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Sunday, November 18

Illegal Immigration

The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) estimates that in January of 2000 there were7 million illegal aliens living in the United States, a number that is growing by half a million a year. Thus, the illegal-alien population in 2003 stands at at least 8 million. Included in this estimate are approximately 78,000 illegal aliens from countries who are of special concern in the war on terror. It is important to note that the 500,000 annual increase is the net growth in the illegal-alien population (new illegal immigration minus deaths, legalizations, and out-migration).
You may read the whole article at
What are your thoughts on illegal immigrants?


Monica Rivera Agard said...

Monica Agard-
I always become very upset at this question because of what it states to me. I am Puerto Rican which inits self means that I have no race. I am mixed with a little of everything because back in the old time Puerto Rico was just a stopping port for all diffrent ciltures/races. Dutch, English, Spainsh, British and the African salves. With this being said it always saddens me to hear that people need to label other people and decide who gets to have what freedoms and why. I believe Puerto Ricans are very lucky to be able to come and go as they please. Some have ben able to make a better life for themselves here and others who have not leave and go back home to live. This is a freedom I am Thankful for. My country without the help of tourism and the import and export of products and the use of the land by military bases that belong to the US would be in the same sad states as many other coutries. I relize this and am grateful for the oppurtunities I get. I want other people to have the same. What ever legal system needs to be put in place for this to happens is important and a good idea. The imgrants make up most of our work force and help us in more ways than most people relizes so I think we need to rethink our actions and try new ways to help people who help get ahead in the world.

Monica Rivera Agard said...

I dis agree with Neishia they is no way of telling that the crime has come up because of these imgrants. I also believe that the little work they get here is able to provide their familes with food or a chance to improve their standings. What makes americans diffrent to where we have the right to improve our standings yet no other class or race has the same right. What would make us any diffrent from a dictator or a person trying to seperate the races.? And would this have be ok if they would have started to send the blacks back to Africa when the slave era ended instead of them to fighting for their right to vote and work. What if we took the same approach as people are asking to do now. We used these people as workers and no when it becames a problem send them away. They are humans beings just like me and you.

MeXIII said...

I think we need them as much as they need us. Not the terrorist kind but the hard working kind. I’m not going to say that they are all saints but their contributions far outweigh their delinquencies. They do the manual labor that a lot of us don’t want to do, and are way under paid. Think about it, if we replace every illegal immigrant with an American citizen they'd have to be paid the minimum wage. If this were to happen the prices of produce, fruit, houses, landscaping, housekeeping, hotel rooms, and everything else they are connected to under the table will sky rocket. So let those who come to work stay and work.

HoneySweet G. said...

Neisha, who ever you are, you obviously can't take a look in the mirror or he history books because
you would find out that you're not who you think you are!

The crime rate increases because the immigrants get the grunt jobs to provide for their family. If some people would get their heads out their butts they would see that those immigrants are doing the things some feel too high standing to do. So the crime rate increases because the objective is to get money, so why would those immigrants do crime in order to get money, when they have a job?

Angelica D. said...

I understand why many immigrants are here illegally - I know it is expensive, difficult, etc... I know that many only want to earn money here to send back home to their families to survive.

The only issue I have are the people that are here illegally (and legally) that refuse to learn our language and EXPECT you to assimilate to theirs.. I don't care how many other countries make up the people of our nation - This is still the United States of America. My father came here from Colombia and started learning the language there, and made sure he completely learned English when he arrived here. We spoke English at home, and he never expected people to speak Spanish. When we go to Colombia we wouldn't EXPECT people to speak English - Of course some do - but you respect the norms and culture of where you are, something many people ignore to do here in the U.S.

The other issue I have are the ones that put down our country - If you don't like it here - GO - as simple as that - They like to take advantage of what we have, in OUR country - but spit on us at the same time.

But for the ones that are hard working, doing the right thing, and only trying to survive -
I feel horrible for them - I know they pretty much forfeit their rights because they are illegal. Many do the work that others feel they are to good to do. Not to mention the discrimination they face...

Anonymous said...

