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Sunday, April 11

Our last blog! Prostitution in the US, Netherlands and Sweden.

The debate on whether prostitution is a victimless crime and whether it should be regulated or legalized has raged on for decades. One side asserts that prostitutes inflict harm on themselves and therefore the crime is victimless. The other side protests that they may also inflict harm on the client through STD. Well, the first side points, the client does know the danger before going, doesn’t he? And what about when the client transmits the STD? Yes, but, the second side reloads, society does suffer through the acceptance of loose morals… What morals are we talking about, the first side snaps, when we have legalized pornography? And how can a free society legislate the sexual behavior between consenting adults? We should legislate, the second side retorts, because money is changing hands… Men are buying women... "Not women" the first side answers, merely their services.... and so on and so on and so on….

Most of the debate however is based on ideological approaches to a sensitive matter while cherry picking the statistics that suit the particular ideology. This is why it is useful to not only look at some facts but also some alternative models in the western world. In the US the evidence demonstrates that prostitution is rarely a career choice. The majority of those working as prostitutes are street youth who more frequently report histories of childhood abuse, particularly sexual abuse. More than 50% have been forced into the sex trade. Sexual and physical violence are common, while the risks for AIDSand the probability for mental disorders are very high. Street prostitutes are also more likely to be abusers of crack cocaine, and heavily identify with street life. Girls typically become prostitutes at age 13 or 14 with close to 90% of them wanting to escape the work. The mortality rate for prostitutes is 200 times that of women of similar age and race.

The grim statistics seem to support the argument against legalization. Not so fast, the legalization side protests, because –as they claim- legalization will bring down the violence against prostitutes. Plus, what is the point of criminalizing the oldest profession on earth since men will always seek out their services?

This is where the war against prostitution resembles the war on drugs. They both have concentrated on the supply side having ignored the huge demand side that keeps the supply going. How do you deal with that?

So here are some alternative models. In the Netherlands prostitution involving Dutch or other EU citizens is a legal occupation, and most prostitutes work in brothels or sex clubs that require a permit. The reason why the legalization applies to EU citizens is the trafficking problem many countries face, with kidnapped or lured girls from Easter Europe or Asia brought into the country as sex slaves and forced to work underground.

The Swedes have moved away from total legalization and concentrated on battling the demand side. According to the "Sex Purchase Act" passed in 1999 it is illegal to buy sexual services. The law punishes the client only but not the prostitute as the act is considered  a form of violence and exploitation against women. The client may be punished by fines or up to six months in prison, plus the humiliation of public exposure. Although accurate statistics can not be found, some estimate the number of prostitutes in Sweden to have dropped by 40%. Traffickers avoid Sweden since the clients are hesitant and according to Nicholas Krstof the bottom line is that if you want to rape a 13-year-old girl imported from Eastern Europe, you’ll have a much easier time in Amsterdam than in Stockholm.

Three different models on a multi-dimensional social problem. Your thoughts?


Julia said...

As the article says, prostitution is one of the oldest practices known to mankind, and it will probably never die. I think that prostitution should be legalized. I do not-in ANY way-condone the practice, but as long as it will be done with or without consent, I feel like we might as well collect taxes off of the money they make, as well as enforce some rules and regulations to keep it as "safe" as possible.

I do agree that a society will have to fight to survive if we begin to accept so many "loose morals" (legalizing drugs and prostitution for example), but maybe the worse off our society gets in regards to morals, the more we'll realize the reasons we fought for those values in the first place and ultimately return to them. Who knows...

Lost said...

Prostitution , it is a victimless crime; it considered taboo. But what a lot of us fail to see is its not a chocie that these women made on their own. By this i mean there are a lot of factors that go into making a choice like becoming a street walker. But maybe allowing prostitution to be legal in strip clubs or a house as long as the sex is agreed between both parties. Think about it could keep down the spreed of std's and keep woman from getting hurt. This is not the ideal job but there going to do it any way so why not tax it and keep them safe on the job.

Anonymous said...

Legalization of prostitution is a hot-button issue. While it can be dangerous, legalized prostitution can also be profitable for people in desperate times. I think that sexual behavior betwwen consenting adults is fine...given the word "adult". If prostitution becomes legalized everywhere, there should be an age requirement and work permits as well as STD tests administered for safety and health reasons (both for the sex worker and client). No child should be allowed to be a sex worker and should not be sold in to slavery (human trafficking). I think that the brothels in Vegas are a great example of how to do prostitution right. People are going to pay for sex and pthers are going to sell it regardless, so we might as well legalize it and administer some guidelines for safety.

Atro said...

I believe that not only should the client be punished, but the prostitute as well. Both people are responsible for the deed. I think that legalizing prostitution would help the government to control it a lot better than they do now. It would allow them to test clients as well as the prostitutes, creating a much safer scenario. The only downside is that more people might start using prostitution who didn't before, just because it's legal. Regardless, it is a problem that will always be here.

Erin Walsh said...

Prostitution, inevitably, will never be a victimless crime. Prostitution seems to encompass all involved and muddies the lines between abuser and victim. In one sense, the victim in regards to prostitution may be the actual prostitute when taking into account the extreme abuse his or her body is forced to weather. On the other hand, any prostitute's client can quickly become a victim through a transmitted STD. When coming to the realization that prostitution is encompassing enough to make either consenting party a victim, it is quickly removed from the similar legalization category of pornography that requires no contact between prostitute and client. It is also no longer sexual behavior between consenting adults when money changes hands so much as it is on the same level as potentially damaging, varyingly illegal drug use. The drug trade goes through attempted suppression at discovered dangers, and I personally believe a similar action should be taken against prostitution.
The Swedish alternative against prostitution seems to take the most practical approach in dropping the number of prostitutes, discouraging client solicitation, and recognizing the act as a form of violence and exploitation against women. Humiliation of public exposure often involved in this alternative prevents client pursuit, forces would-be prostitutes to evaluate potentially safer job options, and exposes the act for what it truly is. This forces prostitutes to be painfully aware of the underlying abuse of it all. This Swedish alternative effectively takes action toward the very practical route of protecting scores of people from becoming involved in a dangerous trade.

