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Sunday, February 28

Parental Consent for Abortion

The US has the highest teen pregnancy rates in the industrialized world. As you can see in the charts, the differences are stark. Yes, we do need more education and yes we do need more parental guidance. But if the teen decides to get an abortion, should she need parental consent as she is underage? Such consent is mandatory in 24 US. Most of the statutes apply to girls younger than 18 and provide for a court bypass procedure in case the girl is not able to involve her parents. Also most statutes include exceptions for medical emergencies.

On the one hand, supporters of the “required consent” camp, say that abortion is a form of medical procedure and as such parental consent should be required. The same way that parental consent is required for ear piercing, tattoos and appendectomies. Moreover, parents have the right to know what’s going on with their children’s lives. And others add that there is always the possibility that when parents find out, may offer support and long term help and thus avert the abortion.

Not so, the opponents of the measure assert. Parental consent is not legally required to have a baby. Why should it be different with the decision not to have one? And although parents may have the right to know what’s going on with their kids’ lives, what happens when the girl chooses abortion and the parents oppose it? Whose will should prevail? And don’t we make things worse –they ask- when we postpone the abortion by requiring an extra legal process to take place?

For the requirements in every state, you may go here You will see that some states have chosen a mid-solution. They require “parent notification.” If you are under 18, you have to tell your parents but you don’t need their consent.

What are your thoughts on the parental consent requirement?


Anonymous said...

In my opinion it is a toss up. Most young girls are more afraid to get pregnant than get an STD. I could never imagine being in high school and discovering that I was pregnant. I think the reason why pregnancy rates among teen girls is more prevalent here than other industrialized countries is because it is glamourized somewhat by the media, with movies like "JUNO" and the MTV show "16 and Pragnant". I could imagine that being a teenager girl nowawdays is hard enough without the burden of an unwanted pregnacy. I know most girls would be ashamed or afraid to tell their parents and may be concerned that their parents would force them to have the child. If parental consent is needed, then a young girl may turn to ddrastic measures such as suicide or "backlot abortions"/illegal abortions. I think a child should be entitled to an abortion without parental consent. However, I can see the reason why parental consent is is the child going to get the money to finance the abortion? What if there are health complications and the parents are unaware of what is going on? Maybe we should allow young girls access to birth control pills and the PLAN B pill without parental consent so that we can prevent this from happening.

Athena Smith said...

About the after morning pill and teenage girls.
Here is some info from Britain
"Minor girls as young as 12 are being provided the morning after pill at chemists shop without the knowledge of parents."

And in the US a few weeks ago the FDA approved marketing Plan B to girls ages 17 and under without prescriptions. Which means no parental consent.

bluntness said...

Where is it going to the end? We advertise it is ok to get pregnant. We create laws to lower parents’ authority over their children. Who teaches the children to be responsible for their own actions? Yes, yes, yes I cannot agree more with parental consent for abortion. If a parent doesn’t talk to their child about sexual intercourse and the consequences, the child is taught in school, and also from the media. It is quite obvious that there is a big problem with teen pregnancy. We are way too lenient and accepting of this trend. We need to take a look at the other countries to see what they are doing. A parent has to give their consent for ear piercing and tattoo why not abortion? With teen pregnancy on the rise, so are the ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The parent is fully responsible for their child and this right should not be taken away abortion or not. This would give kids more opportunities to get pregnant knowing there would be an easy fix.

Nadia said...
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Nadia said...

According to court case Roe. V. Wade, which concerns the right to have an abortion, the court ruled that abortion was constitutional under the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection and privacy clauses. I feel that if adults are covered under this “right to privacy” for abortions, the law should be able to cover right to privacy for teenagers and their right to not tell their parents. Although it is true that teenagers are minors and that their parents are responsible for them, teenagers also are protected by our Bill of Rights. The right to privacy and confidentiality should be honored for teenagers just as it would be for any adult patient. Furthermore, if it is the teenager’s baby, it is the teenager’s body. In this case, I don’t think it is right for a parent to say whether or not she must have the baby. I believe that the choice is purely up to the teenager. I don’t think teenagers should have to tell their parents, let alone get consent from them. Many parents wouldn’t be accepting and understanding to know that their child is pregnant in the first place.

Garrett said...

I believe that teenagers have the right to privacy on the issue of abortion. Many families are very religious and would never accept their child if she became pregnant. Parental consent might also drive a girl to get an illegal abortion that could damage her sexual organs. People have the right to confidentiality, so why should teenagers be excluded? A teenage girl might not be able to support a child so why should her parents be allowed to force her to have one. The teenager and the baby could both suffer because of a parent not consenting to an abortion. The parent has to give up their studies and their free time to take care of a child that they are not prepared for. Another consequence of teenage mothering is the child not being raised properly. Overall the lives of teenager’s should be their own, not their parent’s. Thus, teenagers should decide whether or not to have an abortion without the scrutiny of their parents.

LaurenW said...

I don’t see why parental consent is even an issue; of course a parent needs to be consulted. The girl in question is obviously not mature enough to handle herself. I mean do people understand how incredibly insane it would be to not notify a parent that their high school aged child is not only having sex and getting pregnant but is also about to have an abortion? A major invasive medical procedure that could potentially be as dramatic (if not more so) on her body as actually giving birth. Not to mention almost all women who end up getting abortions suffering from emotional damage afterwards. More likely than not this is only an issue because somewhere some girl got pregnant on accident and didn’t want her parents to know what she had been up to. Too bad, as I said in the blog before this one, yes it is her body but it was also her decision to have to sex. More people than the mother and baby in question need to be taken into consideration with these things, and when the mother is underage those people ought to be her parents.

Tierra D said...

I disagree with the fact that a teen needs consent from a parent to get a abortion to me that violates privacy.A lot of parents would try to persuade the teen into keeping the child or go against there decision.I think it should be their choice to get a abortion with if they want to. By some teens needing parental consent that sometimes forces them to do otherwise because of the pressure from the parents. Also that can be a very embarrassing moment and may be something that you would want to keep private but since you need the consent from a parent you have no choice but to let them know. I think they should at least put a age limit like if you are 14 or older you don't need a parent consent.

Nani2801 said...

I can't stress enough the fact that the U.S. advertises SEX EVERYWHERE, one of the major reasons we have so many teen pregnancies. My belief is the following: If a teen is 18 or older then it should be their choice whether to have an abortion or not. Abortions are very expensive and if they have the money, why not? Around this age you would expect a teen to have enough sense to be able to make such an important decision. Teens 17 or younger, not so much. Though at this age if they felt they were old enough to make such a big decision to have sex in the first place then abortion shouldn't even be a choice!!! I'm not saying that teens 18 or older should get away with it but things happen. If you were using protection or taking some kind of birth control and it just happened then you shouldn't be penalized for it. Though my true opinion on all this is that abortion shouldn't even be LEGAL...Not for those who CHOSE to have sex. If it happened against your will then by all means but again as previously stated if you were mature/old enough no matter what age you are and you decided to make the decision to have sex then it should be your RESPONSIBILITY to care for that child. I do support the morning after pill for those who are 18 or older and just to reinstate my opinion. YES 100% YES SHOULD A PARENT NEED CONSENT. Teen girls get away with too much behind their parents backs.

