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Sunday, September 7

Lawmaker Hopes to End Ban on Gay Adooption in Florida

A Florida state senator has introduced a bill that would reverse a 30-year law that bars gay and lesbian couples from adopting children. Sen. Nan Rich's proposed measure would instruct judges to consider the child's best interest when placing them in a permanent home, according to WFOR, a South Florida CBS TV affiliate. A gay friend or relative would be considered as an adoptive parent if they were the child's legal guardian when the parents died.
Please read the rest at

Do you agree with the proposed legislation to allow gay and lesbian couples to adopt children? Or do you agree to maintain the current prohibition against gay couples?


Athena Smith said...

Oh boy... this is going to be INTERESTING!

Thanks Taurean!

kirby <(^_^)> said...

I support the allowing of it being approved. Just because you like someone of the same sex, will and would never affect the parenting skills. Always there are always certain situations to support either side, but I full heartedly believe that we need to stop being so close minded, I've never actually been gay but I earlier in life questioned myself once or twice, now I'm fully certain of my sexuality but that's not the point. Even before that time, my parents always worried I was gay, which in my mind just totally makes me feel completely welcome in the house if I had come out of the closet, so yeah I talked one day, and due to my parents up bringing my dad said if I were gay I would "be doing the thing I could ever do to him" he has told me he would love me for who I am but I fully believe being gay would exile me from his family if not my immediate family also. So yeah I seriously think that we should be a bit more open minded and not try to force someone into a category just because of a preference that society once believed was temporary and mostly still does. I say give them a baby, if they mess up then and only then could you say anything, and only to the particular couple who messed up. there are just so many parts you have to take account of so NEVER stereotype no matter what the facts are, there will always be the contradictions, or the exceptions

Artimid said...

Honestly, I never saw a problem with this or homosexual marriage. I agree that children need a "Mother" and a "Father" figure, but not necessarily in the basics that those figures come in. I think a child needs someone to act the role, and it is important to grow up amongst two people with differing beliefs and opinions. I say that, so that the child, or children, can learn important lessons about debate, and how to treat other people after arguements, and also so they have more choices, "I do speak to him, or her, which would will understand most of what I am saying?" So it might be more important to say that the homes should be two parent homes, and this is generally the mother and father. I see zero reason to not allow either homosexual marriage, or adoption. The kids need homes, and it doesn't matter who is willing to tell the child "I love you, sleep well" every night, as long as someone who obviously cares about the child does. I view this as one more reason that we have so many children in orphanages and foster homes, we are keeping them from families for stupid reasons like this, and we give a pass on anyone who happens to publicly show what we consider to be good parents (husband and wife of certain age over the child.)
So, in summary, no, I think that anyone who wants to get married should be able to, and anyone who wants to adopt a child and can prove they are able to take care of it, should be able to, and their rights should be protected in regards to that.

Also want to note, that the only -possible- and maybe actually valid reason to consider it, is because the child might be picked on because prejudice and hate is indeed a family trait passed down, and so the kids -might- want to be appointed a counsellor by the state to help them when they need it. Otherwise, nobody could possibly have a possible and logical argument against these adoptions.

pt4life813 said...

First, I guess I should start by saying that I am currently dating a girl, but even before 14 months ago I never understood why people make this out to be such a big deal. I completely agree with gay couples adopting children. Who am I or ANYONE else for that matter able to tell someone that they are not "fit" to take care of a child? There are plenty of "straight" couples that abuse and neglect their kids. What are people so afraid of? Gay couples can provide and support kids just as much as straight couples. Ignorance is being taught in society and unfortunately that will never go away.I personally have a huge problem with people labeling me. I don't consider myself to be a lesbian, as my 2 other serious relationships have been with guys. But I also don't consider myself to be bi-sexual. I love people for who they are and how they treat me. If a female treats me better than a male, why shouldn't I be with someone that makes me happy? No one can or will take that right away from me. EVERYONE has a right to be happy. In my situation, I have ALWAYS wanted to have kids and I will. Regardless of who I am with. When I am ready to have kids, no one can take that right away from me. Some say that I am a rebel and never follow the rules and in this case, if it wasn't accepted I would do what I had to do in order to adopt a child, if I needed to. I have a lot of opinions on gay marriages and gay adoptions, I respect other people's opinions on this and I hope that people respect mine. So I support gay adoption 110%. There are too many kids out there that need to be taken in. Think about it, it's straight people giving their kids up.

Unknown said...

I completly agree with the bill. One of my good friends was raised in foster care and jumped around from foster home to foster home from the ages of 6-18. Now that she is an adult the unstable enviornment she grew up in is apparent. She has the worst self esteem I have ever seen. Maybe if she was raised in a constant home her parents/gaurdians could have taught her how important she was. Every child deserves the chance to have their parent(s) to look up to and be supported by. If the gay community is allowed to adopt then there will be less children in foster homes! There will (hopefully) be less young adults thrown into the world without anybody to help them with the struggles. Straight or gay a parent is a parent...they can all be there the same to raise someone. Maybe having more gay parents will help the younger generations erase the widespread discrimination of the gay community also!

Sneakers10 said...

I support in keeping it prohibited. Looking at it from the childs point of view, what is he going to think or feel as he grows up with parents of the same sex. Its going to hurt them in some way as they grow up. It also goes against the morals in church. Church has been a big part in our country and in many of our lives then all of sudden go against it. The child needs a mom AND a dad, they both have diffrent roles in our lives and we need both of them to grow up. If we let the law pass the child grows up with missing things in thier lives and as they grow up have things in their hearts . making them have problems later on. Not Kool !

pt4life813 said...

EVERY kid is going to go through things growing up, it does NOT matter whether they have two moms or two dads. For example, my brother is bi-racial. Half black and half white. He has been discriminated against, but wouldn't change it for the world. He has the best of both worlds. You can not pin point a child being discriminated against because his/her parents are gay. Kids are down right mean growing up. It has nothing to do with their parents. If the kid gets picked on, they would be like every other child getting picked on for not having brand named clothes, or not being pretty. Its always going to be something. I am not a parent, so i cant see it from that side, but THANK GOD my biological father was not in my life. He was a dead beat. I came out perfectly fine being raised by a single mother and i praise single mother's raising their kids on their own. (Some kids are better off without a parent that doesn't give 2 cents about them.)I did not need a father figure in my life. My mom did what she had to do and raised all 3 of her kids perfectly fine without a "man". I can agree that it is against the church and that being "gay" is a sin, but EVERYONE sins. To God, a sin is a sin. None worse or better. So if you lie, its the same as me being gay or vice versa Whats the difference? If they are both sins..

Bobby Allen said...

I really don't have a problem with this bill being passed. I feel that if the children are in a safe environment that it really doesn't matter. I would rather see a gay couple adopt a kid and the child turning out and living a normal life then a regular couple giving the kid a bad life. This topic shouldn't really have to be discussed because it is not if a gay couple should be able to adopt but a situation that gives the children a good chance to live a normal life. My final call would be to allow the bill to pass because if a gay couple wants to hold the same privledges as a regular couple then we should allow to see what it would be like. All I'm saying is at least give them a chance.

Nathan Howard said...

First I would like to say something about our justice system "where is it? Where are the equal rights?" I am all for gay adoption. I also believe everybody has a right to their opinions, predujice and beliefs. However when it comes to thousands of children going in and out of foster care, getting molested, physically and mentally abused I think those opinions against gay adoption need to be put aside for the children "your not the one in foster care" they are!!! There are thousands of gay couples that would be more qualified to adopt then straight couples. I think every case should be determined by more important things than who somebody is sexually attracted to. My beliefs are the same for marriage " it's about love not gender. oh and sneakers10 you must not have a clue of what is happening to children in foster care. Being molested is better than having two loving parents of the same sex? Wow, ur straight parents did a wonderful job teaching you right from wrong. (no offense)

Jinkzt3r said...


And? The same thing happens to any child that is being supported by a single parent, no? Or those who remain in foster care till they are adults(look at Melissa's example).


Just because they are homosexual does not mean they will not provide the necessary roles of support needed in a family. If a child is raised with two parents of the same sex then they will not know any better till they are older, and surely their parents won't pressure their sexual orientation on to their children.

I personally believe this whole argument over homosexual marriage is a waste of time and effort, a clear example of just how much our country IS a combination of church and state, which it is not supposed to be.

I have not been a very religious person through out my life, of course I hold some beliefs, but I do not go to church on a regular basis nor have I in the past nine years. I've turned out fine, I'm not homosexual of course, but I'm a good student (in my opinion), and I work hard, and for a while there my mother was a single parent.

I believe it is also important to throw out there the fact that the traditional family style is changing, as we talked about in class last Tuesday with divorce rates and some people opting to just not have children. In the end, homosexual couples may be the only thing there to help adopted children make it in life, do you want to deny these children the chance to have some form of family that will help them through the hard times?

johnsonb said...

When anyone gives me this crap..and that is what it is...crap...about gender roles in a childs life, I always tell them where they have their heads stuck.

M girlfriend has, from a previous marriage, a child at home. He is 11 years old. I have taken on the responsability of being a step-father type figure in his life.

One unique thing about my girl and I is that we go against the stereotypical gender roles and here is why:

She is the one who goes to work 9-5 and brings home the majority of the money. I Stay home, cook, clean, and handle all of the "household duties". She loves to watch sports, whereas I like to read.

As far as gender roles go...we can completely find a way to reverse them. and that does not make my girlfriend less of a woman...or me less of a man.

The only thing it takes to raise a child is love and common sense. as long as you have the childs best interest at heart...Your the best parent a child could hope for.

Also, why dont we ask the children in foster care if they would rather stay in the system bouncing around from home to home...or be adopted by a gay couple. I dont know a 15 yr old boy who wouldn't want to be adopted by lesbians....or a girl who wouldnt want her dad to be excited about shoe shopping...I mean, thats what this is all about right?? stereotyping and making a minority feel inadequate??

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This one is a little hard for me to decide. I was raised under a catholi roof, so for the longest time, I considered the whole idea of gay relationships totally outrageous. However, as I got older, I began to see the world with a different set of eyes. Here in America I've met all kinds of people, including a gay legal guardian. He's not perfect, but he is a better "parent" than some of the people I know.
On the other hand, I believe in the need for heterosexual parents. The concept of "mom and dad" should always be there. Sadly, in today's world, it is becoming harder to find reliable individuals deserving of the title of parenthood and the responsabilities that go with. I say: If the person is up to the task, then adoption shuld be an option. (without concern for sexual orientation)

tstone1987 said...

Honestly, I dont think it should be a problem. Just because you are a homosexual, doesnt mean you would make a bad parent. Do I agree with same sex marriage, no. However, if you know that you would be able to support the child finacialy, give him or her love and compassion, and do what parents are supposed to do with children, then why should you deny them that right? As long as the couple can support the child and make sure that the needs can and will be met and create a safe living conditions, I dont see any reason why same sex couples should be denied.

RSXGirlie1988 said...

I believe that gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to adopt children. The article states that there are more than 3,900 kids in Florida's foster care system. Think about it in terms of the children. We're prohibiting kids finding a decent secure family to live with, because we don't want a gay couple adopting a child? Just because the couple is gay, doesn't mean they are going to be bad parents. It's not going to affect their parenting skills. Yes, kids at school are cruel and can be mean to the bone. However,a family with the same sex parents can create such a strong bond with the child, because they grew up with this sort of "lashing out". I believe people shouldn't be so close-minded with this idea. People are allowed to be happy no matter who they choose to be with and if adopting a child makes them happier, then I'm for it.