Gary Upton said...

Prostitution is the oldest profession on the planet. The demand for it will not go away. These two facts do not automatically mean that we should, or should not, legalize these services. Society does decide what morals are; and we as a whole try to live by these morals. I do believe that two adults that decide that they both have needs, one needs money and one needs sex, should be allowed to make his or her decisions. Society has no write to restrict what a woman does with her body; and a man that has the need has the right to negotiate with those same women to fulfill that need. It is a victimless “crime.” If we legalized it, and set it up in certain areas, like they do in Amsterdam, and Nevada the STDS would go down and the government could regulate and tax the services. The prostitutes and the “johns” would be much safer. As far as the Sweden government prosecution of the People buying the services, that is a good way to intimidate and help reduce the demand. The human trafficking is disgusting, and it has to be stopped. No women should be forced into slavery or prostitution. Anyone who gets caught in human trafficking should be put to death. To take people and enslave them in any way is the ultimate sin. Again the facts are clear that legalization would help regulate prostitution, keep the STDS down, and keep the women and men safer. Legalization would also bring in more tax dollars that we desperately need. No matter what we do, prostitution will continue as long as there is a demand, and the demand is not going away.

JustaGirl said...

I dont agree with leglizing prostitution.Sure its the oldest practice, but where have our morals gone that we should even consider this.
Women have come a long way and there are womwn who fought(suffragists) and put their lives on the line so that we can be treated equal and we start talking about legalizing prostitution, I think its ridiculous.
I dont think this argumant should be compared to legalizing marijuana, because legalizing marijuana will help the sick, generate money that can be taxed and used for education and healthcare, and there have been no reported side effects from the use.What ae the positive aspects of legalizing prostitution? NONE.
Prostitution should not be legalized, no one would benefit from it it would do more bad than good, it should not be legalized.

precious said...

I know prostitution is the oldest profession. Legalizing it would help control the spread of AIDS and STD’s if the girls and boys were required to get screened every 6 months and if lists of clients were kept so if a girl or guy got aids they could track back where it came from. It would I believe keep the girls and guys safer from the clients and the people that handle them. I also feel though that it would encourage even more cheating by spouses. They would feel safer that they could use these services and not get AIDS and not get beat up by the people handling the girls and boys, however failure to pay would not happen because it would be similar to a gas station “pay first”. It would also bring down the crime rate and the murder rate.

Dawn Shepperson said...

I believe prostitution is a victimless crime, and that we should regulate it in the US. If we regulate prostitution, and have it available in legal brothels where clients know that the women are healthy and choose to be there, that would cut down on the amount of women and children walking the street. I don't deny that there are many people out there who look specifically for underage children, and this would still be a problem; but, if prostitution was legal only in certain venues, then it would be a lot easier to identify those who were operating outside of the law. Laws are needed to protect those who choose this profession and those who frequent them.
I think that our goal should not be to eliminate prostitution all together, as some would argue, but to make it as safe as possible for those who want to do it (and yes, there are some) so that we can concentrate on protecting those who are forced into it. There is no way to stop the demand, there are always men who will want to pay for sex. But, if we make it so that they can do so in a safe environment, there will be less of an incentive to find someone on the street.

Lindzy22 said...

I think that legalizing prostitution would eliminate many problems. Like many have already said, the prostitutes will still sell themselves no matter if there is a law against it. One of the problems is the STD rate, and I feel its because the prostitutes don't have someone telling them that they must get tested. The rates in my opinion will go down when the government is forcing to get tested. Which will make it safer for both the client and the prostitute.
Another thing is the money they are making, if it is legalized than the government can tax it. It's sad that the women think this is the only way to make a buck but I guess no matter what there will still be prostitution without of without a law.

KP said...

People that go into prostitution and sell their bodies basically, i do not think they would like to do it at all. its not a occupation they would like too do and some individuals may not have a choice, and were possibly brought into it when they had no other options available at the time. Also, people that go into it, would say ill do it for a little while i make money then get out of it, but most people will get caught into it and stuck in it. i think the prostitute alone is the victim in this situation due to the horrible stuff they are doing to their own body. if we legalize prostitiion there will be an increase in diseases as well as human trafficing.

trampus said...

I think the way they are handling it in the Netherlands is a good idea. It provides the working girls a somewhat safer place to whore their self out. I think someone would be less likely to rape or kill them in a public place as opposed to some dark ally or side road somewhere. Everyone knows that prostitution will always be around no matter what the law is, cause of the demand. If someone has to go out and buy some whoo-haa cause they don't have enough game to meet a lady then so be it!... But, make them go to a designated place for it. As far as the STD's go, both sides of the party are fully aware of what chances they are taking and are doing so at their own risk.

beautiful unique said...

I do not think that prostitution should be legalized in no type of way. I just think that it lowers the standards of women and sends the message that it is ok to sell their bodies to complete strangers as long as other people are making profit on it including the state. Yes it is a victimless crime but people also knowingly spread hiv so if money were involved they most likely wont mind spreading and stds or any type of transferable disease without caution. I believe that this will have the aids epidemic rise rediculously and everyone will be scared to have sex with everyone.

Mudbeaver said...

I would have to agree that the client knows what danger lies ahead before being with a prostitute. If STDS & AIDS are the results from it, then so be it. That's what the consequences will be. However, i think it should be heavily taxed so the funds could be used by the government to protect against sex slave trafficking of young girls. There would be a Great Fear of imprisonment by the client or seller with the task force spread out everywhere. Honestly, with all the pornography on the internet today, it might as wll be legal.

