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Sunday, February 21

Unwanted Fatherhood

Yes, abortion is a controversial matter but mostly because the sides fight over the rights of the fetus. There is a minority however that tries to campaign for the rights of the father. Why, they ask, the woman may have a say over the future of her pregnancy and a man may not? So far, court decisions have sided against paternal involvement in the decision process. In 1978, in the UK, William Paton attempted to stop his separated wife from having an abortion but the judge ruled against him. He took the case to the European Court of Human Rights which also ruled in favor of the wife. Similarly, in 1989, Jean-Guy Tremblay in Canada, tried to stop his girlfriend from having an abortion. The Supreme Court of the country ruled that there was no precedent for a man’s right to protect a potential progeny. And so on and so on.

Here comes a 25-year old programmer from Michigan, who says that if men are not allowed to protect a potential progeny, they should not have to pay child support either if the pregnancy occurred against the men’s will. The young programmer says that his former girlfriend assured him she could have no children and knew he did not want any. When she got pregnant, he offered to pay for the abortion or give up the baby for adoption. The girlfriend instead sued him for a $500 per month child support payment. And as you can guess, she won.

Think about it. Women have all the rights not to become parents. They may choose to abort, or give up the baby for adoption, or simply leave the baby at a hospital. The law is explicit that women are entitled to avoid unwanted parenthood. Why aren’t men protected similarly? Indeed the National Center for Men has drafted a proposition called “Roe v. Wade for men” which gives men the right, when faced with unwanted parenthood, to resort to a “financial abortion”. If the pregnancy occurred against their will, and if it is early in pregnancy, then, they would like to have the right to be released from any future financial responsibilities. "When it comes to reproduction in America today, women have rights and men merely have responsibilities" (Glenn Sacks, 2008, quoted here.)

It’s only fair the National Center for Men says.

What do you say? (Don’t debate the abortion issue please. The question focuses on men’s rights.)


Anonymous said...

While I do believe that a woman has a right to do with her body as she pleases, I think that men should have rights as well. I think it is only fair that a man can waive his rights to finacial paternity if the child is unwanted; especially in the case of the woman who assured her boyfriend that she could not conceive then took him to court. I think this protects men who are "tricked" by their partners into becoming fathers before they are ready. Conversely, I do not think a man should have the right to legally discourage a woman's choice to have an abortion or take her to court to "force" her to keep the baby if she does not want to. Either way it is a touchy subject all around.

trampus said...

Yes I do believe that men should have some say in the case of a potential pregnancy. For the simple fact that some men are tricked into a pregnancy that they did not want to happen. Then having no say in the decision making process of whether abortion or adoption is an option. Along with not being able to have a say in what happens with the child, now he has to become financially responsible for the baby. If the shoe was on the other foot and, the man wanted to keep the baby he still has no say in whether or not to keep the baby. If the girl thinks that she is not financially able to raise a baby at that time she has the option to either abort or put the child up for adoption. She ultimately is not obligated by law to support a child she did not want.

Athena Smith said...

A mid solution could be intensive counseling.... before decisions are reached.

silk said...

I believe that men should have their rights as well as woman do. If a man was to get a girl pregnant by an accident after she told him she could not have kids, their should be a way to fix that situation or come to a resolution. I know from hearing from other men that they say most women always gets the rights to all pregnancy situations even when they get tricked into getting a girl pregnant. The problem they would have to be left with is either pay child support or deal with raising a child when there not ready to.

Erin Paull said...

I think men should have as much say in any potential situation of a child as the female. It takes two to tango. It took two people to get into that situation yet only one wins. sadly though when you go to court it becomes he said she said and I can understand that even though the female lied the court is going to favor her because how do they know? I think before rushing into court maybe there should be some time of mediation. A therapist of some sort or maybe even start doing lie detector test. (i know some people have the ability to lie and pass but its still better then just battling it out). Sadly when it comes to kids, moms and court the guy hardly wins and i dont think thats fair.

Dawn Shepperson said...

Men's rights are very important and I believe they should be recognized when it comes to pregnancy. However, I do believe that counseling should be the first step, before any talk about whose rights are more important. Men should be allowed, within reason, to decide their financial responsibility. A situation where someone is tricked, that's obvious. But what if it's a husband who didn't want that third child? Should he be allowed to say that he doesn't want the responsibility of raising the child? I don’t believe so. I believe this debate really focuses on the men and women who are not in committed relationships. Again, this is where mediation therapy will do wonders. Having a meeting of the minds on both sides as to what the wishes and expectations are for each potential parent. But woman should not have the final word, with men not having a say at all when it comes to their financial futures.

ClickClack said...

It makes me very upset that a 25 year old man or should i say "Boy" would think that because he could not get rid of his child that that means he should not have to pay child support. Just to put this out there if you arent man enough to pay child support then your not man enough to have sex. I dont believe men should have a say if a pregnacy is teminated or given up for adoption because the mother "in most cases" is the primary care giver and taking care of a child means money and lots of it. So fathers being that they helped create that child should have some of the responibility in taking care of that child even if its against there will. A women gives up her whole life for her child everyday every second and i believe it is insulting to me as a women to think of being sued because i want my child to have a better life. As for men being tricked into having a child like are progrmmer was KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS IF YOU CANT PAY THE CONSEQUENCES.

ndfb said...

I feel that a man should not have to pay child support if he does not want the child. Just like a woman has the option to choose to be a parent or not, so should a man. I think that if both the parents can not agree on a decision then the mother should make the decision, but the mother CANNOT ask for child support or any participation from the father of the child.

ndfb said...

also..the fact that some men have sex with woman but then are tricked and the female ends up pregnant that should not be their fault the woman should do everything she can in order to prevent any pregnancy. She should go through all the precautions if she is going to have sex. The male should have every right to not be a father if he does not want to be. If the woman wants the child and the guy does not she needs to only want it for her own reasons and not drag the guy into it.

Athena Smith said...

Unwanted pregnancies, on the other hand, may occur, without deceipt. No contraception method is 100% safe.

Anonymous said...
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JustaGirl said...

I think thats its only fair that men receive the at least some rights, and if waiving financial responsibility is one way the situaution can be handled then so be it.The woman has complete and total control of the pregnancy and the man has absolutly no say so, I understand the fact that the woman has to bear the responsibility of carrying the child for nine months, but if the father of the child was deceived or the the situation came aboutunder false pretenses it is not fair to force the responsibility of taking care of a child unto someone, so in shortif the man has no say so in the preganancy the woman should have no rights to financial help from the man, men need a voice as well and their voice should be taken into consideration.

lbrown said...

First….”AMEN CLiCKClack!”

I think men should have rights when it comes to their potential offspring…to a point. And this point does not include evading financial responsibility. The moment a man has sex with a woman, he should know that there is a potential for a baby to be made, and subsequently, his responsibility to financially support that child. Period. No birth control is 100% effective and if you’re naïve enough to believe that the female you’re with “can’t conceive” then you’re better off not having sex in the first place. The world doesn’t want your offspring!

