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Sunday, November 4

Thousands Rally Against Iraq War In S.F.

Thousands Rally Against Iraq War In S.F.
POSTED: 4:42 pm PDT October 27, 2007
UPDATED: 6:36 pm PDT October 27, 2007

SAN FRANCISCO -- Thousands of people called for a swift end to the war in Iraq as they marched through downtown on Saturday, chanting and carrying signs that read: "Wall Street Gets Rich, Iraqis and GIs Die" or "Drop Tuition Not Bombs."
You may read the whole article at

What do you think about the war?


dfrank22 said...

At this point I dont know what to think about the war. I don't see an end in sight, the reason we are over there as far as I know is because the Iraqis are forming a government and they need the U.S. to police the country. So is it even really a war anymore? It just seems like random strikes of violence from remaning pockets of resistance, just because we are over there. This "war" started in 2003, I thought because we were bomed in 2001, then it was we were looking for weapons of mass destruction, then it was we're looking for Sadam,and now we're helping establish a government. I think the people have a good reason to be outraged, especially the one's directly effected by it with family over there. I think the reason people are so "placid" as one man stated is because no one looks at this as a war anymore. I think war has just become a title for it because many dont know what it is or what it's about.

Neishia said...

I think that maybe in the beginning the was had a valid purpose but as of now it is out of hand nad stupid! I mean if we weren't funding this senseless war we could focus money on more important issues such as education. People have realized that this war has no purpose and innocent people are losing their lives and they are finally making a stand.

Anonymous said...

What I think is so rediculous is that back in the late 80's, we funded Osama Bin Laden 3 BILLION dollars to help aid in the so called "civil war" they were in. Our CIA trained them and funded them even further with I think a little over half a million dollars throughout the rest of the years. Then, in 2001, he used his CIA training and funding to attack America. A lot of people don't know this about America and Iraq. Watch the movie "Bowling for Columbine" and you will hear a little bit on this hidden fact.
I'm really tired of the war. Unlike the rest of the majority of the country, I didn't even want to go to war after we were bombed. Mabye find the person who did it and take care of them, but not further destruction on the already depleted country. It is really hurting our economy. Just the other day the U.S. dollar reached the lowest point that it has ever been, and the said probably fact is that we will never gain that wealth back.

Anonymous said...

Another thing that a lot of people don't know about is the BLACKWATER groups. Basically this is a group of mercenaries that Bush is using to do all the dirty work in Iraq. With the use of mercenaries, Bush does not have to account for lives lost, money spent, and resources that are being used. Those statistics are drawn from what the American military is having to use. So there is basically this whole other side to the war that we are just now finding out about. Just one more quick fact for thought, the average Blackwater affiliate is paid a minimum wage of $30,000 per month. How much does one of our military troops make? Not that much I can assure you.

scarpenter said...

I am actually for continuing to be over in Iraq. The reason being is b/c in the beginning, it did start with us being attacked on 9/11. Yes it was b/c of Osama Bin Laden. Did we go after him? Yes! Are there still soldiers over in Afghanistan? Yes there are but do we ever hear anything about those guys? NO!!! What is going on is the media tells us the bad things that it wants us to believe. Then there was the fact that Iraq was also aiding Osama. With those ties they also figured out about the weapons of mass destruction. Now which would you like? Have our country attacked like what was on 9/11 and do nothing about all the places that had something to do with it or leave it alone and let us be attacked again. I am for solving the problem. I wish that people would hold conversations with soldiers and ask the people who really know what is going on about their feelings. Of all the soldiers I have talked to, they are seeing a great amount of improvement over in Iraq. They will also tell you that talking to the civilians, they still want help from America. Yes there are still alot of problems and insurgents are a major issue. But think about this. I was engaged to a soldier and at his house the tv was not allowed on because of what the media is feeding the Americans. He knew the truth of what was really going on and didn't want people to hear otherwise. I think if we don't finish what we started over there, America will be in even more trouble, b/c we will have another attack. We need to be told the truth before making our decisions. My condolences and appreciation go out to the families who have lost a loved on over there.

Athena Smith said...

The story with the Blackwater mercenaries as you called them is close to unbelievable. It was Paul Bremer Bremer who granted legal immunity to foreign private contractors and after the scandal the Iraqi cabinet has been trying to revoke the decree.