Kriena Lang said...

In my opinion a girl under 18 shouldn’t need to have consent from an adult to get an abortion. It is the girls body and she should be able to do what she feels is right in a situation like this. I know if I was under eighteen and became pregnant I would want the freedom to do what I want with my body without have to get permission from an adult. In some cases a person might not want to keep there baby, but if there parent doesn’t believe in abortion would be forced too, and then she would have to take care of a baby her whole life that she wasn’t ready for.

Maggie La Cruz said...

no i do not believe under aged girls should be able to get an abortion without parental consent. The parents have the right to know if their child is going to have any medical procedure.Also if their parents are aware of the situation they could talk about different options before doing something they may regret.Parents are our support, an under aged girl will not completely think about the situation entirely they will only think about the now, and not the future. They would have a hard time trying to cope after have this procedure. It just makes no sense to let someone who is under 18 who cannot even enter most night clubs go through a serious life changing procedure without parental consent. In fact when i was about 16 in some stores they would not let me purchase Mature rated video games, super glue, or cigarettes also at 16 you need parental consent to watch a rated R movie at the theaters so why would having an abortion be okay without parental consent?

Julia said...

If a teenage girl is immature enough to end up pregnant before she is ready, what on earth qualifies her to make the decision to abort the "unwanted" child on her own?!

An abortion is a serious medical procedure and isn't affordable for most teenagers. When she can't afford it, this teenage girl is going to head straight for the blackmarket abortion that she can pay for. Now the girl is risking more than a little embarrassement... she's risking her life. And as Lauren said, many abortion patients end up with emotional struggles that they'll (in many if not most cases)be dealing with later in life when they realize that they made a hasty decision to abort a pregnancy, and then went behind her parent's backs to "fix" the "problem". Abortion is difficult enough without deception.
In my opinion, it is in the best interest of the girl's body and emotional stability to require consent.

If I have to have my parent's consent to have my ears pierced, there is no logical reason why I wouldn't need their consent to abort an accidental pregnancy. I feel like guys and girls both need to start thinking of the consequences of their actions BEFORE they hop in bed.

Kristi said...

I believe any medical treatment of a child under the age of 16 should be at the discretion of a parent or parental guardian, this includes any oral contraception. The Plan B pill (morning after pill) is available without prescription to any one 17 years or older. I believe this is how abortions should be handled. Young adults typically do not have an adult to confide in about their feelings of a pregnancy, therefore they do not have the guidance to make an educated decision. I feel that parents need to become more involved with their children’s lives and should have many sex talks with their children.

Dawn Shepperson said...

I do feel that parents need to give consent for abortions of girls under the age of 18. There are a few reasons for this:
1. Parents should know what's happening with their children, but need to make the decisions rather than just be informed of them. Why require permission for something as innocuous as ear piercing, or permanent as a tattoo, but not as life changing as the decision to have or not have children? If someone under the age of 18 has a child, the parents of that teenager are the ones that are going to do most of the raising of that child.
2. For medical reasons, parents should be involved. Children under 18 can't consent to any medical procedure, so why should this be any different? This is a very emotional decision, and more rational heads need to be involved.
3. You have to be 18 to legally sign a contract, because they want to make sure you know all of the consequences of your actions. If you can't purchase a car without assistance, why would you be able to make a decision to have or not have a child alone?
4. The most pessimistic reason of all.....what if there is a medical screwup and the parents are not involved? If only for the CYA aspect in this litigious age that we live in, the medical professionals need to make sure that the proper people make an informed consent to the procedure.

lexd said...

I can argue both sides. On one hand i believe young girls should need a parent concent because it is a situation where the parents need to be involved, because its such a life changing exprience. On the other hand some girls find it hard to tell there parents about for whatever reason. So the girls wait to long where they are no longer able to get an abortion if that's the decision that is decided on. therefore putting the baby and the mother in a bad situation. But i also believe abortion isn't always the answer. As i said in the last blog if your willing to have sex at a young age you should be willing to deal with all the consequences of having sex inclding a child. If your not ready for a child use protection from both parties and stay safe.

hondasi2007 said...

His is a really hard topic and their is two drastic sides to this argument. I really think that you need to judge on the womans maturity level on if they need parental consent. Some young adults are veryature and will probally make better decisions with this than adults. But then some young adults need to be sheltered and told every step of the way what they need to do. I personaly think the regulations are good the way that they are now. Because yes it should be the person having the baby making that decision but u can't e sure that they are mentaly stable or mature enough to make that decision without the regulations

Erin Walsh said...

It can be said when looking at the number of teen pregnancies in the U.S. as oppposed to the rates elsewhere in the industrialized world that education and parental guidance is strongly needed. I believe that the need for both still carries over when taking into consideration whether a teen should need parental consent for an abortion, especially when most statutes that are similar apply to girls younger than eighteen. Parental guidance was needed when the teen became pregnant, and I don't believe such guidance should continue to be relinquished when the girl in question is weighing her options.
I don't believe that required parental consent is so much stealing the freedom of choice from a teen anymore than it is an extension of keeping tabs on what is going on in a teen's life. Involved parents that raise their children correctly would have no need for such motives. I believe that the main function a parental consent serves regarding abortion is a chance for the teen in question to seek support and help. A major duty of a parent in a teen's life is to offer guidance, especially when the teen at hand may be at an age that they simply cannot make an educated decision themselves and see the full set of consequences of either way they may go when making a decision. An involved parent will do anything to save their teen the pain of making a decision they regret, whatever it may be, and parental consent simply allows the best course of action to be taken. A responsible teenager will thank a parent for involvement in retrospect, as making the best decision is of far more importance than the length of time that such a legal process may take.
It is also my understanding that a court bypass procedure may be taken in case the girl is not able to involve her parents, which also may help a great deal in situations where teenagers are not in contact with parents. Covering every aspect of the situation and offering as much help as needed is what I feel parental consent is trying to accomplish. Teenagers are teenagers afterall, and growing up should be about living and thriving rather than dwelling on past poorly executed decisions.

Latifah Aziz said...

I strongly agree with a parental consent requirement. I feel like a teenager girl younger than the age of 18 years old should have a parental consent. If a teenager girl chooses to make bad decisions in life by having a baby young then she should deal with the consequences by taking care of and providing for her baby. Also during these teenage years a lot of teenager girls still stay at home with their parents, so therefore their parents have a lot to do with their decision making.

Even though I don’t believe in abortions ,the only reason that I would disagree with a parental consent requirement if a teenager girl was proven to be raped. By being proven raped a teenager girl shouldn’t have to take on the responsible of a baby because the situation wasn’t intentional.

yolkia said...