Things get a little tricky when you, for example, take into consideration the 1978 UK case. What do we do when the father wants the child and the mother does not? I think here is a situation where men deserve rights. Just like the “man” in the above example, when one has sex, she has to expect that there is a potential to have a child out of that union. Therefore, if the man wants the child, his wants should be considered. There may have to be multiple caveats to this, however. He should have to have sole custody and she should have to pay child support. He should also be evaluated for “fitness” or some other type of evaluation. I say this because I am thinking of situations of rape, or where a man is abusive to the woman and this is another form of control. I understand the argument that the woman is then stuck carrying the child for 9 months, but this all goes back to my original argument. Each time you have sex, there is potential for offspring, and therefore inherent responsibilities.

Julia said...

I honestly never gave the topic any thought until now... but I guess I would agree that the man should have rights just as much as the woman. I would be a fan of Mrs. Smith's counseling idea though; it seems like something with such huge lifelong consequences for both the man and the woman should be thought about much more extensively than it usually is.

One thing that I've noticed is that most people seem to feel like the father would be pro-abortion/adoption and need rights in that situation (although I haven't had time to read all of the comments)... but I wonder what would happen if the father was pro-life? Would the majority still be in favor of his rights in that situation?

Kristi said...

I believe that there should be an entrapment clause for men. If a woman traps a man so she can get pregnant when the man clearly does not want children or do not want to be with that woman I think he should be protected. I think counseling should occur before a court decision to be sure the court makes the best decision for the all involved. However, I also think some men will take advantage of this law just like some women take advantage of child support. If consensual sex occurs while both parties know that contraception was not used, both adults should be held responsible.

Athena Smith said...

Entrapment clause? That is food for thought!!

Anonymous said...

I would want to have it proven that it was mine. I guess I have seen too many episodes of Jerry Springer and Maurie Povich .
I would want a say in the pregnancy especially if I couldn’t afford child support. Although, I don’t think I would go for abortion. However, adoption isn’t an easy answer either I would have to think long and hard about that choice too because one day the child would come back looking for his birth parents and asking why they gave him or her up for adoption. I do believe that if we are not able to work out a viable solution to this problem that the woman should lose her financial rights. If the man can’t afford to support his child and she keeps the baby. If we look at it that way however, we are going back to the 1800 where women have no rights. This is how I see it.

precious said...


precious said...

I would want to have it proven that it was mine. I guess I have seen too many episodes of Jerry Springer and Maurie Povich .
I would want a say in the pregnancy especially if I couldn’t afford child support. Although, I don’t think I would go for abortion. However, adoption isn’t an easy answer either I would have to think long and hard about that choice too because one day the child would come back looking for his birth parents and asking why they gave him or her up for adoption. I do believe that if we are not able to work out a viable solution to this problem that the woman should lose her financial rights. If the man can’t afford to support his child and she keeps the baby. If we look at it that way however, we are going back to the 1800 where women have no rights. This is how I see it.

Stoic said...

Although it is wrong to be tricked into parenthood, I don't think a man should have a say in abortion. for a man to have a say in such a thing is no better than punching his pregnant partner in the stomach. And although I do believe the woman should suffer some sort of ramification for her irresponsible actions I still think the father should bare some of the financial responsibility. Regardless of whether or not he wanted the child, it is his, and no one else should have to take the responsibility other than himself and the mother, for the sake of the child, who knows nothing of sex, courts, money, or rights.

Mudbeaver said...

Men get the short end of the stick on the issue of wanted or unwanted abortions. Women have complete control over every aspect that best fits what they want to happen. Although, should men have rights for the cicumstances? Well, the male still fornicated with the other party, so where is the self-control or awareness of the potential situation. Have you ever heard of a condom or pulling out. I agree that women are tricky and take advantage of mens weaknesses but he still didnt have enough respect for himself to be #1. I think men need to quit placing themselves in a risky predicament, find their way to a free clinic and pick up some protection.

Nadia said...

I feel that men should not be allowed to shrug the responsibility of having to pay for a child. If they are irresponsible enough to have sex without protection and got someone pregnant, then they should have to pay child support, even if they didn’t want the child. In all reality, the girl may not have wanted the child either, but maybe she doesn’t want the have an abortion because of her beliefs. Society has double standards in which men are not only allowed, but encouraged to act irresponsibly. Porn and shows that portray women as object make men think it is okay to have reckless, unprotected sex with lots of women. Then, when a guy gets someone pregnant as a result of his careless actions, I feel it is only fair that he pay the consequences. Plus, I don’t think it is good to have sex with people you don’t really have feelings for anyway. If you didn’t want to have a child with them, you should not have been having sex with them. This way, having unprotected sex would not be foolish and getting pregnant would not be a disaster. But, if you decide to act carelessly, I think you should have to pay for the child’s care.

KP said...

I think men should have an equal amount of rights as the woman do. yes, it is the womans body and she should have a big decision on whether or not she wants to go through with it. Also it is the mans life that is completely changed as well. These days, woman do what they have to do to get financially taken care of, meaning they will do anything to get money including tricking their partner into getting pregnant. We should definetly protect the men in court as they should have a say it in too.

lost said...

It is my thought that yes, aman should have rights and they should and need to be protected. If the man tells the women that he does not want to have a child and she wants to go through it; then he should be relased from all finacial responablities.But at the same time no one has the right to tell a women what to do with her body. So if the women choose to keep the baby then it is up to her to take of the child . But, in the end we should be mindful of each others feelings, and how different situations might effect each person.

lexd said...

I think that guys should have as much as a say what they do to their bodies as women. Women should not also falsely lead the guy to belive that she is on the pill or cannot get pregnant espically if the man is not ready to be a father. If the man doesn't want the child then the woman shouldn't force it on to the man, but that also doesn't mean that she should automatically get an abortion.All in all if you're willing to have sex in the first place you should be willing to deal with the concequences of having sex. So either party should be responsible if they don't want kids. Because abortion or adoption isn't always the answer.

Antaysia said...

There is a saying that I have witnessed throughout my life, "a mother is always there." In most cases whether daddy decides to leave and abandon his family nothing can seperate a mother from her child. IN MOST CASES. I understand the point that the men are making. They want to have a say in the ups and downs of the issue on abortion whether to keep the child or get rid of it. Yet, in reality men are rarely in the picture. This "Roe vs. Wade" sounds like a legal escape for men not to do their part. If they choose that they don't want the child by law they are free to leave, which should not be so. However, there is an upside if the mother decides to abort the child the father should have a say. But, who is carrying the baby? Not up for dispute, but I don't believe in abortion, however, this propsition for men has many loopholes that will give men an escape from their responsibilities whether or not it was intended. men should have a say but the "how" to go about this needs to be drafted much more carefully.

Steph said...

I can’t believe that some of you are saying men should have as much rights as women for this issue. Those who say this, obviously have no idea what it is like to have a child, or take care of one.

A man who would try to stop a woman from having an abortion, is an immature low-life. It is NOT your body. It is not your decision. You have no right at all in that aspect.

So now you say you don’t feel like you should have to pay child support if you don’t want kids? Well too bad, you should still pay up. Because, as a human race, we are all aware that having sex can lead to pregnancy. As far as I’m concerned, if you choose to have sex, you are in fact choosing to suffer whatever consequences that may bring. There should be no “financial abortions” or other cop-outs available for you cowards. Just don’t have sex!!!

hrayy09 said...