What happened has been described acidly by a conservative paper, the International Herald Tribune in an article titled "The folly of using mercenaries in Iraq". There it says:

"Baghdad's attempt to prosecute mercenaries from the United States for crimes against Iraqis is not unreasonable. Fuming after Blackwater agents contracted by the State Department mowed down 17 Iraqis in Baghdad on Sept. 16, Iraqis were incensed when they found out that State Department agents investigating the incident offered the guards a form of immunity from prosecution under American law.

Beyond corroborating the State Department's incompetence, the spectacle of Washington letting its trigger-happy bodyguards off the hook wiped out whatever residual sense of legitimacy Iraqis may have still attached to the U.S. mission."

Sierrablue said...
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Sierrablue said...

First of all I would like to say that I actually voted for Bush in his first election for president. However, that is something I have since come to regret.

Since Blackwater and the mercenary forces were brought up I will address that first.Under the guise of “contractors” mercenary forces numbering over 100,000 have been hired by the American government to be in Iraq? Their casualties and injuries are not counted in our the official numbers? They make up to $30,000.00 A MONTH, compared to the average soldier's salary of maybe $30,000 a year? Until recently they answerd to no one and were not subject to the same Uniform Code of Military Justice System (i.e. court martial) as our military? This has allowed the Bush administration to fight a shadow war, with no effective oversight, and provides the administration political cover to expand the war without informing the public. That sounds about right for this administration that believes in keeping everything secret. Although Blackwater and DynCorp are the main US companies supplying mercenaries to Iraq there are dozens more private security firms that are playing a crucial role in the US occupation of Iraq. The wholesale contracting of military work to private companies is just ONE of the disgraceful forms of war profiteering taking place under the sponsorship of the Bush administration. These mercenaries are amassing vast fortunes assisting the US ruling leaders to establish a puppet regime in Iraq, repress the Iraqi people and plunder the country’s resources.

From an article by Jeremy Scahill: While the Bush Administration calls for the immediate disbanding of what it has labeled "private" and "illegal" militias in Lebanon and Iraq, it is pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into its own global private mercenary army tasked with protecting US officials and institutions overseas.
You can read more by going to:

Another article states Blackwater is a true mercenary army. Most of its employees are former special forces military personnel who are attracted by the prospect of earning from $500 up to $1,000 a day, tax free, for their “service to their country” in Iraq. Not only does Blackwater employ former highly trained US military personnel they also employ a host of foreign nationals, like former special forces personnel from Chili and The Philippines.
For more go to:

Athena Smith said...

That's an interesting article Sierrablue. I copy the last part.

"Americans. You had best be alert. Paid mercenaries are loyal only to those who pay them, not to the public interests."

Sierrablue said...

Here is an interesting piece I came across..

Rep. Dennis Kucinich introduced H.Res. 333 in April to impeach Vice President Cheney for his pre-war lies about Iraq and for threatening an invasion of Iran. And thanks to your heroic grassroots efforts, there are 21 co-sponsors.
Speaker Pelosi blocked Judiciary Committee hearings on the bill, but Rep. Kucinich will force a floor vote on Tuesday using his right of personal privilege.
Kucinich's courageous act will put members of the House on record. Are they going to fulfill their oath of office to "defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic"? Or will they support a Vice President whose lies about Iraq cost the lives of nearly 4,000 Americans and possibly $2.4 trillion in our tax dollars - and whose lies about Iran threaten to start World War III?

You can read H.RES. 333 AT:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I AGREE WITH dfrank22 in his comment i just think that i dont know alot about whats going so i cant tell u what i feel i do have alot of friends overthere and it sucks but at this point everyone has an opinion and who ever you tell it to will most likely see it the other way

Sierrablue said...

Rep. Dennis Kucinich read H.Res. 333 on the House floor today, quoting lie after lie that Vice President Cheney told before war.

You can watch his presentation here:

Athena Smith said...

Very interesting Sierrablue. Thank you!

I doubt that anything will come out of it though....

GatorGirl06 said...

I think that the war should go on until we finish what we went to accomplish...b/c if we leave now things are just going to continue the way they are and get worse and in a couple more years we are going to have to go back over there and start all over again from scratch. I mean yeah this war has gone on for quite come time now but after all, Rome wasn't built in a day. It takes time to help another country get established and over these years alot of improvements have been made over there.

GatorGirl06 said...

I agree with scarpenter... "What is going on is the media tells us the bad things that it wants us to believe." .. and that is true. Most of the things you hear on the radio/TV are the bad things that are going on over there and nothing about the improvements that have been made.

chronos said...