Yes I understand that we are all originally immigrants to this land, yes we fulfilled the proclamation of manifest destiny and committed genocide on a race of people, yes I understand this and if you read "A People's History of the U.S." by Howard Zinn, you will read some very disturbing things about Chris Columbus and what he did to the Indians and Blacks. BUT, I look at todays economy and think that a lot of harm is becoming to our society. What I really think is that we should invest more into Me xico's economy and help ally them and let them grow stronger. We really should do more to help that country out(same thing can be said for Iraq but that is a bit of a different story)

Anonymous said...

I kinda got cut off short last time but what I really wanted to say was thatJapan has an immigrantion law that I think we need to adopt. Japan says that if you want to come over to our land and live, you have to have at least a bachelors degree. I think this is a very smart move to help protect themselves and to help people out. If we set up a plan with mexico, mabye we could set up a system where 1 or 2 members from a family could come over here and do work but also have a regulated amount of schooling that they have to attend. Schooling would include some type of trade to be learned but also to learn how to speak english. If you complete your schooling you get your green card and then are able to move up to your trade and/or go to more school.
This would not only help protect us in an economical sense, but Provide jobs for americans(bilingual teachers and such at theschool centers),amd help educate unfortunate people. They get to live in america, they get to go to work, the get schooling, and when they are done, they have a modest student loan to pay back. How is this any different than what "I" am doing now?

Sierrablue said...

Lets take a look at reality here on the subject of illegal immigrants. If some unknown force were to zap every illegal immigrant from our country, which by the way, was founded by illegal immigrants,our country would be in bad shape. It would not be to long before the economy slowed down.WHY? Because, in all actuality, these jobs that illegals are TAKING, as some say, from Americans, are the jobs Americans DO NOT want in the first place, especially in agriculture. Migrant farmers have been around almost as long as large farms in the U.S. AND large numbers of them were illegal or America's very poor. Now this trend has spread farther into the service industry jobs such as lawn care, housekeepers or janitorial services, construction workers etc., because, Americans overall do not want to do these jobs for whatever reason: too hard, too hot, too dirty, or it's beneath them. If the job market were to be suddenly flooded with this types of jobs, they would not be filled, so things, such as harvesting food for example, would not get done and soon start affecting all aspects of our daily lives. So before you start telling that illegal immigrant you see picking tomatoes in the field, to go home, you should make sure you have someone to take over his job.

peachykeach said...

I completley agree with Angelica D. Yes there are many hard working immigrants to this country that do important jobs but there are many ruining it for them. Good for your father for educating your family and speaking English at home. In classes we see films about how different and in many cases bad life is else where but we still complain. America is a free country and you are free to leave if you don't like it here.

peachykeach said...

I do not agree with illegal immigaration. Why should some people have to spend all the time and money to go through the process while others "sneak" in? I know that immigrants are important and do many jobs that Americans don't want to like farming but we have rules for a reason. These people are depelteting our resources and not paying taxes. I can't stand when I call an 800# and have to press 1 for English. This is America and I think you should have top press 1 for Spanish or whatever and be happy that option is available. I have traveled to many countries and they don't accomodate the way we do even for tourists.

chronos said...

I really dont have to much of a concern with illegal imigrants. i understand that in some weays our country is facing more problems such as over population and the loss of wages in the workforce. Honestly though this country was built on immigrants. How is that for years we have always been there for everyone no matter where their origins are from but nowadays all i hear about are people complaining about immigrants taking their jobs. The funny part is that we ourselves are immigrants no matter who you are. My heritage is Australian and Sicilian but I found it interesting that when i traced my Australian heritage it turns out my family was originally from Scotland. No matter where anyones origins are from we all are a various blend of cultures and backgrounds. That is what makes this country so great. My overall opinion is that to much time and effort is wasted on this whole subject. Concentrate on going into higher education and their wont be any problems in the workforces because then immigrants can have them.

chronos said...

I agree with Monica we do need some sort of new system to be put in place. Something that will give these immigrants a chance at least to come to our country in a legal way. i know that there is a legal way for them to come to America but maybe it needs some changes. if it was working properly then why do we still have so many immigrants then are coming here illegally. In the end this can also save the government millions of dollars. I can only imagine how much our government spends on finding illegal immigrants each year.