Unknown said...

i think prostitution will always be around regardless of the law. yes its ridiculous but its just realistic. i think it should just be legalized since people cannot help but to do it anyway and we should be more focused on making sure it is done safe by enforcing condoms, birth control and other things that prevent stds. i also think it should be an official business instead of something done in the street or a flea bag motel. also that prostitutes must get a license that they have to renew every month to make sure they haven't gotten an stds i also think they should take drugs tests . if they do have an std then they cannot get a license or they get their license revoked until they are diseased free. also like others have sad it should be taxed. I do not support sex for money but if people must do this than this is the way to go

PaviElleS said...

If we legalize prostitution, then it would no longer be considered something that a female would be a victim of; in fact it would just be another job opportunity. If anything, keeping it illegal takes in mind the future safety of those who have been trafficked. Where as giving it the “ok” would make it a new description on the Occupational Outlook Handbook of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Prostitution exhibits the acts of torture and of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment for sexual “entertainment” where as pornography are acts of power and violence over the female body. Furthermore, we cannot support the reduction of AIDS and support legal prostitution at the same time. Last time I checked, prostitution remains to be one of the leading factors for AIDS infections in both legal and illegal practices.

justfish247 said...

I would have to say that I would be pro-legalization of prostitution. Sure it is wrong, sure it has its downfalls. At the same time it’s not going anywhere. We keep turning a blind eye to it like if we ignore it, it will go away. Well here we are. It is still here. Looking at it through a functionalist view shows that it does have it’s benefits. Legalization and regulation may eliminate much of the future spread of STD’s since now they are being tested with some regularity. Now there would be a tax on that income to these individuals who have been under the radar and not paying income on their earnings. The prostitutes in question can now be afforded some safety working out of brothels etc.
Another possible outcome may see sexual crimes decrease with so called John’s having a legal outlet for their ummm “tension”.

Look I understand that the vast majority of the women did not choose this as a career choice, but let us not ignore the fact that it still happens. Numbers of women still end up in prostitution. Also do not lose sight of the fact that even though the Swedes have taken the route they have it has not eliminated prostitution. It still happens all over.
For those that believe that this country has lost it’s morals for entertaining the idea must remember even back when we supposedly had morals, prostitution was around.

Goodfella said...

There wouldn't be any positive things about the legalization of prostitution. It would only satisfy the prostitutes and the clients, because they wouldn't have to worry about getting in trouble with the law. I don't see it being any harm, I think a big reason it's not legalized is because of how it will make America look as a society. It's always taking a risk of STD when having sex especially if it's unprotected its just that people don't know anything about the prostitutes background both sides are resopnsible. If it becomes legal, prostitutes should have to take an STD test. The Netherlands are doing good handling the situation, because it's safe and they did it in a clean way that doesn't disturb the public as much.

hondasi2007 said...

I personally think it should be legal all over. One probem with leaving this illegal is that people are still going to do it gag wink not ever change the only difference is that with out this being legal you have no way to actually deflate this. Like we have discussed in class if it's legal you can have the prostitutes checked out every few days this way all of the stds and aids will drop on the amout people are getting them. This also means that it will be alot safer because the workers will not have to hide in skechy places. Over all I think if it's legal or not if people want to they will still do what they want to do. So tleast by legalizing it you can watch over the workers and also be able to control this alittle more.

moneyhoney said...

First of the mortality rate of a prostitute is 200 times greater than that of the average woman. That doesn't appear victimless to me. More than 50 percent of them were forced into sex trade while others were abused as children and grew up into prostitution. My question is what are we doing to protect those who wasn't given a CHOICE and why market human trafficking.

Prostitution has been around for centuries and started of a cultural necessity. Morals are not the same for every individual and there are no guidelines that we all follow. So for those who CHOOSE a prostitution as a lifestyle I do believe they should be marketed. Yes they are out there high class escorts and brothels are paid large amounts under the table. I believe if these businesses were not kept under the sheets laws can be placed for protection for both parties call girls and clients.

Athena Smith said...

Here is some info about prostitution and the spread of AIDS. it is not as clear cut as you may think...

Bumble Bee87 said...

Ok, Prostitution is one of the oldest professions but I don't believe it's really needed now. Yes, I know whether they decide to legalize it or not it's going to happen. We have to look at this objectively, yes we could legalize it and tax it like crazy and put all this rules and regulations on it but is it really something that we want to really have in this country..."this country is already wacked out, do we really wanna add legalized prostitution to the list of many unmoral things that happen here?"

Antaysia :) said...

I am blown by this! It saddens me that this is even around. An interesting point that is mentioned is that it’s not just the supplier of this service that is at fault but also the clients. They are the main force that is demanding this. Thus, cause this system to flourish. My thoughts are that this whole thing should just disappear and respectable opportunities should be available and sought after. Unfortunately, it is not that simple. These individuals have gone through years of abuse and neglect that seemingly structure this narrow perspective to this dissatisfying position. I think a way we can tackle this is to reach out to the suppliers through education and counseling to build back what childhood tragedy has destroyed and follow the Swedes example in tackling the clients that demand such service. Inevitably this may not eliminate this system over night but one step at a time can lead to an overall victory.

yolkia said...

I don’t think that prostitution should be legalized, also I think that in the same way that prostitutes are been persecuted and punished here in the United States the same way the clients should be punished. Can you imagine all this rich people, full of fame been exposed to the public for been the clients of prostitutes. I think is an issue of morals. Even though that prostitution had existed forever and ever is getting worst because now is outside in the streets. They do it for drugs not for need. All the STD’s that goes around now is something serious and you never know when your partner is going to be with a prostitute and get you something.

Anonymous said...

just wrote a blog did it come up?

Anonymous said...

just wrote a blog did it come up?

PaviElleS said...

Thanks Mrs. Smith for the article, never really looked at it that way :) I guess it really just depends on where it's happening and how it is spreading.

Lauren Plunk said...

In the artical it states that prostitution has been practiced for ages and has no intention of changing. Strip clubs are legal and prostitution should be too in order to stop the spread of STDs. If prostitution was legal we would be able to regulate it and stop the spread of STDs. No matter how illegal prostitution is it will always be practice so countries should go ahead and make it leagle and the saffest it can be. Although I do not agree that prostitution os right, it is just addicting and deminisded as gambling and drinking yet those are both leagal.
Prostitution has always been frowned to here in the US yet people still use it and thats all that matter. It would lead countries to a better society, hopfully keep the prositiutes clean and provides money to those who practice it to stay out of other bad things such as drugs. The choice should go to the people who choose to turn to prostitution when they feel they have no where else to turn.