This is a really touchy subject. My opinion is that we should have never gone in the first place or at the very least once the majority of the terrorist were caught we should have left at that time. I understand that are country was attacked and many people were very upset. If anything it should have been an eye opener that we as a nation are not so all powerful and mighty after all. This terrorism as we refer to it happens on a daily basis for other countries. Yes it is a terrible thing but does it give us the right to go into other countries and change their government to better suit our own countries needs. America has a bit of a problem of putting its nose into other peoples business. We feel that we are the most advanced and civilized country so we must help all those who are not at our level. I feel that at this point we should just cut our loses and bring everyone back home. If we are so worried about being attacked here then why do we have all our troops in another country.

chronos said...

I agree with you dfrank22 it really doesn't seem like a war anymore. It is a subject that most people know nothing about or just don't want to talk about anymore. It really does seem like we just keep using excuses to stay over there. Maybe there is something that the government is not telling us. For all we know they might have some sort of big plan of whats going on there.

Sierrablue said...

Another aspect of the War

Veterans Day
November 11 is the day of the year set aside to honor all Veterans of War. It is called Armistice Day as well as Remembrance Day in other countries. It is the anniversary of end of World War I. The war officially ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 with the German signing of the Armistice.

No matter what my views are on the war. I HAVE and WILL ALWAYS support the troops who are there fighting over there. Because of my views of the war I do not understand the lose of like that is going on daily. What ever the intentions of going over there. Whether they were based on truth or lies, or the fight terrorism or for oil, or as some people say “ to help those people have a better life,” it doesn’t matter. The outcome will be the same. Just as it was in Viet Nam. One day it will be announced “ ok we’ve had enough, lets go home.” Our involvement in Viet Nam began in 1950 in the form of aid and arms. We sent American military "advisers" to South Vietnam in 1955. We were their for the same reason, to “help” them and as President Johnson said in 1961, “ in defense of our freedom.” That was an overall involvement in that war of over 25 years! Longer than some of you have been alive. And 18 years of having American Military involved in fighting the war. We officially pulled out in January 1973. I still vividly remember sitting watching the pull out on the news. The troops leaving, desperate South Vietnamese trying to get out with them. I sat and watched this with tears, some were because I was glad it was finally over and our troops were finally coming home and some for were my friends who had died over there as well as the thousands of others. Then the reality of it all sunk in: WHAT was it all for? I guess that is why it bothers me when I see all these comment like “I am actually for continuing to be over in Iraq” “I think that the war should go on until we finish what we went to accomplish” I know these are well meaning comments, however what they want to happen never will. Step back and look at what is going on. Don’t look at what WE are doing. Look at the country itself. Look at it’s history. Yes, we removed a dictator. But in doing this we have thrown the country into a civil war. There are 3 factions there all wanting to be in control. The Sunni, the ruling minority under Saddam, the Shiite and the Kurds. There have always been power struggles in this part of the world and probably always will. It really saddens me to think that one day, probably after I am long gone, someone like me will be asking: WHAT was it all for?

Someone suggested we talk to soldiers. What do you think these soldiers would have to say?

Surge Seen in Number of Homeless Veterans

WASHINGTON, Nov. 7 — More than 400 veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have turned up homeless, and the Veterans Affairs Department and aid groups say they are bracing for a new surge in homeless veterans in the years ahead.
Experts who work with veterans say it often takes several years after leaving military service for veterans’ accumulating problems to push them into the streets. But some aid workers say the Iraq and Afghanistan veterans appear to be turning up sooner than the Vietnam veterans did.

Read article here:

Veterans 'quarter of US homeless'

One in four homeless people in the US is a military veteran, even though veterans make up only 11% of the adult population, a report has found. The National Alliance to End Homelessness said that on any given night in 2006, some 194,254 out of 744,313 homeless people were veterans
Read article here:

HoneySweet G. said...

The war is an empty hole in which President Bush is shoveling money into and burying it. What the hell. Didn't he say he was brining soldiers home? So far he's brought home what 1 G? 2G's? That is barely a drop in the ocean. I know that there are atleast 4-10 aircraft carriers out there and each of them carries about 5-6 thousand people. Not to mention how many soldiers are on ground out there! When is Bush going to keep his word and bring our soldiers home?