Jecka said...

Let me start by saying I do not support gay couples or marriages. Therefore I do not support them being adoptive parents. I think parents consist of a Mom and a Dad. Children need both male and female figures growing up. This causes confusion for these children who are raised with two moms or two dads.

I'm a strong believer in the Bible that tells me homosexuality is a sin. Don't get me wrong I don't hate people who are gay I hate the life style they live. The fact that this is happening more and more doesn't make it right. A Man needs a Woman (or vise versa) to conceive a child because God intended it to be that way.

For the ones who think being gay or not doesn't make you better parents. Your right! Being a good parent depends on the person. That doesn't take away the fact that the institution of a family begins with a Man and a Woman.

Anonymous said...

I personally agree that the adoption of children to gay and lesbian couples should continue to be prohibited. I think that as a child goes through his or her youth they need both a mother and a father figure. By allowing couples of the same sex to adopt, yes it will, in the end, result in more children being in permanent homes and less getting placed and removed constantly from foster homes and families; but I see it as having more disadvantages than advantages.

Like I said before, children need both mother and father figures growing up. A mother and father provide different things to a child and they both meet different needs in the child’s life. By having two mothers or two fathers, some of the needs of the child will not be met, which is so unfair to a child.

Ronald O. Horne said...

Even after reading everyone’s posts I will half to disagree with most of them, because I don’t mind gay marriage and for them to be happy. I just think it’s a whole different story if they adopt a child that is forced into the confusion of having 2 dads or 2 mothers. The child would be brought up in a confused lifestyle and be humiliated by most peers that don’t understand. Making the kid under allot of pressure and making him likely to kill other or kill himself. A child that has no choice and that is brought up a way that is different than 98% of most normal children I just think is wrong. Once again I am for gay marriage but I don’t think children that are too young to realize what exactly there getting into should be allowed to be adopted. On the other hand if it was children in foster homes that were maybe 15 years of age or older that knew what they were getting into would be acceptable.

goodriddens said...

I completely agree with the idea to end the ban against gay or lesbian couples from adopting children. The article said there ate 3,500 children without permament homes in Florida, just think of the number of couples out there who are homosexexual who would like to have a family and raise kids. They could significanltly reduse the number of kids without homes. If you even try to bring up the argument that having homosexual parents would make a child gay, rethink your arguement. Being gay isn't something that is beat into your head, or is taught to you. It is a choice people make as the grow older and maybe some say is something they are born with. So would gay parents make a child gay? Most likely it wouldn't if anything it would help turn the child into on of the good citizens this nation has because, from what I have seen, homosexuals are some of the nicest people out there and have some of the best ideals there are. So with parents who are like that these ideals and good nature would be instilled into the child(ren) so as the become adults they turn into like I said some of the best citizens in this country. I hope this legislation gets far enough to actually reverse the ban or at least let the people of Florida vote on it. In which I could see(if we vote on it) it reversing the ban. If not what has this state become on us telling who can adopt kids and who can't?

goodriddens said...

And in response to Jecka

You said a family is comprised of a mom and a dad...well those 3500 children or so without permament homes, well they have neither. Do you think it would be better to have two moms or dads or neither of them.

And just what would it confuse the child(ren) about?

pandpdarcyfan said...

I would like to start this off by saying that I am in favor of passing a bill that will allow gay couples to adopt. In fact I am in favor and have been for years that they should be allowed to marry as well.

The reasoning behind my thinking is this - just because you happen to be of the appropriate gender combination to create a child doesn't automatically mean that you are anotomatically qualified to raise a child. And just because your sexual orientation leans you more towards someone of the same sex does not automatically mean you are unqualified to be a parent.

I have known a lot of people who were of all kinds of family styles from single parents, to married parents, step parents, gay parents and the thing that is uniform is that they were all loved by a parent.

There is no real truth to the fact that gender roles make a difference. Because if that is the arguement, then it should also apply for single parents where a certain gender is missing. And we know that is not the case.

Who is to say you have to have a man and a woman in order to raise a happy healthy child...after all when it all comes down to it that is the most important thing, isn't it? Happy, healthy children who are raised in a safe and loving environment no matter whether they have a mom and a dad, or two mom's or two dad's.

We need to take a step forward, be more progressive and get past yet another hurdle in civil rights!

sduffy3 said...
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sduffy3 said...

Much like rafy, I was raised in a fairly religious home. Up until the 8th grade, I attended private school, and therefore was taught the church's view on homosexuality. I wouldn't take back anytime that I spent going to private school, because I believe that it is what made me into the person I am today. It instilled a lot of morales and values into my life that I believe a lot of people in today's society just do not have. (not meant to be offensive) On the other hand, I was also raised by a single mom. She did the greatest job raising me, and I know I turned out a better person by not having my biological father around. I do not feel like i missed out on anything growing up. Even if I had had a father figure around growing up, I do not think it would have made me a better person.
So, in regards to marriage and adoption, I do not believe that any of us have the right to say who someone can love or who can be a parent or not, due to one's sexual orientation . I can see the reason why someone would say that the child would be "missing out," but why? Two parents of the same sex are just as capable to love a child as any heterosexual couple or a single parent. As long as the child is taken care of, and loved whole heartedly, I see no reason why a child should not be put in the hands of any loving family. Isn't that all anyone could really want for a child? For them to be loved? I think that it would do any child in an orphanage MUCH better, to be in the hands of a homosexual couple, rather than bouncing around from home to home. If you can provide a loving, financially/emotionally stable home for a child, I see no reason why you cannot be a parent.

Belle said...

I am for keeping this bill prohibited! A child has no choice on what kind of home he or she is born or adopted into. I just think it is not right to be put into a home with two mothers or two fathers. That to me is not even comparable to being raised in a single parent home. I would think if one was raised by a single parent… your single parent may bring a “step” mother or father into your life at one point. Like johnsonb is a father figure to his stepchild. A child’s parents are their role models… who they look up too. I think parents shape each child into who they are as they grow up. I mean that even if today you do not care for your parents, you still learned from them. I have seen on TLC same sex female couples choosing one out of the two of them to get inseminated by a sperm donor so they actually have a child. In this case it was a baby boy she gave birth to. I know they will love that boy but I just do not think that child will have a normal life outside of the home. In a way it can be confusing growing up I would think. I just feel bad for the child having no say in the situation they are adopted or brought into. Also being raised Christian, that has an impact on my views on this subject. I do have friends that are gay, I still love them and still consider them close friends and they would not be mad at me for not wanting this to pass. I actually think some may agree in some ways.

Belle said...

I do agree with what Ronald O. Horne said,if the kid in fostercare is a teen and wants to be put in a same sex couples home to be loved then I could understand that.

PixieBob said...

I am a woman who untill recently was a single mother. My son's father disappeared as fast as he could and for five years my son had only myself as a mother and father figure. Then about 8 years ago I was introduced by a friend to their neighbor and he and I became fast friends. This man has since then helped me raise my son out of love for both of us. He takes my son fishing, is teaching him how to work on cars,plans on teaching him to drive and on helping pick out his first car. He has been a member of the P.T.A. with me,helped my son do his homework and recently talked to him about girls and safe sex. This mans family has taken in my son as one of their own and my son loves to spend time with them (especially on holidays=)).
For those of you who haven't guessed yet, this man is gay.
And I honestly think that if it were not for him my son would not be as stable a kid/preteen as he is. My son knows that his "Dad" is gay and I think that he is a much more open minded and well rounded child than some others his age because of this.
I believe that the ban should definitely be lifted because there are a lot of loving caring people out there who would do an amazing job raising a child. People who could take a kid who doesnt understand what its like to be loved and part of a family and raise him or her to be a confident, well-adjusted adult.
Look at the statistics on how many children get abused-physically,sexually, and mentally in foster homes every year. These children are being slowly destroyed- by STRAIGHT men and women.

Being a good parent has nothing to do with sexual orientation;it is about love,patience, and understanding.

Anonymous said...

Morally, I cannot condone same sex couples to adopt. This has nothing to do with what I think is right under the law.

If given a vote I would vote for them to be able to adopt. Considering the constitution our country was founded on, I cannot be a good citizen, wanting freedom for all if I voted against it. I would feel really angry if something I felt was my freedom, like going to church, was taken away because the majority of people decided it was immoral, or just didn’t seem right. There are a lot of things the government has it’s hands in that they really shouldn’t, and this is one of them.

So, if someone has the ability of taking care of a child financially, and isn’t a child beater I see no reason, legally, to keep the children having a home.

Gator_Gal5 said...

I believe that just because your gay, doesn't mean you can't have kids! I mean we don't take the children away from parents who have divorced and become gay since then so why would we not let them adopt! I am a christian and believe in god and I'm straight but I believe that we can't help but who we fall in love with!! Yes in the bible it says that a man loving a man and a woman loving a woman is a sin, but so is using curse words. God counts them at the same amount! People also don't choose to be gay, they're born gay. I believe god has something to do with that too because god lets our parents create use! We don't stop people of different races from being together so why stop gays!! Yes there are some reasons why we shouldn't but there's more positives then negatives so just let them be! I believe that homosexuals should also be able to get married in any state! They shouldn't have to find a state that will let them then go have there wedding there! That's off the topic but I think that a lot of gays are already pushed away from there families while others are supported no matter what their sexual prefernce is but I believe that they should be able to adopt children. They child won't group up any different then a child with straight parents other then the fact that they won't judge others because of there sexuality!! I believe that you are who you are and you shouldn't change for anyone or for society's views!!

Jason Raimondo said...

I really hope that this law is approved. I have had both friends and coworkers who grew up in the foster care system, and I felt that while one of my friends was well adjusted, most seemed to carry the emotional baggage of growing up in an environment where they often felt unwanted.
Be it a gay home, or a straight home, children without parents need role models, and someone who truely cares about them. If a gay couple is willing to adopt, or even foster parent a child then I say more power to them. Many people are against abortion, but how many of those people are willing to house and care for the children of unfit or unwilling parents?
No suprise that Rhonda Storms is against this. You can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you can't take the southern fried ignorance out of the girl.

Amanda Rush said...

Well as a christian, I do not support the homosexual lifestyle therefore, I have to say i disagree that gays should be allowed to adopt. I feel that children should have both a mother and a father figure in their lives. If a child grows up with 2 moms or 2 dads, they will come to think that this is normal and natural, and its not. God is clearly against it and I think that the children shouldnt be influenced into thinking that this is a right way of living. There are wayyyyy more couples wanting to adopt rather than gay couples, so on the issue of children needing a stable home, I do not feel that is a valid argument. Also another point that I havent seen been brought up is the fact that children adopted into gay homes, have a much higher chance of becoming homosexual themselves as well as recieving much ridicule from other children around them. I've also have got to say I am extremely surprised with how acceptive other christians have become when concerning gay marriages etc. I am not saying to judge them or mistreat them, but I am saying not to accept thier lifestyle because it is clearly wrong. We have to stand up for what we know is right. I dont understand why we are being so wishy washy on this topic. ITS WRONG AND AGAINST GOD. the end. theres nothing to question about it. IF WE DONT STAND FOR SOMETHING, WE WILL FALL FOR ANYTHING. So form an opinion and stop being to accepting of everything, God didnt accept everything and niether should we.

Time To Shine said...