Latifah Aziz said...

I feel that prostitution should be crime and it should not be legal. I strongly agree with Sweden and their approaches to prostitution.

By legalizing prostitution STD's as well as AIDs are being transmitted.Also prostitution leads to unprotected sex which also brings unwanted births.

I feel that prostitution is something that is going to be hard to stop. As long as people need money and feel they can get it through prostitution they are going to keep doing it. Maybe if we took on Sweden's approach such as public exposure the rate of prostitution will go down. By using public exposure maybe more people would see that what they are doing is dumb and hurtful to others.

Nadia said...

I feel that prostitution should be legalized. Prostitution will occur regardless of whether or not it is legal, but if it is legal, it can be more regulated. If prostitution is legalized, one can make sure that the prostitutes are clear of sexually transmitted diseases, thus slowing the proliferation of STD’s throughout the country. Also, if prostitution is made legal, there would not be as much of an underground market for prostitutes. As a result, fewer women would be abducted and sold into prostitution against their will. Furthermore, if prostitution is legal, age can be more regulated. Many prostitutes begin their work in their young teens and if prostitution was legalized, we can prevent a lot of young people from being prostitutes. The mental and physical well being of many young women can be prevented if prostitution was legalized.

Garrett said...

I believe that prostitution should be legalized because prostitution happens everywhere and it is very hard to contain and control. Some worry about the threat of sexually transmitted diseases but the clients know the risks when they engage in intercourse. People understand that having sex with someone could result in them receiving an infection. Since life started all animals including humans were having sex, and there is no way to stop a natural process from happening. Eliminating prostitution as a law would also lower the amount of people in jail also lowering our tax dollars paying for inmates. With this, I say that prostitution should be legal because it will lower the amount of convicts and minimize the amount of police offices trying to contain it.

Anonymous said...

I think we should just legalize it and tax them to death. If it's going to happen regardless, the country should somehow benefit. From a religious stand point, there is alot of things that arent as safe, such as drinking. More people do irresponsible things when they are drinking. And according to alot of studies legallizing it has a lower count of the spread of STD's so in that case we will be saving lives as well.

Kriena Lang said...

I believe prostitution should be legalized. I don’t not like what goes on with it, but I feel that it will never go away legal or not. So why should we not legalize it and try to put some rules and regulations to it. We should have certain laws that they are not aloud to take young girls from other countries and force anyone to be a prostitute. They should only have a few areas where they could be and limit it to that. Also they should test the girls every so often to make sure they are clean. Prostitution isn’t hurting anyone and doesn’t effect anyone unless they choose to be apart of it so why not make it legal.

LaurenW said...

Making it legal will make it safe and while I would prefer that those who are stuck in prostitution have that protection I can’t say I would support the legalization of this “profession”. I think all the effort and energy people are spending trying to legalize it should be put to helping those people get out of prostitution. Bottom line is no one, NO ONE, would want their mother/daughter/ aunt/ friend etc, to be a prostitute and I’m positive that mental illness aside no one wants to be a prostitute. I don’t care that’s it’s been around for a long time, slavery was around for a long time too. I feel that somebody that would go to a prostitute is severely lacking some fundamental thing in their life and is probably just as bad off as the prostitute themselves. Sex is not supposed to be a one-time, heat-of-the-moment kind of thing and it’s certainly not supposed to be a “your-money-is-on-the-table” kind of thing. The idea of legalizing it to me is ridiculous, someone who contracts a STD from a prostitute in my mind, is getting what they had coming. Especially given the statistics regarding how young these girls are when they start “working” I think people trying to legalize this should be ashamed of themselves.

Nermin Mohamed said...

I don't agree with legalizing prostitution. The article states that the crime is victimless, but the victim is the prostitute. Whether she chose to work as a prostitute or was forced into it, she is still the victim of the abuser. She is the one who is physically, emotionally, and sexually abused.
Moreover, prostitution objectifies and degrades women; so legalizing prostitution will encourage objectifying and degrading women even more. Plus, even if the legalization took effect, the prostitutes might still get pregnant or get STD'S, so I don't see how legalizing and regulating prostitution will protect the prostitutes, will they force the clients to wear condoms? Besides, legalizing prostitution will not put an end to child trafficking; there will still be underground markets for trafficked children and prostitutes with STD's.
Therefore, I strongly agree with Sweden's approach to put an end to prostitution because this law only punishes the client who is the main reason for prostitution and the one encouraging it. And according to the article, traffickers avoid Sweden because the clients are hesitant, so this means that Sweden's law is working effectively.

Alex Logsdon said...

Prostitution has been around mankind long before Jack The Ripper was slicing them up in Old England. The truth is no matter how much time and money we spend trying to prevent and prosecute prostitutes and their customers, prostitution will still exist. I feel we should make prostitution legal because when we do this we can regulate operations and standards. There could be legitimate businesses and legitimate customers. There are a few legal pay for sex establishments in the United States and they run smoothly. If a government agency can regulate, and businesses are allowed to compete for customers it would be a much safer practice and not so taboo. What could draw customers in is cleanliness and sanitation, the more the company has the more customers will trust it.

Unknown said...

I do not think that prostitution should be legalized. Though most of the time it’s the prostitutes decision because they need extra cash, I don’t think that it should be legalized. There have been many cases of “pimps” kidnapping young girls and using them as prostitutes, which I think is awful. Though many people that it’s victimless, I don’t see trafficking as victimless at all. I think that if prostitution is legalized it will tell a person that’s its ok to sell yourself for money, and young girls might get influenced by this. And of course there is the fact that many people who partake in prostitution are diseased which of course isn’t good for anyone. I don’t know what this World will come to if they legalize prostitution.