As a mother of two girls I think Parental Consent should be necessary for an abortion. I think parents need to know what is going on with their kids. Is like on High School that they can have a pregnancy test without consent. I think that at the moment that a feminine student goes to the nurse asking for a pregnancy test, at that moment the nurse should call her parents. Inform them what is going on with their kid. I think that underage girl (do not need privacy) is not going to be responsible enough to take decisions for herself. Parents need to be informed at all moments of what is going on with their kid.

KP said...

i think it is the girls decision whether or not she wants a abortion. Absolutely the family can have an opinion and advise them about what is the right decision for their particular situation, but it is their child's ultimate decision. the problem is that society does advertise sex, as well as pills like Plan B, which gives girls an instant decision. Also, a parent should support their decision regardless because it could have a major impact on how they handle things.

precious said...

I don’t know I never had a girl but if I did I would want to be able to talk to my daughter about her option and the three of us deciding what is best for her and I guess that would have to be decide on an individual child circumstance but I would also have to realize that she could go to another state and get it done without parental consent. That part of it would bother me also the other thing that bothers me is that Florida is a parental notification only. Because we as parents would have only the Childs best interest at heart. We wouldn’t want to do anything that would hurt her. I also don’t think kids should be having kids. It however, doesn’t mean I would automatically tell her to have an abortion. It would be something she and her father and I would have to sleep on and think about for a while.

Athena Smith said...

The points you all make are valid but the problem of teen pregnancy remains unresolved.
You cannot expect teens not to have sex when we glorify sex in the media. You cannot expect them not to get pregnant when we offer almost non-existent sex ed.

Read the article "sex talk reduces teen pregnancy.." uploaded on Blackboard. It can also be read here
Take a good look at the pragmatism incorporated in the Dutch program. Read who is the co-author of their sex ed book. Yes, it is their Catholic Church .

Abstinence-only programs are not sex education by the way.

lbrown said...

Parental consent should not be a requirement for abortion. It is not the duty of the law to help parents know what their children are doing. It is the parents’ job to know what their children are doing. If a teenager gets pregnant and is afraid to tell her parents, then she should still have a right to decide how she is going to spend the next 18+ years of her life. Ultimately it is her decision. Hopefully, parents will have relationships with their children that will foster communication between them and their children. And ideally, a pregnant teen will be able to discuss her options with her parents. But if the parents haven’t laid the ground work, it is not the government’s job to force teens to speak with their parents.

Many here discussed the problem of teen sex. Abstinence programs are a joke. States that have such programs in schools have higher rates of teen pregnancies. It seems unconscionable to me that we teach our children so many miraculous working of the universe, and yet clam up when we address one of the major, primal urges of man-SEX. It’s already everywhere…why not educate students regarding the risks and the truth about sex? I was raised in NJ, where we had sex education starting in 6th grade. Knowing what could happen if I chose to have unprotected sex gave me the power to make better decisions when I decided to do so.

dream1990 said...

This topic is very sensitive to me being that I do not support abortions. To me it is good that it is requiered for parents to sign for their daughter to get an abortion. What if the young girl keeps gettig pregnant and keeps getting abortions ; to her its just a joke but she doesn't notice that she is doing something so evil. But then again, its her choice to have the baby or not but she should if thought of that in the moment . There are many young girls getting pregnant that now its not so unusual that parents do not push the topic. And also instead of using that much money for an abortion she could use it for school or save for college or a car.

Unknown said...

Well, I don’t believe having an abortion is right either way, with your parents’ permission or without, but I definitely think a woman under the age of 18 needs her parent’s approval to proceed with an abortion. I was reading some of the other posts and I saw where someone mentioned shows like “16 and Pregnant”, and I have to say that I think shows like that are a major reason why young teens today are getting pregnant. Young girls see these shows on MTV, and they might want to be on T.V. bad enough, where they get pregnant on purpose. I’m not saying that all these girls are doing it just to get on T.V., but I do think it might be one of the reasons. There is of course also peer pressure, giving into a guy just because you want him to like you, or because all your friends are doing it. Then when the girl actually gets pregnant, she always says she wished she would have been more careful. When I was looking at the states and what their requirements were, I couldn’t believe that Florida just needed parental notification. I think that’s so crazy! I mean these girls are kids themselves, their parents or at least one of their parents should know. Deciding whether to have an abortion or not is a huge responsibility and I think a young woman should look at the pro’s and con’s before making any further decisions, and she needs to make these decisions with people that love, care, and will always be there for her, her parents.

Thaer said...

I believe that the girl shouldnt have parental consent. It shouild be here choice to have the baby or not. If the parent has to make the decision, then it will make a family problem because no way the parent and daughter will have the same answering towards having the baby or not. Teenage girls should have the right to make their own decision not the parents. They are old enough to kmow what is better for them. If they think they can handle the baby go for it, but if not then they should have an abortion. The teenage girls are the ones with the baby, not the parents. In my opinion, parents dont know what is right for their teenage girl. Only the girl could decide k whats right for herself.

hrayy09 said...

I think the consent would work although, with parents knowing, they might belittle their children. I think its wrong to have an abortion but if the girl cant pay for it to be born and they want an abortion I think they should be able to get one without parents knowing. In my opinion, if your mature enough to have sex, your mature enough to make a decision of keeping the baby or giving it up. Parents don't always know when their kids are having sex so they shouldn't have to know about the consequences. If the girl does tell her parents and chooses to have an abortion without their consent, her parents will be disappointed at her and that may raise conflict in the house.

Unknown said...

With teen pregnancy on the rise, I feel parental consent should be required. I feel that most teenagers may feel that financially they may not be able to support a child. Or they may feel they may not be able to take proper care of the child. Therefore, with the parent(s) knowing, they could help the teen if they oppose abortion. I believe abortion is an easy way out, except for certain circumstances such as rape, etc. I also feel that if a teen gets pregnant and she feels she cannot take care of the child and the parents are not able either, then the teen should go through with the pregnancy and give the baby up for adoption. Not have an abortion. I also feel, if the teen feels like, for whatever reason she cannot talk to her parents, she should have to seek counseling. Seek something. Having an abortion could cause issues down the road, mentally and/or physically.

monimar9302 said...

Teens should not need parental consents for an abortion. I do believe they should let their parents know but they are the ones to choose whether or not they want to have the abortion. There are many clinics that offer birth control pills and the morning after pill with out parental consents for under the age of 18. You do not need a parental consents to prevent a child, than why should you need one abort one? If I were pregnant in high school I would definitely want to let my mother know. I would need her support with whatever decision I made. But not all teens are close to their parents and this could cause harm to their relationships with their parents; therefore, I do not think teens should need parental consents to have an abortion.

moneyhoney said...

