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Sunday, February 22


Please read the text on the right about the definition on students success. Give it some thought and vote on all three polls. Email the link to your friends at HCC and ask them to vote as well. Write on the possible answers you have chosen. What does "student success" mean to you and why? Put some extra effort into this and you will get extra credit for this post!


Xx Human Rights xX said...

I would have liked there to be more participation in this survey so that we could have a larger sample size, but I'll work with what I've got and explain the reasons for my vote:

1) Society is enriched when students succeed.

I chose: "Student develops interpersonal skills, encompassing a respect for others"

I voted this way because society has so much to do with our environment and our relationships between others, that we as a society would be greatly enriched if we developed our interpersonal skills, and respected each other.

I selected this over the other choices because I personally believe that my choice would have a greater impact on our society that accountability or taking responsibility for our actions. The interpersonal skills and respect for others would fall in line with diversity and multiculturalism, another choice. The other choice of historical and cultural heritage would be a personal enrichment and might not have that big an effect on the society as a whole, and lastly although impact on the environment is very important, it's hard for me to imagine someone having respect for others and not having respect for the environment. The very "others" that he/she should respect might work for the EPA or greenpeace.

2)HCC succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals.

I chose: "Students demonstrate proficiency in college-level computation and communication skills"

I selected this choice because if you can demonstrate a proficiency in that, you are likely to pass the enrolled courses, remain in good standing, increase your GPA, AND become more involved in student activities. I also thought that a person would be more likely to find gainful employment if they could demonstrate their proficiences.


"Students succeed when they attain their desired goals."

I chose: "Student is gainfully employed or achieves professional advancement"

I chose this answer because they want to find employment or advance their career choices/path.

Receiving passing grades doesn't always measure what a student will retain after graduating, and a degree will not always show what you have the skills necessary to succeed. I feel the same way about a transfer or a license. It is definitely a sign of progress, but the goal shouldn't be just to get a degree. It should be to obtain the lifestyle, job, career, or purpose that they had in mind when deciding to go to an institution of higher learning.


Athena Smith said...

Thank you so much for your thoughtful input. Please remember that you may choose more than one answers!

Redder said...

1) I would have to say that our heritage and our roots have enouraged most of us to go beyond our limits. I know perosnaly that i have gone to college and have done as well as i could becasue of the motivation of family and my own heritage. My family came from a thrid world country and has sacrificed alot and i know plenty of familes have done this to. It is the will to push to not end up or go through what they did. We as student want better for ourselves and maybe thats why most of us try hard in school. I know that myself i want better then what paretns went through and i know that is what they want for me. We want to better ourselves and the image of our roots.

2) I chose this answer because that is what most of us are aiming for. Especailly now in this time people are being laid off and losing jobs. We want to learn and gain experince to possible get a good job and support themselves and family. Most of us growing up probably also dreamed about finally finishing college walking down the isle and being done with school. Graduating is also a goal for many of us.

3) I chose this answer because that is what we go to school for. We dont wanto learn about certain things if its not goign to help us in the long run. We can only learn to what we desire. Sky is the limit only if we as student want it to. With so many diverse fields it makes college a experince of a life time. And we want to lear nas much as possible to apply it to our lives

BearsAreNaturesLions said...

I am 31. I wanted to go to college when I left high school, but life and money had a different plan.

I never stopped learning, always reading and always questioning during my early 20s.

Had to sell my books at one point to make ends meet, I remember the owner of the book store asked if I was a USF student, "Nope." I said. "Have you actually read these books?", I responded "Yup.". "Are you in college?", "No, I work the freight yards in Bradenton." "You're wasting what you could be, most of these books are master's level stuff. You should go back to school." He was right.

About 5-6 years later, I am in the position to go to school and I LOVE it.

I am going in to Criminal Justice, just started, so I am trying to get my pre-reqs out of the way.

I LOVE this sociology class. It is fun, I actually learn about human nature(Even if it is one idea per class, it is awesome), and we have open note tests.

How are people failing with open note tests???

Anyways, I think college, should be a place to learn, expand what you know, have iron sharpened upon your beliefs, and to gain the skills you need in life.

I always ramble, and it always goes off topic, and I suck and I apologize. :(

I do look forward to my Sociology class all week though, it's the bright spot in my schedule.

BearsAreNaturesLions said...

BTW, I am unfortunately from the Kerouac/Bukowski school of posting.

Thank the Good Lord Dr. Smith is cool with that. (I think.)

If you are not, let me know and I will make my posts like english papers. :)

Otherwise, I'll just keep flowing...

Athena Smith said...


You never ramble... please don't be modest! :)) I love your posts!

Thank you!!

thor177 said...

When it comes to college, I think success depends on the individual. Some kids go to school because they are pressured by their parents. Some go because they beleive they will get a better job. Some go because their friends are going. Personally, I am going because I was told by my superiors at work that it would be in my best interests to get a degree. Ultimately, however, it is up to the individual if they want to stay in school. Success should not be based on learning about their heritage or about the students learning how to cope in this world. If a person doesn't have an idea about that by the time they reach college there is something wrong with pre-college education. High school should prepare the student for keeping a schedule, being responsible and keeping the grades the student needs to graduate. Success in college should be based on educating the student in the role that student wishes to take on in the future. What path that student wants to take. These days, college is very expensive and getting more expensive every year. College has become big business. So much so that I wonder at what college really teaches us. Is it true that all we really need to know about life we learn in kindergarten? Here at HCC I have found getting a good professor for any class is hit or miss. In some classes I could learn just as much or more by reading my textbooks and doing the homework then by what the teacher shows us in class. Are the professors just at HCC for the paycheck? Can they overcome any negative feelings they may have about their job and give their best to their students? If that question can be answered to the positive, then I believe a major step in a students success has been achieved.

NotOfThisWorld said...

There are two types of forces behind motivation which are internal and external. I believe that the people who really succeed are those who have the internal drive to get through school. The resources can be given to a person by the school but that does mean the person will succeed; it depends on what that person does with the resources. The drive has to come within to push towards a goal. External forces such as parents or heritage are not strong enough to keep someone pushing towards the mark; a person has to want to succeed from within and not for other people. A person succeeds when he/she wants to learn for him/her and pushes through the storms to understand the material and not just to get by. Anything that you want in life you have to sacrifice something, and with an external force pushing you to do something it will not last, and you will only sacrifice so much. A person cannot be successful on someone else’s knowledge and understanding; he/she needs to dig in and study to get understanding for him/herself. A person can only just get by for so long. Neither one of my parents finished school, but I believe the decision of one person can change generations to come. Wealth does not define success. (1) Society is enriched when students succeed, assume greater responsibility for his or her own actions, develop interpersonal skills, encompassing a respect for others, putting oneself in another persons’ shoes, understanding someone else’s perspectives. Being a student is a fast way of someone learning how to be successful on a personal level within oneself. (2) HCC succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals, demonstrate, with understanding, proficiency in college-level computation and communication skills, become involved in student activities which foster academic engagement and increase student success. Being active keeps what is inside (drive, motivation) alive; the more a person is involved and sacrifices the more successful a person will be. (3) Students succeed when they attain their desired goals, transfer to another institution of higher learning, receives a degree, achieves desired professional advancement ( advancement is based on the knowledge in a field of study not the amount of income), gains real-world experience. I believe you can never satisfy intellectual curiosity; even someone with a higher education can always learn something more from others and go higher. The one who is a thermostat is successful who does not allow external factors to change the inside but rather changes the outside or the environment around them. If the pressure is grater on the inside, it will change the pressure on the outside.

Court said...

As an HCC student taking twenty-one credits for the 2009 spring semester, I believe society is enriched when students succeed by "students assuming greater responsibility for his or her own actions." Society is not enriched unless students are taking personal responsibility for their own actions. If students are not held accountable for their own actions in college, then the entire college experience is not providing essential "real world" skills that are necissary for the enrichment of society.

I also believe HCC succeeds when it assists its students in attaining their desired goals, which include "students graduating, transfering, or finding gainful employment," which was the choice that I voted for. Every student at HCC is attending college because their goal is to graduate and transfer to a university for higher education or graduate and find gainful employment. Therefore, HCC is not succeeding unless it is assisting its students in accomplishing the two desired goals of its students, which are transfering to a university or finding gainful employment. No on putting time, energy, and money into college for their health, they are doing it for better paying jobs.

People are successful when they acheive their desired goals, and it is no different for HCC students. As stated above, I believe the two main reasons students attend HCC is to either transer to a university for higher education or find gainful employment with the degree they received from HCC. Therefore, HCC students succeed when they attain their desired goals of either transfering to another institution of higher learning or receiving a certificate, diploma, or degree to join the workforce with an advantage. This is why I voted for both choices of "transfering to another institution for higher learning" and "receiving a certificate, diploma, or degree" to join the workforce with an advantage. I also chose that the "student completes coursework with passing grades" because in order for them to attain their desired goals of either transfering or joining the work force, they must pass all courses required for their program of study.

rkole4 said...

Before I start, I must say, that choosing one answer for each question was more difficult than I expected. Many of the options were great answers.

1)Society is enriched when students succeed: I selected "Student develops interpersonal skills, encompassing a respect for others."
I know that as I went through middle school and high school, I heard stories of ridicule and embarrasment over and over. There were bullies and people who were just plain jerks to everyone. In college, the maturity level suddenly changes. Everyone is quiet in class (usually), and people aren't made fun of openly. The respect for others grows tremendously as compared to the asinine behaviors that some showed during high school.

2)HCC succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals: I selected "Students graduate, transfer, or find gainful employment."
Grant you, you do develop more computation and communication skills, but what good does that do to HCC's reputation if no one graduates? As from my knowledge, HCC's viewpoint would be to enroll students, get a good reputation, help students succeed (hence polls like this are taken), and in some way profit from these acts. Now, from the student's view, I personally would want to graduate, possibly transfer to a school for higher learning, and of course find employment, or a career, with good pay.

3)Students succeed when they attain their desired goals:
This was the most difficult to choose one specific option. But because of what I believe college should give you as a student, and what I think would benefit all students, I selected "Student gains real-world experience."
The reason why I chose this one overall, was because of how I learn, and how so many others learn. Just like learning a bike, you can read, and listen to some one tell you how to ride a bike, but until you actually ride the bike, you won't completely understand how to ride a bike. Whenever you start to do something and "get your hands dirty" in the field you are looking to get into, you will start to feel what it is like. You'll begin to know what to expect better, and how to do things better. We, as humans, cannot speak or learn something into existence. We must physically make it ourselves.

Student success to me means that I'll understand what I'm learning, be able to do whatever it is that I'm going for, and will be able to get hired into the practice of my field of learning. Why? Because college is there to help me with these things, and that is where I am in life, the college-level.

Nilo said...