I feel like each person in the United States of America should be able to adopt a child that is if they pass all the required testing or background screening that may be required with adopting a child. I put emphasis on the United States of America because we are the land of the free and I truly feel like our Government is succeeding in striping us of every rights our ancestors fought and died for. Now rather gay, straight, black, or white IF the child is going to be in a stable and nourishing environment. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM??? Some may say that the lifestyle is misleading and it may confuse the child but I feel that there are people out here who have children and who deal drugs right out of their homes, or the mothers have a different boyfriend every day of the week. This type of behavior is why the children end up in foster care and couples (sometimes gay couples) consider adoption to repair what a straight parent had damaged. Or simply to have someone to love them unconditionally.

Is it safe to say that a single parent shouldn’t adopt a child either? Some would say a child needs a mother and a father not just one parent…… help me figure this out because I think that just because they are gay doesn’t mean that don’t have parenting skills that every mother or father SHOULD posse. It sickens me how the government is dictating how they feel things should be, but what about the people? What about the bisexual people that that has lived as a couple and do everything like your average Jane or John and now all they feel is miss from their life is a child of their own? I’m sorry but I feel that it’s ok for a gay couple to adopt a child, if the child is going to be in a safe environment and the couple will educate them on their lifestyle and let them know that either heterosexual or homosexual they are going to be loved, or that they don’t have to choose the lifestyle they (the couple) are in. The government might as well as people can’t practice their own religion.

Jecka said...


That was great!!!! Well said!!!!

Lessner said...

I support gay adoptions.A child living in a gay home with nurturing parents is better than a child living in foster care for the rest of their childhood due to political bullshit.Heterosexuals don't necessarily make the best parents.In my old neighborhood, all the women were single parents scraping by on welfare.My mother was an alcoholic and my estranged father was a drug addict.Any home can be dysfunctional,gay or straight.As long as the parents are loving,caring,and can provide a nurturing environment for the children to grow up in then who cares about the parent's sexual preference.Let the kids grow to be strong and healthy first,then they can address other nonessential issues along the way.The welfare of the child should be the only consideration in allowing adoptions not religious beliefs.At the end of the day, all a child wants is love.

Anonymous said...

The bottom line is that there are good people and bad people and who is decide whether gay is good or bad. Kids need parents! If gay parents raise children it doesn't mean that they will turn out gay or be any less moral than you or me. If anything it might actually benefit the child because they will be taught to have an open mind! Who is to say whether being gay is a detemining factor in someones ability to give love and affection to a child DESPERATELY in need of just that.

lkm1991 said...
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Darren L. said...

I think this is ridiculous, why shouldn't gay people be allowed to adopt a child. I don't know why people think that the child will not be in good hands. Who is to say who will be a good parent, or even a proper care giver. In my opinion, i think a gay family will be just as good as any other family. I think everyone should be allowed to adopt, it doesn't matter the race, sex, age, or sexual preference. The children want love and a home, and i don't understand where people get off saying who will provide that. There are to many children in foster care, to many need to be given a home, and the gay community will surely help the situation, not hurt it. So all in all, i am completely for gay adoption. I'm for gay adoption, mnarriges, and what ever else they want.

amooney2 said...

I whole heartedly believe that any person whom wants to adopt a child and can meet the standards set forth by the state for eligibility for adoption should have every opportunity to adopt a child. I do not believe that age, race, religion or sexual orientation should be a factor in the qualification process. Same sex couples have the same issues in maintaining a marriage as heterosexual couples; however they also experience additional discrimination from society. This is an obstacle to overcome however in many instances does not diminish the ability for gay couples to provide a safe, loving, nurturing environment that would foster the healthy development of a child.

I struggle with the logic that society upholds that whom you choose to have intimate relations with somehow alters your abilities in other areas of life. A child raised by gay parents does not 'make' them gay. Homosexuals are not perverts or somehow mentally broken. They are people with the same hopes, dreams, goals, gifts, and talents as anyone in this world. Hopefully one day we will look back on this debate and shake our heads at the absurdity of this way of thinking, just as we look can look back at the flawed logic in segregation of blacks and whites and not allowing women equal rights.

RAwildcats06 said...

To start off I will say I am a lesbian and I completely believe in god. I agree with gay and lesbian couples being able to adopt children. Every person in the will encounter gay couples in the world no matter if it is your parents or a friend at school. Just because they are same sex does not mean they will not be able to care and love for a child just as well as a straight couple. I know that a homosexual couples would be able to raise a child just as well as a straight couple. Yes a straight couple has a mom and dad but who is to say I couldn’t teach my child how to play a sport or how to treat a woman. Love is love. I think it is better for a child to have a homosexual family than to not have a family at all. Every child in the world deserves a loving family and those left in orphanages are not getting that. Now a days it is common to see homosexual couples and I do not see why straight people would want to keep them from having what they have. The world is full of equal opportunities and this should not be an exceptions.

Snake said...

Im going to agree with allowing gay and lesbian couples to adopt children. If they want to adopt a child and they are good parents then I don't see the problem why they shouldn't allow it. I'd rather have gay or lesbian parents then no parents at all. I think that gay couples might make better parents then some straight couples out there because I don't think that they would abuse there children as much as straight couples do since they have to think more about having kids and wanting to adopt. Ultimately, I don't think it matters if your gay or lesbian and you want to adopt, let them! More kids will have homes that they would love more than being at an orphanage and they would be treated better.

amooney2 said...

Shortie: Do you have children?

lkm1991 said...

I absolutely agree that this should be passed. Just because a couple is homosexual does not mean that they would be bad parents. I personally know a couple now that would make excellent mothers. And seeing as how there are, as the article stated, 3,900 children without permanent homes in Florida alone, why not let homosexual couples adopt? A child needs a loving and nurturing home to grow up in. As long as that can be provided, then the child will be perfectly fine. I understand that people are entitled to their own opinions. But what right does anyone have to take the joys and hardships of parenthood away from anyone who is willing to genuinely try hard at it. I you dont like it then don't do it; otherwise, butt out. It's as simple as that.

mescobar3 said...

Officially these lawmakers are absolutley out of their minds. Who are they to decide if gay couples cant or cannot adopt children?!
First of all, if these children are up for adoption then they if these parents are able to provide better for these kids then why is it wrong. These Couples are probaly better off as parents then you or me.??
Next from a biblical stand point who am I or you to judge what is wrong or right? Being gay is a sin and so is stealing, and neither of the two is ranked higher,,, therefore let God Judge them ,, because its not our job to judge these people.
Therefore I would have to let these people adopt,, if they can provide better for the children then why not let them.

joeyohweoh said...

I agree to maintain the current prohibition against gay couples. Children should grow up in a house hold with a mother and father figure, showing them what roles a mother and father have in today's society. Having a same sex couple raise a child I believe would confuse and demoralize a child's way of thinking. I have nothing against same sex marriages for you can't change a persons way of thinking or lifestyle. The more you tell a human not to do something they will want to do it even more so telling gays not to be gay is not possible. It is frustrating to see a woman try to act manly. Therefore I believe as a christian, children should experience growing up with a mom and dad. said...

This is a really tough one. In heterosexual relationships the sex act serves a viable biological purpose. This principle is easily explained and somewhat easy to comprehend for young people (kids). To have to explain sexual preference of two men or two women seems like a perverse idea. In most places in America homosexuality is publically considered deviant behavior. Another thing that sounds unfair, is I think it makes a difference whether the couples adopting are male or female. It would seem more acceptable to allow gay women to adopt. Male homosexual acts are unnatural. I think it is also unnatural for two men to try and rear children. No pun intended. On the other hand, I have to ask myself, do I really even care? How is this going to affect my life? If the powers that be deem it is okay, how is that going to affect the society I live in? I do not think it will either way. Too many people consider having babies as a right. That is ridiculous. There needs to be some kind of birth control to limit breeding to qualified people. Should sexual preference weigh in on those qualifications? I really do not know!.

michelleyip said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amanda Rush said...


I am aware that not everyone doesnt have the same beliefs that I do. However, this country was founded by Christian men and built around the family. Saying that I dont think they should be able to adopt isnt mistreating them, its just not supporting their way of life and i dont feel children should be exposed to it at an age where they are so easily influenced. Im not denying them the right to have children, God is. The fact that they cant have children is a statement in itself, because God clearly states it is a sinful way of life. And in response to people who are saying a sin is a sin whether youve told a lie or are gay, they are equal. This is true, but where does it stop? Are you telling me someone murdering someone else and me telling a lie are just as bad and we are equally sinful people and you see us in the same category? I dont think so. Youve got to understand that youre only forgiven for sins that you ask forgiveness for and repent from. You can tell a lie, realize it was wrong and not do it again, but if your lifestyle is sinful and u continue to live arent repentful unless you change it.

no i dont have children Im 18 and have a mom and dad who have been married for 20yrs an always been raised in a Christian home.

So youre probably thinking how can I even know what Im talking about. Well I have 2 friends who have been adopted, one into a family with a mom and dad, the other has 2 moms. The differnce between these two people is incredible. The one with two moms, is always teased about it and seems to be very sad and confused. The other one with a mom and dad, is very secure in who she is and happy with her life. So those experiences as well as my beliefs definitely have influenced my opinion when it comes to this subject.

Im aware that not everyone will agree with this thats obvious. When asked for opinions about anything, you will always get 2 different sides. Amd thats fine. We were asked our opinion on this subject, which is a very sensetive matter, and I simply gave mine just like everyone else. If you cant voice what you think is right and wrong than youre always going to let people make decisions for you. And sorry but thats just not me.

Athena Smith said...

Some of you have referred to the inadequacies of the current forest parent system:

So here they are:
The number of kids in the U.S. foster care system, has witnessed a 90% increase since 1987.
Three of 10 of the nation’s homeless are former foster children.

12-18 months after leaving foster care:
27% of the males and 10% of the females had been incarcerated
33% were receiving public assistance
37% had not finished high school
50% were unemployed

80 percent of prison inmates have been through the foster care system.

Children are 11 times more likely to be abused in State care than they are in their own homes.

Children died as a result of abuse in foster care 5.25 times more often than children in the general population.

Only 3% of the kids placed in foster homes get college education.

Athena Smith said...

Here you are going to find the legals status of gay adoption in all states. You will notice that Florida prohibits adoptions. However it allows gays to be foster parents. (I believe the need for foster parents is dramatic.)

cstat said...

i agree with the lawmakers trying to ban gay adoption,because i don't think its fair to a child to be brought up in a same sex family. he or she will not have that true mother or father and will go about things differently because of it. and in doing this i think it will have a bigger cause of more children becoming gay and thinking its ok. and being gay is your choice in life but i think it would be better for society if a child is raised by a true mother and father. not to take anything away from gay people because they have the right to do and feel what they please. but i personally think it would be better if they didn't adopt. but also in another sense a child just needs to be loved and cared for so if being gay and providing a stable home consist of to of the same sex then i guess thats all that matters.

Sneakers10 said...

to pt4life813

i understand foster care is bad for kids, and yeah sin is sin but god talks about the sins dat he mostly rejects and one of them is being gay. If bieng gay was intended to come out to be , then tell me you cant have kids, or why are you guys looked diffrently. Because its a women and a man that can bring a child to life . It has always been a man and a woman. Your telling me about single moms, i got nothing against that . my mom at times would have to do it alone because my dad would abandon us and plus my cousin is a single mom and shes doing a great job. But sometimes you need a father figure and when you dont have it ypou lok for it in somewhere else. THANK GOD that he gave me my uncle that has been my father figure when my dad couldnt. thats why i said we need a dad and a mom .

bellabelle66 said...