This is definitely a gray line situation I don't think there is a yes or no answer. I'll just say what I think about this and every other controversial topic out there get a third party involved. Laws and guidelines are in place to help us but people are not computers. Sometimes to see past our own agendas it is significant to consult a third party whether it be a family member a therapist or a judge. We can't slap the same outcome on a thirteen year old unwanted pregnancy and a seventeen year old wanted pregnancy. There are too many what ifs for underage pregnancies to be resolved in a black or white manner. Considering what effect having or not having that child might do to a young girl emotionally and mentally. I don't think anyone should be told what they should do with their personal bodies but I don't agree with secrecy during such a tough time. Having someone to talk too can make all the difference in the world instead of cutting one self of or being shunned.

Anonymous said...

I think that regardless of how old they are it is still their body, and therefore their choice. I think that it makes no difference what the parent says or does because if the young adult doesn't want to have the baby then they won't. Lets all face it there is plenty of ways to get rid of an unwanted fetus, for example girls now-a-days are overloading on birth control pills after they get pregnant. They will just run away to another state that does allow abortions without consent, or they will have someone pose at the father/mother. I think that it would be good practice for a young adult to address the issue with the parents first because they might be able to stop them from making a foolish decision.

Gary Upton said...

Parents' are held accountable for the welfare of their children, as they should be. The mother and father should have a say or at least be informed, if their child wants an abortion. As parents, we raise and support our children and only want whats best for them. I don't believe in abortion, however, I would not impose my beliefs on my daughter. I would help her find all the information that she needed to make the best decision. I do understand that not all parents may be so understanding, so the law should only mandate that they be informed and that there be some kind of waiting period so that the parents and child can attain some kind of counseling. After all the parents will be stuck with the consequences that may result from medical issues developing from the abortion, one of these issues could be the child's depression after the fact. If the child keeps the baby, the parents will more than likely give a great deal of financial support as well as help raise the baby; so it is only right that they be informed.

Rain said...

In my opinion, I think that the parent(s) does have the right to know. If a child feels like she has the right to get pregnant and could always get an abortion because their parents won't know about it, as much of a problem as it is know, it will become an even bigger problem. No matter how strict the parents are or the consequences the child might face, I think they should know. Because that way the parents can force restrictions on the child but if they're unaware there's nothing they can do. And often once a girl has gone through that, they sometimes become depressed and might even lead to suicide because they keep it a secret and if they have the right to get an abortion without a parent's consent, they will not tell their parents. Why should they have to get their parents consent for a tattoo or a piercing but not for a baby? I don't even see the argument in this, A baby is very serious business, that's a life and I believe, respectfully that they should require their parent's consent to have an abortion.
-Manouchka Silgnena

Alex Logsdon said...

It is complicated but in my opinion I believe the parents should know. If an underage teen is having an abortion more likely then not she already did something she wasn't supposed to do. This really could go both ways but because I have a tight-knit family and I trust in them I would tell. Parents are a source of information and support, this could and probably is going to be a traumatic event for the teen and having the family to fall back one would help tremendously. Plus, this is a medical procedure and there are risks involved this brings into play legal issues. Should the parent decide if the abortion is right or not? No. But they should have a say and they do have the right to know. If someone is paying for your school, clothes, food, fun, car even just some of those they have the right too know.

Megan Biretz said...

I think that parental notification should be mandatory.

Parental consent is a little much because parents may say no or not agree and then the girl is stuck.

Parental notification - there is still the hope that the parent(s) may give the child support and eventually may opt to keep the baby. However if the parents do not agree, there is still the option for the girl to do as she may.

If it weren't for the parents possibly coming around and helping the girl to keep her child, then I would side with no consent/notification entirely. But I think if there is still an ounch of hope that a parent will support and help, then the subject needs to come up.

I opt for notification!

Anonymous said...
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Ashley Alexander said...

Yes, I think girls should have parental consent to get an abortion. If your child is younger than 18 then they are still a child, meaning they need their parents. I think that if more parents were required to know that their daughter is planning on getting an abortion, and is allowed by the state to not notify them then something is wrong. If a teenage girl is pregnant her parents should know. She can get help and her chances of not doing it again are somewhat gone. I think that if a girl goes to a clinic asking for an abortion and is under age and required to have parent consent then the clinic should call the parents maybe a week later if they don't come back letting the parents know what’s going on. Any girl under age, and pregnant is not in the right state of mind to make a decision like that. I agree that parental consent is needed for an abortion. If they didn’t want the kid or responsibility, they shouldn’t have had sex.

missjai23 said...

My thoughts are that it should be the teen's decision whether or not to abort a child, because the teen has to live with the decision they make. As a parent you can choose whether you will support your child's decision or not. But as the trend goes and has been for decades, when teenagers get pregnant (not counting those that are raped and have conceived)most of the responsibility of raising those children are left up to the parents simply because their teens are not ready and responsible to raise a child. But I feel that most of these teenager's know that having sex can result in pregnancy. If they thought they were grown enough to lay down and have sex then they are grown enough to make a decision and if they decide to keep the child that they should take care of it with or without help. Since most parents won't make their children be responsible for their actions then I think that it is only fair for them to have Parental consent for an abortion.

The great misdirect said...

I think that parental consent should be required for a teenage girl to have an abortion. If the girl is allowed to just abort the baby of her own volition where do the consequences go when does she learn her lesson. I believe that abortion should only be allowed in extreme cases where rape or some form of abuse has occured which led to the conception. In these extreme cases I believe that the parents would more than likely sympathize and sign a waiver for their child to have an abortion. I think the best method however would be to give the child up for adoption if the teen is truly unfit or not ready to be a mother. However some parents may find abortion to be the better measure. I believe that they should retain the right since their child is still a dependent of them therefore making the parents also financially responsible for the baby.

neither1 said...

Why are the parents not educating their children on the consequences that come with having sex before you are ready? Where is the education on using protection with all the transmitable diseases. Oh, how about did you know that aids is still out there and they have yet to find a cure? Well the problem with all that is no matter how you educate you child, the media still makes it ok to have sex and what do teens listen to. The media of course. I believe that when you are under the age of consent then the parent should step in and make the decission after they have talked and come up with a solution that benifits both the teen and the parents hopefully its the right decission. But most teen girls are afraid to say anything to their parents for the fear of the unknown. So we go back to how to get the teen girl that gets pregnant out of this situation. This is were the morning after pill comes into play. Then talk about getting the teen girl some kind of contraception seeing how she is most likely not going to stop having sex.

Moonbeam said...

I definitely believe that there should be a parental consent requirement for abortion. Teenagers who are pregnant do not have the maturity level to handle such an issue, and parents should know what is going on, and hopefully help the teenager. I also believe that the "Parental Notification" requirement in some states should be changed to a mandatory parental consent. Abortion is a major medical procedure, (actually, I believe it is murder, but that is another subject) and parents need to be involved in the decision. In the United States, there are so many laws for teenagers. Teenagers have to be 17 to see an R-rated movie, 18 to purchase cigarettes, and 21 to purchase alcohol. Why would they not require parental consent to murder an unborn child, especially when they are children themselves? I do not understand the lawmakers at times.