Another thing...I understand that we had to retaliate to the Twin Towers, but have you sat to wonder why they did it in the first place? (From an unpolitical mind...) After the attacks we take over then give the control over to Iraqi people. Be done with it.
I think that the radicals were that desperate for change that they didn't just talk about it, they actually did something about it. Against the wrong ones but they did something all the same! They didn't just write it down, talk a good talk they were compelled into action!
See how one voice can raise such hell? Even if it was a wrong voice, but it was one voice all the same.
If some others would grow some guts and speak out, their problems would be alot less...

Crimsonzero said...

I also agree with dfrank22. As I said quite a few articles back it is very hard to break a countries tradition and that when you try to break a countries tradition, even though that you mean it for the better, the other country will get upset and send out acts of violence. Because of this war breaks out and it means that because of this a lot of tough times are ahead for the American troops.

Crimsonzero said...

Also I dont think that there will be any resolutions in Iraq or any other country as long as there is hatred in people's hearts and division. Until they can root out people's hatred from their hearts, I believe there is no government that can change the situation.

bdraper said...

I think the war is not the best choice that the American government chose but its here and it is happening. I do not agree with it, but I support our president and the troops! This country needs to come closer together and realize that we need to support the decisions. I think that if we back out of Iraq at a wrong time it could cause chaos in the American lands.
Without war this country would not be where it is today. War is not always right, but sometimes it needs to be done. This specific war has gone to a more extreme than anyone had ever imagined, but America is a strong country and the people refuse to let other people around the world terrorize us.

bdraper said...

I agree with Neishia that the war has gotten out of hand. The funding that is going towards the war could be spent on better things and towards helping the planet rather then destroying it. But there is a main point to the war, there is a purpose to why people are over there fighting. If the government would of never sent anyone over there in the first place it would of shown the terrorists that they can walk all over this country. Granted, now much of the war is over oil and America trying to rule another country but there is a purpose, its just been burried very deep beneath all the sensless acts that the government has been making.

Athena Smith said...

The situation with the veterans is indeed dramatic. Pure shame.

People assume that veterans automatically get health care from Veterans Affairs (VA). Actually they are required to pay additional money for insurance and when they can't afford it and at the same time they don't qualify as poor for Medicaid benefits, they are trapped.

To make things worse they far more likely to suffer from menatl disorders like Traumatic Brain Injuries and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder.


1.5 million troops have served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Between 10 and 20 percent of Iraq veterans, or 150,000 to 300,000 people, have traumatic brain injuries.

More than 26,000 troops have been wounded in the two wars.

33 percent of those wounded troops have traumatic brain injuries.

More than 45,000 veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan have been diagnosed with PTSD.

90 percent of military psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers reported no formal training or supervision in recommended PTSD therapies.

1.8 million veterans of all wars lack health insurance.

3.8 million members of their households lack coverage.

Together, these two populations make up more than 12 percent of the uninsured population in the United States.

peachykeach said...

I usually keep my war opinion to my self bcause I don't know enough about it to make an informed decsion. What I do know is that when we started the war most everyone was for it. It's like as a country we forgot what happened on Sept 11. I know that the war has been dragging on and it feels endless and like no good is happeening there but can we really just leave? I work for a major company that caters only to the military and there families. I talk to these men and women daily and most of them feel they are doing some good.

peachykeach said...

mattsarnowski makes an interesting comment about America giving money and supporting Bin Laden in th late 80's. I did not know this. My personal opinion is that America should keep our services and money in America until we are directly affected by another country. At that point we can make other countries our business. I know this would probably not work but we are constantly hearing about foreign aid and we have starving people in America that could use that aid.

Sierrablue said...


Not only did we help Bin Laden but also we put Saddam Hussein in power too. His first contacts with U.S. officials date back to 1959, when he was part of a CIA-authorized six-man squad tasked with assassinating then Iraqi Prime Minister Gen. Abd al-Karim Qasim.

And why do people keep saying we invaded Iraq because of 9/11?

We went in there under the pretense of getting the nuclear weapons that the government said was “definitely there” and that Saddam was getting ready to use. Then after we are there and have found no weapons they later say they had bad intelligence there were no weapons.

I guess in a way 9/11 helped in getting the U.S people to believe we had a legitimate reason to go against the United Nations and invade a foreign country even though there were no ties found linking Iraq to the bombing.

People here need to understand that the majority of people dying in Iraq are not military, or insurgents as they are called, or terrorists, it is the normal everyday civilians, the men, the women, and the children that we are supposedly “HELPING.”