Even though women are the ones that carry the baby for nine months they do have the main decision, however, I do believe men should have a say in the decision of what is going to happen. If a women wants to keep the baby and realizes she is ready to be a mom, how does she know that the dad of the child is ready to be a father? He may fully be capable of raising a child but what if he is not financially compatible or mature enough or just a teen wanting to live his own life? Men should definitly have a say in what is going to happen with their child and the girl should take his opinion into consideration. Yes, girls do lie sometimes and that is wrong on their part.

Maggie La Cruz said...

This is a tricky issue because, in theory I guess it should be an equal decision making process, but in reality it is and always should the woman's decision because it is her body and she should have the only say so. If a man wants any say so it should be on using the protection and percussions necessary to avoid the situation at all cost. Bottom line is, it is not going to be the man walking around for 9 months carrying a child it is the woman, so therefore it should be her decision whether she wishes to keep the baby or not. What sense does it make to force a woman to carry a baby she does not want? This could only cause more problems. She could go into depression and neglect the Childs needs before it is even born to spite her husband. She may do this by drinking alcohol and doing drugs. Or she may try to harm herself or the unborn child in order to get out of the situation. As far as if the woman decides to keep the child and the man does not, well that is both of their problems because a woman should never be forced to have an abortion if she does not want to, once again this could cause more problems of depression and spiteful anger. Forcing a woman to get an abortion or to carry an unwanted child is barbaric and i am sure that men will never get rights to any decision making involving an unborn child. The men and women in this situation should discuss the disagreement but in the end it should be her decision

Gary Upton said...

I have always thought that if you make a baby then you are responsible for that child. It takes two people to make a baby; therefore, two people to care and support the baby. I do not consider myself to be Christian, but I don’t think abortion is the correct way to deal with an innocent baby. Once that egg has been fertilized I believe the baby has rights to be born. At the same time, I think it is a disgrace that society thinks that only the women have the right to decide what happens to an unborn child. If I am with a woman and somehow she ends up pregnant, even though we used precaution to avoid it, why does she hold all the cards? If she wants to abort the child and I want to keep the child then why would the courts not make it mandatory for her to deliver the child and let me raise the child and she would not be responsible for any child support if she wants nothing to do with the baby. And if a woman chooses to keep a child then she has to choose to be responsible for her decision. The bottom line is too many people are having babies' that are not ready for the responsibilities emotional, or financially. The children are the ones that suffer. I hear so many women say I don’t need a man to have a child. You may not need a man but the child does need a father as well as a mother.

Athena Smith said...

Since "child support" has been mentioned, let me add a global perspective.
In the UK,(2007) the Child Support Agency failed to collect support money in 34% of cases where one parent owed money. In 2006, the Agency had a backlog of some 330,000 cases and over £3 billion in unrecovered debt. However, much of the blame lay with the collection agency (read the story here)

An interesting part of the story is how the agency decided to shame the non-payers by posting their names online.

Athena Smith said...

As for the US the numbers are as follows (I copy from here).

25% of divorced Americans are supposed to receive child support or alimony.

Almost one-quarter of custodial parents with child support orders receive no payments at all.

About 25 percent of divorced Americans are receiving all of the support to which they are entitled.

moneyhoney said...

I agree men should have some rights when it comes to a potential pregnancy. Tricking and trapping parents haven't been discussed but it has been around on both sides of the sexes. True many men have been deceived but so have women, I have a friend who had issues with her boyfriend he purposely got her pregnant by lying about wearing protection so she wouldn't leave him. I'm not pointing fingers just stating that people are unpredictable whether male or female and there should be rights when conceiving a child so parents don't get tricked. As far as supporting a child when they are born there should be no excuse in getting out of it. If a woman has an abortion or gives a child up for adoption neither parents have to pay financially in that child upbringing. But if a woman keeps the child and she is a primary caregiver taking care of that child men should definitely help. The kid is already here no matter how they got here and they need support by both parents. No there is no law forcing a woman to financially support a child that happened accidentally but she still gives up her whole life for that child without anyone telling her she has too...its a shame that men have to have a law put on them to take care of their child. I keep hearing people say that if the woman has the right to abortion then men should have the right to child support making it seem as if a woman has an abortion she got out of financially supporting that potential child but so does the father if there is no baby then neither parent has to pay. If a baby is born a woman has to suck it up and care for that child whether she is ready or not but most men seem to not be capable of sucking it up and being responsible like the mother has too surprisingly without having a law slapped on them.

Thaer said...

I believe that men should have the right as women do in pregancy situations.Whether if its abortion, having the baby, or leaving the baby for adoption. Yes women are the ones going through ruff times during pregancy, but it takes and man and women to make a baby, so they should both agree on what they are goig to do. If not well then im sure they will work something out to make both sides happy.It shouldnt just be the womens choice in what she should do if shes pregrant. If the lady is going to have an abortion,it wouldnt be fair if the man wants a baby.

LaurenW said...

To be honest, a financial abortion is quite literally the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. I do think men should have just as much say in what happens to the child as the mother. The baby is as much hers as it is his and on that note I don’t think either side should get to “abort” any of the consequences financial or otherwise. Pregnancy is a risk of sex, to get pregnant is why there is such a thing. Both people know going into it that on an organismal level a pregnancy should happen; any contraceptive used is going against nature and thus doesn’t always work. If the woman or man wants to keep the baby the other should have to help support it. Time to grow up people, if men are that afraid of being “tricked” into parenthood maybe they should reconsider who they are fornicating with.

Megan Biretz said...

I do believe the men should have rights, to an extent. If the women has a good (and I mean GOOD) reason to not carry a baby, then the man needs to respect that. I mean a health reason, or something similar.

Although, if the women can carry the baby, and the man wants to and will take over all responsibility and rights to the baby then the women should have to carry the baby.

Suppose there should be some sort of legal contract as far as child support or legal bindings to the child however.

monimar9302 said...

Although I do believe women should have rights over men on what she wants to do with her body and her child, I also believe men should have rights as well to having an unwanted pregnancy occur. There are a lot of women that like to “trick” their men into having their baby for different reasons such as money or entrapment. Men should not be held liable to pay child support to a woman that said she was not even able to have children; however, a man should never have any say so on whether or not a woman should have an abortion or adoption. I still believe women should still have their rights to say what happens to their child.

Erin Walsh said...

It appears that abortion is a controversial matter not only regarding fetus rights, but also the rights of the father, which is actually a concept I have admittedly neglected to consider. The main issue at hand that seems to build such an argument is that women are known to have more choice in the outcome of a pregnancy while men simply assume the responsibility of whatever decision the woman involved makes. After considering the controversial situation, I find myself arguing for neither the power of the woman nor the resposibility of the man--pregnancy, unintentional or intentional, is jointly addressed by two people.
I do not support power over the outcome of a fetus being strictly left to the woman carrying the child for the sake of respecting the fact that she is the one impregnated. Sex is a choice in itself as is unprotected sex, and to dismiss the fact that the man in question created the child you carry is selfish and inconsiderate. In such a situation we must recognize where a joint decision was made. In the case of consentual sex, to deny a man's say in what happens to the fetus is essentially denying the way that you became pregnant at all.
The same statement could be made in regards to men who refuse to pay child support on the notion that the pregnancy was against the man's will. If the man makes the choice to have sex with the woman in question, the risk of pregnancy is hopefully considered, which technically eliminates the notion that the pregnancy was against the man's will.
The answer to such a complex and potentially painful situation is for each party involved to accept the weight of the part they played in such an action. Pregnancy in this situation takes two people, and the outcome should be discussed between both people in such a way. Dismissal on the part of either party is refusing to take resposibility for equal action. In this regard, courts should view the situation for what it really is--a dual decision.