Yeiria said...

I feel parental notification is a must. If parental consent is needed for tattoos and piercings for underage children then there should be no questions regarding getting an abortion! There’s so much sex on television that 11 and 12 year old girls are getting pregnant. These girls are barely mature physically and mentally themselves and they think they are old enough to bear children. I don’t believe you can tell someone what they can do with their own bodies, but when you are underage you are still young at mind. You think carefree and believe that the world revolves around you. Parents shouldn’t be there to dictate on their kids’ lives, they should be there for guidance and support. I think that if a girl is too scared to tell her parents that she is pregnant not only should she not be having sex in the first place, but informing another family member that is 25 years or older would be better because she shouldn’t have to go through such a thing alone. Still, if a teen undergoes the abortion procedure and it’s fatal (which definitely does happen) I feel the parents would seek legal assistance and most likely sue because their underage daughter was getting an abortion and they were not aware. The girl probably didn’t know she was allergic to something or wasn’t sure about her medical past that would have been vital for the doctor to know. With so much pressure, teens would search for other options and may try to get rid of the baby in dangerous and harmful ways to both lives. Taking excessive birth control pills, punching or kicking in the uterus area, or even falling down a flight of stairs purposely would be ways of taking the situation in their own hands. Parent should be aware that this would be a difficult situation for their daughter and not make it anymore stressful. Therefore, parental or family member notification should be needed, but not consent. With so many ‘kids having kids’ I can’t wait to see what the generation brings.

JustaGirl said...

I agree with parental consent for abortion for a number of reasons. I have two daughters and I would just flip if I found out they had an abortion without my knowledge.My first objectio is the fact that an abortion is a medical procedure and I feel any type of medicall procedure should require parental consent when an underage child is involved, and underage to me is 18. Secondly what is really teaching our children, that they can make mistakes and adult decisions without consequences? What about the girls who feel abortion is a form of birth control? I absolutely believe that parental consent should be required for abortions we are putting adult decisions in childrens hands, if they feel they can just "fix" the situation they have gotten into there is really nothing stopping them from doing it again, and furthermore how does a parent address an issue that they have no knowlegde of making it more likely for the child to get herself in the same situation again.
In short I totally disagree with abortion for minors without parental consent.

yaya07 said...

In my opinion I feel that the parental consent should not be required if the child is under the age of 18; but I do think the parent notification should be highly looked upon. Any person that is younger than 18 is not considered an “adult” and I think that it is a huge decision for a girl to be making the choice of abortion. It should be required that the parent is consulted about their child’s pregnancy and have the knowledge about the child’s choice of abortion. Having the abortion procedure is something major and serious which is why I think the parent should be notified in case of any problems. I don’t think the parental consent would be very affective because of disagreements between the child and their parent. I think that the expected mother should decide what is best for her instead of the parents interfering with her own decision.

Lindzy22 said...

I'm undecided on this issue. I feel that parents should know what's going on with their daughter if she is under 18 years of age but on the other hand I think that if the teenage girl makes the decision to have sex then she can also make the decision the keep or abort the baby. Most procedures done on a minor need parental consent so why would an abortion be any different? Plus having the support of the parents could help with whatever decision is made. On the other side of the argument a pregnant teen may not be fit to be a mother at such a chaotic time and would have to make the choice on their own. Either way this subject is very controversial .

Stoic said...

I can not believe there are people out there comparing the decision of getting an abortion to getting some sort of piercing, that being said I think this is a very touchy subject. It may be true that a child under the age of 18 may not always know whats best, but I think we can all agree that there are plenty of parents that are not to down to earth either. I know we all would like to think that all parents are looking out for the best interests of their children. Unfortunately that just isn't true and there decisions could be very selfish. its just not pro-choice if someone else is making it for you.

Vivianle said...

Parents should be notified and have their consent if their teens are going to have an abortion. I believe, if you are 17 and under, yes. But if you are 18 you may be old enough to make the right decision. Teens under 17, are still a minor and most likely cannot support a child, therefore, they can work something out with the parents whether they are financially stable to keep the child or not. If I was a parent in that situation, I sure do want to be part of the decision. It may be embarrassing for the teen not only because their parent knows they are having sex, but they are also pregnant, but having a baby is life changing and stops your life for the child needs.

PaviElleS said...

Privacy is not a right, it’s a privilege…at least under the authority of someone who clothes, feeds, and puts a roof over your head. I would think that if you are fornicating at a young age then you’ve probably abused your privacy. Parents have a say so in pretty much every situation a teenager is in, with good reason. They’ve been there before, they’ve made stupid choices, and they’ve had to pay for the consequences, the majority of them don’t want the irresponsible child to have to go through something she is obviously not mature enough to handle. If she goes into sex not knowing that the consequences and uses of sex is to make a baby, then…well she has signed herself up for a wild ride. Plus, most teenage girls who have had abortions are permanently mentally scared for the rest of their lives and it could have all been possibly handled well if the parents were there to assist in the process. That being said, I believe parents should be allowed to have a say so in the abortion process. Besides, I think they know a little bit more about raising a child and how hard it is, look at the situation they’re in now, trying to convince their teenage daughter not to mess with the nature of the “birds and the bees”.

Anonymous said...
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Anderson11 said...

If a teenage girl has another human developing inside of their body, it should be their call on what happens to their baby. Yes, parents must give consent for their underage child to have a medical procedure, a tattoo, or piercing. Yes parents should be informed that their child is pregnant but they should not have any say in what happens to that child because it is not theirs. If the girl does not want to have a baby then there is no way in hell the parents could legally force her to do something that she doesn't want to do. Especially something as painful as pregnancy. Also having a child is a major responsibility and it would probably be best for the young female to terminate the baby because they simply cannot take on that grand responsibility.

pricethepig2002 said...

I don’t believe that a teenager should need parental consent to get an abortion. In my opinion if they made the mistake of getting pregnant and wish to get an abortion, they should have the choice to do it without consent of a parent. Parents might react very negatively towards their pregnant teenager, and refuse to support them, emotionally or financially. This could lead to teens being kicked out of their homes, or manipulated into doing things that they disagree with. Also, teens should be able to make the decision without pressure from their parents, as it would be the teenager’s life that would be most affected.

spatel said...

No I do not believe under aged girls should be able to get an abortion without parental consent.The parents should have the right to know if the girl is going to have a medical procedure done to her body.I belive it would be better of if the girl confronts her parents about this kind of situation better then to not tell her parents at all.The will give her advice on what to do,and hopefully her parents support her.An under aged girl would is still not that machure to decide for herself.So,I don't believe that under aged girls should be able to get an abortion without parental consent.

jimayyee said...