Well, I think that society is enriched when students take more responsibility for their own actions for a couple of reasons. First: When students take responsibility for their own actions they stop to think for a moment and instead of implying that their problems are other people's fault, they accept that what they do plays a direct roll in the outcome of their decisions. They start to look within to figure out how they can make themselves better instead of criticizing the people around them. They try to fix the "root" of the problem. Secondly, this way of thinking, in my opinion, is very good for society. If every person started to ask themselves how can I fix this or what can I do to make things better our society would be a healthier one.
I think HCC succeeds when students graduate. This would prove that the institution did all it could to try to motivate the students to be determined and reach their goals, and at the same time the students that achieve graduation are focused and responsible and I think those are qualities that are needed to succeed in life. Finally, I think students succeed when they get their diploma and graduate as well. Not giving up and being persistent in life is what gives you ultimately what you want. Nothing worth fighting for is easy and going through college is no walk in the park. You learn a lot along the way about yourself and others. It helps you become a fighter and to not give up when things become tough, even though sometimes we are so overwhelmed that it is exactly what we want to do. The goal of going to college is to graduate and have a better future for yourself and your family, if you go tho college and don't graduate, yes, you may have gotten some experience in life but ultimately you wasted money and time if you don't graduate. That is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I voted, for the first one I chose: Student assumes greater responsibility for his or her own actions. I believe if a student is ready to take responsibily for his/her actions they can succeed in school. Anyone can sign up for school but can they be responsible enough to do the homework, essays or come to the next meeting? Of course not, they'll fail.

'Student success' to me, means to work hard, be honest, and be happy with what I'm studying for. I think its about learning from your mistakes. Also, playing another role in my life, and what can I accomplish. It teaches me to challenge myself, and to never give up, no matter how difficult things may get. I'm happy with where I'm at so far and I am grateful to have an awesome sociology teacher. :)

Athena Smith said...

Thank you for your imput.

Remember you may choose as many options as you wish. You don't have to stick to one answer!!

MikeATLfalcons said...

for the first one i answered that a students develops interpersonal skills, encompassing a respect for others. i feel that way because a big problem with people todayis that evry dont respect others. people just go about there business and dont care about other or how what they are doing is affecting them. i think our society would be better if we had respect for others and didnt just treat other like they dont exist.

My answer for the second question was :students graduate, transfer, or find gainful employment. i think that the main reason that most people are going to hcc is for one of those reasons. so people are going there for other reasons but the most important one is for us, young people, to better our selves and either move on to a dif college or find suitable work.

for the third question i answered: students satisfies familys' or sponsors' wishes. i answered that because family is how most people know what to do in life. ur future is usually pushed by your family. they usually guide you to the right path to have a successful life.

displayname said...

Student success is a tricky subject after all I think it is a very personalized matter so I understand why it has been difficult to define. The spectrum of student success is wide and narrow. Personally I think even if the student does not attain a degree but if they find a way to gain a new and hopefully educated perspective of society you could call it student success. Though, I think a look at student success from the institution’s point of view would say a student passing with above a 2.0 is student success. A good way to reach that goal would be to let student have a survey in which you could rate a professor in class at the end of each course, and when enrolling see the professors rating. All my withdrawals or fails are do to incompetence of the teacher. Granted that could just be my excuse but I know when challenge the right way I succeed. I believe community colleges stressed for teachers allow some of the worst to continue to teach. Also, they should establish a drop refund percentage rating. Were you have a last day for withdrawal, but instead everyday after the drop/add you get a lower percentage of your money back. There would be a high class drop percentage but there would be less fails thus making the over all GPA high for more funding, A large part of the in-college individual desires to move away from home, living quarters for qualified people could be established. This dorm like structure would have rules and also extra curricular activities, keeping them from a drug related college atmosphere. Student success is something that won’t always happen no matter what you do. There are to many people that attend even one college, and at the community college level people enter already having a feeling of inadequacy. Most a ticking time bomb, where when the first thing goes wrong they already consider themselves a failure. I also didn’t understand the survey questions weren’t even questions and why could I check more then one box.

mellymel06 said...

Students success is more or less based on there life and experiences. I say this because it is not only in school but also on how people personally review there goals and achievements.

luckydawg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
luckydawg said...

Society is better when students succeed. When students succeed and graduate from college with a degree they benifit the economy by being able to get better higher paying jobs. Think about it, if everyone dropped out of High School. All the employees would only be able to get low pay jobs with no real skill. Education is very important because having the goal and completing it helps define who you are as a person. You can get respect from your peers and colleagues and from your family. You also have greater knowledge of writing and being able to interact with others including people of other backgrounds and culture. Thus broadining your understanding of the world.
Without education the world would be in chaos. People would be uneducated and unemployed. Thus leading to poverty which in return leads to crime. By educationing people we give them power, power to change the world. To understand certain things about culture and to respect others and their property. In school you learn about rules and that hard work pays off in the end. The higher education you achieve the higher paying job you will be able to get. Thus making you richer and having more opportunities in life. Whether it be to travel the world, or just sit back buy a big expensive house and a nice luxury car like a BMW or Mercedez Benz.
When students attain their goals, they can lead a better more constructive life. They set goals, meet those goals, then make new goals.

Anonymous said...

I. Society is enriched when students succeed.
-Student understands his or her cultural and historical heritage to gain perspectives of his or her time and place in the global society.
....My decision is when a student understands his or her place in society can be very effective in many ways. The more people we having working together for a great common cause which is to make this place a better world to live in will be awesome. With that in mind having students as a romodel to people of all ages. Knowing your responsibilities as an indidual to know that we all have a purose and a plan in our lives. One is which to succeed and be happy.

II. HCC succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals.
-Students demonstrate proficiency in college-level computation and communication skills
- Vocational students complete certificate/degree program or satisfactorily upgrade job skills
-Students graduate, transfer, or find gainful employment
.......All the above are the one I chose because in order for a school to succeed is how the students as a whole show the facts on achievement. For example my goal as a mother, student, employer, mother, sister, and wife is to do my best everyday in all those areas which is a task. Same goes for a school they want the best for the students in acheiving their goals which is to succeed. So all the ones the I checked was what identifies what is best for the school and student.

III. Students succeed when they attain their desired goals.
-Student receives a certificate, diploma, or degree
-Student is gainfully employed or achieves professional advancement.
.......In the world today if the people of Ameria do not have an education they are more likely to get a dead end job that will not be enough to support themselves let alone a family. So, the best thing is to gain an education whether it be a certificate, diploma or degree. Any of these will help attain a better job.So a student for a fact will succceed their goal if they gain an education. Lack of knowledge will get you no where in life. So its crucial that we as a people know the importance of acheiving goals and succeeding.

Krys said...

Success is something that people put there own definition on. Just like what is beauty? People will always have different opinions on what a beautiful person or flower looks like. I believe success is earned from hard work and determination. Once you are at a place in your life where you are extremely happy and you have met the goals you wish to meet then you have succeed . You have to take responsibly in yourself and your school work and be determined to get it all done and pass to be able to succeed at HCC. Success is not something that will just fall in your lap. Only you can decide how your success will be and how fast it will come to you and that is through responsibly.

krisie2kyute said...

I personally think college is not for everyone, but it is for me. Some people are very succesful without an college education; they just got it! For instance: Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey (at first), and a lot of celebrities. Besides that, even though some don't need college to be succesful in life, it allows a person to learn about different things they wouldn't know otherwise... it broadens our horizons on an intellectual level.

Naturally, a person has to get the grades to be succesful in a class and graduate. Following that, they are able to continue with there education or attain a degree. With a degree, one will always have something to fall back on.

Ofcoarse, it's not all about degrees and money; like I stated before, it broadens our horizons. Students are more of a well-rounded intellect. We are able to grasp information from all around: from mathematics to english, and from science to humanities. It is not just technical, it is intellectual also.
Definitely our learning more about our heritage and culture makes us more aware of our good and bad in us, which helps us to continue or change what we have done/are doing.

That is why I voted for the majority of the options; all of it is incorporated with good education.

Nurse73 said...

Student success originates from various factors. One of the most important factors in a student’s perseverance is family origin and expectations. Academic discipline initially stems from the encouragement and support within the family and peers. A young person is more prone to succeed in school if knowledge, curiosity and the interest of professional developments are exhibited at an early age (adolescence).

Another important factor is the inner self drive and motivation a student has to excel. If we snooze, we loose. If there’s a will, there’s a way. Mountains are moved and opportunities are gained if we have the self discipline to move forward and strive for success and self fulfillment. Successful students also show an inner drive to want to learn, exploring more, and excelling with prosperous grades-obtaining their academic goals and professional futures.

Lastly, students are academically productive when instructors are interesting, great at teaching and campuses have opportunities for self improvement and support. Social groups and functions are also important for the student to network and develop communication skills. Society as a whole influences people everyday to challenge themselves academically. With the economical imbalance and present deficit, obtaining a degree or even the commencement of school will only help the person prosper and enrich their future and maintain stability within the working force.

iLOVEpink said...

Student Success is not just about the students graduating with a diploma; it is about students being able to expand their knowledge in all subjects, and being able to walk away from college with lifetimes full of experiences and knowledge that they will be able to use in everyday life. Succeeding is made possible by the teachers and the faculty of a college, but the student must also want to learn, and to dedicate their time to studying and education.
To me student success is about dedication to school, it is an accomplishment. Once you have completed school, and you have a profound job in your choice of study and are able to start your life and family, to me that is success. Success is also about the values you have learned and the friendships that you have gained throughout your college career.
To gain success you must be motivated, and have drive to complete whatever you have started, and I think that is the problem with some students. Especially in high school, because they don’t want to be there so it is hard for them to get motivated every morning when they wake up. They are forced to go to school and learn general education which doesn’t interest them at all. Where as in college the student decide to be there because they are paying for their education. Motivation also comes from within a person’s family and friends, how their home life is like will affect how they act and how much effort they exert towards any one thing, normally if they home life is good the motivation of that person is strong, they want to succeed and do well in life so they can have a good stable family like their parents. Friends are also a major factor, if you have that friend who goes out and parties all of the time instead of wanting to study for the test that they have the next day, it is going to be hard for you to stay motivated, because you will have to deal with the peer pressure. All in All I think that success is a self driven factor, it all up to the person as to whether or not they want to succeed in their everyday life.

DaLi said...

Success as a student can not only measured in the classroom, but also in the community in which they live. Ultimately, the goal of higher education is to enrich individuals so that they can contribute and participate in the evolution of the community around them, in a positive manner.

So, on that note we’ll address each question of this week’s blog “What is student’s success” in the order in which they appear:

Question: Society is enriched when students succeed.
Answer selected: Student assumes greater responsibility for his or her own actions.

This answer was selected for multiple reasons. But the main reason is because there is a real lack of personal responsibility in our society. A lot of people hold other people accountable for their failures; however, rarely do they hold others accountable for their successes. Holding others accountable for our own failures inhibits the personal growth process that failures were designed to teach, life-lessons as we call them. Taking personal responsibility for our self and our education will increase self motivation; self drive, and ultimately make us stronger and smarter.

Question: HCC succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals.
Answer selected: Students demonstrate proficiency in college-level computation and communication skills.

Reason for selecting this answer is relatively cut and dry, if one is proficient in college-level computation and communication skills then all the rest will fall into place. If we are proficient, ultimately we will make better grades, we will further our education because we have a strong educational foundation to build on. Being proficient in the basics will give us the confidence and skills to succeed in our college and professional careers.

Question: Students succeed when they attain their desired goals.
Answer selected: Student passes licensure or certification exam.

A licensure or a certification exam is just an exam that will test the basics knowledge of the field of study one has chosen. We should be armed with enough know how to pass a basic exam. A lot of professions require a basic license or certification, without this basic licensure or certification we will not be able to gain any employment in the field which we choose and studied in. These basic licensures and certifications also hold us personally accountable for knowing the fundamentals of our chosen field. Okay…I’m on a soap box now!