I am most definitely for it being approved. One of my best friends is gay, and I have had plenty of conversations with him on how/when he knew he was gay. His answer is the same as the many of other answers I have heard. He's known since a young age he was "different". I find it so terrible to that there are people out there that do not see that just because you are gay or lesbian doesn't make you any different from those who are not. I do not believe there should be a restriction on who gets to adopt. If the couple/person who wants to adopt is fit as a parent and can give that child a better life than why should it matter if they are gay or straight? How is it better to have a child go from foster home to foster home because the government doesn't see it fit for a gay/lesbian couple to have the right to take that child into a loving home? I don't understand the obsession with wanting to keep this from happening, but I hope our country opens their eyes and stops being so judgmental.

Sparker said...

I'm gonna have agree with the ending of the ban against gay adoption. While most say things like "the child needs a mom and dad" and " It's just wrong," that 's only true to a minor extent nowadays. Our society speaks as if the parents of today do good jobs raising their own kids, or even being there for them as support in that matter. While on the hand, there are gay couples who WANT to adopt kids to raise them as their own, which most people couldn't even bring themselves to do. So I think that the gay adoption law shouldn't, specially since that means less parent-less kids in the end.

ALong said...

I think that it is okay for gay couples to adopt children. I mean, they are people too, and they understand the fundamentals of raising a child. We have so many children in foster care already, and so many kids get bounced around in foster homes. Many are never adopted. Many people may argue that growing up with homosexual parents would be detremential to the child, but isn't being passed from foster home to foster home worse? At least, in the care of gay couples, they would have stability.
It's interesting that this is the topic because I was just talking to a gay couple in their 30's the other day about adopting children. They have been living together for like ten years or so. Anyways, one of them was telling me that he is actually against allowing gay couples to adopt a newborn, but thinks it's perfectly okay for them to adopt a child around 10 or so. He said, that by that age, they already have a sense of right and wrong, and would be alright in that sort of environment.
Just thought that was interesting.

Nathan Howard said...


There are so many religous beliefs out there. why do u think urs is right and why do you think kids should be beaten,molested and mentally abused because of your religous beliefs of not allowing homosexuals to adopt. And the reason why nobody has brought up the point that if children adopted into gay homes, have a much higher chance of becoming homosexual themselves is because that is FALSE. If somebody told you to be attracted to the same sex could you just change who your sexually attracted too? No I thought not. Also I thought "tho shalt not judge" was something you should be living by. Your probably one of those who religion applies to you only when you want it to

Nathan Howard said...


I agree with you all the way. by the way can I have that fax number lol

Caduceus01 said...

Interesting topic. If it is ok for a gay couple to marry. Shouldn't we therfore allow polygamist to marry? We have the Texas issue currently in the news. This is all about one's sexual preference isn't it. Surely four father's and one mother or four mothers and one father would be better than a foster home and think of all that love. Wouldn't that be better than one mother and one father. The consitution states marriage is between a man and a women. If we are ready as society to change that to read " between a man and a man or a woman and a woman. Wouldn't stand to reason that we would not want to discremnate against people who prefer having muliple sex partners. On the one hand we are just changing gender and on the other we are just changing the number of wives or husbands. Again this is about "love", and of course sexual preference. We as a society wouldn't want to force ours values on someone else and discreminate against them just because they can love more than one person at a time or someone of the same sex. There are many sexual preferences or proclivities out there. What will be the next sexual bias that we will be forced to accept.It will advance via the TV as has been so effectly done with all the gay TV shows currently flooding the market today. I am for it by the way. But I know that our values are changing in ways that may ultimately undermine our society. Where do we draw the line?

fefe said...

I agree with the proposed legislation to allow gay and lesbian couples to adopt children because those people can not make kids on their own so we have to except them for who they are. Let the gay and lesbian to adopt kids it is not a bad idea it will fill in the holes in their lives, and they may be turning out to be a good parents. Any ways there is many kids who does not have homes so why not?
We have to start thinking in a better way. Rather saying that the gay and the lesbian cannot have adopted kids, let us work on other problems that affect us and the society. Let those kids have a home and a family.

greenjellybean said...


Who are we to judge saying a married couple of the same sex can't care for a child??? There are so many heterosexual couples out there who neglect their children and even more divorced households. There are so many single parents out there who raise a child just fine on their own. I think having two fathers or two mothers is even healthier than being raised by a single parent. Two people in love is a beautiful thing and an even more beautiful thing is being able to have a family. It's not right nor is it fair that the government is trying to make homosexuals suffer because its not "normal." My older sister's best friend is gay and he's by far the most amazing guy i have ever met. He's hilarious, honest, intelligent, humble, and not to mention a cutie :) and his boyfriend of two years is an amazing compliment to him. Just the thought of him not being able to adopt and start a family of his own in the future really disturbs me and it should disturb our government too.

tariq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tariq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Starbuzz said...

I think they should let gay guys or lisbians adopt kids. People say that homosexual people wouldn't make good parents but i tottaly disagree with that, plus its way better to have foster parents than iving in a foster home. The fact that people say a kid needs a mom and a dad is not true. one person can play both roles i think. For instance Lets say you were married but your wife died the dad would take on the role of being a father but at the same time he would also fulfill the duties of a mother. So therefore it wouldn't matter if two lesbians or two gay were playing the roles of wht society says a man and a woman should be doing. So i think they need to get rid of the law and make it where they can adopt kids

DiamondSteel47 said...

I'am having a hard time taking a stand on this situation. In one hand I believe that it is important for children to grow up in a well balanced family, where the father and mother equally share the responsibility of raising a child. On the other hand, like a previous blogger posted that if Florida prevents gay couples from adopting a foster child and the child is being moved from one home to the next, I also believe this will cause the child to become unstable later in life. So iam going to have say this ban should not go through.

Madeline said...

Oh my this is quite a hot topic. Let me start off by saying that my best friend in homosexual. He is a wonderful person and I love him very much, as a persn. But morally I disagree with his way of life. I believe that what constitutes a "sin" has been defined very clearly by the bible and certain other religious texts and revelations. Religion and what is morally right should not change just because people don't like it. Anyway, all that being said I think the prohibition should stay in place. This is my personal opinion. I believe marriage is a union sanctified by God. A union of one man and one woman. That is what constitutes a family and who should be able to adopt and raise a child.

Dgirl89 said...

I really dont understand why so many people make it a big deal for gay or lesbians to adopt children. So many children go from foster home to foster home until there 18 so why not let gays adopt them and give them the life they deserve.

I see no different in having two moms or two dads. whats the big deal? Some children grow up with one parent. Just because your gay does not mean you cannot raise a child and do just as good of a job as a straight couple. I think it is totally unfair and ridiculous.

For the people that are against it need to get over it and realize that one day it is going to happen and that they need to accept it.

chantillylace26 said...

I feel it is important that a child be raised with love and dicipline. Regardless of race or sexual orientation, a good parent should be given the right to have a child. I think it is stupid and petty to not allow a gay couple to adopt children. If anything, they would be helping orphanages and foster parents. A lot of gay couples are completely capable of raising a child. I don't think anyone should have the authority to determine who can raise a child and who can't. I think lawmakers have plenty more IMPORTANT things to worry about than this. Religious aspects shouldn't be considered either. It is a person's right to live their own life without anyone trying to interfere. If the tables were turned, I'm sure it would be a completely different story.

Blah said...

I have never experienced ever living in a foster home, but I have a close friend that did. From her experience I know that going from one one foster home to another is devastating. I personally don't have anything against gays or lesbians, its just not my sexual orientation, but I feel it's their own choice. I think if a gay couple or a lesbian couple is able to provide for a child, and give them the loving home and support that they need, why not let them adopt a child. Some people think that because the couple believes in same sex orientation, that the child will automatically choose to do the same thing and be corrupted for life. No matter what your up bringing is like, you still have the free will to make your own decisions. You can be a great parent whether or not you're gay, lesbian or straight.

michelleyip said...

I see no problem with gay or lesbian parents. If they want to give a home for the less fortunate then why cant they? Just because they are homosexuals doesn’t mean they can’t be good parents or provide for their family. There are many single parents who are raising their children on their own, so why can’t a COUPLE heterosexual or homosexual raise children. As long as the adoption agency does their part to make sure the child is kept in a healthy environment like any couple that wants to adopt. You can not judge their parenting skills by their sexual preference.

Anonymous said...

I say that we should be able to give away children to homes of a gay couple. It may not be tradition to stick them in homes that are gay but as long as the kid gets love and support from the adults that they live with then that is fine with me.

Athena Smith said...

The following comment was posted by by Livelife220 and disappeared from the blog somehow so I am copying it from my email and pasting it again:

"Lawmaker Hopes to End Ban on Gay Adooption in Flor...":

First off, I believe everyone has the right to love anyone they please. Love is something so precious and also having a child in your life. Growing up, I was taught to love one another. And as of today, I still believe that so that is the reason why I agree with the bill that allows gay or lesbian couples to adopt. Gay or lesbian couples obviously can’t make a child of their own so their intention of adopting a kid is to have a family and love them unconditionally. I don’t see any harm in adopting a child no matter if you’re gay or lesbian. A kid simply needs love from their parents and a place where they are comfortable and taken care of. I don’t understand why you need a mother and a father in order to make sure a child is going to turn out well when they grow up. A mother and a father can be abusive to their own child and neglect them whereas the gay / lesbian couple can treat a child better. Who has the right to judge a person and say they can’t raise a child because they are gay or lesbian? No one. This nation always talks about freedom so why can’t we act more than we talk?

Posted by Livelife220 to Staying in school at September 9, 2008 7:37 PM

Athena Smith said...

And some international conparisons
Sweden legalises gay adoption

France Overruled on Gay Adoption

Ireland High Court Rules Against Gay 'Marriage'

Frogger said...

I agree with the proposed legislation to allow gay and lesbian couples to adopt children. Why should we deny children a good home just on the fact that they will have 2 mothers or 2 fathers. The couples will still have to go thru all of the background checks and psychological test that heterosexual couples have to go thru. Which is a lot more testing than a couple has to go thru if they are birthing their own children (those children on average will grow up with only one parent.) I would rather see a child in a permanent home with 2 some sex parents than growing up in foster care with limited or no ability to thrive as a productive member of society.

shansen said...


almostmarried said...

As a christian I do not believe in gay marriage but it also not my place to judge someone by the way they live their life, because sin is sin in God's eyes. About the article I believe that a gay couple should be allowed to adopt a child. It is better for that child to have a good stable home with a family, instead of being dragged from foster home to foster home. I know a little girl who has gay parents and they raised her just fine she is the sweetest girl you will ever meet. Nobody has the right to tell someone that they are bad parents because they are gay, I think if a gay couple can prove that they are able to take care of a child and provide a good home, they should have the right to adopt.

hunter07 said...

I would rather see a child be raised by two men or two women than not have parents at all. Every child deserves to have a family. For those of you that say it would be “confusing”, can you please tell me how? Having two parents of the same sex is the only thing they know. If the child is up for adoption he or she obviously doesn’t have parents in his or her life. Why should the child be punished by being thrown around their whole life just because people judge gay couples. I’m sure there are plenty of gay couples that would be much better parents then many straight couples. If you don’t agree that’s fine its not your life you have the right to your own opinion and they have the right to love whoever they choose. I believe a “marriage” should be a husband and a wife but why cant they have some other way to make their bond official?

TheSexyTeddyBear said...

i really dont see what the fuss is about with gays adopting children... is it really worse than a single mother raising a child? i myself have been raised by a single mother and i also have a gay uncle. I personally think that my uncle and his partner would make great parents if they were to adopt. Is it because people think because they are gay they are going to raise the child to be gay? i just cant wrap my mind around why they would propose a law that would keep a child away from a loving family that would provide for and care for a needy child.

Disneyfreak said...