I highly support required parental consent for underage girls who are pregnant. In my opinion, I think girls under the age of 18 needs her parent's approval for having abortion or not. Not only because she is under the age of 18 and not really considered as an adult yet, but she got pregnant at a young age. I believe parents have the right to control their daughters lives until they reach the adult age which is 18. If 18 year old women got pregant, then yes, it should be their decision whether or not they should have an abortion or not without their parents permission. But at the age of 16, I think the parents should decide what to do.

Mudbeaver said...

Well, in my opinion, abortion is not that big of a deal as people make it out to be. Our country is so over populated & millions of our tax dollars are spent to support these unfit mothers with programs like WIC & food stamps. Abortion helps to lower the spending in these areas. Hey, if parents cant be more involved in their teenagers lives to monitor them, guide them and give them the education they need to keep from getting pregnant in the first place, then why should the guardians be involved for parental consent? Abortions might take innocent lives out of the womb but in respect, futures are saved from financial burden. What happens to the childs mentality later in life when you find out you were never wanted to begin with? It is our right as an American by law to have privacy regardless of age so parental consent should have no bearing.

scrappy doo said...

I believe that parental consent is necessary. We as parents should be more involved in our children personal life and the choices that they make in life. In today’s era teen age girls think begin pregnant is cute but they don’t realize the full responsibility of what happens after the child is born. I personally do not appose the decision of any female of making their final decision to abort their child. We should support our child on any decision that they make because when it all boils down they are still our kids.

Mike B. said...

i am mixe about this subject on one side i would say that the parents should have to give there consent for an abortion. i believe this would be good because then the paeents are not only aware of the procedure but there aware that they need to talk to there daughter about sex and protection.On the other side i do believe that teenagers should have the privacy to get one. for some teens being able to get one will prevent there parents from disowning them. I also believe that some parents are against abortions and will not allow it causing bck lot abortions that can harm the girl and increase her risk for getting infections that could possibly kill her.

Athena Smith said...

That is a very different approach indeed.
Unfortunately at times parents do indeed fail to give guidance.
At times, they give, but they are overpowered by the media and peers.

dawn drake said...

Teenage pregnancy is a problem in the United States. A parent should have the right to know if their child is pregnant or not. Parents should not have to sign consent for an abortion. I so agree with the states that require parent notification. Once the parents are notified that their child is pregnant then the family as a whole can make a decision for the future. If the parents want to keep the baby, but the teenager does not. Well in the grand scheme of things it's not their body.

The argument to that is that teenagers may not be mature enough to make the best decision for themselves, but it is their body. The child is the one who would have to carry a baby for nine months and deliver the baby, not the parents. If for some reason there is a complication with the abortion and the child is unable to have children in the future they know that it was their decision.

P-Walk3 said...

I think that parental consent should be required during teenage pregnancies but let the mother choose to have an abortion. This way everyone would have knowledge of what is going on and nothing going to happen behind the back or under the table. Also, since it's a teenager is having a baby, the parents should be involved since they are living under the jurisdiction of their parents. Much of the problems in America compared to the rest of the world is that we are undereducated as far as sex and tend to make the wrong decisions based on our own knowledge, which most of the time is wrong.

KeyKey said...

This is a very difficult matter to deal with. On one hand I think yes, the parent should be there to sign the consent. I think this because it is necessary for parents to sign for other medical issues. Plus the parent most likely holds insurance for the minor. On the other hand, I think it should be up to the young adult to make the decision to keep the baby or not. The young adult does have to live with the decision for the rest of her life. As a parent I wouldn’t want to be blamed, or to have any hard feeling against me. I can imagine how horrible it would be if my child had bad feelings against me for something that will effect her life long term.

Kali winters said...

I think that it should be legal for girls under the age of 18 to have an abortion and not have to get legal consent from their parents. I feel that if they're old enough to have sex and get pregnant then they're old enough to make that choice. I don't believe in abortion but I think that everyone should be free to make their own choices and as sad as it is abortion is one of those choices that some women, however young or old, will have to make. I don't think that the choice of abortion should be influenced by guilt or be a decision forced not to make. If a minor has gotten as far as being pregnant then they will still be young but plenty capable to understand how big and heavy that decision is and do what's best for themselves. I think if the minor is forced to keep the baby then they may look at the baby as nothing more then a hindrance and that would be just as bad as aborting the baby. Also it would be negative for the parents because they would be taking away their child's rights potentially causing the minor to lash out against them or to keep important things like that a secret so as not to risk the parents taking away the minor's choice again.

Gerald Dodd said...

To me I think that the last solution that states are choosing is the best. This solution of letting the parents know but not needing consent is the way to go. It is the way to go because the kids should not need to have their parents control whether or not they have a baby if they don’t want to. But I do see where the point to tell them comes in, because a parent does have a right to know when their child is going to have a baby if the kid is under age. To wrap this up the solution to let parents know but not need them to consent is the best way to go.

Anonymous said...

I believe any girl under the age of 18 that chooses abortion should have to have a parental consent to it. The parents do have a right to know that their child is pregnant instead of it secretly being done. Even though everyone would be afraid to reveal to their parents that their girl is pregnant that individual has to take responsibility. It was her diescion to take the risk of having sex and getting pregnant than she should be mature enough to tell her parents so they can help her make the right choice.

SkipperJ said...

I believe any girl under the age of 18 that chooses abortion should have to have a parental consent to it. The parents do have a right to know that their child is pregnant instead of it secretly being done. Even though everyone would be afraid to reveal to their parents that their girl is pregnant that individual has to take responsibility. It was her diescion to take the risk of having sex and getting pregnant than she should be mature enough to tell her parents so they can help her make the right choice.

ClickClack said...

When A teenager gets pregnant it becomes a very complicated time in there life. Keep the child, adoption or aborting the pregnancy; the process is nerve racking to completely process whats best for the teen. I believe that a teen should have the choice to tell her parents because with all that she is going through would it really help to tell the parents that she is going to abort the pregnancy? It would really depend on the parents are they head strong and would not support her no matter what she did and disown her. They could be the type that didn't want her to have the abortion and force her into being a teen mom. I am a teenage mother and i accepted my blessing but accident. But no one should be forced into something like this she should have the choice without telling her parents only so that her choice can not be complicated by what her parents think but instead what she wants in her life and what she is willing to give up.

silk said...

I believe that kids should get a parental consent because there may be a chance where the kid might feel like there parents might not be happy with them or except them and they may feel like that may be their only option. It also is better for a minor to get consent because their could be chance where the procedure could go wrong and they might have to notify the parents of what happen and that may lead to a lot of problems especially if the parents had to find out that way. At the end of the day it still that person choice.

Dijabou said...