Megan Biretz said...

First of all, after reading over some of the other students' responses, I think it should be legalized so that we can tax it. Ecspecially now the way our government likes to spend.

But all in all, the women know what they are getting into being prostitutes. The average person (non-prostitute) has a good enough chance at getting an STD now a days as it is, so being a prostitute, you might as well be surprised if you AREN'T getting an STD.

And as far as the men go...also, they should be expecting an STD or at least be on the look out for the "approved STD free prostitutes". Of course, these girls will most likely only be found where it is a legal activity.

All in all, no I do not agree with it. But it is a practice that does not show signs of slowing down, so we might as well legalize it and tax it!

yaya07 said...

All of these different stands on prostitution make valid points but I believe that Sweden’s take on this is most useful. Prostitution can be very dangerous including all of the diseases that can be transmitted. Some of these women or clients do not take the right precautions. The way Sweden has established prostitution is not so much legalizing it but somewhat monitoring it. With the “Sex purchase act” there has been a decreasing rate of prostitution. I think that this type of act should be enforced here in the U.S. I think that many STD’s could be avoided if prostitution was not made legal.

Unknown said...

I feel as if prostitution should not be legalized. Reason being is because its pointless to me. Personally I think the women should be helped to where they respect themselves more. I believe a woman is just more than a "booty call" like many men think. I also do not believe that the prostitues are fully at fault because in many cases they are abused and feel like sex is all they are good for. I think if prostitution is legalized it will break up many homes because many men may be tempted to cheat. Another reason is that women trafficing will increase as many "pimps" see the possibility of making more money.

Thaer said...

I believe prostitution shouldd be legalized. Whether a person wants to pay for sex or charge for sex should be their own decision. It's their body, people are struggling to make money due to the economy. Trying to find jobs and applying everywhere, they can't live day to day like that. So if prostitution is the only way they can live and make money then so be it. 

Dawn Drake said...

Prostitution should be legalized. It is legal over by Las Vegas, NV. If they legalize the practice of prostitution the government can then put strict testing for AIDS, HIV, or any STD's. This practice has been around for centuries and if men,and women, are going to keep doing this anyway you might as well make it legal. Doing this can make sure that the prostitutes are healthy and not going to infect their clients.

I do believe that the legalization of prostitution will have much opposition by the public. I do not agree that it will show that we have "loose morals" I think that it will show that we are being more aware of the fact that yes, we know there is an issue in the country, and we are going to put legal restrictions and enforce strict health regulations on this practice.

pricethepig2002 said...

I don’t believe that prostitution should be legalized in any manor. It may be the oldest profession but that doesn’t make it right. Many may consider it to be a victimless crime but I think that even though both the client and the prostitute are not usually being harmed by the arrangement, they are breaking the law and should be held accountable by law. By doing so it would not only decrease the individuals looking for prostitutes but also decrease the amount of prostitutes on the streets due to fees and jail time by law. Also, STD’s are a major problem for sex workers; the clients should be aware of the risks they are taking before picking someone up off the street. If a client chooses to face these risks they must bare the consequences.

Nani2801 said...

I dont think that prostitution should be legalized. The U.S. is corrupt as it is this will only make things worse. Men already cheat on their wives as it is, this will only motivate them more to get the sex some where else if they are not satisfied at home instead of trying to fix the problem at home. This will degrade women even more then they already are. I do think that a law should be passed for girls under the age of 21 to not be able to do this type of work. I agree that people in general get desperate when they are in need of money but if it was legalized it would be like an okay for women to do this just to make a few dollars. If they need money, I am sure any strip club would gladly hire them without having to have any kind of sexual act with the customer...

GoGreen said...

I think that legalizing prostitution is will never happen in this country. Although there will always be for a demand for prostitutes, I think that we should not legalize it for it is not ok to tell young girls that selling your bodies to strangers and in risks of getting STDs and transmitting it to other people. It only shows girls that their bodies is the only thing that will bring in an income, and that is not ok! Your body is a temple and you should treat it well. Prostitutions also only promotes negativity towards women and enable them to think outside the box and do better things with their personal skills. I think that in Amsterdam, the Red Light District require girls to get tested for STDs is a great idea, and that will lower the percentage of people having STDs, yet i still think it is an evil job and should never be legalized. Men will always seek out ways to have sex but that doesn't mean prostitutions should be legalized. Women should never be viewed as sex slave but rather a human being that can put her special abilities into doing good things for herself and society. Women should move away from the stereotypical view of women only being good for serving men and invest their time in improving their impact on others. Prostitution is unacceptable!!!

Mariana Yarleque said...

Many would say that prostitution is part of functionalism because it makes for jobs and that always helps the economy. It could even go further in saying that its even more economical because it provides jobs for doctors who have to treat the STDs and so on and so forth. However, my opinion is that prostitution not be legalized. It would be irresponsible to encourage that type of activity. Yes, it is true that adults who take part in this type of thing are making the choice and know “what they are getting into” but the reality is do any of us? I do agree with Sweden’s approach to it, I’m not entirely sure if I agree on just punishing the client but I do believe the client should be held responsible as well. The prostitute is not always the “victim”.

scrappy doo said...

I don’t think that prostitution should be legalized. Like the article stated most of them start at a young age. I believe that they don’t want to sell themselves for money. I think it is more so of them doing this for love. What I mean about love is they are doing it because of their pimp telling them to do it. Every woman wants to be loved at least once in their life and they actually believe that their pimps love them. While they are committing these acts they are not being taught properly on how to protect themselves from any STDs, which is passed on to the next clientele who brings it home to their innocent partner.

SkipperJ said...

I believe that prostitution should still be illegal. The right to buy a woman's services is in my point of view immoral. There will still be those men that decided to seek the services of these women. I think if people are willing to take the risk of being with a women that has a chance of carrying a disease then let them do it. If we legalized prostitution and the government comes in and runs STD tests to make sure the woman are clean then we are losing a immoral battle. Even though prostitution has been around forever it has always been looked down upon; so why try to make it something that is ok? I believe we should just keep it illegal and let the people who partake in it run the risk of catching a disease or ruining a relationship.