Kriena Lang said...

I believe that women do have the right to do what they want with there body, but also men should have some kind of right in this situation too. In a circumstance where there is an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy, it’s only fair that the man should be able to be relieved financially. Especially in a case where the girl said she couldn’t get pregnant, as stated in the article. It isn’t fair for women to be able to get out of a pregnancy if they want, and men not be able too. For example if the woman wants to keep the baby and the man doesn’t he is forced in to that. Also on the other hand if a woman gets pregnant and doesn’t want to keep it, the man has no right in saying she has to because he wants the child. I just think we should look at both sides of the relationship and what they both might want.

PaviElleS said...

“It takes two to tango,” therefore I believe that men should have a say so in an abortion (or not). In some scenarios, a man can be tricked into a pregnancy and the ending result may be hostility for any future relations with his partner or a child. Men should not just be handed responsibilities for a surprise pregnancy, because sometimes they don’t even handle that well. However, if the opportunity for them to have rights is open, then a debate against just having responsibility wouldn’t even exist. More often than not, people who experience unwanted pregnancies are those who are financially unstable in both parties and therefore should have the right to decide what is best for them (but I still believe if you don’t want to get pregnant, don’t have sex) but that’s often not the case. If men have the right to make the decision to initiate fornication, then they should also have the right to decide the ending results if they are to occur.

Anonymous said...
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jwarner said...

I believe that men should have a say in whether or not women should keep the baby but at the same token, if we force a woman to have a baby she is more likely to engage in destructive behaviors that would damage the baby's health. For example, you force her to have the baby so, she drinks and smokes during the pregnacy causing permanent damage to the unborn fetus. I agree with jtannebe in the waiving rights to the finacial paternity, but he shouldn't be able to determine that after they have already decided to have the baby. Hopefully, after the baby is born the father would want to support it though.

jimayyee said...

I believe that men should have some rights to a certain extent. If the man did have protected sex, and some how still got a woman pregnant then there should be an issue where the man can have a say in wanting the baby or not. Or in some cases, where the woman tricks the man into having protected sex saying she took birth control pills. That's where men should have rights. But, as for just having sexual intercourse with no protection whatsoever, then I believe the man should not have any rights at all. They should know having unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy and it should be up to the woman if she wants to keep it or not; it's her body.

Bumble Bee87 said...

WhooOo there's so many different ways to go with this one! On one hand men should defiantly have rights when it comes to their offspring, specially when the man is under the impression that the women can't have children or tricked or if religious/ personal views come into play and they don't believe in abortion or if the women doesn't believe in abortion or adoption. And on the other hand when a men has sex he should always have that thought in the back of his thinking head that this act could end up in a pregnancy and he should be ready to take that responsibility of the act he did. There comes a point that there are women out there, not many, but they're out there who just get pregnant to be able to get back at some man for doing her wrong and as it stands right now she will always win and that just isn't the way it should be.

Bumble Bee87 said...

WhooOo there's so many different ways to go with this one! On one hand men should defiantly have rights when it comes to their offspring, specially when the man is under the impression that the women can't have children or tricked or if religious/ personal views come into play and they don't believe in abortion or if the women doesn't believe in abortion or adoption. And on the other hand when a men has sex he should always have that thought in the back of his thinking head that this act could end up in a pregnancy and he should be ready to take that responsibility of the act he did. There comes a point that there are women out there, not many, but they're out there who just get pregnant to be able to get back at some man for doing her wrong and as it stands right now she will always win and that just isn't the way it should be.

Dawn Drake said...

I believe that men should have rights, but the unfortunate situation is that I believe that if men are able to financially not be responsible for their child then this will open Pandora's box, so to say. Young fathers may use this as a way to say that they had no intention of supporting a child because they never wanted one. How are the courts to determine what was previously discussed between a woman and a man in the privacy of their own home. If it did go to trial it would be he said she said and how is that a way to determine financial responsibility. yes, a woman has the choice to have, abort, or put the baby up for adoption, but the man has the responsibility to put the condom on. If a man is having unprotected sex and the female becomes pregnant then it should be up to the male to have to be financially responsible for the child that was produced. Everyone should be held accountable for their actions.

Anonymous said...
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Mikey said...

Perhaps, similar to prenuptial agreements, we should start using pre-coitus agreements prior to sexual intercourse. “Honey, I’m really in the mood tonight, but before we get started, I just need you to sign on the dotted line.” Perhaps we should start requiring intercourse licenses.

When my friend’s Vietnamese mother lived in Vietnam, she simply went down to the river, caught some fish, came home and cooked dinner. Now living in the United States, she thinks it’s ridiculous that she has to have a fishing license to go catch her own food. We have to be trained, tested and licensed to drive a car. Why not regulate the ability to fornicate and give birth to children?

I’m also slightly confused on this whole concept of getting pregnant by accident. “Oh, whoops. I’m sorry. I fell over and ejaculated into your vagina.” We are not characters in The Blue Lagoon, two children stranded on an island in the Pacific Ocean, who grew up without an education or an understanding of how reproduction works. When a man repeatedly thrusts his penis into a woman’s vagina to the point of orgasm, babies happen!

If a man and woman have sex, and she gets pregnant, decisions must be made. If both parties decide to abort, then both parties should be made financially responsible for the cost of the abortion. In days long forgotten, when an unmarried woman got pregnant, it was said that she got in trouble. “Oh, did you hear? Danny got Susan in trouble.” Was Danny the only one in the room? I don’t think so. If two consenting adults decide to have sex, then both of them are responsible for the decisions they’ve made and the decisions ahead of them. In turn, if both parties decide that the fetus should be brought to term and born, then both parties should be held financially responsible for the cost involved in caring for a child. Both of them, not being married, should be made to enter into contractual agreements stating that they will financially support their child, without regard to custody.

In the event that the man and woman cannot come to an agreement about the fate of the unborn, other provisions should be in place. If a woman decides that she wishes to give birth to the child, but the man does not agree with her choice, he should have the right to be absolved of his financial responsibility or to sign a contract stating that he agrees to provide financial support for the child until it reaches the age of 18. He does not, however, have the right to force elective surgery upon her, resulting in an abortion. Additionally, if a woman decides that she wants to have an abortion, I don’t believe that a man has any right to force her to carry a child for nine months.

With regard to a comment previously made, that states if a man cannot pay the consequences, he should keep it in his pants; the same can be said alternately, that if a woman cannot pay the consequences, she should keep it out of her pants.

On a side note, I find it disheartening that my fellow students don’t appear to be able to distinguish between the word woman and women.

Ashley Alexander said...