In my opinion, I think that parental consent is a positive factor in this type of situation. An underage teen who is pregnant and considering abortion obviously has not matured enough to understand the full consequences of her actions. Abortion is a consequence that comes with irresponsibility and I don't think it's fair to make the unborn child pay for this. Abortion shouldn't be considered a way out. It has serious emotional and physical strains. Parents need to have a say in the abortion because they are much more wiser, believe it or not, and by being pregnant and seeking abortion, the teen has given up her right to make coherent decisions. America needs to stop advertising pregnancy as "a walk in the park" (like that show on MTV "16 and Pregnant") and needs to increase awareness of the life-altering consequences that may follow. As if being pregnant at a young age is somehow "cool". It is a sad world we live in.

justfish247 said...

In one view I think that parental consent should be a requirement if for nothing else to deter under 18 year old youths from having unprotected sex. The fear of having to tell their parents that they were pregnant should be quite the deterrent for many to use protection. On the other hand, I feel as if what if the youth gets pregnant and wants to have an abortion and go to college without the burden of a child, but the parent does not believe in abortion and refuses it? Many may say that these young people should just not have had sex, and while that may be true, I believe that if they at least attempted to take precautions and have safe sex allow them the option. Although, as a soon to be parent, I believe I should have the right to be notified if my child was going to have any kind of medical procedure.

Part of the issue is that many adults who have the option abuse it severely. At the very least we can accuse anyone under the age of 18 years of age for being a little naïve, but what excuse do most adults have? So with adults setting such a wonderful example I can’t imagine where they get their ideals.

sean1391 said...

I waiver back and forth on whether a teen should have to have parental consent to have an abortion. On one hand, the teen should be allowed to make that decision on their own. Although, in doing so, would some take the attitude " Well if I get pregnant again before I am ready, then I will just have another abortion" or would they decide to practice safe sex. On the other hand, the parents have the right to know since the teen is under 18 and they are supporting them. I feel allowing the teen to make what could be a life changing decision without their parent(s) or legal guardian is not ok. I think that parents should talk with their children more, so that teens do not have to be in fear if and when their parents found out that they are pregnant.

Nga Nguyen said...

In my opinion, young girls who are under the age of eighteen should have their parent's consent when it comes to the subject of abortion. First, I am against having an abortion in any given situation because I feel like every baby should have the opportunity to experience life. But when it comes to having an abortion even if it is the young girls who are the ones going through labor, I feel like the parents has the right to know and have a say in the decision of getting an abortion or not. I know that if I was a parent I would want my daughter to keep the baby no matter what situation she is in because I believe there is a reason why that baby was brought into this world.

GoGreen said...

I agree with the mid-solution. I think that parents should be notified when their daughter is pregnant but not determined whether or not their child can have an abortion or not. It should be mostly up to their child who was dumb enough to get pregnant to decide whether she should continue to have a baby or get an abortion.
I feel that sometimes parents make the decision based on what they want and not their child. They may want their kid to have an abortion because they don't want to be embarrassed by it. On the other hand, there are parents who want their kid to not get an abortion because they are against it even though it is not the best thing for their child since they are at a young age to be able to take care of their baby.
Therefore, I feel that it should be mostly up to the kid to decide whether she wants an abortion or not. When you are having sex, you should know that if you don't use a form of birth control then the consequences may be harsh. I think the girl should talk to the parents about the situation but don't just do what they say if it goes against what they want. If they want to raise the baby then let them and they will see how hard it is to raise a baby at a young age. Parents just need to support their children in their decision.

fullbluemoon said...

To be honest this controversial matter could go a number of ways. For one I believe that if a girl is not at least 18 years of age than there should be parental consent to get an abortion. The main reason for this is that if ANY medical procedure is being performed on a child under 18 the parents have the right to know. For liability issues this could be a huge problem if anything were to go wrong. The parents or legal guardians are still responsible for their child even if one chooses to get an abortion. Of course more controversy lies in saying who’s right is it really to get an abortion? A young girl might choose to get an abortion but under any circumstance the parents should at least be aware what is going on.

itszmeweksos said...

I totally agree with parental consent for abortion. If the girl is brave enough to go out there and have sex then they should be able to accept the consequences and responsibilities that come with having sex. If they didn't want to get pregnant then they should've used protection. Condoms aren't hard to purchase and you can get them at almost every grocery store or even gas stations. But ultimately, parental consent for abortion should be enforced to girls under the age of 18.

Nermin Mohamed said...

I disagree with the fact that girls under 18 should get a parental consent to get an abortion. Some parents might not agree with the girl's decision and force her to have the child or force her to have an abortion. The girl might also risk her life by having an illegal abortion if her parents tried to force her to keep the baby.
I believe that the girl should be free to do what she feel is right for her, because it is her body after all and she will be the one who will have to live with her decision.

Atro said...

I believe that the child should not have to have parental consent when deciding if they want to keep the baby or get an abortion. It was their decision to put themselves in a situation to get pregnant so they are responsible for their own actions. Although they should have to tell the parents what is going on. That way the parents can i either decide to help the child out or go along with the abortion. This way the child can make their choice based on all the options available. But in the end it should be the child's decision of what happens.

Unknown said...

This is a really tough one and there is not obvious black and white solution. I think the states that are taking the middle road have the right idea. You don't need parental consent to obtain birth control or the 'morning after' pill. But as far as pregnancy goes, this should be solely up to the person whose body it is that will have the burden of carrying a child. At that state of pregnancy I think the parents should at least be aware that their daughter is pregnant. A lot of teenagers and minors that are faced with pregnancy do not come from very supportive families. Religion plays a huge factor. No child wants to be shunned because of a mistake. Babies giving birth to babies is not what this country needs. Parents should be more active and involved in their child's life but parents can't, in the same token, be around every moment to hold their child's hand their whole life. Teenagers and kid's make mistakes but part of growing up is learning how to deal and decide on a solutions for them. At the point parents should be aware our their child's situation but the decision should be the teenager's.

Unknown said...

Yes, I think parental consent is necessary in getting abortions if the child is under the age of eighteen. It makes perfect sense because who will financially support the the child with the abortion. It is also the same concept as a child goes to the doctor he/she is not allowed to go by themselves. However, the child may encounter problems such as bringing shame to her family so she may want to get it done by herself without her parents knowing. When i was in high school I met a girl who was at the wrong place at the wrong time and she ended up pregnant she was very scared to to tell her mother and father that she was because of the shame she thought it would bring. But when she told her parents that she wanted an abortion she was surprised at their reaction. They brought more comfort to her than shame because no matter how much anyone screws up in life their parents are still their parents and the love will never go away. So I strongly agree with parental consent before getting an abortion because it affects their lives as well.

Unknown said...

Yes, I think parental consent is necessary in getting abortions if the child is under the age of eighteen. It makes perfect sense because who will financially support the the child with the abortion. It is also the same concept as a child goes to the doctor he/she is not allowed to go by themselves. However, the child may encounter problems such as bringing shame to her family so she may want to get it done by herself without her parents knowing. When i was in high school I met a girl who was at the wrong place at the wrong time and she ended up pregnant she was very scared to to tell her mother and father that she was because of the shame she thought it would bring. But when she told her parents that she wanted an abortion she was surprised at their reaction. They brought more comfort to her than shame because no matter how much anyone screws up in life their parents are still their parents and the love will never go away. So I strongly agree with parental consent before getting an abortion because it affects their lives as well.

beautiful unique said...