When we get down to it, student success is: A personal responsibility teamed with the guidance and knowledge of our teachers. In this way teachers and students shape the world around them into a better place to live.

Incandescent26 said...

I think that college is a time to open your mind to new ideas and new ways at looking at the world. i think "student success" varies from person to person; for me its passing my courses here, to move on to a university and get a career.
For others it may be just passing a course they're are intrested in. i think student success is setting a goal and following through with it.

JrSwiFEY said...

I really enjoyed participating in the survey because i think its great that we as the students get to give our feed back to how we feel about our educational careers here at HCC. 1. Society is enriched when students succeed". I chose: "Student develops interpersonal skills, encompassing a respect for others. i voted this way because i do feel that society does have alot to do with everyone personally and it really does bring people together creating different types of relationships whether its new friends or professors and also gaining a level of respect for each other. 2 HCC succeeds when it assits students to attain their desired goals. I chose: Students maintain a satisfactory increase grade point average over course enrollment. I chose this one because i feel that's what we as students are all here for to begin with yes to learn but we also need assistance beyond the classroom anything that will make us get a better grade or understand the material better will with out a doubt result in us having higher grade point averages. 3. Students succeed when they attain their required goal. I voted for: Students recieves certificate, diploma or degree. I picked this one because thats what we all want in the end after all of our hard work we put into getting to that moment. Its a piece of paper yes, but its a powerful piece of paper that opens many doors towards our own different career paths to success!!

JrSwiFEY said...

I really enjoyed participating in the survey because i think its great that we as the students get to give our feed back to how we feel about our educational careers here at HCC. 1. Society is enriched when students succeed". I chose: "Student develops interpersonal skills, encompassing a respect for others. i voted this way because i do feel that society does have alot to do with everyone personally and it really does bring people together creating different types of relationships whether its new friends or professors and also gaining a level of respect for each other. 2 HCC succeeds when it assits students to attain their desired goals. I chose: Students maintain a satisfactory increase grade point average over course enrollment. I chose this one because i feel that's what we as students are all here for to begin with yes to learn but we also need assistance beyond the classroom anything that will make us get a better grade or understand the material better will with out a doubt result in us having higher grade point averages. 3. Students succeed when they attain their required goal. I voted for: Students recieves certificate, diploma or degree. I picked this one because thats what we all want in the end after all of our hard work we put into getting to that moment. Its a piece of paper yes, but its a powerful piece of paper that opens many doors towards our own different career paths to success!!

akillies said...

Student success all depends onthe student or person who is enrolled in school itself. Of course by the public, media, parents, friends, society as a whole and our self we are all judged on what student success is.
To me student success is when a student reaches a goal of achievement in their life.
When we look to the media it tells us to go to school complete college and persue in the career we have persued.
Parents most of the time tell us the same thing as the media.
Friends view and judge one another whether thy realizi or not like what is she or he wearing . It can be large or small yet we judge one another like if the other has a job or there own place. The public always targets the people in society who do not go to school and have success in their eyes.
Coming to a close I believe that student success is when you have a goal in scool and reach it. For instance if you want to take a few classes in dining for your job like how to greet the customer and the little details of mechanics that can educational. To me if you learn things from school and came to learn those things or improve your self and do so that is student success.

dr123 said...

Of the three polls, I think that the first is the most important when it comes to the well being of ourselves and the people and things around us. Society IS enriched when a student succeeds because, among other things, the student (I believe) assumes a broader outlook of the "bigger picture". The student learns through instruction as well as interaction with his/her peers that we all make a difference and we should all try to have a positive impact on the people, places and things that surround us. Why would anyone do any different? Why would anyone NOT want to make the planet a better place? Ignorance, lack of education and the unwillingness to look around would be a few of the reasons.

flyfromtheinside said...

first of all i believe that society will fail if we dont succeed. this generation of high school and college students are the future and with that being said if we arent successful how can society succeed? it cant. i think graduating and getting a job with the degree you worked really hard for is one of the most successfull choices anyone can make. being well educated provides many opportunites in todays society.

ghandi G said...

There are many different views on how people view success. To me success isn't just passing college an getting a degree it is also getting a good job and being able to supply financially for your family. I could do well in college and pass with flying colors but if I don't get a job to support myself and eventually my family i have done all this work for nothing. Unless i will be able to get a financially stable job after i graduate college i will feel that i have been unsuccessful. I know that many people have different opinions on their views of success. Many people think that being successful is helping your community and being able to teach others what you have learned. All these are very good things but for me to consider myself successful is to provide me and my family financially.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Student success means that you have set goals for yourself and you have gone all the way to achieving those goals. I believe that in order to have student success, you must be goal-oriented. Without having attainable goals that you can reach, you will not be as encouraged to continue on with your future success that awaits you. I believe that when you set those attainable goals for yourself, and you gradually attain them, you gain confidence in yourself to know that if you did "this and this", you can definitely do "this and that". Having the confidence to be able to continute forward with your studies is pretty important also; if you constantly have people have people putting you down then you are definitely discouraged from achieving your student success. Having attainable goals and confidence in yourself to achieve your goals are very important for one to achiece that student success.

BearsAreNaturesLions said...

This post has nothing to do with the topic, I already posted my inane comment, I just wanted to give some respect to her.

There was a female in the 5:30pm class who told her story regarding abortion. I respected her greatly for telling her story. Mass props.

She followed 4 people who espoused pro-choice views, and she told her story, and it moved me.

Just wanted to give props to her. Life is hard and it's not always black and white, and our past can haunt us.

I don't know her name, but I respect her greatly. Jesus loves you sister.

Much love.

BearsAreNaturesLions said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
1855:ΣΧ:1979 said...

I feel that society can be better when students succeed in taking a greater responsibility in what they do with their life and actions. When people take this into accord with their life they tend to lead more acceptable lives by today’s standard. A model citizen one could say.
A Hillsborough Community College (HCC) student succeeds when they obtain their desired goals by showing that they can succeed in a classroom. So being proficient in a college classroom is definitely what it means to be successful in college anywhere not just HCC.
When a student passes he or her classes then this student is telling the staff at HCC that he is obtaining their goals. I feel that if you only wanted to go to school to learn a specific trait then there’s no need for him to get a degree. So showing that he can pass classes then that show that he/she is obtaining their specific goals.

Athena Smith said...


I second that! Brave, dignified students we have, right?

wolfgram25 said...

I voted on what I feel to be right. It is my opinion so do not judge it so harsh. For the first poll I voted that the student assumes greater responsibility for his or her action. Because I find that true you do accept the responsibility for your actions. For the second poll I chose the first answer once again because if you are assisted then you will improve in what you are doing. For the third poll I chose I chose the fifth answer because if you reach your goal in college which is to graduate with a degree you also end up getting a well paying job which pays off for all the times you spent in school.

DenverBroncos8 said...

It seems to me that there are no right or wrong answers to these questions. Also the answers to these questions are different to each individual. Each individual has a different motivation for going to college and becoming a success in their mind. So I dont believe that my answers are right for everyone, but they were the correct ones in my situation. Like number 1. Society is enriched when students succeed. I answered that when students assume greater responsibility for his or her own actions. Its kind of a broad thing to say but if everyone took resonsibility for their actions the world would be a much better(if not a perfect) place. You would notice people would do much better in all aspects of life if they took responsibility, even in college. People would take responsibility for their grades and homework and overall would do better. Number 2. HCC succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals. I put when students graduate, transfer or find gainful employment. This one was pretty simple to me because thats the goal of a community college, that by the time you get out you either have a degree, a better job or you are transfering to a university. Community college is like a stepping stone to get you to the next level. Number 3. Students succeed when they attain their desired goals. I answered when Students recieves certificate, diploma or degree. This is what you want to come out with when you have completed school. Everyone goes to school to get somewhere and that usually includes a certificate, diploma or degree, and when you finally get this is when you succeed, at least thats what I believe.

Anonymous said...

Society is enriched when students succeed.

-students assume greater responsibility for his or her own actions.

Students become knowledgible about society and realize that they are directly resposible for the decisions they make. Society is enriched due to the people in it are more educated and linked to the world around them.

HCC succeeds when it assits students to attain their desired goals.

-students graduate, transfer or find gainful employement.

When students enroll in college they are making more opportunities for themselves. HCC succeeds when they assist these students in educating them to move to the next level whether that be transfering to a University or acquiring a career job.

Students succeed when they attain their desired goal.

-student is gainfully employed or achieves professional advancement.

Students are trying to better themselves and their lives by getting further education. They are successful when they either have reached their desired career or have advanced in their position. The whole reason for school is so one has a better chance of providing for themselves and family.

Success is more than money. Alot of people think to be successful one needs to be rich, but rich with what?, pride, accomplishment, love. There is much more to life than money one doesnt need money to be happy. Knowing everything in one's life they worked for themselves (hard earned) is enough for me. As long as I can count on myself to be more than anyone thought I could be I am successful in more ways than money could ever make me.

Anonymous said...

What a great initiative to find the heartbeat and desire of the students.
I do believe Society is always enriched when a student assumes greater responsibility for their actions. It is hard to do that under the protective wing of your parents at times. But once you are out on your own, it is vital to be able to do so. The cohesiveness of a society depends on the reliability of its people to be able to be responsible for their actions. These actions could be negative or positive for the society. It is important to be able to acknowledge both. Community college eases into this area at a better pace than an university does. It can be quite daunting coming from High School to a Professor who is much more demanding.
The college will succeed when it is able to keep a student enrolled or at least when the student leaves in good standing. With the drop out rate so high, and the need for college to succeed even higher, it would be a great success to keep each student. Leaving college with a good standing keeps the door open for future return.
Whether you leave college with a certificate or degree doesn't matter. Just leave one with something! The day and time we live in demand it. Not only for gainful employment, but also for good self esteem and accomplishment. Feeling good about one's accomplishments can and will stay with you forever. No one can take that away from you.
When I ask my daughter if she will ever go on to obtain her Masters degree she tells me this: "I have set a goal in front of myself. I did it - no one else. I have accomplished that goal. I did it - no one else. Now I am happy with myself. If I had the desire, I would go on. But right now, I'm good."
That is a great place to be - good with yourself!

Brit =] said...

I believe student success is when one strives to meet and accomplish a goal. When one is determined and puts time in effort into accomplishing something. One can be successful everyday mulitple times a day.
Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland

I agree with that quote by Ben Sweetland.. it is a jouney which we go through daily and our success doesn't come to an end.

Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It’s quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure. You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn’t at all. You can be discouraged by failure or you can learn from it, So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because remember that’s where you will find success."
– Thomas J. Watson

We sometimes are dissappointed by our failures but one must fail to succeed to see where he or she stands. Everyone learns from mistakes which lead them closer to there successes.

Success isn't just graduating or geting a degree but rather everything in between in which led you to accomplish your goal.

jeremyhxc said...

I have proceeded with the survey and these were the decisions that I have choose for the survey.

1) Society is enriched when students succeed.