I do think that the men should have some kind of rights when it comes to it, but not much. If you didn't want kids you shouldn't have had sex. The reason I think women tend to have more say in it is because we have to carry the baby for nine months, men don't. Their bodies’ don’t change; they don't go through pain,or as much emotional problems as some women do. But there are some women who take advantage of men and their money, and it’s unfortunate. In the case where the man wants it and woman doen't, then yes he shouls have a right to keep the baby, anything to keep it from abortion. In cases where a man is "Tricked" into a pregnancy, I guess they could to go to court. And unless adoption is the settlement for that reasoning then maybe a minimum child support payment could be the result, but not a "Financial Abortion". It just seems irresponsible to me.

Alex Logsdon said...

It is the body of the woman that will suffer and the woman that would have to endure the pregnancy over the 9 month period. I do agree with the decisions the courts made to let women be able to abort. Also how is that an argument, should men have to pay child support is they would abort the child? Yes! The kid is still in the world if you like it or not. The man should have a say and if its a relationship, which it should be if your having children, he can argue his point there. But because the woman will bare most the burden I believe her choice trumps the mans. Just for the fact that it isn't fair to make the woman carry a baby around for 9 months, that she doesn't want.

Moonbeam said...

In a perfect world, men should have just as much right as women to decide on the future of an unborn child. However, this is not a perfect world. Things do happen, mistakes are made, and people are not always truthful. One very important aspect to seriously think about is that it takes two people to make a child. The man is resposible as to where he places his sperm. If the man did not want a child, or to even risk the possibility, he should not have sex, or use protection. Even though contraception is not a 100% guarantee, it still works well the majority of the time. If a child was conceived, then the most important issue is "what is best for the child", definitely not "what is best for the father".

The Great misdirect said...

I think that this is a very touchy subject and that if this measure were to pass that we would see a great amount of abuse. The truth is that having intercourse has a biological purpose and that is to procreate. In the the heat of the moment the two involved may not take all precautions and the male may be ill informed as to the womans birth control situation. However there are so many unwanted kids out there that are being supported by the welfare system and the situation isnt getting any better. I believe that if a man is allowed to just drop responsibility whats to stop him from repeating the same mistake. Thus he continues to reproduce baby mamma after baby mamma with no resposibility for that child and its that same child who suffers in the end. The father never learns his lesson and the world has even more unwanted impoverished children.

Mike B. said...

I have a friend who went through a situation like the father in the article about the girl not being able to get pregnant. In this case the girl said that she had her uterus taken out for one reason or anothere and therefore could not have kids. After about 5 years of dating they broke up,and about a month later the mother said she was pregnant and that she wanted to give up the baby for adoption. however the father wanted to keep the kid and offered to support the child and the mother financially. However the family of the mother said no so the father got a lawyer who said that there was nothing he could do so the guy just had to let the mother put up the baby for adoption. however in this case he had a friend at the adoption agency where the wife went to and he was able to legally adopt the baby. But this just shows that not only do fathers not have rights like they should some lawyers wont even bother handling the case. So yes fathers should have some rights to how there baby is treated whether it be him being able to take the financial obligation if he wishes or to give up all financial obligations if it was a trick devised by the woman.

Vivianle said...

I believe men should have a little bit of say but if you don’t want kids, use a condom or don’t have sex at all. Of course women have more rights because she is the one carrying the baby and effect the body more. If he can have sex, he can handle the consequences or find a way. If the women are against abortion, they both have no choice and he needs to pay his dues because that is his child after all. The case where men say they were “tricked” can be lying 50% of the time; he may say that just to get out of the situation! it should be what is best for the child….

Lauren Plunk said...

To be honest, this artical makes a lot of sense. I have never thought about men's rights when dealing with child support and abortion. Although, we force them to somehow be apart of the childs life, wether its child support or joint custody. I have never thought about the men's point view on abortion. The stories women mostly are exposed to are the one of the fathers wanting the mother to get an abortion, you very rarley hear the oppisite of that. This articals makes a lot of sense and i agree with men's rights. If a man does not want to have the baby, they should still be required to pay child support but if they want to keep the child, then it he should be able to. When a baby is made, it takes two and the decision should be made by two people.

オテモヤン said...
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Unknown said...

I agree 100% that a man should have rights just like the woman has rights. I think that if a man wants to take care of their baby then the woman can give in a little for both the father and the baby and have the baby and just let the man fully take care of him/her as he pleases, then their might even be chances of the woman wanting to take care of her baby after all after going through the whole birth process. I actually look up to a man that wants to keep and take care of their baby, because you don’t see that very often. I think it’s admirable and maybe if other men see these actions they too will want to take care of their baby. So yes I totally agree in man rights to their baby, I mean after all they are the reason that the woman is pregnant.

pricethepig2002 said...
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yaya07 said...

I think that the men should have some rights while dealing with a pregnancy. I would agree that it is only fair that men should have a say in the situation if women do. I do believe that overall it is the woman’s choice to either keep the unborn child or abort it. It is overlooked that some men may want to be involved in the birth of their child; I think it is important for them to have some sort of rights in this type of situation instead of always being overruled in court cases. The male did have a part in producing the child so I think it is reasonable for them to have rights like the women do.

dream1990 said...

Well , I guess I wouldnt know what to do if i was put in that position. But thinking about if I was I would definently consult with my partner about my choices and if I was thinking about abortion. A lot of women say its my body I do what i want. But its not fair to your partner when the child isn't only yours but his too. I think its unfair for the woman to completely forget about her partner's thoughts and feelings over wanting to keep the child; his child. But at the end of the day its her body and she will do as she pleases.

Unknown said...

What about "unwanted motherhood"? I feel that the proposition "Roe vs Wade for men" should be put into affect. However, I also feel the there should be something put into affect for women as well. The article says, if the pregnancy occurred against their will (the man), and if it is early enough, then they can have the right to be released from any financial responsibilities. If men should have the right to do that, then so should women. Pretty much, I feel that the gender should not make a difference. If the child is unwanted by the man or woman, then that individual should have to give up all rights to that child. I also agree that a mid-solution could be intensive counseling before any decisions are made.

Lindzy22 said...

I feel that a man should have a say just as women do. It takes two people to make a baby and what happens with the that baby should be left to both of the parents. There should be an agreement made on the the actions taken after the child is conceived, which includes both parents. After all, there wouldn't be a child without a father. I think if they can't reach a decision they should seek out counseling because it isn't just about money its about a child's life and that should take a lot of thought.

scrappy doo said...

When a man and a woman decide to be together they are making a mutual decision together. No one is being trapped by getting into a committed relationship or having sex. Everyone should know the consequences of having protected and unprotected sex. I do believe that men should also have the right to make a decision in an unwanted pregnancy, but at the same time it takes two to conceive a child. If men would listen the head that is on their neck then they would not end up in this situation. I believe that if every man in the world knew about this act with the National Center for Men, then we would have a lot of men bailing out on their children even if it was a planned pregnancy. To dissolve the situation of men feeling that they are being trapped, they should not believe a woman when she says that she can not get pregnant. Use a condom at all times.

SkipperJ said...

I don't believe that abortion is right in any terms. I feel that if a man doesn't want a child then he shouldn't have sex. There is always a chance for a woman to get pregnant and when a man takes that chance then he has to deal with it, likewise for a woman. Back to the topic, I don't believe its right that a man would get the short end of the stick. There are a lot of decieving relationships out there and sometimes a man can be taken advantage of then wind up in a bad spot. I think that it should be a mature and mutal agreement between both of them.