Moonbeam said...

Prostitution is the oldest profession on earth, and no matter if it's moral or not, it is here to stay. I have seen the legalized "red-light" district in Amsterdam, and I have seen the famous "Orange Blossom Trail" in Orlando, which is known for illegal prostitution. I do not believe that prostitution is morally right, but since it is a profession here to stay, I think it should be legalized in order to make it safer for all parties involved. I believe there would be less rape/murders, less STD's, and possibly less drug usage. The state/county may even benefit from the taxes on the issue. Either way, prostitution is not a pleasant thought, and it is unfortunate that many people get involved in this lifestyle.

gerald dodd said...

I think that prostitution should be legalized so that it can be regulated and possibly taxed if need be. I think that the profession of prostitution is in existence because it is useful. I mean if people were really not desperate then the profession wouldn’t have survived, so the real problem for those who do not like it is to find a way to help out those desperate people. I also think that prostitution should be legal just because it is a way for some women to make a living. It is a sad way to live but it will pay the bills. Other then the real reason for prostitution being all these lonely and desperate men, it is really not a bad thing to legalize.

Vivianle said...

I would have to say that I don’t think prostitution should be legalized. Yes, it is the oldest profession, but it is not right. Prostitution will be around legal or not. Making it legal is making it okay to go have sex with strangers for money; not mentioning if they have an STD or not. They are most likely having unprotected sex which means STD, AIDS, and maybe a rise in unwanted pregnancies which also leads to more abortions. The Sweden approach, I don’t agree with because both the client and the prostitute should be punished because they are both doing something against the law. A woman’s body should not be exposed or used as a sex slave for hundreds of men who just seek sex. There are always other ways to make money, prostitution should not be one.

missjai23 said...

Prostitution will never die, Men and women are going to always demand sex one way or another. I know the focus is more among women prostituting their bodies for men; but there is a very slow growing number of men that are prostituting themselves, the only difference is that it isn't wide spread knowledge and that men has this underwraps since they are the ones who began this whole career of prostitution.

I believe that it should be legalized because people are going to do it regaurdless, but there should be some restrictions along with that legalization such as the places to engage in the activity, health policies, and so forth. But asking for it to be legalized and treating it as profession is a far fetched idea considering the fact of what it takes to maintain that type of industry plus the moral standards that are in place will create more conflict.

But as for it being considered being a victimless crime, I don't agree. I understand that some fall into line because of abuse and so forth, but there are many that happen to choose that line because of money. They all have choices, granted many may not make good choices because of lack of education or opportunities, but who is the blame for that. Everyone involved knows what they are getting themselves into, they just have no standards for themselves if they don't act responsibly when engaging in the activity.

hrayy09 said...

I personal think that prostitution should not be legal and that it should be stopped. If they want money that bad, they can easily get a job with little effort than just selling themselves on the streets. Sure, its good for men I guess and its really easy money for the women, however, a lot of harm can be done by choosing that as a lifestyle. STD's can be spread, loss of confidence and being looked down upon ones family can be a disadvantage of it. If a girl really needs money and thats considered as a last resort then there is something wrong with this country or the girls mindset. I think other countries should rethink about the consequences of prostitution too like the women spreading a disease.

silk said...

Prostitution is like marijuana no matter what u do its going to be their. You can’t stop or ban something that u really have no control over all you can do is tame the situation. I believe that prostitution should not be legalized because it would have our society accepting loose moral; it would be a disgrace to our country to have legalized prostitution because it would really show we stand for nothing. Like it was said in the article the STD rate would go up and many couples who don’t know there partner are sleeping with prostitutes would be innocently affected.

GatorBoy said...

I don’t think prostitution should be legalized because I think it would have a greater impact on this society. If they were to legalize it, it would be promoting sex. You would see advertisements that would encourage the sexual activities. It is not setting a good example for young girls who would see this activity as being ethical. As for the system in Sweden, I think that the client and the prostitute should be held responsible. It takes two people to perform the act and both are responsible for themselves.

jimayyee said...

In my opinion, I think prostitution is one of the few practices that should be legalized. Prostitution happens everywhere and is uncontrollable. Same goes for marijuana. It can be helped if it's legal. Prostitution is bound to happen regardless if its legal or not, so why not just make it legal and have the government set rules and regulations for it? Such as getting tested, which could save a lot of people from getting STDs. I don't support prostitution whatsoever, but I believe some of the bad things towards it can be taken care of if it's legalized.

Unknown said...

This situation is kind of like the whole "legalization of weed" debate. Because governments aren't really making that much money off of it they are trying to eradicate it. Prostitution, like drugs, are never going to go away. The more taboo and off-limits a country makes an object, the more people are going to want that object. Those people will therefore tend to go to great and more-than-likely dangerous lengths to get to it. I think that having prostitution heavily regulated is the best possible solution just because it is naturally hazardous occupation. Extreme measures would need to be taken such as making sure that the person performing the service is, of age, willing, clean from diseases, and has the authority to refuse service to anyone he/she sees as an unfit customer. Just like any other business there should be health/safety inspections and also the services should be subject to sales tax. Last but not least, the workers, just like everyone else, should pay taxes and have access to work benefits. If you can't beat it, why not make it as safe and responsible as possible.

Jesse said...

Prostitution is the one thing that can be found in every single country in the world and as the article says, prostitution is the oldest practice known to mankind. Even if prostitution is not legalized it will still happen. Even now it is happening so why not legalize it in order to keep the people who have decided to be a prostitute safe. First let me say I do not think prostitution is something that someone should be doing but the people who do it a lot of times have no other choice and is the only way for them to make money. So if prostitution is legalized i believe that there should be strict rules and procedures should be put in order to protect the prostitute along with the client. Also it would provide a new type of businesses like the ones in Neatherlands and would provide a safer environment for the prostitutes.

sean1391 said...

Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world. It has not disappeared and it is not going to. Sweden and the Netherlands did not do away with it, because there is no getting rid of the oldest profession. If the US legalized it, it would be another way to cash in on a market that does not report earnings. By making prostitution legal, we could hold brothels houses responsible for making sure that the women and men are disease free. Allowing brothel houses would make it safer for the women, from physical and sexual abuse and men, from getting STDs, who choose to be prostitutes. Legalizing prostitution would also save on the government side, money that is spent arresting, processing and jailing prostitution and the people who choose their service.

NHamilton said...

Prostitution has been around forver and will most likely not go away. Therefore, I think that it should be legalized. The STD rates would go down because it would be regulized and the prostitutes would probably have regular testings. If prostitution was to remain illegal, i think that just the client should be punished becuase a lot of prostitutes are forced into it.

bluntness said...

Prostitution is something we will never get rid of; we can only try to control it. As the article stated, it has been around forever. If prostitution is legalized that would be an easy fix to a problem that would create more problems. I like the approach that the Swedes have taken trying to battle the demand side, but I do not see any mention of what happens to the prostitute. To help fix the problem of prostitution, we have to look at the reasons why a person go into prostitution, and help by providing them with skills to overcome their problems.

Anderson11 said...

If prostitution were to be legalized in the United States then there should most definitely be rules and regulations that are very clear as well as an income tax per hooker. Consent being one of those very important rules along with condoms, birth control, and frequent blood testing. They aren't going to be able to stop the other people stealing women and selling their bodies to other people for their own profit. That shit need's to stop.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry it was late Mrs. Smith! I just got back from my cruise.

Engineer09 said...

After reading this article and many other peoples’ thoughts about prostitution I decided that a few things are important to discuss. I believe there are some important facts to know. For starters, people who believe that STDs will become less common after it is legalized are not truly grasping what STDs are. There are quite a few STDs that one can never get rid of. People can lie about having STDs, All that has to happen is that a person contracts STDs during the time they work, in order for them to have it. Prostitution could be deemed useful economically. If we legalize prostitution, we get tax money off this service, which means that the government will have created a job in which sex is now a product. Instead of creating jobs that could be a more beneficial asset to society, such as new fuel sources, we are trying to welcome in prostitution. We want something that has helped increase sex crime become legal? I don’t think this will solve crime problems. As long as you have people out there seeking human trafficking, you cannot say it will be better, especially if people suffer in the process. I do not see anything that will create a better society with legalization of prostitution.

monimar9302 said...

Prostitution is a touchy matter that has been going on for decades. I do think it should be legalized. Prostitution in the US is going to keep happening regardless of legalization or not. Should we not collect taxes from this practice than? I for one do not excuse prostitution but if we legalize it we can put rules and regulations on it such as monthly STD testings or must use condoms at all times. The clients should be tested as well with proof. If it is consensual between to adults than I do think the crime is victimless. This problem does remind me of the legalization of drugs. Thats another matter that we can collect taxes from as well. If pornography is legal, I think prostitution should be legal as well.

Dijabou said...

I think that prostitution should NOT be legalized. It is a very immoral practice that definitely goes against our better judgment. I think that in the situation, both the prostitute and the client should be punished because they are creating a possibility of AIDS, STDs, and maybe even unwanted pregnancies. There is no kind of benefit from these practices in which women are selling themselves out of, in most cases, desperation. Legalizing prostitution will not be the end of movements towards a more immoral society. Where will it end? Next we'll be legalizing something even more outrageous, like sex predators. Not a good idea AT ALL!

Anonymous said...

Prostitution has been around forever. Although, it is taboo it is something that no matter how much we try to stop, it will continue. I think it should be legalized, maybe then women and men will actually be more careful towards STDs. I think not having to be in the shadows doing business will help them protect themselves more. They could be more picky as to who to accept as clients and who not.

Yeiria said...

I think that prostitution being legalized has more pros than cons compared to it being illegal. STD’s are common enough without prostitutes so if we were to regulate this “profession” we will all be protecting ourselves in some way. Men who have sex with these women do not care about what danger they are putting themselves into until they actually catch an STD and transmit it to their loved ones. Even then when put in the same situation again their lower head takes the best of them and they lose control. I’m not saying all men are like this but people do not usually understand how serious STD’s can be until they have one. You can’t just have sex with anybody and everybody. People are dirty and you never know how they take care of themselves or do not. Prostitutes usually are not worried about how clean they are and have poor hygiene habits. Most of them are scarred since childhood and this is truly all they know. Mental disorders would be very common and low self esteem takes the best of them. I’m sure there are women who actually enjoy this “profession” but for a woman to become a lady and have a higher standard does something to them mentally and they feel better about themselves. If women who want to do this with their life can get permits and get checked for STD’s periodically then all the power to them. But at the same time I think women should also see a psychiatrist and be helped to make sure that they are not being made to do this and to let them know that they can become more than an object. Pornography is already in the United States and it makes me sick to know that women actually want to be man-handled and put all over the world for everyone to see but at the same time I know what I want to do with my life but who am I to say what anybody can do with their own life especially their own body. Most prostitutes are most of the time if not always high on some kind of drugs. Drugs themselves are a problem so imagine when you mixed drugs and prostitutes. No wonder the mortality rate is so high. If we can regulate prostitution it would be better for everyone since it will ALWAYS be around. We need to make sure that these brothels are somewhere where our children are not around to see how women put out themselves while other women are fighting for equality. This would be very confusing and hard to explain. Is it victimless? It totally depends on the situation. One more thing I must mention is that I never understood why a full grown man would want to have sex with a 13 or 14 year old girl. If I were a man, I personally would like to have sex with a woman whose body is fully developed and is mature both physically and mentally.

fullbluemoon said...

I do not agree with prostitution in any way shape or form. Even though it is already legal in Las Vegas people often don't think about prostitution in other countries where women and children have no say in what is happening to them. The bad out weighs the good in so many ways. Prostitution can be very harmful to the women involved and even men in passing STD's. Many marriages are also ruined and people are often living lives they wish they didn't have to, even if it might only be a small part of them.

spatel said...