I chose for this one "Student develops interpersonal skills, encompassing a respect for others". I believe every student would succeed better in society if he/she would have a better communication toward different personalities of people out there. I understand that it is somewhat hard to open up and communicate toward for some people. Others can do it easy as pie. As for me I would have difficulty with communicating toward other people with a different personality or way of living that I do. It would be keen if there were more classes that would enrich communication skills toward other types of personality.

2)HCC succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals.

I have decided to pick "Students demonstrate proficiency in college-level computation and communication skills". I chose this because it is best for our society to pass college with a college-level computation and communication skill for after college. They will learn about the difficulties for living the adult world but be able to succeed professionally as well as financially.

3)Students succeed when they attain their desired goals.

I chose "Student receives a certificate, diploma, or degree". I believe after having a degree, unless you screw up your life by doing stupid stuff, that you would be successful financially and in life. Having a degree can lead a person in many directions for the work field. It also will rise up your income while having a good job. Degree, diploma, etc equals good jobs and that equals good payment. It would be best to graduate with a degree or whatnot.

Styefn89 said...

1. I voted that society is enriched when students succeed by assuming a greater responsibility for his or her own actions and when students cultivate an appreciation of diversity and multiculturalism. I think these are the most important types of success mentioned on the poll because they promote personal responsibility among students (which they can carry with them throughout life) and an openminded perspective in understanding other cultures.

2. I think that HCC succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals in graduating, transferring, and/or finding gainful employment. This, of course, should be linked to the student’s demonstrated proficiency in college-level computation and communication skills. It seems to me that the goal of attending any type of school is to exercise our intellectual potential by taking a step further into the educational process (whether that is to transfer to a university or to a place of employment).

3. I believe that students succeed when their intellectual curiosity is satisfied and when they attain their desired goals of being gainfully employed and/or achieve professional advancement.

trinity said...

I chose pretty well everything in every category. There is success all around when people become more educated.

Society can grow and extend our knowledge base. We are more economically sound as a country as more educated people work and improve our lives. There are less people depending on a social welfare system to pay their way through life.

HCC success is in that of its students. Many of whom leave with the skills to challenge the world and begin their career in their chosen field. Many of whom continue onto higher education, onto BAs, Masters, PhDs. Many who may not quite get to the point of graduation, but have gained valuable insight and we can only hope, will one day return to complete a degree.

And finally and most importantly is the student's success. To be the best we can be, there is no greater goal. Our success as students is a vital part of our journeys towards self-actualization. No one can decide for any other person where that self-actualization lies, but each of us knows within ourselves if we are heading in the right direction toward fulfilling "our best". Learn, grow, achieve, teach, through each of these we will succeed.

Sickabyss said...

For the first question I chose "Student develops interpersonal skills, encompassing a respect for others"
I believe with a college education comes greater respect for others and a different aspect on things you see. After I graduate I intend to get a job and make a living buy a house.

The second question I chose “Students graduate, transfer, or find gainful employment."
You need a college degree to find a job nowadays and someone is going to hire you, most of the time, if you have a great education. This isn’t the only reason people hire you but it’s really high on the list.

For the last question I chose "Student is gainfully employed or achieves professional advancement" and "Student receives a certificate, diploma, or degree"

Both of these suit the question in my eyes because my overall goal is a degree and I attend to be employed after I graduate, I am studying to be a pharmacist.ricichay1

***Pre-Med Chick*** said...

"Society is enriched when students succeed". everything from our parents, to our peers, to just all aroud people who come and go out of our lives infleunce the way we see ourselves and what we make of ourselves. Every generation looks to the next to be that "change" that we've all be waiting to see. A number one reason young students attend college in this day and age is primarily for self fullfillment. The entire point of leave the quote on quote nest is to set in place goals that you yourself want to fullfill as a person, were you see yourself in lets say 12 years completely dependent upon your state on mind. which is why I think that "Students succeed when they attain their desired goals". Every since you were about 5 to 6 people have always aked the question, What do you wanna be when you grow up? This question may or may not have been hard to answer at the time, but some where within the next couple of years it was answered. From there you accest your overall goal and plan for the next few years and you set out to achieve them. In your eyes and in the eyes of society you are accomplished because it's a goal you have set for yourself and you reached it which is the topping on the cake. This leads to the placement of a new set of goals in your life, which will most likely be accomplished.

tori said...

1.) for the first poll i answered to this one that students assume greater responsibility for his or her own actions. i am a full time student and a full time employee. the reason why i push my self is that it gives me a bigger responibility not to loose my job nor to get bad grades in school. it also keeps me out of trouble. not saying if i wasnt in scholl and had a job i would be out pertyin my life away, but it gives me hope and success for my life. so my actions now will help me succeed.

2.) for the second poll i answered that students graduate, transfer, or find a gainful employment. i kno for sure i plan on getting my aa in agriculture and transfering to university to get more of an education. im sure if i stopped at hcc and didnt go to a university, i could probably find a job but not the one i want. most jobs now are not even looking at you if you havent finished college, or some kind of schooling.

3.)most students are most likely to succeed when they recieve a certificat, diploma, or some kind of degree. although dont get me wrong some people are really successful out there and they didnt have to go to school, but for what i want i have to go to school and get a degree. and its not for the money so much, but its for the personal knowledge and experience that i want. yes you have to have money for everything in your everyday lives so i guess money would be an isseue, but if it wasnt i would not care about how much money i bring or what not.

akm said...

So i think success depends on the individual and how they procive success. I think people succeed when they take the responsibility of there own actions. Its important to keep your motivation becuase you may not always have it. Everybody goes to school for different reasons. It is also important that you do well in your class and have a good understaning of what you are learning from you prof. Not always will you have a good teacher, so the more a challenge you have, and in most cases the more successful you will become. HCC is also a great place to start off, after i recive my AS degreee i will be transfering and HCC is helping me with an attainable goal. Most students either transfer or recive a certificate of some sort to go to work.

Honey said...

I believe that ultimately, to be successful and beneficial to society a student must be responsible for his/her learning. A person can be taught interpersonal, and social skills and still learn nothing. Many students go to school for just that, to go to school. If a student does not take pride in what they are learning, they will never learn. It is not the responsibility of institutions, parents or any other outside forces to make a person learn. Success is a subjective matter, based on one's opinion, it can not be necessarily determined by the institution. I am going to school to get a better education and just that. Everyone has their reasons, but regardless to that, in the end YOU decide your fate.

Go Bucs said...

For Society is enriched when students succeed. I chose
Student assumes greater responsibility for his or her own actions.

For HCC succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals. I chose Students graduate, transfer, or find gainful employment.

For Students succeed when they attain their desired goals. I chose
Student transfers to another institution of higher learning because now a day this really important for all the students.

graphics4me said...

Student success depends on many factors. One factor is if the student has the motivation to succeed on their own or if they have to be constantly pushed to do their work. If the student does have the motivation to succeed then when could you declare the student a success. (3) I believe that the success of a student is achieved when they gain a diploma or certificate of achievement.

Student success is also affected by the institution that is teaching the student. If the student does not enjoy going to the institution or find the classes enjoyable then they will not put forth the effort to learn. (2) The success of the institution is measured by how many student that stay or leave on good terms.

If the student and the institution both achieve success then the student has become enriched. (1)Enriched students help society because they are more responsible and take claim their actions.

Rae Rae said...

1. Society is enriched when students succeed. I chose “Student assumes greater responsibility for his or her own actions.” No matter what other people say or how they influence you, it all comes down to are you personally willing to go that extra mile and study for exams and interact in class, by showing up and on time and asking questions ect. You’re the only one who has the final say on your success.
2. HCC succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals. I chose “Students graduate, transfer, or find gainful employment.” In life you have to work in order to live and be successful. Regardless of the job you have or if you graduate from a high level school. Yes HCC is a helpful way to progress your self and succeed more, however like I said before it all comes down to what motivates you and if you’re willing to take responsibility for your own actions.
3. Students succeed when they attain their desired goals. I chose “Student is gainfully employed or achieves professional advancement.” Just because you don’t go to college or some type of high level school does not mean you will not be successful. Yes, in today’s society having higher education is helpful but in terms of success that’s not the case. To me success can mean many things. For example, finding a job that helps pay the bills, that’s successful. Waking up and breathing is successful. Therefore you don’t need college to have been labeled successful; it just furthers your chance of getting paid more.

Athena Smith said...

Brit =]
Very interesting quotes! Thought-provoking!

cesca23 said...

Student Success can be measured in so many ways! Personally success in my point of view means accomplishing your goals and doing what you want and being happy! In the polls online I voted and after viewing the results the majority vote were similar to the ones I choose.
With poll #1… Society is enriched when students succeed I definitely agree. I choose A which stated students assume greater responsibility for his or her own actions. Now the reason I stated that a good example would be in life when you are given things on you work for something and actually have to pay you appreciate and take care of it more. The same has to do with your life having to continue your education by choice already shows that you want better and are more likely to succeed.
Poll #2… HCC succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals. I also stated that students graduate, transfer, or find gainful employment. I also think that if HCC is more than willing to assist and always being helpful to make sure the students accomplish everything they are trying then we as students will have the determination and mindset another school will be the same way. Also we will graduate because when it is more pleasant atmosphere we students or anyone will continue to keep our goals set.
Poll #3… students succeed when they attain their desired goals. I believe that a person who has goals and meets them does better overall. That is why I choose Students gainfully employed or achieves professional advancement. If there is something you want or desire have your mind set in most cases you will accomplish as long as it is reasonable. But a person who doesn’t know what they want or have goals has nothing to look forward or try to reach out and get.
In conlusion, I have noticed with the 3 polls my replies are very similar to what a majority of other students think. I also wanted to say that in the polls I do believe some other answers are correct.

wissam said...

Succeeds as a student is not just how student did in the class room, but it also about how he/she communicate with other people or other student outside, for example in his/her live.
1- What the student success? Society is enriched when students succeed. I choose Student greater responsibility for his or her own action. The reasons in our society the responsibility make the person creative in too many different ways
2- Hcc succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals? I choose student demonstrate proficiency in college level computation and communication skills. Because if the students are proficiency they can get higher grades and in our life we will be more logical in our chose.
3- Students succeed when they attain their desired goals? I choose student passes licensure or certification exam, because it’s the basic we have to pass the basic exam to get the first licenses. Our goal to have license so our responsibility to passes all exams to has a license.

lynk26 said...

For the first poll, I chose two votes: Student develops interpersonal skills, encompassing a respect for others and Student assumes greater responsibility for his or her own actions. These two are important to me and what are needed for society to become enriched because we have become a society that tries to point the blame to other people instead of accepting personal responsibility for situations that occur.

For the second poll, I chose students graduate, transfer, or find gainful employment as my vote. When HCC helps students achieve their personal goals, such as continuing education or helping in the job employment search, it builds their rapport with students and at the same time gives the school a great image for future students.

For the third poll, I chose student gains real-world experience. In our world today, experience is what gets you the good jobs. A degree gets you one part of the way, and experience is what takes you the rest of the way. Companies find experience a plus because it is less time spent conducting on the job training, which saves them money in the long run.

iPanda said...

I believe that society is enriched when students assume greater responsibility for their actions. I often see the effects of irresponsibility within society every day, the consequences baring tragedies on the front pages and highlights of the news. I feel that if this trait is instilled within the students by the time they have left HCC (or any educational establishment), many other goals are achieved through this: developing interpersonal skills, appreciating diversity, the recognition of their impact in society, et cetera.