Angelica D. said...

Comment to crimsonzero -

In regards to your comment about if they are here illegaly but are terorists - I agree 100% - but unfortunately - the terrorists that flew planes into our buildings got visas from the U.S.

Athena Smith said...

I was away for a few days so I missed the best comments posted so far on that blog of ours (or yours....)
So let me start with a few observations.
As far as crime committed by illegal immigrants is concerned I read this article but when I checked her sources -she claimed an FBI report_ I simply could not see where she got her numbers from. The rest were sites that were unreliable or biased or even worde blogs.
If anyone has found the FBI site that deals with the question, please post it.
But no other source will be aceptable than the FBI Uniform Crime Report.

Athena Smith said...

On the other hand we should not overidealize nor condemn rightout whomever eneters this country illegally. At times it is sheer desperation. At times it is drug dealing or sex trafficking.
And they do definitely occupy the kind of jobs the rest of us are not willing to touch.

Of course this country is a melting pot and I wish it would remain. But the sad fact is that after 9/11 getting a visa to come here has become an unprecedented ordeal, which has cost us dearly in pure brain power. I am talking about lega immigrants now but only as a parenthesis to make a point. Major graduate schools have lost up to 1/3 of their foreign students who are not willing to undergo the ordeals imposed by the new visa regulations and simply choose other countries.
Good riddance you say?
Not so fast. The sad reality is that American students do not do math and science. We depend on the Chinese and indians for that supply.And what we lose, is somebody else's gain. Plain and simple.

Athena Smith said...

As fara as the language issue is concerned I also beleieve that a vital part of successful assimilation is the avoidance of a ghetto creation. Yes, learning English is vital and the fact that many immigrants today can survive without learning, simply accentuates differences and promotes a new type of latent segregation. Eventually the bill will be due. Then what?

Crimsonzero said...

"I think we need them as much as they need us. Not the terrorist kind but the hard working kind. I’m not going to say that they are all saints but their contributions far outweigh their delinquencies. They do the manual labor that a lot of us don’t want to do, and are way under paid. Think about it, if we replace every illegal immigrant with an American citizen they'd have to be paid the minimum wage. If this were to happen the prices of produce, fruit, houses, landscaping, housekeeping, hotel rooms, and everything else they are connected to under the table will sky rocket. So let those who come to work stay and work."

I agree that we do need the immigrants as much as we need them. A lot of people that arent immigrants in the us dont really do jobs such as farming or cutting the grass or anything, so immigrants are the ones to help out when we dont want to do the jobs and will pretty much do anything for money. I believe that we should let the hard working kind stay here in America since they are a big help in a lot of ways. However I also think that they should adapt to our customs or at least our language while they are here. If they are to do any kind of business they should learn how to speak English when they are talking to their customers.

JeanK23 said...

I also feel that illegal immigration is a big problem and should be stopped. All our trade is outsourced, alot of it is in Mexico, why are they coming here? Its already down there. It is also a fear of mine. Alot of illegal immigrants come over here uneducated, and unable to drive. They drive our streets with no license and no regard and kill our citizens. I have experienced this hardship by loosing someone very close by a drunk driver who was an illegal immigrant. After he ran a stop sign and killed my friend, he fled on foot for fear of being caught and exported back to his country. Sure enough he was caught, and smacked on the hand and brought back to his country, meanwhile we are left with no closure. I dont think its fair, and I think there needs to be something more done to stop it.

Anonymous said...

ok first immigrants are not the only reason why our streets and homeless rates are so hight and for it to be put on immigrarants is wrong there are alot of americans that make up the street trash and high crime. so immigrants are not the only ones to blame i think if someone was to say the same about african americans, and whites that more people would be offended but since illegal immigrants dose not fit into a majority of the american populations i guess its the right thing to do to blame them for some of the problems that american people cause.

Anonymous said...

i do think we need better border patrol

E said...

I think that some regulations should be put on immigration, but I don't believe that the United States should kick out the people that are already here. Like many people have posted, many of the illegal immigrants take jobs that a lot of citizens wouldn't take. People come the America for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and if they are willing to work hard and learn the language then Americans shouldn't stop their pursuit.