Athena Smith said...

I am reading a lot about being aware of "consequences"...
I hope you all are! :)))

P-Walk3 said...

I think that men should have equal importance in determining whether they should keep a child or not. After all the law says that women are entitled to avoid unwanted parenthood so men should be protected similarly. Many times women are given the sole responsibility in the raising and well being in a child that people forget that some fathers have or want this role themselves and are denied. Many people are blaming the men for not wanting a child after they have sex, but it takes two to have a child, so it should only be fair that both cooperate in the decision in having a child instead of it being so lopsided.

Mariana Yarleque said...

This happens to be a difficult subject simply because many people disagree with men having a say in this type of scenario because they say the men will avoid responsibility and "cop out". However, that is not always the case. I've had many guy friends who have wanted a part in this decision and have been denied because it is the "women's choice", and only the women's choice. We cannot assume that if we give men these rights, they will all bail out. Being that it took both the men and female to create this child, i believe they both have the right to decide.

Anderson11 said...

I do believe that men should have a say in how their baby's future will proceed. I completely agree that men should not be held financially responsible for child support if they would pay for the abortion. It's more like an investment. Don't get me wrong it is both the man's and the woman's baby. To bad we don't always agree on what to do. With abortion some people just aren't financially ready to have a kid. Some people get pregnant in high school. When in high school a lot of kids don't even have jobs. So "Roe v. Wade for Men" is the right thing to do.

Atro said...

I believe that men should have a say in what happens in a pregnancy. The fetus is not just the woman's, it took a man to produce it and they should have equal say in what happens. They should have to agree on certain terms together, not only the mother. If she decides to have it then the man should choose whether or not he is going to help support it. If she doesn't then the man should also have a say in the matter and if he wants to keep it he should be able to do so. This would put a stop to giving the decision making to the woman only, when it's also the man's responsibility.

yolkia said...

I don’t think that men should have an opinion regarding abortion or pregnancy, Is the women body and life. I think that no matter if they are in agreement regarding any of those men will always do the same do the less possible for the kid. Woman should grow up and take care of the kid. And deal with the consequences of your decisions.

Paul Ackbar said...

I say that men do deserve rights when is comes to abortion choices. A women cannot get pregnant without a man. I have some friends that have been tricked by women to have kids and end up paying child support or going to jail. Also, if the woman does not want to have the kid but that man does, he should be able to keep the child instead of her since she does not want to bear responsibility of it. Women say that the men do not have to bare the pain of pregnancy, but you do not ever see a woman paying child support now do u?

Paul Ackbar said...

I say that men do deserve rights when is comes to abortion choices. A women cannot get pregnant without a man. I have some friends that have been tricked by women to have kids and end up paying child support or going to jail. Also, if the woman does not want to have the kid but that man does, he should be able to keep the child instead of her since she does not want to bear responsibility of it. Women say that the men do not have to bare the pain of pregnancy, but you do not ever see a woman paying child support now do u?

Paul Ackbar said...

I say that men do deserve rights when is comes to abortion choices. A women cannot get pregnant without a man. I have some friends that have been tricked by women to have kids and end up paying child support or going to jail. Also, if the woman does not want to have the kid but that man does, he should be able to keep the child instead of her since she does not want to bear responsibility of it. Women say that the men do not have to bare the pain of pregnancy, but you do not ever see a woman paying child support now do u?

Unknown said...

I can definitely see how men can feel like they are getting the short end of the stick but unfortunately it takes two to tango. And even in the tango the women have to where the heels, not the man. I think it ultimately should be up to the women if she wants to keep the child or not. To a certain degree, though, I don't think a woman should be able to sue a man for child support if he explicitly expresses that he doesn't want to be a father. If the women knows this and decides to keep the child, she should be willing to take full responsibility of the child granted that it is assured that the father is willing to sever all contact, bonds, and knowledge of the child. Granted, I don't think that should give men free reign to continue impregnating women with no consequences. There should be a limit of forfeiting all parental responsibility of up to two children. After that I think that men should have to pay some sort of child support. It is womens' body that have to carry the child(ren) and endure the risks associated with it, so they should be able decide whether to keep a child or not. But there should be some kind of provision for men who do not want to be fathers.

NHamilton said...

If you don't want kids and don't want to have to deal with the decision on whether or not to keep an unexpected kid, then don't have sex. Everybody knows the consequesces of having sex, so I believe that if a man an woman get pregnant by accident, they both should deal with the consequences. If you don't have the money to raise a kid, don't have sex. Its really not that difficult.

KeyKey said...

I think if an agreement between two adults is not to have any children and the woman ends up pregnant. If the woman decides to keep the child, I think the man should not be obligated in any way to the child unless he wants to be in the child’s life. In this case I do think the man should have a Right to sign his rights away. Now the issue with a man having the right to say if a woman can or can not go threw with a pregnancy. I am totally against it. A woman should have and keep the Right to say what happens to her body. Not saying its right not to give the man a say so in the situation. He should be able to state his opinion about the situation. The man should have a chance to say something about it before the woman goes and has something done to the unborn child.

KeyKey said...

I think if an agreement between two adults is not to have any children and the woman ends up pregnant. If the woman decides to keep the child, I think the man should not be obligated in any way to the child unless he wants to be in the child’s life. In this case I do think the man should have a Right to sign his rights away. Now the issue with a man having the right to say if a woman can or can not go threw with a pregnancy. I am totally against it. A woman should have and keep the Right to say what happens to her body. Not saying its right not to give the man a say so in the situation. He should be able to state his opinion about the situation. The man should have a chance to say something about it before the woman goes and has something done to the unborn child.

missjai23 said...

Okay I understand the men that want to be in the deciding factor of whether to abort a child or not. I think that if a man wants the woman to not have an abortion he should draw up contracts and raise the child himself once it comes into the world. Ultimately whether a woman chooses to abort or not abort she is the one who has to live with the decision (even though that decision may affect other relationships) for the rest of her life. As for the issue about men wanting to be relieved of financial responsibility of a child that they did not want is ridiculous. I believe it is both parties responsibility financially to take care of the child whether they wanted a child or not. If you are going to have sex, you better be prepared for the consequences that comes behind it. Condoms are not 100% protective, Birth control is not 100%, and neither is sterilty. Only abstinence is guaranteed to keep you from conceiving a child. I just really think that if someone doesn't want to deal with the risk of getting pregnant, risk catching a disease, or pure responsibility of one another shouldn't have sex and that is the bottom line.

justfish247 said...

On this issue I do believe men should have more rights. It would be great if there were an equal way to implement these rights. The problem becomes that any time you give people new rights abuses of these rights take place. The example given with the programmer is a good one that should, in my belief, make both parties communicate by possibly going to counseling and come to a compromise. In that specific example he seems as though he did not want to have children at the time and she didn’t think she could. Should they have still worn protection? Maybe. The problem remains that she probably knew that he did not want children. Still, I totally understand there are many people that have sex without protection and do not discuss anything with their partner. The fact that he knew she could not get pregnant makes it seem as if the topic came up about pregnancy and using protection. So I am of the opinion that an attempt was made by him to discuss the issue. On the other hand did she disclose what she would do in the scenario if she were to become pregnant? It is almost getting to the point where we have to turn sex into some sort of negotiation with contracts.