I do not believe that gays should be able to adopt. According to “Yes on marriage 2, fact sheet” paragraph 5, “Social science research clearly tells us that children are always happier, healthier and better adjusted when raised by a married mother and father.” This clearly states a man and a woman. I think that when you put a child in a home that has 2 “fathers” or 2 “mothers” you are sending that child into a state of confusion. In school they have the potential of being made fun of and being avoided because of how they live. Kids already have enough to worry about in school they don’t need any add pressure. It also can put others in an uncomfortable position. I had an experience this summer where I was singing some songs with the kids and there was a song about kissing a boy. One girl wanted to change the song to say kiss another girl instead of the boy. So I kindly told her that we don’t say things like that at camp. Her response was that “My mommy’s had told her to be proud.” That put the counselors in an uncomfortable circumstance because we had to explain to her that not every one thought the same way she did. In conclusion I believe that gays should not be allowed to adopt.

MiiStAkEn iiDeNtiiTY said...

I am for allowing gay couples to adopt. Who are we as a society or better yet an individual to decide whether or not two men or two women will be good enough parents for a child or not. Yes many people feel as though gay people are not to have rights and should be exiled from their communities, but to me it is a bunch of bull. The only thing I can see that seperates them from others is their sexual prference! It is not up to us to tell them how they are to live their lives.
Gay couples should be able to adopt kids because in the end isn't it all about given the child a better home and a better life?! So why should we deny gay couples who are trying to give children a better home and more opportunities the right to adopt, just because of their SEXUALITY?!!.. come on now be real!
So To me I feel as though if the gay couples want to adopt I say more power to them!

Vicki1973 said...

I do not approve of the homosexual lifestyle. I believe the Bible clearly and consistently condemns it as a sinful lifestyle. Marriage is ordained by God as being between one man and one woman, therefore, homosexual marriage is a perversion of the institution of marriage. With that said, I am in favor of maintaining the current prohibition on same sex couples adopting. I don’t think anyone can say that children are not affected by growing up in a homosexual household. Currently there is no reliable body of research that compares children being raised in same sex homes versus one with a mother and father. Even heterosexual households with one absent parent suffer. Why should children’s lives be further complicated by not having a traditional family.

Little One said...

I agree with the bill proposed so that gays and lesbians can be considered as adoptive parents. Their sexual preference doesn't have anything to do with what kind of parents they are going to be. I agree that children deserve a mother and father figure, but the world is filled with very secure and successful people that were raised by single parents. Statistics show that children raised by gay parents have the same chance of being gay themselves than if they were raised by straight parents, so that can't be one of the excuses. I basically think it is wrong for Senator Storms to refuse to bring up the bill for debate or vote. She should at least give the senate a chance to discuss it.

Anonymous said...

I support the proposed legislation to allow same sex couples to adopt children. I do not believe that a person’s sexual orientation has an effect on their abilities to raise a child. It is no different for a same sex couple to want to have a child and adopt than a tradition man and wife couple wanting to adopt. I do support and believe that all couples, whether homosexual, heterosexual, or asexual have extensive background checks and screenings. There are too many children growing up without a permanent family and some of these couples are more than willing to try to be the parent that the child needs. If the home environment is safe and comfortable for the child and the child is loved and cared for, there should not be any problems with a couple wanting to adopt a child.

iluvrap said...

As far as homosexuality goes, i do not agree with it, however, the sexuality of a child's parents is a smaller problem than not having any parents at all. Foster parents raise children who are not theirs at all out of the kindness of there heart. And the ratio of foster kids to foster parents is pretty depressing. Any one who can assume the position of a foster parent is doing an incredible act of kindness and one shouldn't be turned down from doing that simply because of their sexuality. Politicians are way too close minded about this and are worrying about irrelevant things when they make something such as this bill a huge deal. Why are they against it at all? Neither Crist or Storms gave a good reason for it so one can only assume that it's because of their own feelings about it. Politics and Religion should never mix and cases like this only blend the two things together

Crystal said...

I definately do not think that gay/lesbian couples should adopt. Nor should they recived sperm or egg donations, or anything like that. Personally I think that being a gay/or lesbian is a learned trait or a choice. I do not mind if you have relations, you have th right to love you you wish. However, if you choose someon of the same sex, then you have made a choice not to procreate. Adoption is for people that, because of circumstances beyond thier control, can not have children. And yes, I definately think that there are way too many children in the system however, those children have already had hard lives, do not put them through the judging and ridicule that you have chosen. Gay/ lebianism has not been widely accepted and until it is I DO NOT think that gay or lesbian couples should be allowed to adopt children.

London Skies said...

I am all for gays being able to adopt. I don't see why they shouldn't be able to. I think they should have to go through the same processes of approval as any straight couple. There are way too many "forgotten" children in foster care right now that could really use a loving home, regardless of whether that home consists of gay parents, or straight parents. I don't believe they have any legitimate reasons for not letting gays adopt. There are plenty of straight parents in the world who abuse and neglect their children every day, but they are still allowed to have them for the most part. So I do not see why a fit, gay couple should not be allowed to become parents.

auroralights said...

Children need a mother AND a father. They need a male AND a female. The two most loving men in the world cannot fill the place of a mother. Conversely, the two most loving women in the world cannot be a father to a little boy.

It isn't being 'close-minded' or 'judgemental' to stand up for the rights of children.

London Skies said...

But it's not like gays adopting would be taking children out of stable homes. They would be adopting children who have no parents. I think loving parents of any orientation is MUCH better than no parents at all.

vertuxa said...

I, personally, agree with the proposed legislation to allow gay and lesbian couples to adopt children. If gay couple even consider to become a parent, they totally ready to
Give that child a better life. Almost 4000 children in state of Florida are in foster care homes. What do think in other 50 state the total amount of homeless kids? Believe me, they rather be with gay parents than no parents at all. I do know somebody who went thru long process to adopt a baby girl, and they very loving parents, and that baby girl is the luckiest and happiest kid in this planet-she has a PARENTS.

iROCK. said...

I agree with the bill being maintained to prohibit the law of gay adoption, because at the end of the day, it's always the child that's going to be affected. Yea if they allow gay couples to adopt children there would be less children still living in foster homes, but to me I think a child is better off living in a foster home than with a gay couple. And for that being said is because when the child starts to grow up, how are the parents going to explain and try to get the child to understand why they don’t have either a mother figure or a father figure around? That can lead to emotional problems dealing with there social life, and confusion. Who knows, some kid might be embarrassed to take their gay-coupled parents to a school function, or even go out anywhere with them in public.
There is also a flip side to my opinion though. I would rather prefer seeing a child being adopted by a single parent who is gay, rather than a couple. That just might make it a little bit easier.

blogger59 said...

I agree to maintain the current prohibition against gay couples to adopt children.
I was taught that in the event I wish to behave in any manner that is not with-in the “social norm” that I am being irresponsible and reckless.
The rhetorical question comes to mind;
if your best friend jumped from the Brooklyn Bridge would you?

My family; consisted of quite a few dysfunctional characters albeit; Heterosexual couple, grand parents, cousins aunts, uncles, nosy neighbors, annoying brothers and sisters, and a few "Gay" relatives, alcoholics, overeaters, gamblers, and just good old hard working mind your own business kind of people. All of them including my atheist brother, referred to the Bible as the basic guide to live by (or against).
I agree with the statement that if you don’t stand for something, nothing will be there for you when you can’t stand up.
I would like to say I lived in a Gay community in P-town USA, if you ever been there you’d know. I had many “Gay” friends, of various ages, race, creeds. One common factor they all share is the “Identity crisis” they experience; by trying to demand to the word they don’t mean to be defiant”; so instead of them changing their public display of ”Sexual Preference” they expect society to change their preference of what should be acceptable behavior.
If we go that way, then it would only be far to say, any group that is defiant of social norms should be granted guardian of innocent children.
There was a time when my mom was a single parent, and looking back it would had been VERY detrimental to me and my siblings, if a gay women identified her self “as butch or manly” ever tried to replace my absentee father, my whole concept of the world I live in would be more hopeless now then anything I have endure.
I believe in trying to live the best I can with the Bible as my base. I don’t wish to throw rocks from my glass house, but really if we all lived with the same principles and kept our pants on until we are emotionally and mentally ready to procreate, then our children would not be considered disposable commodities and we would not be having this conversation. PEACE

lolita said...

Well, yes I do support gay adoption and there are so many arguments that could be made of this that I couldn’t possibly fit them all. However, the gay community is one that is growing through out the world and people only tend to see the sexual or "crazy" side of the gay community. But they fail to see the person. As many of you said, sexual orientation has little to do with parenting skills; the instinct that human beings have to create and raise children is something you are born with. I also think you have to look at it from a child's perspective as well. A child with a home and parents who love each other, regardless of orientation, I think is better off than a child with divorced parents or a child in foster care. And children at an early age are very impressionable therefore they learn what you teach them and they absorb (keeping in mind the theory that society teaches us everything form birth.) everything around them so if you teach them love, they will learn love, and if you teach them hate, they will learn hate, but if two people who love each other and are committed to the responsibility of raising a child then I see no problem. In fact, Most of them I would say are more ready to raise a child than some of the people I’ve met who do have children.

Stranger said...
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Stranger said...

When it comes to finding homes for children in foster care, the most important thing should be trying to find good homes and good people for the children. Not heterosexual couples. There are people of every orientation, gender, race, and social class that aren't suitable to adopt or have kids of their own. I think if a gay couple honestly has the heart for children the couple should be allowed to adopt. By allowing this there would be a decrease in the amount of children being stuck in foster homes for their entire lives. People need to stop forcing their religious views on others. I don't think it should be acceptable for the government to use religion and what the bible says as an excuse for why gay marriage and adoption is illegal in so many parts of this country.

Jessica said...

I firmly believe that gay couples should be able to not only foster children but to adopt them. Actually, I am adamant about homosexuals to have all the same rights that we do and I don't believe anybody should be arrogant enough to assume that their own beliefs, morals, religion or any other function of living should dominate legislature and violate other people's civil rights.

The bible can be a good thing for some people to live by but as an atheist myself, I simply see it as a storybook that people like to use as an excuse for their own lack of comfort. In 2006 I took a class on Diversity at Ringling and one of the issues we spoke of was the idea of homosexuality in religion. My Diversity teacher was the former campus minister and he diagnosed every passage that had a reference to homosexuality in the bible and do you know what he found? They all had references to other issues in them as well.

The family unit as we know it is breaking apart and becoming something different. No longer do all children need that true mother or father figure in their lives. They need somebody who will care for them, yes, but to say that every boy and girl needs and mother and a father is a Utopian idea because many do not. Same sex couples could care for a child just as well as any straight couple.

Remember, a gay couple will not give their child any "learned" practices nor should other people's talk and gossip interfere with a family's happiness.

Nature beats nurture any time.

Caduceus01 said...

Addtional Comment: If two young men or ladies eighteen years of age were to ask to adopt a three to ten young girl or boy do you really thingk it would be in the childs best interest? I'm not so sure and I as I said previously if we are to aceept that people should be able to marry whom ever they chose, and maybe we should allow that? Will we next be ask to accept that some people enjoy loving both sexes i.e. the rapid increase in bi-sexuality. Personally know some bi-sexuals and they might make great parents. But, I just wonder were this is taking us. If you do not think this is a possibility-think again- thirty years ago you would not have found three girls making out in high school and flaunting it-today, as I hear it many many young ladies in high school are playing both sides of the field.So what was only thirty years ago consider deviant behavior-today,it is becoming more of the norm. Any comments?

pachrique said...
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Nelly12345 said...