E said...

I agree with Monica Agard sending the illegal immigrants away when many of them are hard working would be like people sending the African Americans back to Africa after they were slaves and then freed. I hate to think of all the people that make generalizations about the immigrant community take a look around at all the undesirable jobs that you wouldn't do and be thank-ful that someone is willing to do them.

mmedina10 said...

I believe that illegal immagration is essential to our economy. If we did not have all these immigrent our household goods would be sky high. I also think that they do more good than bad. They are here to help raise a family either here in the states or back in their countries.

mmedina10 said...

I disagree with neishia. They are here to work. I also believe that if we made the legal there would be less reason for them to do any harm. The only reason they might attack is if are threaten or their family. I believe that they are targeted because they have no right and what americans say go.

GatorGirl06 said...

I am kindof on the fence about the subject. I mean on one hand they are hard workers and do the jobs that most people wouldn't want to do for low pay but on the other hand they are ILLEGAL immigrants. They are breaking the law by being in our country. They need to take the right steps to be able to be here. There isn't a process for all of that for nothing and laws are not made to be broken.

GatorGirl06 said...

I agree with Chris Martinez, I think we do need better border patrol.

brooke said...

I believe that illegal immigration is a huge problem that needs to be focused on more strongly. They put legal citizens out of work because they will work for so cheap and it is unfair. We make such a big deal about us trying to leave the states for vacation but yet illegal immigrants are fleeing in all the time. They dont have to pay taxes and all of their family that fled here is getting welfare that WE pay for and they are feeding the whole family.

brooke said...

i agree with neishia it is a very big problem and they are criminals because they are here illegally and they arent even punished they need to be kicked out and if they want to come back they need to do it the legal way. This is not fair to the citizens and the illegal immigrans and employers that hire them illegally just to employ someone cheap should get fined or arrested. Something really needs to be done about this problem.

ssnipes said...

I think that if immigrants want to come into this country they should take the initiative to get a green card, im sure it is difficult but if you want it bad enough you can get it. We need better border control and businesses should ask for a green card before they hire someone. I personally dont have a problem with them as long as they are here for the right reasons, to make as much money as they can so their families can survive. Isnt that the main goal of everyone else in the world?

bigbuddy said...

Who doesnt want to be part of the land of opportunity? Its truly a hard subject to address for me. Immigrants play there role in society. There are jobs which americans will not do that are being held by immigrants. I also understand that theres is no wher to house some of these immigrants. But the united states is the melting pot of the world. If someone works hard for the american dream. why not let them stay. The reason why America is such a great country is the diversity of our people.

bigbuddy said...

I agree with Monica. The immigrants make up most of our work force. Not everyone that comes to this country is a criminal. People come here to make something better of themselves and to help there families and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

jeje 21 said...

Not all immigrants that come to the US are criminals and that what everybody believes about every race especially the Hispanic, since they have the biggest population in the US. They come to have a better life and more opportunities offer them here than their country. Some become criminals because people who are racist don’t give them a chance. They think that because you look different from them you’re stupid and they are better. And is not like that, everybody comes here to work hard like the rest. So life as an immigrant is hard in the US.

jeje 21 said...

I totally disaagree with Neisha. Dont judge them for coming here illegaly, if they want to come here for the best for them. Like i said before "Not all of them are criminals" ,I mean put yourself in their situation and ask yourself if you wouldnt done the same thing seeing America as their chance to keep going in life. You can tell by how much they work hard especially the mexicans who sweat everyday cutting our grass just to pay their bills and feed their family. And is not only the mexicans but everyone as a variety of culture

Anonymous said...

I think illegal immigrants are ILLEGAL. No i wouldn't personally kick them out of the country, but the law is something else. I undersatand that most of them want to be here so they can make a living a provide for their families back from where they are from. They also do outstanding work. However, it is illegal. just like drugs, and drinking for minors.

Anonymous said...

I agree with angelica d. with the immigrants that refuse to learn our language and EXPECT you to assimilate to theirs.. you SHOULD respect the norms and culture of where you are, something many people ignore to do here in the U.S. Just yesterday i was outside when a spanish lady with 2 small children started speaking to me in spanish. i just looked at her. then her 4 year old translated for me. i thought it was a little rediculous that a 4 year old could translate but she couldnt speak english and CONTINUED speaking to me in spanish. i also agree with the other point she made about the ones that put down our country - If you don't like it here go back to where YOU came from.