To me in my opinion I do believe that in most circumstances that the parents should be able to have consent in teen abortions. Although it is not at all ok to get pregnant at a young age, and most get pregnant on purpose because they are lacking something in their life in another area and are trying to compensate for that aspect by having a child. The media and songs often say that this type of action is ok and that it will be a cake walk when all actuality it will not be all of the time. Parents most of the time know what is best for their child and the best thing for their future grandchildren so I would have to say yes they should know and have consent as to whats goin on in their childs life. Their is also another side to the topic because I was pregnant at fifteen and even though I tried to keep it from my mother I was unsuccessful and I did continue to go to school everyday and kept my grades up I was forced to terminate my child at twenty-one weeks. It was illegal but because it was up to her I really had no choice. Maybe I wasnt ready but I would have accepted the consequences and been ok with them, but when I am a mom I will want the say so for my child so I am currently hung on this decision.

Mariana Yarleque said...

This is a difficult subject but I agree with a lot of post here, it should be required for the parents to be notified. If this were a perfect world, i'd say that it should be the parent's consent because their parents always know best but this is reality and some parents these days don't have a clue what they are doing. I believe that little girls under the age of 18 are not equipped to make the decision to abort but I am aware that sometimes the cases are difficult such that the pregnancy was caused by someone in the family or the parents are not very wise in such decisions. Therefore, in some cases, it is not the best to require parent CONSENT but i believe parental notification should be required.

Karly B. said...

YES, I do believe that a TEENAGER needs the consent of their PARENTS to go through something as major as abortion. If the consent of a parent is required for surgeries,tattoos, piercings, and even a high school field trip, then their consent should be required in these cases as well. I'm sorry, but these are still children by law and if I had a daughter that went through something this traumatic, I have a right to know. Also, who do these doctors think they are? These aren't their children and they have no right to perform an abortion on someone else's child without their knowledge. What if something goes horribly wrong and the teenage girl doesn't make it through? I also think abortion is a situation in which one would need support. I don't think lying and going through it alone is very safe. And as we all know, teenagers are not the most level headed thinkers and this is one major and life changing decision.

Engineer09 said...

My thought is that if the child is living off of the parents’ money, then that means they do not have the means to support themselves. If the parents wish to put consent in keeping the child, then the child should have to co-operate. The child is not even old enough to vote let alone own a house, so why should the choice be up to them alone with aborting the child? I do not think one person should have the power to choose how something lives or dies. That kind of power should never be given to a single person; it corrupts a person’s judgment. If both sides cannot agree, then the child should be allowed to live. We were built upon democracy here in the U.S., so let us continue to live by such means.

Anonymous said...

I think that parental consent is a tricky thing, because let’s say that the pregnant teenager wants to have an abortion but her parents do not want for her to have an abortion. Whose opinion should we acknowledge? Is it really the parents’ right to force their child to do either thing whether that is to have the child or have an abortion? For that reason I believe the parental notification is a good thing. It makes the parent aware of the situation but ultimately it is the pregnant teenager’s choice whether she wants to keep the child or not.

Mikey said...

I think that I’d have to side with the proponents that require parental consent. An abortion is a medical procedure in which the possibility of complications may arise. Suppose a 16-year old girl got an abortion without her parents’ knowledge or permission and died due to complications during the procedure. If a girl under the age of 18 gets pregnant, she needs to deal with the consequences and talk to her parents. So many people look for easy ways out. If someone is going to act like a child, then that individual should be treated as such. With regard to the morning-after-pill, I don’t believe I have an issue with it, given that it isn’t a medical procedure.

Jesse said...

I believe that even if the girl is underage and wants to have an abortion that it should be up to her. By making it so that the girl has to have her parents consent in order to have an abortion could make the girl feel imbarressed and if the girls parents are not the type of parents that are understanding could make her feel alienated from her family at home or make her feel like a dissapointment. In no way do I think it is alright for her parents not to know but it is easier on the girl if she so chooses to have an abortion. Also in many cases parents are not in agreement when it comes to their children having abortions and could force the girl into having a child that she is not ready to have or take care of. So in all I think that it should be legal for an underage girl to get an abortion without her parents consent.

osmar said...

i belive that abortions should require parental consent to an extent. For example you can not imagine a 12, 13 year old teen making wise decisions regarding her life. I personally know of a 12 year teen that is pregnat right now, she is it as a joke, as something that is only reallity for nine months. she doesn't understand the fact thah tthe baby will have to bee part of her life for ever. Teen get pregnant do to influence of other and because they don't measure the consequences of their actions. If the consent is need it should not be required when rape is the cause. I think those teens should have the right of the abortion and not be forced to carry a baby concived through rape.

Yasmin C. said...

This is a very sensitive topic and i completely understand and validate both sides of the argument. But i strongly believe that parental consent should be needed to proceed with an abortion for an underage girl. Being pregnant at a young age isn't as pretty as the media portrays it. And although i do feel like parenthood at any age can make you grow up fast, the mentality of a teenage girl in distressed should not be making such major decisions like going along with an abortion, because it may be for all the wrong reasons. That is why a parent should be there to guide you in the right path.

trampus said...

I think that it should ultimately be up to the person who is pregnant and the father of the baby. You have some cases where the parents would kick the teen out for coming to them with the news of a teen pregnancy. Whatever the parents decide won't make a difference. If they tell the teen to keep it they wil eventually have to raise the teen and the newborn. No teenage girl is ready or capable of raising a newborn child on their own. If they tell the teen to abort the pregnancy against what the teen wants they will end up living with that emotional baggage. So ultimately it should be up to the teenager not the parents on whether to abort or not.

carpe diem said...

I personally believe that it should be the girls choice completely. If it was her choice to be sexually active then she should be responsible for all the consequences. Parental consent isn't required to buy the morning after contraceptive pill and to some that is almost like getting an abortion. For girls that want to get an abortion because they're too young to start raising a child and they want to continue going to school to get their education then they would be interested in getting an abortion and maybe their parents wouldn't allow them if it goes against their religion or morals. And girls can always go to underground services to get an abortion. Making a law where you have to have parental consent wouldn't it from happening.

GatorBoy said...

I disagree with the law that says teens are required to have parental consent in order to have an abortion. If you are old enough to know what sex is, and the consequences of getting pregnant is, I think you should be able to decide for yourself whether you want to keep the baby or not. Also, if the parents consent is required, it could force the mother to raise the child even though she cannot afford it. I’m not saying that if a thirteen year old gets pregnant, she should have the right to choose an abortion. There needs to be a legal age. I would say about 15 and older would be able to have an abortion without parental consent.