In my opinion, gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to adopt children, definitely. Yes, it is a controversial issue and yes, it is a different atmosphere than the "normal" mother and father setting for a child. However, as the post mentions, so many children in foster homes are moved from one home to another to another, or just stay in the same foster home until they are 18. I think that most children would much prefer a constant, stable home environment with 2 loving mothers or 2 loving fathers rather than living in a foster home for the duration of their childhood. Honestly, I have to question who is really being looked out for with the issue of gay and lesbian couples not being allowed to adopt. As much as they say "were concerned for the children and what kind of life they will have in this type of environment" what if, in all actuality, they are only looking out for themselves and others with the same mind set that they have, which is "NO!! gay and lesbian people are wrong, it is wrong to be gay and if these children feel comfortable living in a gay atmosphere, they too could become gay individuals, and therefore the entire issue of gay and lesbian couples would become an even bigger problem" To me, as long as the child is happy, loved, protected, and well, it should not matter who is raising that child, wether it be 2 moms, 2 dads, 3 moms, a dad, an uncle, a half sister and a neice, etc. and I think, once again, that mostly every child living in a foster home, would choose ANY home environment, lifestyle and setting, as long as it is somewhere they will be able to call HOME.

TACK Ministry said...

Well from reading some of the varied comments I can tell that this is a very sensitive subject for most. I, myself, was very uncomfortable with having to post a comment because I knew it could potentially be misunderstood or attract an unwanted "debate" directed at the core of my belief system which is Christianity.
As a Christian I do not agree with, condone, or support gay marriages. With that being said I would be opposed to reversing legislation in any way that would allow the adoption of children by homosexual couples.
I have read comments from others about being free to love who you love, and the U.S being the "land of the free" but the government taking those freedoms away by being to much of a dictatorship. Well, I believe the opposite. The United States of America is one of the most liberal countries in the world. Travel abroad or read the internet, for that matter, if you want to hear about real dictatorship in action. But just because we are a free land with democracy doesnt mean that we stand for anything in the name of love. If a man/woman says he "loves" an underage male/female, do we allow it in the name of "love"? Even if she loves him/her back? What about men and women who want more than one spouse? Do we allow that to? Let's not talk about people who may consider animals their choice of affection, (o.k, too far..) but my point is that our government has to set boundaries. Without it their would be no law. Without law nothing would be illegal or a crime. Everyone would just be free to do whatever and that is not a world any of us want to live in! The government, for now in most states, says that gay/lesbian couples do not qualify as a legitimate married couple. But freedom still reigns because it's not illegal for you to still have the relationship.
Bottom line, there are still many children who need adopting but it's not because "families sanctioned by our government" dont want to adopt. The process for adoption is quite rigorous and not as "simple" as the Florida adoption website would have you to believe when first pursuing. Let's really get to the bottom of this and discover the real reasons for almost 4000 children being in foster care. I can only imagine that the gay vs. straight issue doesnt even make the "Top 3" of reasons why.

iOperationJapan! said...

I think the gay and lesbian group should be allowed to adopt.
Kid's that bounce around to foster homes aren't happy and grow up with emotional problems alot of the time. It's stupid to have them bounce around when they could just have a permanent home.
Also, I don't know where some of you guy's got your facts about Gay parents=Gay Kids but read this quote taken from an online article on gay adoption.

"Although there is much debate over exactly what determines a person's sexual preference, 35 studies conducted in the last 15 years have shown that the children of gay and lesbian parents are no more likely to become homosexuals and are just as well-adjusted as other children."

Athena Smith said...

What you are describing is promiscous behavior in public, which I believe nobody condones.
Where is this taking us, some of you have asked. Well, gay adoption is legal almost everywhere in the US now. I am not expressing any opinion on the matter but I observe that alternative family settings are setting in because the traditional one has failed.
One third of our kids today are born to single moms. Fifty per cent of marriages end up in divorce. So if we do the math we have roughly 65% of kids being raised for some time in their lives by a single parent.

So the single parent has become the accepted mainstream family setting. We don't think of it as mainstream because we have idealized the traditional family, but the numbers out there disprove us. The mother/father setting is no longer the majority's family setting.
Are we ready for a change? Many of you said "yes." Some "no." And a few had more questions.
I think time will tell.

Athena Smith said...

Actually, six hours ago a decision was reached: "A judge in Florida has ruled that a Key West same-sex couple have the right to adopt a child, striking down a 1977 ban after finding it to be unconstitutional." You may read the rest of the story here

Athena Smith said...

Another student also posed the question about polygamists. Will they be next in line?

I do not know. But polygamy exists in Utah and Vancoover, Canada. Two articles relating to the matter are Most Canadians want polygamists prosecuted and

If you read those you will realize that usually we don't prosecute them (unless there are minors involved). The official explanation is that they are too many. An interview with Vancoover's DA revealed fears that if a prosecution took place, polygamists might win as they will present their case as a human rights issue. I believe he had said "It's better to bend a little than to break."

CandaceRenee07 said...

I agree with the proposed legislation to allow gay and lesbian couples to adopt children. Gay couples, same as straight couples, have something in common that means more than anything; love. Children are living horrible lives feeling as if no one loves them or ever will. Two happily men/women can care for a child same as a man and wife. In a gay relationship, there is always one that is more nurturing than the other leaving the child with the best of both worlds. I think the children should come first and everyone else should get over their egos and think about what is best for the children.

DannyBoy said...

I do not even see why this is even an issue.As long as the child is loved and provided for,nothing else should really matter.Many children have different kinds of families,why should this be any different.There are alot worse places a child could grow up.The foster homes arent the greatest place for children to grow up.And why should we deny a loving home for a child.Having a same sex coulpe for parents is alot better than having no parents at all.So as long as the child is supported and loved, I do not think the sexual orientaion of those parents should really matter.

pcenluv08 said...

I completely support gay/lesbian couples to have the right to adopt. Every child deserves to be brought up in a loving family, and the strength of that love is no less if from two men or two women. The amount of children living in foster homes is ridiculous, more then 3,900 simply in our state is not necessary. That number could dramatically be reduced if same sex couples could adopt. We should be looking out for the childs best interest, so how could it possibly be better for them to be in and out of foster homes,and afraid to grow attchments with others? In the best interest of the child would be placing them into a loving stable environment, and i believe same sex couples can provide that.

irishqt7 said...

I really don’t think it should be a problem for homosexuals to adopt children. As the article stated there are more than 3,900 kids in Florida’s foster care. Foster children don’t usually grow up in a great environment. So I would think that growing up with two same sex parents is better than growing up with none. If gay couples want to adopt children I don’t think there should be anything stopping them. The only people who tend to be against homosexuality are religious people. Some people consider being homosexual “not normal” but who’s to say what truly is normal. Not everybody has the same lifestyle so why don’t people just accept the fact that not everyone is “normal.”

Flip Barbie said...

Honestly...I could care less about gay couples adopting. I really don't see what the big deal is and why everyone thinks they can't. Church and State should remain separate, and our world is changing fast and we need to be open to new ideas. Every child deserves a good home, whether it be with a straight or gay couple. Yes, the child and/or the couple will judged on a daily basis, but at the end of the day, what really matters? My motto: My ONLY judge, is God.

cale87 said...

I agree to maintain the current prohibition against gay couples to adopt children because eve thought they have the right to get married in some states and I don’t see anything wrong with that. I think that to be able to teach a kid how to behave and what’s right or wrong would probably be harder and the kid would also see that behavior normal and most like it will end up the same way as his/her parents. I really don’t care about gay couples married or living together but I think that a kid living in the same house as the gay couples is no healthy for them because they will get confused and would think that a women and a men cannot be together and also a kid needs to know the difference between a women and men and in this case the kid will have two moms or two dads instead of a mom and a dad like every other kid in his/her school and that may take the kid into a problem at the school with other kids or probably will be treated different.

keekee said...

I fully support the approval of adoption of a child by ANYONE who qualifies as a good parent. The role of a parent truthfully has little to do with a personal choice of sexuality.A good parent is responsible,
reliable,unconditionally loving, and willing to make sacrifices to care for a child. Same sex couples still qualify in all these catagories!I agree that maybe not all are right for adopting,but neither are some same sex couples. All parents are not perfect and who is to say that even though a child will have a mom and dad, they will be loved under all circumstances, and not abused mentally or physically.Being close minded will only put the thousands of children living in foster homes today further away from the dreams they have of being part of a family.As a mother of two , I find the role of being a parent the most rewarding thing I have ever done. Being a single mom was never easy but it never lessoned my love for my children or took away from the fact that I was raising my children to be great,responsible,sucessful people.Imagine the children with two parents reguardless if both of the same sex. More love, security,and truthfully a larger income that does sometimes help. I feel like the people who are trying to ban this law, are selfish in a way. There are thousands of childrens with gay and lesbian parents with no horror stories, who turned out to be great people. I mean why wouldn't they? Plenty of crazy,bad people grew up in the "typical" mother,father home. We don't ban that,do we? I believe that more than anything we should be thinking of the children looking for a home, and a family. Most could care less the sexual preference of their new family if they are offered a chance to be part of it.

Ian Quinn said...

There are so many dysfunctional families out there today, that the last of our worries should be homosexual couples "corrupting" children. If two gay men/women meet the requirements that make a couple eligible to adopt then by all means they should be encouraged to, because so many kids out there are in desperate need of a place they can call home, along with loving parents to provide for them.
The argument that gay couples aren't qualified to raise a child, and would only mess them up, is such a greedy perspective. It just goes to show that some people would rather see children grow up in foster care- where they are more likely to struggle growing up, and emerge as troubled adults, before allowing two homosexuals to get their hands on a kid, because this would cause the child to look up to their gay parents (rightfully so) and embrace homsexuality as an acceptable way of life when they begin adulthood with that being the way they were raised.
What kind of free society would put the well-being of a child in jeopardy over an issue of personal morality. There are homosexual couples in America, it's a fact that you can't run away from or make dissappear, regardless of opinion. Therefore, as long as there are children in need, willing, and qualified homosexual couples (who are prime candidates for adoption simply because they aren't able to create a child by reproducing amongst themeselves) should be able to adopt.

Enigma Breeze said...

I AM COMPLETELY FOR GAY ADOPTION! I think adoption is a wonderful thing and anyone with the means and who wants to adopt should be able to do so regardless of their sexual orientation. A person's sexual preference has no bearing on whether or not they can be a good parent. If it did then there wouldn't be hetero people with child neglect or child abuse charges. And that whole argument about gay parents will influence their kids to be that way is incorrect as well. I mean obviously hetero parents of gay people didn't influence them to be straight. There are so many children without families that do need that love and stability but can't get it because of all the restrictions and rules on who is eligible to adopt, such as gay people not being able to do it. Isn't the big issue what's going to be in the child's best interest? I'm pretty sure that they would rather be in a loving home with gay parents than stuck in a foster home and lost in the system. Look at all the children that were given up to straight people that have been abused and mistreated. The hetero people didn't make their lives any better now did they? Gay people should have the right to adopt because it's not the sexual preference of a person that determines if they would be a good parent but more so if they are loving and dedicated willing to be good parents to the child.

TooSweet08 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Harper said...

i must only speak from my hart on this subject.My hope is not to bring offense to anyone, but state what i believe to be the truth. In saying that i must disagree with this bill. I disagree because i agree with the word of God, which dose not condone the union of homosexual couples. My fear is for the children growing up even more confused then they already are. however the bible also teaches to care for your orphans and widows, and i being a foster child myself, do know that every child deserves and desires a loving home to lay their head at night. who am I to say what kind of home that should be. May God himself be the judge.