As for the second statement: "Hcc succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals", I had voted for all of the options. For me, I did not feel like any of the goals had been less important or unlikely for both the school and myself. Academic success is important, but the ability to harness your achievements and get into a career with and because of your academic success is equally important.

As for the last poll, I feel that students achieve their goals (or at least I would have) if and when they: Complete their coursework with passing grades, advance on a professional level, gain real-life experiences, satiate their thirst for knowledge, and are still eligible to move forward and transfer into an institution of higher learning. I did not, however, choose the remaining options because I do not feel that a person's success can be measured by the certificates or licenses that they acquire; I feel that there should be more to personal and social achievement than just that, than to just stop there.

bomana said...

Students success goes further than just passing grades on college level courses. While you need the academics to receive the degree, you need the social skills to make it through life. Some students start out with little or no exposure to other cultures and have to learn to be accepting of the differences of the other students around them. Not everyone is diverse and diversity is an important part of being successful since many people you meet down the road after graduation are different from you.
Student success is learning to accept things you can't do anything about and doing the best you can at it. I think the idea of going to college is to start the journey to becoming a well rounded person and become a productive, successful individual in society.

Britt said...

Society is enriched when students succeed.
 Student assumes greater responsibility for his or her own action.
 Student develops interpersonal skills including a respect for others.
I think that responsibility comes hand in hand with respect. When people start taking responsibility for their own actions they do so because they have learned a respect for other’s time, belongings, and emotions.

HCC succeeds when it assists students to gain their desired goals.
 Students pass courses in which they are enrolled.
Not all students who attend college do so with the desire to get a 4year degree. Certain students take a few select classes just to learn a particular subject that interests them. Some don’t want to get involved in extra-curricular activities or groups. However, each student goes to college with the expectation they will successfully complete each course that they take. HCC’s role is to provide the opportunity and assistance each student needs to achieve his or her goal.

Students succeed when they attain their desired goals.
 Students complete coursework with passing grades.
 Student satisfies intellectual curiosity
Student success isn’t defined by riches, wealth or cushy jobs. It’s the completion of what they spent the past few years and several thousand dollars working toward. Whether it be obtaining an A.A. or just better understanding a specific subject, if the student is pleased with the final outcome isn’t that the definition of success? That a person tried to do something and got the result they desired.

lubna said...

1. Student assumes greater responsibility for his or her own actions.
I believe the above statement because students succeed in college to me means being responsible which includes:working hard, turning assignments on time, be attentive and sincere, participate in class, taking good notes and asking questions, and does not hesitate to communicate with professors if the student does not understand any thing. All of the tasks I mentioned are important if students wish to do well in college. I believe,once the student in the college, the learning should not stop. I also believe, if a student is ready to take responsiblity for his or her actions he or she can succeed in collgege.
2. Student receives a certificate, diploma or degree.
I vote for the above statement because students succeed when they acheieve their desire goals. Some students attend college for degrees to get the decent job or employment with the degree they have earned.
3. Student transfer to another institute for higher learning.
I also vote for the above statement because many students attend college for higher education (transfer th other universities or institutes) and they have desire to get higher education.
4. Stuent develops interpersonal skills, encompassing a respect for others.
I also vote this statement because we live in such a diverse society. Our society has so much to do with the environment and relationship with others, so we need to respect each other and care about other's feelings. I believe this is also the part of the student succeed.
Overall, when it comes to college I believe all the hard works and efforts count to succed in college.

Cesc_03 said...

1. Society is enriched when student learns to take responsibilities for his/her own actions and when student understands his or her cultural and historical heritage to gain perspectives of his or her time and place in the global society

With the economy on its knees and when the society is struggling to keep up with the technology, finishing college is no longer an options, "Its a prerequisite."(Obama)I strongly believe that diploma or a degree is no longer enough to enrich our society. We should learn to be responsible for our own actions. By being a responsible citizens, we are setting an example for the potential next generations after ours.Also, by learning where we stand in our society, we are helping to boost up the lost moral value in our communities.

2.Students maintain a satisfactory or increase grade point average over the course of enrollment and
Students demonstrate proficiency in college-level computation and communication skills

In college, maintaining satisfactory grades is very important. For me, consistenncy is the most important skill that students must have. A lot of college students received 3.5Gpa or higher for their first two semesters in college but after that, they usually loose their interest to continue studying. Being consistant on everything we do is the most important skill that we must learn.

3.Student gains real-world experience.

For me, students can only achieve the real succes if he/she experience the toughness of the real-world. Today, it is hard to survive without any experiences in the real world. Success would never arrive if we do not know what it feels like to do battle in the real-world. Achieving a diploma is only the start of the preparations before we fight and stand in our own feet. As the world change from decades to decades new challenges will continue to emerge, and therefore new demands will continue to grow. A demand for the young generations to be better, stronger, and smarter than the present generation.

Anonymous said...

Student assumes greater responsibility for their actions so society is enriched. I believe that when we all account especially students for our actions things will get done. If we take the time to study our actions will result in a positive manner. If we decide to skip classes our actions result in a negative manner. Please don’t blame it on society or your culture we are all responsible for our own success. Hcc succeeds far more when it assists students by having them more involved during school and outside of school. When there is a reason students have to think about the subject they are more likely to complete it. Let’s say my goal is to become a physician, and I have taken psychology as a course. The best thing to do with that is to stay after class discussing projects that deal with the career. Hcc may not have tons of resources, but what it does have instead is a place to meet other individuals interested in the same ideas. I believe we should have a forum to help make new clubs for everyone to enjoy. When the student succeeds at passing their classes they are more likely to believe they can do more or be more in life. So they will transfer to another institution to continue their education. If I personally attain the goals I’ve set it gives me the confidence to do more with my life as a person. Like many others I have a job to attend every week, but if I am able to do both pass classes and do my job it gives me the confidence to do what ever I might set my sights on.

Anonymous said...

Student assumes greater responsibility for their actions so society is enriched. I believe that when we all account especially students for our actions things will get done. If we take the time to study our actions will result in a positive manner. If we decide to skip classes our actions result in a negative manner. Please don’t blame it on society or your culture we are all responsible for our own success. Hcc succeeds far more when it assists students by having them more involved during school and outside of school. When there is a reason students have to think about the subject they are more likely to complete it. Let’s say my goal is to become a physician, and I have taken psychology as a course. The best thing to do with that is to stay after class discussing projects that deal with the career. Hcc may not have tons of resources, but what it does have instead is a place to meet other individuals interested in the same ideas. I believe we should have a forum to help make new clubs for everyone to enjoy. When the student succeeds at passing their classes they are more likely to believe they can do more or be more in life. So they will transfer to another institution to continue their education. If I personally attain the goals I’ve set it gives me the confidence to do more with my life as a person. Like many others I have a job to attend every week, but if I am able to do both pass classes and do my job it gives me the confidence to do what ever I might set my sights on.

Anonymous said...

Student assumes greater responsibility for their actions so society is enriched. I believe that when we all account especially students for our actions things will get done. If we take the time to study our actions will result in a positive manner. If we decide to skip classes our actions result in a negative manner. Please don’t blame it on society or your culture we are all responsible for our own success. Hcc succeeds far more when it assists students by having them more involved during school and outside of school. When there is a reason students have to think about the subject they are more likely to complete it. Let’s say my goal is to become a physician, and I have taken psychology as a course. The best thing to do with that is to stay after class discussing projects that deal with the career. Hcc may not have tons of resources, but what it does have instead is a place to meet other individuals interested in the same ideas. I believe we should have a forum to help make new clubs for everyone to enjoy. When the student succeeds at passing their classes they are more likely to believe they can do more or be more in life. So they will transfer to another institution to continue their education. If I personally attain the goals I’ve set it gives me the confidence to do more with my life as a person. Like many others I have a job to attend every week, but if I am able to do both pass classes and do my job it gives me the confidence to do what ever I might set my sights on.

Wan said...

1)Society is enriched when students succeed.
A)I chose Student develops interpersonal skills, encompassing a respect for others. I voted this way because society has so much to do with our environment and our relationships between others, that we as a society would be greatly enriched if we developed our interpersonal skills, and respected each other.

2)HCC succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals.
A)I chose Students graduate, transfer, or find gainful employment. I Grant you, you do develop more computation and communication skills, but what good does that do to HCC reputation if no one graduates? As from my knowledge, HCC viewpoint would be to enroll students, get a good reputation, help students succeed and in some way profit from these acts. Now, from the student's view.

3)Students succeed when they attain their desired goals.
A)I chose Student passes licensure or certification exam. I think A licensure or a certification exam is just an exam that will test the basics knowledge of the field of study one has chosen. We should be armed with enough know how to pass a basic exam. A lot of professions require a basic license or certification, without this basic licensure or certification we will not be able to gain any employment in the field which we choose and studied in.

lyn said...

1.Society is enriched when students succeed.
I believe it’s when “Student assumes greater responsibility for his or her own actions”. Cause when that happens they will be doing society a favor when they take that responsiblity and own up to it.

2. HCC succeeds when it assists students to graduate, transfer, or find gainful employment. I believe this because most students’ dropout they don’t continue to graduation or transfer and so few leave for a gainful employment. I think that’s what HCC should help students succeed in this.

3. Students succeed when they gains real-world experience and satisfies intellectual curiosity. I believe this because there is no such thing as enough knowledge students shouldn’t stop at what degree there working towards they should continue to learn more. A specific degree only prepares you for that degree nothing else they should continue to find out about other country and people.

mdns7 said...

It seems to me that all of these things are worthy of being chosen. Above all the ones that speak for me is the are about personal responsiblity, finding gainful employment, and recieving a degree. I think the first one is very important for a students personal growth, having responsilibity for what you do and also what you've earned is a key part of respecting others and yourself in our society. Society can reach its fullest potential when every student is given the opportunity to succeed.

I think every student also wants to have the ability to compete with others for a meaningful career where they feel there doing somthing that attributes to the growth of society. Students feel empowered when they feel they can make a difference it's the idea of making a difference and doing somthing emportant that drives me to attain my ultimate goals and make my dreams become reality.

And lastley achieving a degree(s) is a milestone for everyone and i know its important for my self worth and knowing that i can present proof of my hard work can make me a valued person. I value people that can work hard show resilience and remain determined, because thats what college is all about, keeping your drive.

Master Mo said...

I think a student success is graduating and finding a good job. It gives a studnet alot of experience.

1)Society is enriched when students succeed.I voted students assumes greater responsibility for his or her actions because students become person after they take responsibility. I also chose students develops interpersonal skills, encompassing a respect for others and students understands his or her cultural and historical heritage to gain perspectives. I chose that becuse as college student I meet people all the world. Those skills help me understand how other people view the world. I belive every student should their own culture and heritage beacuse if you don't know yorur self.

2. HCC succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals. I voted studnets gruduate, transer, or find gainful employment because as student that my goal. To transfer or find a good job.

3. Students succeed when they attain their desired goals. I voted students recieces a certificate,diploma, or degree and gains real-world experince. I chose that beacuse you apply for job the first thing they ask is education and experience.

fireangel said...