No matter if there are changes made to men having more rights, someone will be upset. Although I personally am getting tired of the deceit and entrapment and abuses of trust in these scenarios. There are some on this blog that feel that it should be a certain way. I feel as though maybe there should be a way to agree upon one of the four options: abortion. adoption, mother raises child or father raises child. If this cannot be agreed upon maybe we need to go to more of a litigation type of trial. I do not claim to have the answers but I do believe the sheer one sidedness of this problem is ridiculous.

Unknown said...

I agree that men should have a say in what happens to their unborn child. A man has every right to walk away (and pay child support) if a pregnancy happened that he never wanted or agreed to. But, a man also has the right to keep the baby if the woman decides she doesn't want it. I believe it's wrong to abort any unborn child. If a girl gets pregnant and decides she wants an abortion BUT the father says he wants to keep the baby and take care of it himself, who has the right to tell him no? The same goes for if the mother wants to put the child up for adoption. It takes two to create a baby and both parents should have equal right to decide what happens.

rrodriguez30 said...

The issue here is the father's lack of choice in determinig the outcome of a pregnancy. If the father were to have the legal rights to determine the course of a woman's pregnancy, he would then have control over her body. That would ensure the very human rights of jurisdiction over one's body and personal freedom on the part of the female. Men should have limited legal rights since they are part of the creation. The father's rights in terms of responsibility in creating a human life end when he chooses to have unprotected sex. So in short, "you play, you pay".

Dijabou said...

I think that men should be given the right to choose whether or not they should be financially responsible if and only if they were not on board with the whole pregnancy from the beginning. Maybe there should be the option of signing a document that states that the father wishes to be left out of the situation altogether with acknowledgement from the woman. This does not mean that responsibility does not fall on the man too. When two people decide to get intimate, they should be aware of the consequences of their actions and should not take it lightly. He should also be able to express his opinion when it comes to the woman having an abortion because this is his progeny after all. I think that the prospective child should not have to pay for his/her parents' irresponsible acts and that no matter what responsibility is inescapable.

GoGreen said...

I do not think that the men should have a say in whether or not the woman he got pregnant should or should not have an abortion. The women is the one to give birth and go through all the pain and stress of carrying a baby. I understand that men should be treated equal, but that doesn't mean that he should be the one to say that a woman cannot have an abortion. I think it should be up to the woman because she's the one who has to go through all the obstacles. Also, in some cases, men end up not wanting to take care of a baby after it comes out because they aren't responsible enough to provide for the baby that they contributed to make it possible. Men sometimes want to be the one to make the big decision because they want to feel powerful and end up not liking the decision and blaming it on the women and leaving her to take care of it. I think that women should be the one to decide what to do because they are the one who has to be in pain.
When men talk about how they don't want to pay for the child because they didn't want it, I think its irresponsible. I think when you decide to have sex, you have to except the consequences of the outcome. If you are too irresponsible to work and pay for child support, you should think before you have sex or at least use some kind of contraceptives.

sean1391 said...

We all know how reproduction works and if one of the parties does not want children, then they need to practice safe sex or no sex. Just because a women says she is unable to have children, does not mean that safe sex measures should not be taken. Men should stop thinking with their second head and start thinking with their brain. Women should stop being conniving and trying to trap a man to stay by getting pregnant. Women may have all the rights to be or not to be a parent, but they did not get to that point without a man helping. If you allow men to have an easy way out taking care of a child, then some will take it and have no responsibility to have safe sex to avoid a pregnancy. It all comes back to people everywhere taking responsibility for their own actions.

I agree with riverchild, that perhaps we should start requiring intercourse licenses and regulate the ability to fornicate and give birth to children. Some people should not be allowed to have children. Riverchild also mentioned this whole concept of getting pregnant by accident. We all know how it happens, and if you are going to have sex with the opposite gender, then you know that you have a chance to get pregnant or get someone pregnant.

In the end, it still comes back that both parties should take responsibility for what they are doing.

Nga Nguyen said...

I do believe when it comes to potential progeny the men should have some rights. The women of course will always have the upper hand when it comes to pregnancy because they are the ones going through labor and having the child, but I believe to be fair the men should have the right to either have a financial support for the pregnancy or if it was unwillingness then the men should have a say to if he could possibly have nothing to do with it or be a real man and stick around. There will be males in this world who are real men and there are those who are considered boys. There are women out there just like the one in the case knowing that their partner does not want a child, but somehow she still ends up pregnant and then sueing him for the money. It is an absurd and unfair kind of thing to do to a human being. Usually, in America when it comes to abortion or dealing with children the mother has the rights, but I believe when a man and a woman have sexual relations and it turns out they have a baby, it is a decision both parties should have a say in. In the end, I believe once fetus is developed then the women and men should be responsible.

Jesse said...

I believe that men should have some rights over what happens to the baby, but I also believe that the women does have rights to do what she wants to her body. I believe it is fair for the man to have the right to not pay for the child if it is unwanted; especially if the women tells the men that she is unable to get pregnant. It might seem unfair if the woman ends up keeping the child, but like women who can choose whether or not to abort or give the baby up for adoption I think it's only right for the men to have the same kind of options when it comes to supporting the child or in the matter of what happens to it.

GatorBoy said...

I believe that men should have rights to a certain extent. If a man decides to have sex with a woman, they should be smart enough to know that there is still a chance that the partner can become pregnant. If this does happen and the mother wants to keep the baby, but the man does not, yes he should be required to pay child support. However, if it is the other way around where the man wants to keep the baby but the woman does not, there should be a legal custody battle where the woman would then have to be required to pay child support.

hondasi2007 said...

I believe that women should have the right to choose if they have the child. But when the father wants the child I believe that they need to have some kind of say because it is their child to. I think their can't be a law over all of this but I think it needs to be put on a case by case basis

Anonymous said...

I believe that men should have some rights as well. It really doesn’t make sense if he was very vocal about not having children and made that clear to his partner. If then his partner gets pregnant and decide to keep should he be held responsible? I think he then should be able to wave his paternal rights and not be made to pay child support for a child he did not want to begin with. There could be times when he then wants to be a part of the child which he then would either have to stay with the woman or set up child support and visitation rights. So I say there should be some form of amendment at least to give men an option. Women hold all the power when it comes to deciding to bring a life that was created by both of them.

Nermin Mohamed said...

I don't believe that men should have a say regarding whether women should abort or not abort. I agree that it took two people to make the baby and that both of them should make the decision together. I think that they should seek intensive counseling before making any decision, but at the end the woman is the one who gets to choose what she wants. It's unfair for a woman to carry a child that she doesn't want for 9 months and endure the pain, body changes and even losing her job, just because the man wants to have the child. He might end up not wanting to have the child after it's too late to have an abortion or after the child is born, and then the woman will be the one stuck with the child.

Engineer09 said...

I cannot agree with either side when both consciously knew what they were getting into. I am just wondering, but when a car salesman tells you that the car that you are going to purchase says “this car will never break down, it is the best of the best.” would you believe him? If you are telling me you would believe his line, then don’t buy a car. Similarly, a man or woman cannot just simply believe that either side cannot potentially have a child, because just like the condoms that people use, there is no 100% guarantee. All in all, I think both parties should have shared responsibility because people need to own up to their choices. Not one party should be the soul barer of the decision to abort. The rest I leave up to their moral obligations.

spatel said...