Anonymous said...

I would just like to restate so everyone can see that Japan requires anyone to have a bachelors degree before you can become a citizen. Lets face it, Japan is pretty much on top of the world right now with their economy too. I think we have a lot to learn from their way of life.

Sierrablue said...

mattsarnowski I agree about learning from the Japanese, however I think our overall population is lacking when it comes to education as compared to the Japanese.This is something we should learn from. The reason they are where the are today is because of the value of education there, not their immigration policy. How can you force immigrants to have a bachelors degree when most of our population does not. Many of these people come here to better themselves. They come from countries where they do not have to educational opportunities we have as a whole in this country.

Sierrablue said...


How do you know this woman you spoke of was not trying to learn English but was embarrassed by not mastering it yet so she chose to let her child speak for her. You know maybe this may have been a little humiliating to her, but did that enter your mind?? NOPE, you were to eager to condemned her actions.

Growing up in a bilingual area it would have never occurred to me to be so intolerant of a person who had never mastered the English. And these are not even immigrants. These are natural born citizens.

I think more people need to look up the word TOLERANCE in their ENGLISH dictionary and learn how to use it more.

In case you can't do that I will do it for you:

tolerance-The capacity for or the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others.

dfrank22 said...

There's no doubt about it illegal immigration is a major problem. With the potential crime,and poverty they bring they far out weight the small amount of good that might come from them being here.

Danatrose said...

I have mixed feeling on the subject. They are people too, just from another country. On one hand I feel that if america is the great melting pot, a place for freedom, let them people come. But what i don't agree with is that they are alotted so many "passes" such as the tax exemption. But then I feel as if I am being a hippocrite because of me being black and there are certain educational "passes" given to us. I think that if there was a set of rules that all immigrants could follow or test to pass then so be it.

Danatrose said...

border patrol is a joke. People are going to get here if they want , by any means necessary,If things for them are that bad in their country. I just hate that we as people see things so very complex, instead of another human being.

Unknown said...

I agree with Angelica i also have a problem with immigrants coming over here and not learning our language and respecting and understanfing our culture. I also have a problem when immigrants complain about our country because they have so much advantages they have free health care free this free that but they complain my hard owned tax dollars are going to immigrants and not all but some seem very ungrateful and some take advantage of the privleges we provide for them over here. SO ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS BE GRATEFUL !!!

anthony kolodziej said...

I believe Neishia is right on point with the illegal immigration being a problem. Not only are they a threat to society but do no good in a country when the vast majority become criminals.

scarpenter said...

I have very strong opinions on this subject. Some of them have been touched on by others. The first thing is the language. If you are coming to America, learn to speak English. That is our primary language. Don't come here and try to change that. And it is very frustrating working in a place that is customer oriented and you can't help them because they cannot communicate with you.

Second of all, I agree with several that have stated that maybe some things could be changed in how you become a citizen, but I believe that there should be a record of everyone in this country for many different reasons, whether it be to catch a person who has murdered someone or to identify victims of crimes. There needs to be records of everyone.

Third, It is very frustrating to go to Department of Children and families to get assistance for a citizen who desperately needs help and you get put off as a 2nd class citizen while the immigrants get the assistance. Not to mention the fact that they go and have 10 kids that they are trying to get assistance for.

And as far as people saying that they are the only ones who do the jobs that Americans don't want, that is absolutely NOT TRUE!!!! Try going and working in an agricultural field first and see how many people are willing, but b/c they work so cheap, those jobs are not available.

Don't get me wrong, I am not opposed to them being here, but they need to be legal. Also, there is a reason they are called illegal. They need to be processed.

irishbabe said...

illegal immigration has been a problem for decades and it is stupid that we are just now brining it up. we should have done something long ago and now we are paying the price for our lack of involvment.

irishbabe said...

i agree with neishia. we are paying for all there stuff including there medical. which comes out of our taxes and it needs to stop period.