Do not just blindly follow a leader. Investigate issues.Don't sit This is our future and our children’s future at stake. Leaders are not perfect. They make mistakes. History shows this over and over.

mmedina10 said...

I believe that this war is a waste of our time. I think that we should attend to personal problems here in the states instead of going in debt and killing our citizens for a war that has minor benefits to us. Many of my firneds that joined the military after high school have passed away for this war. I am fortunate enough to have been sent over seas but nothing is eve certain with the military. We need to start thinking about out future because at the rate that US is going many of us college students are not going to recieve SS money because we spend all of it on outside issues.

mmedina10 said...

Commenting on Neisha, I dont think we really had a valid reason to start war. We just wanted to blame some on, and so we went from them. Most of the terrorist didnt like in Afgh, Iraq, and etc. They lived in the countries of our allies ex England, so why dont we attack england because the terrorist residence was there. The only reason the other countries where attacked was due to unfinished business from the past and it was a great excuse to get back in.

Sierrablue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sierrablue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sierrablue said...

The look of modern day veterans is changing because of the Iraqi War. Women are on the front line now as well as men.

Life as an American Female Soldier

For female soldiers, life on the front lines involves stuff men never have to think about.

Here are some stories told by female veterans

Sierrablue said...

I just realized that some of the links I posted on earlier comments had not completely posted when I published the comment. I don't know why that happened but I want to apologize for not noticing it earlier.

JeanK23 said...

I dont support the war. I feel it is frivolous and selfish. Sometimes I forgot what we were fighting for. I am glad that there are people out there with a voice to stand up for us though. I thought we were trying to accomplish something, but it just seems more of our soliders and innocent people are dying. I would love for it to be possible to just pull out of the country for a little bit, and see what happens. Might actually have positive results.

Angelica D. said...

Personally, I am opposed to war, but, I do support our troops - they are fighting & dieing for us, but for what? Then they come home injured, no limbs, and this country could care less and doen't do too much to assist them. But if you come from another country - we'll give you a visa, financial assistance, housing, and a job.

It is also unfortunate all the civilians including children that are getting caught in the crossfire or bombings.

Angelica D. said...

I completely agree w/chronos..

America is too busy interfering in other nation's problems...

Maybe if we weren't so busy in every other country but our own, we would have taken the 20 years of warning signs which was the road to 9/11 more serious and acted on it...We were well aware of many and didn't do a thing about it, because we wanted to be "Politically Correct".....

Athena Smith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
brooke said...

I think that it is ridiculous that we are having a "war" in Iraq. I understand that we were fighting back from 911 but now we are there for a reason that has nothing to do with us. I feel that however a countries leader wants to run it than they should run it this isnt a war that anyone can win all it is people dying and more innocent people dying. It is absurd the amount of innocent american soldiers that we have lost over there. I wish all of the troops could just come home.

brooke said...

I agree with neisha it is just out of hand. In the beginning everyone agreed with it but we shouldnt be there we already proved our point and fought about 911 they are wasting are money and ruining innocent lives. Hopefully we can just get our troops out of there and start focusing oney on other things because this war is affecting everyone in a bad way.

kenny said...

coming from a military family i was was forced to see my dad time after time deployed to Iraq. My dad is now retired from the Marine Corps, and all the times me and my mom held our breathe while he was over there payed off. I was always sked by my teachers and fellow students what i thought of the war because my dad being gone all the time, and my question to that was what my dad told me everytime before he left, "We dont fight for America back at home, but we fight for eachother on the lines". This made me realize that when it comes down to it, the polititions are the only ones fighting this war and for the wrong reason, our military are puppets for them, and the only reason the fight for them is because their fighting for there fellow Marines and soilders. I think any war is bad but sometimes it has to be done. At this piont i the gov't has made the right decision but needs to start thinking about the men that put themslves at risk and is it worth it.
I will be joining the Marine Corps after i graduate college and will be most likley fighting that same war unfortunely, but when some one ask me what i think of the war, I'll know how to respond to that.

kenny said...

I agree on what mattsarnowski say's about the blackwater scandal.
They need to realize that our troops do not get the credit they deserve but on the other hand, i believe that by protesting the war is bringing the troops spirits down. Instead of supporting our troops people are protesting about how our military is killing thousands of innocent people. Imagine how Iraq in their position, how would you feel?

Anonymous said...