I don't think that men should have a say in the case of a potential pregnancy.If the guy is irresponsible enough to have six without using protection,and they get the girl pregnant,the guy should have to pay for the child support,even if he does not want the child and he doesn't want to deal with the consequences.If you don't want to take care of the child,and help the girl with child support then there's two options:One,don't have sex.Two,use protection when having sex!


bluntness said...

Men should have a right to decide if they want their girlfriend to give birth just like women decide if they want a child. It doesn’t make any sense a child is born and them be caught in the middle of two angry parents. Yes, we do see that now with parents getting divorced for different reasons, but at one point in time; they both agreed to bring a child in the world. Every circumstance is going to be different. If a female chooses to have a child without the proper consent from the dad then the dad should have the right to sigh over full responsibility to the mother. Look at the programmer from Michigan, who made it clear that he wanted no kids and ended up paying child support. Men should be able to choose if they want their off springs in the world. It takes two people to get pregnant, so it should be two to decide the fate of the unborn child.

Goodfella said...

I think it's a blessing to have a child, so I'm obviously against abortion, but I also feel that men should have an input on the situation. Child support is already too expensive and some people are still complaining about it even in their comments. There neds to be a way that the father could just use the money for their child, because the mother isn't always spending it on them, they use it for themselves. It takes a man and a woman to have a child, but the it seems the woman gets 100% of the power. I say that the woman should have the upper hand, but the man should also have their decision count and there could be ways around a situation. If the woman doesn't want the child, but the man does then maybe they could work something out where the man takes full responsibility of the child.

Lindsey C said...

I think that both the man and woman should have a say in what to do with the baby. I don't think that the woman should have all the say because it took both of them to make this happen. With the example of the man who did not want kids and his girlfriend who claimed she couldn't have any, he gets sued and has to pay child support. He offered to pay for the abortion or even give the baby up for adoption and she completely went against him, taking his money. I'm not sure if I believe that the woman should have more say or not. If she wants to have the baby and he doesn't, she shouldn't have to have an abortion or give it up for adoption. But I don't think that he should get sued for something he was not ready for. That brings in responsibility though and in some cases they should have been protected and better prepared to deal with any possible outcome. The man should have at least some rights in my opinion.

Yasmin C. said...

I believe that men should have just as many rights to decide if a baby should be brought into this world, as women do. I feel that is wrong for a woman to entrap a man with an unwanted baby. Parenthood should be planned out by both people and definately bringing a baby into the world with two angry parents isn't the right thing to do. Even if it means waiving financial responsibility, a man should have some rights.

Karly B. said...

I can see why a man would be upset with an unwanted pregnancy and having to pay child support for years and years to come. But, when you have sex with someone the end result could be a child. It was the mans choice to sleep with someone knowing full well what can happen. If you cant handle a child or helping out with money to support a human life, then don't have sex.

Yeiria said...

It's true, it takes two people to make a baby so therefore, both should have a say in the matter. Somehow I see some guys using this as a scapegoat, if they start to think they can get a woman pregnant and just pay for the abortion and that's it. Abortion is not a form of birth control! When you're pregnant, decisions need to be made carefully. Both parties should be able to come to an agreement. If it was a one night stand, oh well. We as adults should know what we are getting ourselves into and face the consequences. If that means paying child support then so be it. I'm sure that would teach you a lesson and chances of that happening again will be slim. Ultimately, I believe it is up to the woman. The woman is the one that has to carry the child and change her lifestyle for the better of the unborn child.

Unknown said...

First of all, I can understand why women get to choose but i do not agree with he fact that men have no say in the final decision. Yes, women have to carry the baby and go through unbearable pain which I acknowledge them for i could never do it. However, the child is just as much the man's as the woman's. So I feel as if he should have a safe. For example, the man in Michigan the article speaks of is just as much a creator (no disrespect for a baby) of the child as she is no more no less it takes two of them. So men may not think they are ready for a child and it could accidentally happen and if he does not want the child and she does he should not have to be involved. I feel as if that would affect his character but its his choice. Some men also may not be able to afford it and it may take a lot away from what they do not have. For example the man from Michigan had to pay 500 dollars a month on top of his monthly bills. This law to help men would help men not to be fooled by their partner to having a child before they are ready to be a father.

Unknown said...

First of all, I can understand why women get to choose but i do not agree with he fact that men have no say in the final decision. Yes, women have to carry the baby and go through unbearable pain which I acknowledge them for i could never do it. However, the child is just as much the man's as the woman's. So I feel as if he should have a safe. For example, the man in Michigan the article speaks of is just as much a creator (no disrespect for a baby) of the child as she is no more no less it takes two of them. So men may not think they are ready for a child and it could accidentally happen and if he does not want the child and she does he should not have to be involved. I feel as if that would affect his character but its his choice. Some men also may not be able to afford it and it may take a lot away from what they do not have. For example the man from Michigan had to pay 500 dollars a month on top of his monthly bills. This law to help men would help men not to be fooled by their partner to having a child before they are ready to be a father.

Nani2801 said...

This is an argument with no real solution, I think. My opinion is as follows, if the girlfriend tricks the guy into being a father then the absolutely he should not have to be penalized. Now it is another story if the girl got pregnant because they were having sex without protection of it if was merely an oops if she was on some sort of birth control. It takes two to tango is what I always say and if the boyfriend decided to have sex with the girl they both knew what the consequences could have been. He should not have a choice on paying/not paying child support. Be A MAN!!! I'm sure you thought you were one when you were having sex, now take responsibility for your actions. As far as Men having a say on whether they would like the woman to have the baby or not, that is a touchy subject by itself...You have to think about it, of course the man can say "I want you to keep the baby" but he's definitely not the one who is going to have to suffer those 9months...The choice should be the mother's just because she has to go through that but like I said it's a pretty crazy situation all together...

fullbluemoon said...

I would first say that in consensual sexual intercourse both the man and the women should be well aware that pregnancy may occur even if protection is used. The fact is that even though men and woman may be responsible enough to use protection, they may or may not consider the possible outcomes in the right way. It doesn’t matter if a couple has been together for years or days, if they feel the need to have sex they should they should also know what the outcome might end up being weather the couple has talked about it or not. Men’s rights should be just as much as women’s rights when it comes to abortion in MOST circumstances. This all goes hand in hand with my previous statements. There are so many arguments that can be made on who has the right to abortion or not but it all goes back to the right to have sexual intercourse, which is the first decision that should be made carefully.

carpe diem said...

I think that with this topic it's very circumstantial on who makes the choice whether or not to abort or keep the fetus. I do believe that a woman should have a major influence on the final decision since she's the one that's going to be pregnant for 9 months. However, if the woman is married and has a good relationship with her husband and of course, financially secured, then the husband should also be apart in the decision. Maybe a mutual consent form should be required to have an abortion. Also, if a man can't have a say in whether or not their potential child should be aborted or not; they also shouldn't necessarily have to pay child support either. Overall, it really just depends on the certain situation in my opinion.