My definition of "student success" is one that the world knows but rarely acts on. Most of the responsibility relies on the student themselves. They make the decision of being a good student who cares about what they are doing no matter what gets in their way. If someone wants something bad enough they will go after it. But to get there, they need to have something that their interested in that they can carry over into their job. The student has to start there by finding out what their interested in and then try to achieve that goal. Once that is established and in order to have that established the students need to respect their teachers. If they respect their teachers the teachers will most likely give them the attention that the students need to become interested in something, either that subject or in some other subject. It’s the student’s responsibility to be successful. Yes, sometimes that doesn’t always pan out because they had a or a couple of bad teachers. But, after that teacher they need to get back up on their feet and try again. I’m living proof of this. In middle school I had all very hard teachers, and except for English I never got anything above a C on my report card. But the years after that I had become more determined that I would get good grades and since then I have tried my hardest to do just that. I’m just an example, but other people have this complication and they have the same decision. It’s their choice to get back on their feet, or are they not going to strive for what they want. It’s their choice.

TeXasLuV said...

I believe if through the years more and more students succeed, then our future is more positive and or country may be able to improve as a whole with more educated and determided people. This may also give hope and motivation to those that may think it won't pay off.
If HCC helps its students to succeed there goal of finishing school and recieving some kind of recognition from there istitution then the time spent trying to fufill this goal may not seem as stressed if the student has no other form of support or motivation.
And most of all students most definatly succeed if they get a diploma or certificate because that alone opens the doors for a better job opportunity and this person is filled with more knowledge and confidence in themselves because they have an advantege over they other people.

Ralsgal said...

"Hcc succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals"- The choices I chose were: Students remain enrolled or leave in good standing. I believe that a college succeeds when a student remains enrolled in a college and feels strong enough and enabled to finish a class or program. When instructors and faculty help students succeed in the ways that a student comes to school to succeed this is a real way to measure success. Another choice I voted for in this category is: Students maintain a satisfactory or increase grade point average in course of enrollement, and vocational students complete certificate/degree program or satisfactory upgrade job skills, and when students graduate transfer or find gainful employment. When students leave HCC are doing all of these things, I believe this shows that HCC are helping its students to attain their desired goals.
One vote that I thoroughly enjoyed voting for was: Society is enriched when... My # one answer is when a student assumes greater responsibility for his or her actions. I believe that this would be a major accomplishment for any college, parent or society in general. Some never succeed at this, but I do believe that when we all assume responsibility for our choices and quit blaming everyone else, that is a begginning to a great change in society for the good. This feat would solve a lot of problems in the world today!
The last vote on: Students succeed when they attain their desired goals, I voted for quite a few because the way each student attains their own goals are different, where as some might receive a certificate, diploma or degree which would be a measure of success, another measure might be that a student is gainfully employed or attains advancement. Some older students that are taking classes for enjoyment might measure thier success by completing and learning something that they hadn't known before which enriches the rest of their lives, as in the vote of student fulfills intellectual curiosity. Other measurements would be when a student gains real world experience, and applies it to where they are in the world today.

It is difficult to measure success, but by some of the answers that were given to vote on are definitely a way to start the measurement process. Where as this is a difficult arena to measure, I do believe by some of these standards it is possible.

ianschmidt said...

I don’t believe that the ultimate goal of college is job placement. Opportunities are the reason I go to classes, study, and manage a balance between a home life and school. When I learn new things I grow as a human and when I am tall standing in front of opportunity good things happen. We all have a responsibility to grow as humans to advance our culture and our species.

Qasem said...

Many students have a hard time striving to be successful in their education. It takes hard work, dedication, and ability to be capable of their choices. A students success is based on the students ability to balance school with hectic lifestyles one experiences in college. Each student goes through hard times, but what makes each student successful is the ability to overcome unexpected life challenges,but at the same not have these challenges effect them in school. 

Sabrina said...

Success can be viewed from many perspectives. There is no one single measure for success. Some students view success as simply graduating from a two or four year program,while others can achieve success merely by taking a few classes for advancing their career.I believe that people who succeed in college are the ones who are motivated to so. I personally returned to college after an abscence of 10 years, that in itself was a big accomplishment and a succes.Students succeed when they have attained their desired goals. They may become professional leaders and make strong contributions in society. Finally, words of wisdom from Sir Winston Churchill who said 'Success is never final, Failure is never fatal, and courage is what counts.'

KSVL2404 said...

I think each one of those questions, can be answered any way, depending on the person, and what they;re desires are. I think achieving desired goals, can be any goal you set for your self, Desired goals I have is to graduate from HCC and transfer to USF nursing, To hopefully obtain a Master's degree in nursing. To be able to publish a novel, To be able to make an A in my elementary statistics class, Goals, are goals and they are what strive people in doing better.

CoCo85 said...
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CoCo85 said...

Success is measuring by ones goals in life. I am not proud to say but I have dropped several courses in the past due to not really dedicating my full effort and time into completing the course. I f I really would have applied myself in the beginning like I was suppose to I could have already been done with school and on to my Bachelors. But after realizing exactly what I needed to do, several years later I came to a consensus that no one can do this but me. My parent s can nag at me all that want but until I realize I really want this and it will benefit me than I am the only one that can do it. I have not taken out any financially loans, nor asked my parents for help.
I believe the professor’s background on the subject has a large impact on the subject. After taken several courses more than once can be frustrating but when a student asks for help and the teacher can not thoroughly explain the nature of the of subject how else is the student suppose to completely understand the course and pass. Over time this may come annoying to the student making the student doubt themselves if school just isn’t for them. In the past I have thought this wasn’t for me, I can’t do this, why it is everyone else gets it but me. Then you start to believe that you just aren’t that smart.
One should never stop challenging themselves. I had given up in the past. But I have realized I work for a great company and I know if I don’t finish my degree I will never be eligible for a promotion. Especially with the economy the way it is everyone is hard up for good workers. With several companies laying people off, they too have realized the importance of academics.

jenningssonic300 said...

In poll number one I believe that the society is enriched when a student assumes responsibility for his or her actions. How can we move forward as a society when no one is willing to take responsibility for what happens and learning from it? We should not move in the direction of say well that’s someone else’s problem. In poll number two I believe that HCC succeeds when their students graduate and move on to higher education, because it means that it provided the foundation for that student to aspire to do greater things. In poll three students succeed when they graduate because it means that they have preserved and accomplished what they started. Not to mention the knowledge that was gained by completing all the classes that are required for the degree.

DaLaTiNaChIcKa89 said...

Success is a hard thing to achieve, I think it involves a special formula. You need to have the drive and will power to want to achieve and succeed in whatever field you choose to pursue. If your only in school because your parents forced you or because your job said you had to or else then there is no drive to want to succeed. I think that being in school is something nobody should take for granted because people are out there in the world that can't be exposed to this.

As far as being in HCC and attending the brandon campus, I hate it. Reasons why is because I was a transfer student from out of state and made the process SO difficult it made me not want to be here as a student because they made it seem like they didn't even want me as a student themselves. This is why I am here trying to do what I need to do so then I can leave and transfer to receive higher education in an university. But I am thankful for the teachers I have and as someone said picking the teachers is a hit or miss; luckily I got a good hit on all my classes, but as I talk to people around campus or I hear someone else talking they usually have something bad to say about their teacher. Some teachers are only here for the paychecks, they don't care about their students or if they pass or fail or if they achieve their goal in order to receive higher education, what happened to teaching because you love to help people learn ?

In conclusion, school and wanting to learn is something that needs to come from you and nobody else. Someone else can guide you and inspire you to do better but the initial reason for going to school needs to come from you.

Nadia said...

Success is measured by the work and effort one puts in.I feel as if you earn what you recieve. If you put in the extra effort your going to get a better response. Some students don't study or do their work and in the end they sit their and complain. But its their fault not the teachers.

Society plays a major role in students and their success. Not caring about anything is "cool" to some people, which makes everyone else do it. To me personally failing classes and not doing your work is not "cool". Nerds get picked on in school, but ten years from now their going to be the ones driving those fancy cars and having those nice big houses but most important of all their going to be the doctors and lawyers. Their going to have knowledge.

I started HCC in August, wanting to be a registered nurse. I still want to be a rn. I'm currently taking five classes and I know its tough but I have to do it for me , not anyone else. My classes is hard but I know putting in the extra effort will help me to succeed.

rushfan said...

Here is what sudent sucess means to me . In ordwer for a student to be sucessful he/she must achieve academic goals. He/she must also partcipate in class and ut of class ijoin clubs and participate in clubs as well. Another thing a student must do to be sucessful is graduateand get a decent paying job. That is what student sucess means to me.

IndianGoddess6922 said...
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IndianGoddess6922 said...

In today’s Society, success can be defined in numerous ways, but I believe that one of the most imperative definitions of success can be defined as the journey of accomplishing one’s dreams, aspirations and goals. Success is not something that can be purchased; success is something that is earned through epitomizing audacity, courage, hard work, determination and the undying will to succeed.

1) Society is enriched when students succeed.

Student assumes greater responsibility for his or her own actions~~There is a point in an individual’s educational journey; they hopefully realized that their education lies in their own hands. Although excuses such as “The exam was very challenging,” or “The professor does not have an adequate teaching style” may be sometimes excusable, I believe that it is the duty of students to take the responsibility to achieve the grades that they desire. Once a student learns that they have a type of power over the outcome of their actions, they take those erudite principles and apply them to their lives.

Student develops interpersonal skills, encompassing a respect for others~~ One of the major reasons why I love HCC-Brandon is the diversity of the students. I was homeschooled from the first grade to the twelfth grade and was academically but not socially experienced when I became a freshman at HCC. The transition to the college life was not an easy one, but I had to learn extremely fast. Respect for others of different nationality, race, religion and beliefs are almost inevitable.

2) HCC succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals.

Students demonstrate proficiency in college-level computation and communication skills~~ Students that are considered to be at a college-level of speech and computations now have the capabilities to go out into the world, continue to accomplish great things and be looked upon as students that once went to HCC. An excellent example of how HCC succeeds in regards to communication skills is that of my brother. My brother was very shy when he started college and had a great fear of speaking in public, especially large crowds. By the time my brother graduated, he was one of the most decorated students and was also the Student Commencement Speaker for his graduating class of 2005.

Students become involved in student activities which foster academic engagement and increase student success~~I am personally involved in HPPO (Health Pre-professional Organization) and MSA (Muslim Student Association) at HCC and have found that student activities such as volunteering not only contributes to the community but also helps to build one’s confidence, leadership abilities and qualities of teamwork.

Students graduate, transfer, or find gainful employment~~HCC, the professors and staff have fulfilled their duty when a student successfully continues to either transfer to a higher level of education or the employment options are now widened.

3) Students succeed when they attain their desired goals.

Student transfers to another institution of higher learning~~One of the greatest feelings in life, is the feeling of accomplishment, graduating, receiving your degree and the excitement of transferring to a higher level of education. Transferring is a step closer of obtaining one’s ultimate dream of success.

Student receives a certificate, diploma, or degree~~Receiving a degree, certificate or diploma is a very rewarding and well-earned experience that considerably encourages an individual to continue their educational journey or have a proud feeling of accomplishment.

Student is gainfully employed of achieves professional advancement~~It is a proved fact that an individual that earns some type of diploma, degree or certificate will earn a position that is not only more rewarding but also higher paying.