I will support our government and their decisions. We are there for a reason. Every single military person i have spoken to i always ask "do you think we should be there?" and they always respond "yes." granted, there is a lot of "unknowns" when it comes to why we are there and who we are killing and why we are killing them, but lets not forget that in 2001, they attacked us and killed thousands and thousands of people. Im from new york and i know people who "missing" i know stories of people who worked in the towers. i live 20 mins north of the city and that day was the scariest day. We need to fight and defend ourseleves. these people did a bad thing and have a crappy wasy of justifying themselves.

Anonymous said...

i agree with scarpenter when they state that we have a reason to be there. We do hear a lot of wrong information. Also the fact about holding conversations with soldiers and ask the people who really know what is going on about their feelings... most of them, or atleast the ones i have spoken to feel we are there for a good cause. most of them say its scary but its their job to fight for and depfend our country.

Unknown said...

i agree with nishia i mean just maybe in the begining tbere was a point but now its not and its just countless life ending for no reason

dfrank22 said...

i agree with neishia in the point that we are funding TWO wars, which leaves no mystery as to why the U.S. dollar has plumetted. Its not really fair to put all of our money into two wars when one of the places were at is not even a threat anymore.

Anonymous said...

In relation to another story, if we could stop funding so much into this war and put it back into the education system, wouldn't that make our economy grow much larger within 20 years or so? educations would be stronger, economy would be stronger, and then we would be able to really help out countries like this.

jeje 21 said...

As the most powerful country we have a job to help others. It like we watch the TV how the world is corrupting itself and then say wow how bad, how sad then turn off the TV and keep going with our life like nothing happen. But we don’t realize that attack in Sept 11 happen every day and worse in other countries. The reason is because powerful people like us don’t do much to stop it. That why I think that going to Iraq was a good because we helped the people to have the freedom they so much fought for through the years. On the other way I think that the war was a mistake because the mission was to capture Osama not invade a country. To this day I haven’t seen him captured. I mean what was the whole reason of going to Iraq other than to look for the nuclear weapons that also weren’t found.

jeje 21 said...

I totally agree with mattsarnowski because we spend millions and millions of dollars on military weapons and supplies. There alot of school right now that need that money. Maybe if half of that money went to education we could have better schools and programs to offer. This would make out country better and have a secure future for our future leaders and people.

bigbuddy said...

I think this war is ridiculous. there is an underlying reason why we are in Iraq in its because of our dependence on oil. i feel that the president lost his focus on what he needed to do in the middle east. he should have gone after osama bin laden. not only that but our government is sending troops to iraq and not providing them with the necessary equipment that they require. its gone to long and its time that it ends. and i truly dont think that the iraqi government is making a serious effort to take control of there country and train there military and police.

bigbuddy said...

i agree with medina that that this war is a waste of our time. we should be focusing a little more on domestic issues and strengthening our relationships abroad. it was a great thing to help the iraqis but it is time that they focus on putting the pieces together in building there own democracy.

dfrank22 said...

The "war" is in two nations and its diminishing the value of the U.S. dollar and costing lives. We as the U.S. are not the world police, so I agree with anyone against it.

Danatrose said...

I honestly don't know what to make of this whole war. I don't like t he fact that our soldiers are being killed in the name of what? OIL? more than likely if if he won't admit it. I do though support the troops and put them in my prayers, hopefully this will be over and they will on their way home.l

anthony kolodziej said...

I agree with neishia's comment, our government is taxing the people for a useless war at this point in time which is killing soldiers daily.

anthony kolodziej said...

At this point in time, the war is wayyy overdue. It has led to hatred toward our president for not backing out, higher tax/gas prices, and innocent soldiers being killed. I think we need to pull out of the war to prevent anymore of our army from being killed. We have captured and killed some of the most dangerous threats except Osahma Bin Laden who is either dead, about to die, or will never come out of the cave he is hiding in ever again. We have established election for a leading government official in sadam hussien's country which elected for hussien to be hung to death. This is a prime example of everything being situated over there now. Even though i personally dont have any bills to pay it still effects me that people such as my parents have such high taxes to pay now even though we disagree with everything going on and have nothing to do with the war.

irishbabe said...

my own persoal feeling on the war is biased because i have had my whole family serve at one time or another. my only sibling (brother) is currently in and has missed so much due to being in afghanistan.i dont know what i would if i lost my only brother.

irishbabe said...

i agree with neishia.
the war has gotten out of hand and it is getting even more stupid as time goes on. it needs to just end and we need to bring our troops home.