Shay said...

This is a very controversial topic. I do not see any problem with allowing gay and lesbian couples to adopt children. Look at the numbers, more than 3,900 children are not in permanent homes. I understand what most is saying about being a christian and opposing this, but I agree with PT4life813, a sin is a sin. All sins are equal, and we all sin. This has nothing to do with that, this has to do with the parents providing them with a stable home that they will be loved and provided for. The children will not turn out gay just by living with them. Also, in perspective of a comment saying that the children need a mother and a father. I agree. But there are alternative's because I do not have my real father in my life but I have many father-figures and because of that I am an outstanding young lady.

Cardboard_Composite said...

If you dont have a good reason for something then it's just an opinion and no one's opinion is better than anothers. Opinion's are useless.

I am a Christian. I am against gays adopting children, however I think it's the right decision. Let me explain.

I think that young children being raised by homosexuals would influence their thinking. This would increase the probability that they would be gay, however, for this argument to be valid you would first have to prove that being gay is wrong. The only way that I can think of is through God. But because there is no way to prove the bible either, that argument falls apart.

A child should however have a male and female influence. A child needs both sexes so that they can be well rounded. Why you say? Isn't this whole controversy about being fair? If two lesbo s adopt a boy then he needs a male role model to teach him "guy stuff". However I guess he doesn't really need any of that if he's going to be gay lol. Just kidding, I suppose this could be overcome with a good mentor.

Finally, the real reason it should be allowed, many have said it above. A child needs a home. An orphanage is not an environment for a child to grow in. I think this far outweighs any argument you could make in the other direction.

PunknDrublic said...

First of all, I feel the need to state that anything Rhonda Storms is against, I will support whole heartedly. I have long thought of her as "Florida's buzzkill" and a symbol of everythig wrong with our country, society, etc. I cannot understand this phobia of same sex couples and the constant denial of their rights in the name of the religious standard of what constitutes a family. When did everyone forget about the seperation of church and state? A person's religious views are their own but there seem to be so many that feel it necessary to force those views on everyone else. As for the right to adopt and raise a child, how can any of us deny someone a chance to raise a child who had no other home to speak of? Last time I checked, there were no guarantees that a traditional family will raise healthy and well adjusted kids. I doubt there is anyone that doesn't know some example of parents who fail their children or of a kid who ended up on the wrong path despite having a good mother and father. But what we all know is that a child who is raised in a family that is stable, supportive, and most of all, loving has a better chance for a happy, healthy life. Are same sex couples incapable of providing that love, support, and stabilty? Not necessarily. But then again, who are any of us to judge?

Bluefieldstana said...

I believe that homosexual adoption should not only be allowed but encourage. There are countless children in this word without a mother, father, or relative to look out for them, while there are many capable loving homosexual who could give those children a good home. According to the Child Welfare Information Gateway, on September 2003 there was an estimated 513,000 children in foster care. It only makes sense that a family incapable of producing their own children naturally would turn to adoption as a viable adoption. It is simply wrong to discriminate against any members of our society. Growing up my husband had a friend who was adopted with his brother by a gay couple who loved and nurtured them as is they were their own children. It is ignorant to think that because of someone’s sexual preference they are incapable of parenting.

JulyssaV said...

Well I am opposed to homosexuality, I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman, but I will not "go out all crazy" over the matter because I believe that it is wrong and if people want to live their lives like that then ... I, personally, have no say so. I do think it is necessary and important to development that there should be a male role model and a female role model. I really don't think a male acting like a female is sufficent enough, it's one thing to act like one and to BE one. At some point the child is going to question.

Rose said...

I believe that gays and lesbians should not be able to adopt children. My belief comes directly from the bible, which many of you have read or heard. It said that in the beginning God created male and female to reproduce the earth. The bible also said that God be true and every man a liar. God loves the sinner but hates the sin.
It was never meant for people of the same sex to raise children, and the bible clearly lets us know that. Listen God wrote the bible and He is held by his Word. Jesus loves the little children of the world and He wants whats best for them and having two mommys and two daddys is not the way to go orelse He would have make creation different.
People might say that I am closed minded or passing judgement. Listen I didn't write the bible commandments God did :) Some of the nicest and closest people in my life are gay and I love them, just like God loves the sinner but hates the sin. "I don't condone what they do, just, just like alot of straight people would say, I have nothing against gays as lond as they don't bring it my way." All Im saying is that children are innocent and we don't need to raise them up to be confused about what's right and what's wrong.

jb23 said...

I have always supported the same sex marriage. I agree 100% that if a homosexual couple wants to adopt a child they should be allowed to. Just because they might happen to be the same sex doesnt mean they dont know how to raise a child. I think whats going on now is very stupid. They have over 3,900 kids without families or a home to call their own. I feel very bad for the kids that have to grow up their whole lives jumping from house to house. If that were me in that situation I dont know if I would ever want to go to school or do anything, I might be an emotional wreck.

In summary, I agree with the new proposed bill completely, and think that it would be something very good that will happen for the children of America. I hope people can do whatever they can to make this happen and work.

crguy73 said...

I have no problem with ending the ban on gay adoption. I am quite sure that many of these gay couples will make excellent parents. However, there will be the exceptions just as some heterosexual couples are terrible parents. When it comes down to it the parents, hetero or homo sexual, are responsible for teaching their kids good moral values and basic "right/wrong" values. I believe that it is completely possible for gay couples to be good parents because it boils down to the will of the parents. There are parenting classes offered for anyone that cares about their child's well-being.

Unfortunately, kids of gay parents will be picked on in school so it is extremely important for the parents to discuss this issue with their child so that they do not live with emotional scars.

crguy73 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Candy18 said...

I definitely agree and support with the new proposed law.There a many children in the worl without parents, so if there are people who are willing to help those children it shouldnt matter if they're gay,straight,lesbian,etc.There is no evidence that gay couple will raise gay children and even if they did,so what.Traditional families raise gay children too.I personally think gay parents would raise somewhat better children.Gay's have experiecned many obstacles throughout time so I think they will tech their kids to be indepedent and not worry about what other people say.As long as the couple has a stable home where the children are feed every day,clothes are provided for them and they are showed love I encourage anyone to be able to adopt.

x3tink0x3 said...

I fell this bill should be passed. I don't feel because of your sexuality you should not be able to have children. I also know there are millions of children out there who do need a loving home so who are we to say that just because you have two mom's or two dad's you would be raised any differently from the other children. I have a couple friends who are gay and i think that when they find the person they will spend the rest of their lives with, they should be able to decide if they do want children.

A lot of people say you need a mom and a dad to raised properly, well i think that for those children who don't have either one of their parents, they would call them selves lucky to have worm and comforting place to call home.

Athena Smith said...

Cardboard_composite... very interesting thinking!

Which is true for many of you... you make compelling arguments for both sides.
Now, some have mentioned the Bible. A quite objective internet source is RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE. They have included the Bible references to homosexuality and they offer what I take to be an objective analysis. You may want to read it here

dragonfly said...

Efforts to ban gays and lesbians from adopting children are emerging across America. I realize society is changing, but I also realize that changes should be made good for all people including children. The question I ask myself is this, "How does this change benefit the children of society"? In my opinion, children will learn to adapt to whatever is around them (sort of speak), but do they understand at a young age why they have to adapt. For instance, a child will try to fit in at school, try to be a part of the group, but sees that thier life is somewhat different from their other peers (having same sex parents). The child will learn to lie or hide the truth in order to fit in with the other friends to be accepted. I think young children have to deal with a lot of peer pressure as they go through life with out having to deal with this too. This is one more pressure that a child will have to endure throughout his/her adolescences' years. I do believe that as an adult or the legal age of 18 that they as a person do have the right to choose his or her mate that they will spend the rest of their life with even if this choice is for the same sex. However, their choice impacts themselves alone, but when you throw a child into the scenario, their choice now impacts the child. The laws of nature dictate in order to reproduce human life,must have a man and a women. Who are we to change the law of nature.

J3NNii3 BABii3 said...

This is a very interesting topic and it could be a really good debate to have in class. The whole gay community has been fighting for their rights for a while now. Whether it be gay marriage or adopting a child. I honestly am 50/50 on the whole topic. I believe that the gay community are people just like us so they should have their rights to be happy to but since we are such a strong society with christian/cathoilc beliefs it makes it hard to grant them those wishes. I follow the bible and so does my family and no where in there says marriage is between a man and a man or woman and woman. It clearly states it should be between MAN AND WOMAN. Now on to the adopting part. As a society we look at it as if a child needs both father and mother figures but in all actuality we dont. There are many kids who grow up fine missing one or even both. And to add to this i think it makes no difference if the child has two mothers or two fathers as long as they are fulfilling the childs needs because we have couples now that are of heterosexual sexuality who dont take care of their children. So the point i am making is that no matter what sexuality you come from you may do or may not do a good job at raising a kid. Its always 50/50. So i am all for gay people being able to adopt children.

nabilla abreu said...

I completely agree with the legislation being passed. Who are we to take away a foster childs' dream of growing up in a stable and loving home, even if its two moms or two dads?! I believe that adopting a child has nothing to do with the couples sexual orientation. This is about the child and their best interest.

There are so many straight foster parents out their that don't even care about the child or their well being and are only foster parents to get that extra government check they get every month. Therefore, having the child to bounce back and forth from foster home to foster home and never letting the child grow up in a loving and stable family.

Adopting a child is about being FIT parents, straight or gay! All I say is give gay couples a chance. What is the worst that can happen? There are already STRAIGHT foster parents that abuse-phyisaclly, sexually, and mentally the child each and every year.

HarlequinMask said...

I think this is a really good topic. It really has the potential to be a GREAT degate. Moving on, I fully support this development. This is bacause even though I am straight, I believe that one's personal life style is their choice and their's alone. It's not the goverment. The government keeps trying to eradicate this life style EVEN THOUGH there's no possible way they could. Say they DO eradicate gays. What's to prevent a next generation child saying he doesn't like girls and likes boys instead? Nothing. Besides which, every child deserves a good home. So what if its two moms or two dads. If they cherish the child and take good care of the child, and instill good morals and values in it, I don't see a problem with it. I support this lawmaker to the very fullest extent. Think of all the kids that can FINALLY have homes!

Jensjacob24 said...

I kind of have a mixed opinion on it, first I believe that there is a law of some sort that says that only married couples can adopt a child, correct me if I’m wrong wasn’t sure about that, but if that’s the case then I don’t see why they are even considering “gay couples” because in Florida gay marriage still isn’t legal. I do not support gay marriage, not that I have anything toward the gay community, only because marriage is a bond that ties the union between a man and a woman. I see the point that there are a lot of kids out there with no parents at all, and it’s a good thing that they want to help and become foster parents, and I have nothing against that, but if it has to come against that law stated above and if they change that then be my guest..

blogger59 said...


bobopep said...

I personally don't have a problem with gay adoption. The fact that there are thousands of children in need of homes and that there are not getting adopted by these loving families because of their sexual orientation is ridiculous. Who is anyone to say that these children would grow up any differently than us. The only thing that is important is that the parents love and care the children and that they keep them safe. Nowadays there are so many different kinds of families such as biracial families and single families and i don't think gay families should be treated any different. Different doesn't equal wrong and that is the bottom line. I think people just need to be a little more open minded and also realize that there are far more important things to worry about.

wrtmillions said...