Student gains real-world experience~~The entire college experience trains one to be able to interact with other individuals of different race, ethnicity, religion, beliefs and personalities. The classes that are offered at the college level are quite diverse and enable an individual with the ability to handle different levels of work, punctuality, respect for those in charges and conduct in certain environments.

Student satisfies intellectual curiosity~~When one earns what they consider to be success, the curiosity of one’s ability to achieve greater things in greatly amplified. The feeling of accomplishment often encourages an individual to continue in the path that they have chosen and challenge themselves because they know now what they can achieve.

Student participates in college or civic activities~~It is very important to participate in activities that not only develop one’s personal experience in college, but also add to the community’s positive view of the college.

Student satisfies family’s or sponsors’ wishes~~Although I believe that a supportive family is key to an individual’s success, a student must have a burning desire to study and work hard enough to achieve not only the possible but also what is deemed to be the impossible.

Success to me means the journey of achieving what one aspires to achieve. Success is when you pick yourself up from a fall and try ten times harder to prove to yourself that you can do better, and succeed in doing so. To be successful means trying your personal best to obtain goals that are satisfactory and sufficient to your own academic career plan.

DLG2009 said...

In order for students to suceed there are multiple things i believe they must do.

1) They must get decent grades in school and be responsible and on time for classes.

2)They need to do homework and all work to the best of their ability and seek help if they need it.

3)They need to graduate and get a job that pays well and earn a decent living.

But sucess is different for all these are just a few of the things i think it takes for a student to be sucessful.

weezy F said...

Every day we are working not only to make a better life for ourselves, but also to have a good life for our family's when we grow older. To me, student success is striving to achieve that better grade and trying your hardest to obtain that degree that we all work so hard for so there will be a better life waiting for us in the future.

1) "Society is enriched when students succeed"

I chose; Student assumes greater responsibility for his/her actions.

I chose this answer because I believe that a person matures a great amount while attending college. At least I know that school has played a huge role in my maturing over the last couple of years. I know that it is up to no one else but my self to do well in school and if I slack off here than i believe it will show in my future and that is the last thing that i want for myself.

2) "HCC succeeds when it assists students to obtain their goals."

I chose; Students graduate,transfer, or find gainful employment.

I voted this way because I believe that HCC plays a huge role in helping student get where they need to be so they can apply for a transfer, or just receive their two year degree. HCC has helped me a ton since I've been here I have changed my major three times, and every time I have has a schedule of the new courses that i need to take to achieve this degree laid out for me that same day, so I honestly believe that HCC cares about my education.

3) Students succeed when they attain their desired goals.

I chose; Student receives a certificate, diploma, or degree.

I chose this answer because it is very obvious why I am attending school, and that is to receive my two year degree, so I can the transfer to USF to achieve my ultimate goal which is a degree in sports medicine. I believe this is why everyone is in school; to achieve their ultimate goal as well which hopefully is to get the diploma in which we all work so hard for.

skywritter54 said...

Student Success to me means that the person in college may not look forward to going to class., but they do. It means that college students make think a subject or class is dull but they sit there anyway because they realize it is something that they need. Not just to pass the course but as a pathway to finishing college and getting into society to accomplish their goal.

In my voting I choose the following statements: Society is enriched when the student succeed; Society gets a person who can focus, who feels good about himself because he has succeed in finishing a major goal: passing the class and graduating from college.
Succeeding in college lets him and others know that this person can set a goal and finish, he can think ahead, he can do what must be done ever though he would rather do something else. He’s disciplined, focused and wants to be someone special.
In succeeding in the classroom and college they feel that since they made it pass that big hurdle, when they reach the real world, they can do it because they’re done it.

Succeeding once, helps you succeed again. You tend to feel that if you can succeed in this you can succeed in life. This tie into the statement “Students succeed when they obtain their desired goals.

When a person assumes greater responsibility for their actions, they tend to think more carefully about what they are doing. At the college stage, they no longer can depend on their parents to get them up in time for classes. They come to realize it’s their responsibility to get up in time.
They now choose to go to classes at 7: am when they could still be sleeping. They choose to go to classes at 7; pm when they could be off partying. They come to realize that the choice is now theirs. Now they realize that whatever happens, it’s because of the choice they made.

In choosing responsibility for their actions the student comes to see that in order to obtain their goal, they must interact with many different kinds of people. And with the interaction with others, more than likely they will join different groups, participate in different activities which in turn will help them with the interpersonal skills that will be need in the outside society.

HCC and colleges can help the person to become more prepared and equipped to work on the outside by making sure the student has the necessary communications and interpersonal skills.
Some of this comes with practice which you get in joining with groups and talking with the multitude of people who you comes in contact with.

Encourage everyone to join a college activity. Ask them what they would like to do, listen when they talk and when they don’t say a work. Pay attention to what is said and what isn’t said. Get them to interact with other students in the classrooms and outside activities to help them in dealing with different kinds of people.

These are the same things they will be dealing with in society.
When a student feels like he is a success and has succeed in college and enjoying the journey he will be a better person when he graduates.

If he has a goal for the outside and he enjoys getting to that goal he will be much happier and better prepared for society than that person who just made it through and dreaded every minute of college life.

NeillB said...

For the first statement, I felt that, "Student assumes greater responsibility for his or her own actions" and "Student develops interpersonal skills, encompassing a respect for others", were the most appropriate. These come hand in hand with education and being an active member of society. I feel that by having respect for ALL humans and assuming self responsibility will ultimately open your mind to other cultures as well as your own. In other words all of the choices were great, however, these two included the others.

For statement two, I included: "Students become involved in student activities which foster academic engagement and increase student success"
"Vocational students complete certificate/degree program or satisfactorily upgrade job skills"
"Students graduate, transfer, or find gainful employment".

The main measure of success for an educational institution is graduation rates. I feel that by HCC involving students in activities to better their education, more students will be inclined to do more with their college life and become more educated in the process. When students enjoy learning they tend to learn more.

For the final statement, I chose all of the choices because, for each individual, attaining their goal can be any or all of them. Some attend college for a paper that says "I am educated". Others only go to college to make their family happy. Some just want certification to move up in their job position. Whatever the reason, education in any sense is succeeding.

Alex370000 said...

1) Society is enriched when students succeed

I chose "Student develops interpersonal skills, encompassing a respect for others"

Respect is about everything in society today. I believe our society has much to do with the way we treat others and take take responsibility for our actions. Interpersonal skills is also important for diversity in our society.

2) HCC succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals.

I chose "Students graduate, transfer, or find gainful employment"

I believe everyone goes to college to help them along in some manor. I chose this answer because its the reason i'm in college. I think 99% of students are in college for this reason to either graduate of transfer or to help there future employment. Not graduating for me is not HCC's fault but my own. However HCC can make my college experience better and worse but that is a different question.

3) "Students succeed when they attain their desired goals."

For me this is my goal but this is a total opinion. My degree will help me along in my life and my personal goals. This is why i attend college.

BabyBri22 said...

When thinking about what success means, i beilve in many eyes it is different. There is a wide variety of people would probably agree that going to school is what makes someone successful. But i beileve its what you do in school and accomplish that makes you gain success. Basically your goal in college is to graduate, which means for you to stay on college level in your classes and complete all the courses. But there is also the fact that you dont have to go to school to be classified as someone who succeeded in their life. There are several people who come from nothing and with their dream of accomplishing something they turn out to be ceos of a company or even owning a bussiness of their own.
Regarding the survey, school gets you set up for the workplace which sets you up to learn how to lead a life of your own.

1. Society is enriched when students succedd.- I believe that students assume greater responsibility for his or her actions. In school noone is there to tell you to turn in your homework or to study. The student has to be responsible for themselves and realize that their parents, the government or themselves arnt paying for them to go to school and learn nothing. There job at that point it to learn everything they can in the time they have to succeed in their classes.

2. HCC succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals.- the schools job is to give the students the etools to be able to finish community college it is then in the studets hands to use those tools. When students demonstrate proficiency in college level componsation and communication skills that means the school has done their job. By the end of your graduating year you should be able to prove you are on grade level by the grades you recive from your classes.

3. Students succeed when they attain their desired goals.- When studying in school most studets choose a major that is related to career path they want to follow. Basically, after the students degree they should have gained the skills to be employed and or achieve professional advancement. To live you have to make money and get a job and when you reach that higher education it gives you a higher option of being chosen for possible better position and job that you seek for.

Jn2 said...

I personally believe a student is responsible for his or her own action.The point is if a student does his or her work himself,he or she acquire alot of knowledge.The teacher for example just exposes the the knowledge to the student,so is all left for the student to decide if he/she will gonna study the material or not.By assuming that responsiblities,i believe the student will always make it nomatter what circumstances.Take for example,in my math class,there was this problem that the teacher was solving,he got it wrong but all the students in class including me believe that he was right.I when home that evenning,look at that same problem and discovered that the teacher was wrong.I had to e-mail the teacher telling him that the problem he solved in class was wrong.The next day,he brought it to the students attention and everybody in class was saying wow. A student success depends on self esteem and some internal factors such as ability and effort.Teachers and parents are just there to guide and help us achieve our personal goal.We all know that there are some students who have experienced a continous history of failure.Such studens will beleive that they lack the ability to succeed in life instead of working hard.Eventually such students abandon serious attempts to study hard and the consequences of that is drop-out.Students are responsible for their actions.

Jn2 said...

MISS I FORGOT THIS PART.This is Jn2Student success could also means that the student graduates and have a good job.When a student graduates from college, he has not yet attain what he needs and his skills are not yet measured.But when the student get a job he feels better and he knows his skills are up to what he want to be in life.Employment makes him able to show his skills and his knowleged of education

Nydia said...

Who we are determines how we react to life, even when we’re not consciously in the act of ‘being successful. I believe success is going beyond your expectations and not setting a limit. Many people feel because they have graduated from college, earned a degree, and begin their career that they are successful. And to some extent they are. Being successful is to excel. There is always room to grow. So if you have the chance to better your self in any way, shape, or form that’s always a sign of success. To be successful means to succeed in many areas, to have a great career, and succeeding in raising a healthy family. Healthy kids, marriage, and a career with an opportunity to advance is always a good sign of a successful person.

Just because a person makes a substantial amount of money does not make them successful. Success can be obtained by many, but maintaining the momentum to reach our goals requires a passion for pursuit and a lust for life. We can create a list and set our goals with the best of them, but without this necessary consistent desire, we will most certainly fail to bring to the table the results we imagined.

jim-bo said...

I think that its the students responsibility to bi in school. If that student can learn efficiently on their own and can come in and take a test and pass then let them, but for those of us who come to learn then we have our way of learning. Success is different for everyone, i learn fast but i have a hard time learning on my own and prefer to be taught, on the other hand there are those who can teach them self. There is also those who need the extra help to learn casue they happen to be a little slower.

nomad0526 said...

Student success can be defined in many ways, but to me educational success encompasses many short-term and long-term benefits. Such short-term benefits include the immediate gratification of achieving good grades in my classes which in turn will allow me future opportunities such as transferring to a well recognized university. Another short-term benefit of success is in the everyday use of the education that I am currently gaining. My current student success is important for simple things such as finding employment to even other very general things such as expressing my thoughts properly through my communication with others. My success is not only measured by the instantaneous satisfaction of achieving good grades in school, but also many other long-term benefits as well. Some of these benefits include my ability to find a long-term and well paying career that will in turn allow me to provide for myself and those I care about. All things considered success can incorporate many facets that really can not be completely grasped until many times they are recognized and accommodated in the future. My definition of success, as I am sure that many others as well, will change with time and only when we see it will we be truly thankful that we succeeded.

ijoz said...

