

It's sad how high we hold sports and how low we hold education, and the stigma we put on smart kids being "nerds" and making them the out casts.

Alaine said...

Yes, yes I definitely support the Amendment Eight. This Amendment might be the only way right now that the counties can provide better funding for its community colleges. I believe it will be worth it in the end, whether or not it’s going to be a burden to lower income families, it’s still going to affect everyone. But education is very important here. It should be our first priority and it is the key for lower income families to better themselves. So why not pay a half a cent more in sales tax, to get a better education and to improve ourselves.

HarlequinMask said...

This is actually a pretty good idea, I think. Why? Because then the community colleges aren't lacking in the funding department. A lot of schools are having that problem right now it seems and with this, I think it could, at least, dampen the problem, so that it is not as bad. The half dollar raise in taxes, I wouldn't think, would be too bad. We already pay seven cents per dollar. Seven and a half cents? Not much of a difference there. Sure, with big purchases, like a car or a TV, or a computer, it would make a difference but I really don't think people will notice it as much as they think they will. Overall, I think it's a very good idea.

Athena Smith said...

Excellent effort!

Anonymous said...

I think that the idea of amendment 8 is a great one, but although it has many pros i also see it as having many cons. Since I am a college student who attends a community college this would be something that I would support. Any way for community colleges to raise money is something that i would support. The raising of sales taxes could be a bad thing though. For those people living in the counties who decide to raise sales taxes who are not going to school, they will be opposed to it. Also, for the lower income people it will be harder to provide not only for themselves but also for their families. On the other hand, it will help promote all to get a college education and make it easier in return and i think that is the most important part. So i would vote yes to amendment 8.

jb23 said...

I would say that i would vote yes for amenmdment 8. I think that it is very fair that the county picks up the tax increases for the community college. I think it will help out a lot because like the article said they are cutting back on people who they are letting unto universities and with the help of this tax increase community colleges like HCC with have the funds available to help out with the extra students. It does propose a problem for low income families but I think its a better exchanghe that those kids are able to go school.

SBella said...

I agree with my fellowe classmates. Amendment 8 gives graduating srudents a second chance basically. Allowing more and more students an opportunity to receive an education with the help of the community. Yes it will make things harder for the working class bt in the end their children will also benefit when it is their time to be in college. Now all we have to do is get everyone to vote "for" it.

Starbuzz said...

I think that the Amdendment 8 should be used and that the city should be able to raise taxes by a half cent in order to fund community colleges. First of all its not like their asking to raise it by five cent or anything. Also with more people graduating and the amount of people choosing to go to a commmunity college they are going to need funding to keep the college going. that why Ithink think on November 4th Ishould be approved.

Starbuzz said...

I think that the Amdendment 8 should be used and that the city should be able to raise taxes by a half cent in order to fund community colleges. First of all its not like their asking to raise it by five cent or anything. Also with more people graduating and the amount of people choosing to go to a commmunity college they are going to need funding to keep the college going. that why Ithink think on November 4th Ishould be approved.

MiiStAkEn iiDeNtiiTY said...

I feel as though amendment 8 is a great idea and I too will vote yes on the amendment. Whether we vote for it or not yes taxes will go up regardless.
The fact that amendment 8 provides the help and funding for students to get an exceptional education is college is great and I support that a great deal.
Agreeing with the amendment it will be a great thing to do to help our children better themselves and not end up in jail

Bobby Allen said...

I have to say that I do like the idea of Amendment 8 to come into affect. I will vote for Amendment 8because I'm a student that actually wants to be in college and make something of myself. I feel that if this is not past then students that don't have the money to attend college that actually want to will not be able to. To me that would be like holding these people back from becoming successful. When I started at HCC I thought it was going to be just a two year pain. I have learned that Community College is just like a regular University and does a great job preping students to succeed. I find Community Colleges do a good job and need to be funded. This to me is like we either pay for students that want to succeed in life and further our community to attend college or we just spend a little less and keep hearing about people that jsut couldn't afford college living in dead end jobs. Lets give these people a shot and see how much better we all are in our lives.

Little One said...

The only reason I would disagree with Amendment 8 would be because I don’t want the sales tax to be raised. I mean it feels like it’s so high now, why would anyone want it to be raised. However, it is a great idea for the community colleges to get more money. Especially since universities are freezing their freshman enrollment. Since it is harder to get into these universities many students resort to going to community college, I know I did. So basically I think it is a good idea to pass Amendment 8.

Blah said...