I think that gays should have the right to adopt. Why not? We have so many children without homes and if they want to provide a home for a child way not let them. We set here and judge people for there sexual preference and what is that to us really. We are bashing these people for wanting to adopt but we our not helping with the adoption rate or helping children in need. These children deserve a home and a family to love them so why take that opportunity away from them. Gays are no different from us only in sexual preference.

truth08 said...

This is such a hard question to answer. Because yes i am a christian and i know that being gay or lesbian is against the bible. And that God considers it a sin. But on the other hand my family and i have friends that are gay. And i know that if they wanted to adopt a child they would be one of the best parents because they are so caring and i know that the child would be brought up very overall i really wouldnt mind if there wasnt a ban on gay adoption because i think for most kids it would be better than staying in a foster care home.

Kazoom525 said...

I believe that gay and lesbain couples should be able to adopt. There are so many children in the world that don't even have homes, or if they do they are horrible, so why should it matter what a child's parents do behind closed doors? The only issues with a couple of any kind being able to adopt a child is if they are providing a healthy environment, which i highly doubt the child can get being tossed around from foster home to foster home. Plus it just doesn't make sense why anyone should be banned from anything if they are not given a chance to prove themselves first.

Kazoom525 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jayci57 said...

I kinda of go both ways with this. I do not think its right to discriminate against who can adopt and who cannot. But then I think of the child's best interest and how it will effect them. I cant say i agree, and i cannot say that i disagree. To a child growing up it will seem normal, but not to the childs friends. I think it would just be extra stress on a growing child.

sally soltau said...

Wow! I never really thought about this. It is true that growing up i always believed that a mother was a female and the father was a male. However, I opened up to people who were gay. I accept them for who they are. I know i have dreams of eventually getting married and having kids of my own, and the thought of the law coming between it does not seem fair. So for those who are gay, and fighting for a chance to be able to adopt a child is right! Why not fight for what you believe in. In fact, i don't think i like either bill. Even though he said gay people would be able to raise a child, if the child's parents died and the person was their legal guardian. Either way the child is going to grow up with the gay person. So why not let them actually adopt. Their are plenty of homeless children who I'm sure would love a family to care for them. Just because it goes against religious laws doesn't mean being gay is the only sin Americans do. Look at how many drunk alcoholics have kids. I think that those people shouldn't be allowed to raise kids, even though they still do. The risks of having an abused child with an alcoholic parent and a lesbian or gay couple is far more severe.

Brandon Vergara said...
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Brandon Vergara said...

I believe that a gay couple should not adopt a baby and raise that child. The child would grow up to have many mind issues about life and his own relationship with others. He/She would be mocked and not treated well. I don't believe that i am being closed minded by this comment. I actually believe i'm open minded with this. my thoughts are not agains gays but i am open to the thought that a child's life could be ruined because of the norm of society and the evil and ruthlessness of kids today.

CrazyFred21 said...

I agree with the new leglislation because I beleive same-sex couple should have the same rights as every other couple. If an opposite sex couple can adopt children then I believe that they should be allowed the right to do so. Obviously I beleive they should go under the same investigations as are held by law to make sure the couple and the environment are suitable for children to be in, which is understandable. I definitly agree with the new legislation proposal that the 30 year old law should changed to give the right to same sex-couples the oppurtunity to adopt children.

supergirl said...

Yes! I completely agree with the proposed legislation. I don’t understand why the child’s best interest wouldn’t be taken into consideration. Just because someone is homosexual, it doesn’t mean that they are any less capable to raise a child. Some people are worried that if gay people raise a child, they will be gay as well. Well while that may be true in some instances, it is not true for the norm. Straight people raise gay children as well. I don’t understand why America appears to be homophobic. If we can reduce the number of children in foster homes by simply allowing them to be adopted by qualified homosexual people, then why not change their lives?

Amber said...

I have never understood why this is even an issue. It is nobody’s business whether someone should be a parent because of his or her sexual orientation. Just because someone is gay doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t be parents. That’s like saying that because of someone’s skin color, that they shouldn’t be parents. One has nothing to do with the other. I have seen a lot of heterosexual adults of different races be awful parents. Families come in all different shapes, sizes, colors, and cultures; none is neither right nor wrong. My son is raised by my mother and myself because his father is a truck driver and away from home most of the time. Does it mean that it is wrong for a boy to be raised by two women? And isn’t better for a child to be in a home where he or she is loved and appreciated rather than somewhere he or she is abused and neglected?

Alaine said...

I believe that gays should not have the right to adopt. Why? Because having the same sex parents raising children will deprive that child of something substantial. First of all in order for that child to have proper development he/she will need both the mother and father to provide unique contributions and influences into their life which the gay couples would not be able to provide.
Secondly, I am a religious person. And God knew that a child would do best in a home with both a mother and father. That is why he created Eve for Adam and not Steve for Adam. God made woman for man and told them to replenish the earth. He created a family setting from the beginning of time with both parents being a mother and a father. So therefore a child should have the right to both a mother and a father

mp88 said...

I believe that gay and lesbian couples should be able to adopt children because there are so many children out there that do not have a decent home to live in, and where they are cared for. I think that if the child is going to be loved and cared for then it shouldn't really matter who the parents are. I also believe that if a gay and lesbian couple wants to adopt a child then they should be able to because it really isn't anyone’s business to tell them that they can not adopt a child, and if the couple is willing to adopt a child then at least the child has a place to call home.

Aboylan said...

I see nothing wrong with this legislation being approved. I see both sides of the argument. But, I personally feel that a childs welfare is the most important factor. Whether it is a man and a woman, or whatever it may be, the child needs to be in a loving environment with the support to become a functional member of society. I personal believe half the people that have children do not even deserve to be parents. And if a gay couple are fit to parent who should stop them? Good parents are better than no parents.

jojo47 said...

I think that gay couples should definitely be allowed to adopt kids, because they're like any other couple except they're of the same sex, i dont think its a big deal at all. As long as they take good care,and love the kids the are adopting, then i have no problem with it.There are plenty of straight couples who are doing a horrendous job at raising they're kids, so its not like kids are really better off with a straight couple. i think it has nothing to do with the couples sexual orientation, its about how well the couple cares for their kids. So as long as theyre good parents im all for it.

Lady HCC said...

I agree with the proposed legislation to allow gay & lesbian couples to adopt children. As stated in the blog, "More than 3,900 children in Florida's foster care system do not live in a permanent home." I can't believe that people would rather leave these children homeless just because of their own beliefs on what marriage should or shouldn't be. In my beliefs, that is ignorance. These children could have the opportunity to grow up in healthy home, and receive an excellent education. There could be a better hope for the future. The world is changing, and if we would keep an open mind and look at the possibilities for change, we could have a better future. A "gay" or a "lesbian" parent could be just as much as a great parent as a heterosexual parent. Statistics do show that it doesn't affect the child in any negative way if the parents are homosexual. I believe that a child needs stability, love and nurturing, and to be raised with good morals and self- discipline in a positive environment. As long as the parents can prove that they can offer that to the child I believe that they deserve to be allowed the opportunity to raise a child, and that stands for any couple- Homosexual or heterosexual. I definitely agree with the proposed legislation and I hope that it is approved.

blue sky said...

I agree that the ban should be imposed. Being gay is a choice and a way of life that any person is entitled too. I, after expressing my negative views on why they shouldn't be allowed to be married have learned to see this in a new way. I believe that marriage is an act of unity in front of God. But Gays should be given the right to have a unity as far as legal reasons and tax issues and medical etc. It just doesn't have to be in a religious sense...
But I think even though it may be with good intentions a same sex household would adopt a child this could be damaging to a child. Because being homosexual is a choice a child to be brought into this environment isn't. could cause social issues. If the child decides to be straight when the child starts school and eventually grows up and understands what is happening at home he/she could feel out of place.
I want to be clear I don't have a problem with same sex couples. I was in the military to fight for our rights and to express them. But I don't think subjecting a child to these situations is suitable for a child. There is a few decisions that are in adults hands that directly affect the lives of children and this is one.
This is something we should not argue as a right of homosexuals but look at the child and what is best for the children.

rsr said...

I do not support gay marriage and therefore do not support gay adoption based on my morales that I was brought up in. I just don't think its right and don't agree with it. Don't get me wrong though, I don't mind if you are gay really, I just don't like it flanted around or if you try hitting on me. However, I'm also looking at the child's best interest at heart. When the child starts school and makes friends the child could end up with social and emotional problems or even insecurities as he gets older because of him being "different" because his parents are not like everybody elses. However, I believe that if the child is old enough to understand, and he wants to be adopted by a gay couple, then I don't see the problem with that because they can give the same love and compassion that a family with a mom and dad can. The only thing different is that they are the same sex. However, I do believe that you need a mom and a dad to fulfill you in the different roles that they provide in the childs life, but im sure the gay/lesbian couple has family or friends that the child knows and trusts that the child can go to for help.

Costello said...

First and foremost I believe no one in this world has the right to dictate or
control what other people do. I think everyone is equal regardless of
age,race,sex,or sexual connotation,but i do believe that everyone has the
right to their own opinion. I personally believe gay and lesbain couple should
have the same right to adopt any child the so happen to choose.I think if they
are both responsible and loving parents there should be no reason they can't
adopt. By letting gay and lesbian couples adopt there would be less kids out
there with no parents.I personally know gay and lesbain couples that could be
great parents to any child.

torasu said...

Well I'm pretty sure God didn't mess up when he decided in his grand design that a child should have a mother and a father. Screw close- mindedness, this country was built on values and morals. Period. And for those who posted that we have no right to judge others or that sinning is sinning no matter what, I have a counter-argument. If we have no right to judge others why is it that murderers go to jail and we all look down on child molesters. It doesn't matter how wrong it is, ITS WRONG!! If we have no right to judge, then why are there such things as judges in the criminal justice system.

And on the case of whats best for the child, that to me is like willingly giving a child over to killers as his parents, because its just as wrong to be a killer as it is to be gay. True that one is hurting people around them and the other isn't, but look at it in the longrun. Saying its okay to be gay, is like saying its okay to commit any other crime.

yo moma said...

This could go both ways. The kid could either grow up happy and enjoy life or grow up feeling different and in an uncomfortable enironment causing an escalading risk of an unsuccessful life. i have nothing against gays adopting children as long as they are raised in a finacialy stable and caring home. Growing up wondering why your parents are gay, why all the other parents are straight, why u were up for adoption, what your life could have been like with your biological parents or a straight family, could have numerous negative outcomes.

bucs06 said...

I personally think that this legislation should be passed, there is no reason we should be deciding if innocent children should be given the chance to lead a healthy and normal upbringing just because some people are not willing to go against what they think is right, or what society has deemed to be morally correct. This should not be a debate, if a gay couple wants to adopt a child the couple should be given standard background screening, and proper procedures be taken just as a straight couple would. If the couple were found capable of raising a child then they should be given the chance. There are many families with straight parents in the United States who do a poor job at raising their birth given children, who is to be the judge in saying that a gay couple is incapable of doing any better or worse.

bomana said...

Of course I agree that the ban should be lifted. There are too many children out there who need parents and the bottom line is that the sexual orientation is none of anyone's business. There are many straight people out there who have no business being parents. These couples could be just as good and maybe in some cases better parents than straight couples.
We should not be judging someones ability to parent based on their sexual preference. Being a gay parent does not mean you influence your children to be gay. People are born gay not trained or taught to be gay.
As far as the child or children being teased at school because of their parents, Children are teased at school every day for one reason or another. We all have been and we grow up and get over it. Society has a way of accepting the unacceptable over time. We should be teaching our children and ourselves to be more accepting of the differences in our society rather than nitpicking at it and being critical of it.