I feel that prostitution should be legalized.Prostitution will continue to keep happening regardless of whether or not it is legal, but if it is legal.If prostitution is legalized, a person can make sure that the prostitutes are clear of sexually transmitted diseases.

Nga Nguyen said...

In my opinion, prostitution should be legalized because it could possibly lower the percentage of prostitution, so in that case I would definitely stand behind that. Although, I think prostitution is absolutely wrong and just down right low of someone. If we legalize it then we should definitely have a legal age to do this and also retain a permit to take part in this. Just think if we legalize this then it could possibly lower to percentage of people getting infected with AIDS or STDs. In the end, I personally think we should legalize it, but either way if we legalize it or not, this problem will still appear in our society because people won't stop with prostitution just like is like asking a baby to never cry!

carpe diem said...

My thoughts about prostitution is that there shouldn't be punishment towards the client or the prostitute; it's their choice to do what they want to do and they are certainly aware of the diseases they are prone to. Unless there's a crime involved where a prostitute gets raped or beaten up, that of course should have consequences. Although I do strongly believe that prostitution is the most vile thing in this world, I think it should be legal to a certain extent. Like I said earlier, I don't think imprisonment or fines should be a consequence, however, I think advertising prostitution should be illegal, and the crime of that should result with imprisonment or a fine. I also think prostitution on the streets should fall under the category of "advertising." So that should be illegal. The way prostitution is sometimes held in the Netherlands where they have clubs and the owner has a permit to have that going on is probably the best way to "host" prostitution if you will. It's obviously never going to not be going on, so if there are somewhat lenient laws where it's legal but frowned upon and is more like an underground thing, then I believe there would be less trouble and exposure to it here in the US.

P-Walk3 said...

I dont think that prostitution will ever be legalized in the United States. First off, in th US we are pro-Cristian in ideals and morals,s o there will be a strong backing against prostitution. Also, even the use of sex appeal in advertisement stir up a lot of controversy so legalizing prostitution would be a huge problem. On the debate about whether prostitution is a victimless crime, it just depends on the opinion of the person because on one hand the prostitutes reap the rewards of work and on the other they have greater exposure to diseases like STD's.

dream1990 said...

Prostitution has been going on in the world for a very long time. I do not believe in it and I don't think that its right. I do not think that it should ever be legalized but that it should be stopped one way or another .It degrades women in every sense.It is also a way that many people get STD'S .It also isn't a good job for women. It influences the community because those are not good role models for young girls.It can ultimately lead them to catch a STD , pregnat and wouldn't know from who or even death.

Yasmin C. said...

Prostitution has been said to be the oldest profession, that is not entirely true, but it has been found in nearly every civilization stretching back throughout all recorded human history. Although this lifestyle will always be considered taboo and looked down upon it won't go anywhere so might as well legalize it, at least that way it can be controlled and taxed. The battle between what is "morally right" is losing ground in a civilization where any service needed can be bought. Like the article says "What morals are we talking about, the first side snaps, when we have legalized pornography?" I personally agree with the way prostitution is controlled in Nevada. In a controlled environment where any violence is not allowed and the women are taken care off, make sure they are tested routinely, then the service should be allowed. I don't personally agree or disagree with prostitution my feelings towards the profession are very neutral.

Lindsey C said...

I don't agree with the idea of prostitution for many reasons. One being the degradation against women and the other being as most prostitutes didn't choose that path in life (because of abuse and other problems). However, I do also believe that prostitution isn't going to disappear any time soon or ever really. So why not have some kind of legalization? These women still need protection. Having an organized system and regular std testing would help to ensure some kind of safety in this field. It wouldn't be my job choice but there are women who go out to make money this way. Why not protect them like any other woman?

Paul Ackbar said...

Prostitution can be look at from many views in both positive and negative aspects. Legalizing it would help regulate the spread of STD'S and the AIDS virus. Also, the crime rate will drop since it is legal. On the other hand, from a moral view, it is degrading to sell your body for a price. All humans are priceless. Woman had feminist movements to show men they are just as equal. Cheating on spouses will become an often thing. It is also sinful to fornicate before marriage also. But, maybe the rate of pregnancies will drop also since a man would rather have sex with a registered and protected prostitute than any other woman without protection. Strip clubs could maybe regulate prostitution and make more money. But, using condoms alone is not 100% effective from pregnancy. I see that they would get the prostitutes tubes tied to avoid this. But who is going to pay for expensive surgery? Its a difficult subject seeing that it is a double edged sword.

Mikey said...

I have long believed that prostitution should be legal. Ideally, the entire operation would be a sound business plan: a brothel or chez du sex. Sexual professionals could be licensed and regulated, have their wages taxed, and be subjected to mandatory testing for STDs for continued licensure. I believe that it should be taken off the streets and brought to light. Similar to strip clubs, sexual professionals would have security and safety in place, in the form of bouncers and such. It would be a much safer environment for those that chose to sell their bodies and perform sexual acts for money.

itszmeweksos said...

Everyone has to make a living somehow and if prostitution is their only option then I say we should let them do what they do. Prostitution doesn't necessaryly have to be a bad thing if you take certain precautions before paying someone to have sex with them. If prostitution were to be legalized then I think that we should administer an STD screening and make a certain age requirement, so that little kids won't be out there on the streets.

KeyKey said...

I believe, since prostitution in is a crime n Florida. The law helps keep the stats down. I think this because if people think they have a chance of being incarcerated for there actions toward prostitution. There is a better chance they will not commit the crime. How do you deal with supply and demand? Very carefully, I say!

I think we should not banish it all together because of the underground effect. I can see where it can be harmful to women if the business became more secretive. Prostitution does have its good sides to it. For example a man purchasing sex is better than a man out on the street trying to mess around with younger girls, women, and so on. I am just saying prostitution does serve a purpose. No means do I console it. I think it is degrading and we should try adding more morals to the society.