I think that amendment 8 is a good idea, just not right now. The whole point is to keep enough legitimate funds into community colleges that the state has taken away. At the same time, the economy is struggling, and in turn people are struggling to pay what that need to pay right now. I feel like if the community colleges can sustain until the economy somewhat improves, then amendment 8 should not be passed. To me it doesn't makes sense to make people pay even more when there are already hardships with paying something else. Especially the lower income families, who it will probably effect the most. I think that Universities should not be able to freeze their freshman count. I think that they should have to endure the same trials as community colleges are having to deal with for their funding.

sweetmenthol said...

I think amendment8 is a very good thing to do, I will surely vote yes to it and also encourages everyone that I know to vote yes as well.
Community colleges has been of great help to the community and the state as a whole and everyone in the community should support this idea of raising fund to support this colleges.
Although with the way things are going right now in the country people might feel relunctant to vote yes to this type of idea,because it will mean more taxes out of their pocket,so, a lot us students has to go out there and educate people that we know about it. So that this bill could be passed successfully.Education is vital, it should not suffer.Let us all give it our best shot and hope for the best.

Sweet menthol

Anonymous said...

I believe we don’t need Amendment 8 in Hillsborough County Community colleges but rather all colleges. think about it, its only half of a percentage point that’s added to the local sales tax. I know that college is expensive, but State schools are so much more expensive. Florida doesn’t rank very high in education as other states, so if we didn’t focus on just community college, but rather on all colleges, I think it would help a little more. if we help the state schools with more money, they might expand the number of people that they let into the college. I know if I had the opportunity then I would go to a university instead of a community college, the education may be the same, but the approach is not. I have friends that are going to universities who tell me how different the teachers act. I think it should be passed just not focused on only community colleges.

ARamadhan said...

It is crucial to support education in every way possible. It seems that Amendment 8 does just that. Some are arguing that it is not fair for workers that do not go to school to pay tax for community colleges; However, I believe otherwise. Supporting community colleges first and foremost benefits the community it lays within. Outcomes from such colleges always lead to improvement in other aspects of the community. Those that oppose taking a little more extra from their pockets to support community colleges will deprive their children from better education. The state has drastically cut down funding to all state-funded colleges and universities; it makes sense that people step up and make up for the defect. Young adults need a chance to prove their worth. If the state doesn’t recognize that, their community should.

iluvrap said...

i wouldnt mind paying extra dollars for the sake of the youth. when current adults get older, those kids getting the community college money are going to be the future governors, lawyers, and overall working class. i prefer to pay to support the youth and make sure the future is bright, instead of giving money to the elderly in hopes that we get the same treatment later on

yo moma said...

If you looked at this new method of funding from just the point that some students will have a chance to go to community college, you probably might think it's a good idea. I think right now raising taxes even a little from what it is now is gonna put extra burden on families who are already struggling to pay their homes. I really don't know wether I would vote for this in November or not. Sure it's nice that certain counties will get to pick but taxes are already going to go up, I don't think many of us can afford to pay even a tiny bit more. There should be other ways to give funding to community colleges.

Shay said...

I am so glad that I decided to read this after all...

Because this year will be the first year that I will be allowed to vote and I will be sayin YES to amendment 8! I think that this is a great opportunity for community colleges because more and more students are turning towards them. However, ther may be a problem since all the schools have to agree in that specific county. But all I know is that it will get my vote!

Lady HCC said...

I'm not against "Amendment 8" but I’m not exactly supporting it either. As it is the tax rate is high enough. I work a lot of hours just to get by and when I receive my paycheck after taxes it's so disappointing to see how much is deducted because of taxes. I wish that taxes would lower. It would help many families and even students. It would also greatly help students with their education funding. I am very serious about education and it makes me happy to see students bettering themselves and making their and our future brighter, but not everyone wants to go to school. I don't think that it's fair to those who aren't interested in school or who cannot attend school for whatever their reasons are. I don't want to pay taxes for their welfare and unemployment, so I don't think that they should have to pay taxes to help me with my education.

ppolo8 said...

you know, im not too sure how i feel about amendment 8. although i dont quite understand it very well what i do collect from it is that taxes will rise half a cent to help community colleges out with funding and such. But we have to look at the pros and cons of this ..the economy is not too good right now with high gas prices ( although going down and up every now and again) and the bad housing market i dont know how people are going to like having an extra tax added. the pros of course as everyone can see is that it is a great idea that it helps out the community colleges because now that seems like the most common road some graduating seniors take. its much cheaper than a university and you get the same great educatiion just in smaller classes. but who is to say all will agree as the article states if some counties do not agree to the taxation do some schools that are in more than one county get more of this money than others? another question would be since it is revised every 5 years will the taxation increase everytime it is passed?
like many i am not really against this amendment, if it is passed my motto is "we gotta do what we gotta do." but i think taxes are already high and our economy isnt strong enough yet for this although it sounds like a good idea