Student success can be best defined through the action that young adults take in life. In my opinion student success within American society is seen differently through each individuals eyes. Through me success is measured not by what I do but how I go about doing it. The three attributes that lead me towards success are confidence, determination, and the will to succeed.

When one is successful that means that they have achieved a goal and have overcome the obstacles that stood in their way. Goals play an important role within society, for if it weren’t for them there really wouldn’t be a point in life. For starters, they help us to strive for things in which we wish to attain like money, a car, a house, or even a family. Some may be short term; and be easy to reach, while others are long term; being harder or taking a much longer time to reach. No mater what term a goal may be we all have goals so that we may better ourselves.

In my opinion, success and goals work hand and hand. With out one there cannot be the other. As a student I define success as me graduating from college with a masters degree and entering into American society as a physical therapist. This is my long-term goal in life and with much determination and patience I know I will become successful and accomplish my goal.

kennyg said...

I feel that all students go to school for a reason and purpose. Eventhough some are in school and dont have a major yet they are still there getting ahead instead of sitting at home not doing nothing because they feel they dont have a major. I feel students grow amd become better people when they are in school. Just the environment and learning and change a person decision and choices on life. All kids should go to school and make their family or parents proud my graduating in there field and getting that degree. Some students feed off other students and if they see them doing good then they will mostly follow them to be like them. Stdents gain respect for other students throughout there year I belive. I feel it alla depends how othe students appraoch each other and thats how they are determine to gain a friendship, respect and a bond. All student serve a purpose and a great aspect to the school. Everyone put an impaqct on everyone and canges them in some kind of way. Everyone is here too get a degree, maintain a steady lifestyle and to pursue that career or goal.

Unknown said...

For #1. I choose "students cultivates an appreciation of diversity and multiculturalism"

When a student can appreciate diversity and the many different cultures that color the campus, i believe it puts stereotypical minds at ease. It opens doors to friendships. When students show interest and respect for others, they are better prepared to commingle in the working world> In turn they may be able to enlighten other stereotypical minds.

#2. "Student graduates, transfers, or finds employment"

I choose this one because i feel it is very important to continue building and setting goals in order to maximize your potential. It is important for all students to do the best they can for themselves and HCC has the people and the resources to help. The students must help themselves. Those that have that just get by attitude will find themselves just getting by in life.

#3."students transfer to an other instistute or degree"

Comminty colege is a great stepping stone for the sarters, but it shouldn't end there. As we know 2 years is better than nothing , but these days with all the competion it is very important to continue in a higher levels of education. With the right drive and attitude it will pay off.

Success in college to me is a combination of...

S - Study like you mean it.
U - Unity with others
C - Consistency
C - Communication
E - Encouragement
S - Self discipline
S - Self respect

China said...

Student is gainfully employed or achieves professional advancement.

I voted for this answer because most students want to advance in their career through education. Therefore, they would try their best to continue to retain the necessary information to obtain their goal. Even though some students don't always achieve or retain as they wish after completing so many years of college. Without the necessary consistency of desire we will fail to have the ending results we imagine to have. Each person has their own way of learning, some of us learn quicker than others. Some studens feel that he/she are failers base on their learning path they have chooses to use.

tara said...

I personally think that when somone choses to go to college instead of take the easy way out and stay home, they become more successful in life.
Choosing an education is more benifical in the future and that to me defines success. The most important tool we have is our education, and how we use it. Now a days you are forced to have a high education if you want t succed in life, today there aren't any easy routes we can take. Society is enriched when students succed, because when students reach a level of education where our minds are more open to different cultures, we can all understand others greater and better.
Yes students to succed when they attain there desired goals, because when you achieve a goal that you love that is succes in it's own terms.. Personally if I reached a desired goal, my job wouldn't be called work... if i love what i do then success defines it.

ABroWnie said...

1.) "Society is enriched when students succeed."
A: student develops interpersonal skills, encompassing a respect for others

I chose this answer because i feel it is important to know the relationship everyone has with one another. society is a body of people living as members of a community. And as much as we should understand how we interact with one another, it is also very important that we have knowledge and respect for other cultures, races, and traditions within our community.

2.) "HCC succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals."
A: Students demonstrate proficiency in college-level computation and communication skills

When you exceed in college level calculation, it will help you succeed in future work, and are prepared to resolve upcoming situations. And if there is anything more, or as inportant as computation, its being able to communicate successfully with your fellow man.

3.) "Students succeed when they attain their desired goals."
A: Student transfers to another institution of higher learning

When you have reached your goals in college, you continue on, whether its to another university for your PhD, or a job, which could also be considered an institution of higher learning where you will create other goals to achieve.

JaneKennedy said...

Each option in the poll was a piece of what helps to create "student success".I'd like to mention a few of the options that stood out to me based on what helped and will help me to become a successful student.
It is vitally important that each student recognizes the impact of humans on the enviornment. When a student comes into this realization, they will value their education and awaken to the sense that education is the essential tool to help them stamp a positively lasting impresion into the world. Also, with this understanding, the student reaches the ultimate realization that they too can impact their enviornment especially with the aid of education.
In addition, students must graduate, transfer, or find gainful employment. Although school deepens and extends a students mental capacities, the outward sign is the advancement of the student in his or her pursuit. This means that goals will have been met and achievements made or at least, almost tangible.
Last but not least, i will honestly say that rather than spending time thinking of which option to choose for the last set of options, I spent my time wondering how a student can truly satisfy their intellectual curiosity.?.?.? That was one of the last options. A student is always eager to learn and keeps with that thirst to add to their intellect!

Get-Me-A-RedBull said...

Society is enriched when students succeed.
I chose: Student assumes greater responsibility for his or her own actions
HCC succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals.
I chose: Students graduate, transfer, or find gainful employment
Students succeed when they attain their desired goals.
I chose: Student transfers to another institution of higher learning

Success to me is measured only by ones self expectations. We are our own judge of when we have reached our personal goals. What you define as success may completely differ from others. You set your own destiny.

I have chosen a course of study that will require me to continue my education for an extended period of time. I came to HCC with great enthusiasm and self motivation to push through some of my basic courses before making my decision to attend The University of Tampa. I am hoping to have my AA prior to entering my four year University.

My desire is to graduate from the University of Tampa with a biology degree. My major happens to be one that many pursue which will require me to work twice as hard to prove myself. A Biology degree will give me many opportunities and many different avenues to consider for employment. I could work for a Pharmaceutical company, Forensic investigation, perhaps medical school one day. Again, only you can determine what success is for yourself.

mpierre said...

To me success is reached by the individual person because that person has to have the desire to work hard to reach their goal. I go to school because I have the drive and motivation to finish school. I come from a family where no one went to college. I work at a minimum wage job. having a minimum wage job gives me the motivation to finish school. I want to get paid more than what I get paid now. plus I want to be happy in the job I am in.
1) Student participates in college or civic activities

I did many student activities in college I joined clubs and participate in student activities. I had fun and enjoyed the times I was in school.

Anonymous said...

1. Student assumes greater responsibility for his or her own actions

Many times, when you look at students that are pursuing higher learning you find that they will put blame on others for their bad grades or come in with the wrong mentality. For example, a student will come in with expectations and their reasoning is that if Im paying for an education, I just have to sit here and I will receive a good grade. We need more students to realize the consequences of slacking off because your actions while enrolled in a college or university will impact your academic future and in essence, your life. Success is academic maturity because without it, you will be lost and before you know it will be working at a minimum wage job.

2.Students graduate, transfer, or find gainful employment
3Student receives a certificate, diploma, or degree

For most people, the whole point of attending university is to be able to graduate and find a steady job with a steady salary. Todays society defines success as being able to be a competitor in the business world. Its having a degree that will lay the foundation of getting a job. Success is also having the mentality of passionately continuing the education of the self. It doesn't necessarily have to be an immediate job after a few years of school, but wanting to continue education through graduate school or other respectable means.

omaya said...

Success can be define in numerous ways.It could possibly be the ability of a student to support themselves in today's society after finishing there education or getting promoted to a higher position in a job. But personally, student success is a never ending strike. Its to never give up on anything. No matter how hard life,school,work could get, you have to keep pushing and believe that YOU CAN DO IT..THAT EVERYTHING IS ACHIEVABLE ONLY IF YOU SET YOUR MIND TO DO SO.

Success is beyond money, its the power to attain a desired end. In order to be a successful student you need to have a Will to win, a Desire to succeed and a drive to fulfill your dreams.

junyor0169 said...

1) Society is rich when students succeed.

A) Students develop interpersonal skills encompassing a respect for others.

The more our society is educated the better. A lot of issues that affect this society is due to the lack of educated people. When our society is uneducated, people become criminals and pose a threat to others in our society. The more we as a people grow the more we need to learn. We need to better understand the people and the world we live in. There is only one way to change the direction that we as a society are heading and that is through education. Students need to be successful in order to enrich our society.

2) Hcc succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals.

B) Students graduate transfer or find gainful employment.

When most students enroll at Hillsborough community college they all have very similar goals. Either they want to graduate with a 2 year degree, transfer to another university or complete a vocational certificate. So when any one of these goals are met it means a lot to HCC. First they appealed enough to the student to have the student enroll and complete their goals.

3) Students succeed when they attain their desired goals.

C) Students satisfy intellectual curiosity

When a student starts a secondary educatioon it is mainly to further their knowledge and to learn enough to be successful. A student is no longer forced to attend school at this point therefore it is vital that the student actually wants to be there. When a student has satisifed their intellectual curiosity then there is not much more anyone can do. Ultimately a student has the final say so of when they are done learning and when their curiosity is satisfied their goals have been attained.

Anonymous said...

Student success to me is the definition of a moral set of goals for yourself as well as the well being of others that are involved with you in your educational surroundings and you have gone all the way to achieving those goals on your own without taking any type of negative influence to help you through them. another way to keep up with the success of this would be to have passion in what your setting as a goal. because if your not believing in that when you set those goals for yourself, and you gradually attain them, you gain confidence in yourself your setting a goal for you will never be able to reach that goal, it takes more than just setting a goal and thinking you might be able to achieve that goal you must work extra hard to reach it have faith in yourself and believe that others have must as much faith in you and want to see you succeed. and most importantly you must visualize how much reward you will obtain from achieving your goals and how proud you will be making yourself and the self accomplishment of it all is that of student success the most.

Anonymous said...

To me, Student Success means many things that if someone sits down and tries to describe it; it would cover more than thousands of pages to at least mention the good things that it contributes to the society. To me, Student Success helps the society and the environment.
Society improves with the success of the students. All the doctors in the hospitals, engineers, judges, etc.., are students who have succeeded and now contribute a great deal in favor of the society.
“Student develops interpersonal skills, encompassing a respect for others”
I have chosen this answer because it is true that when students succeed, they attain greater education towards other. They learn how to be quiet when someone speaks and how to consider situations more serious and with intelligence. It is very easy to identify a student and a nonstudent since the knowledge are not the same.
“Student gains real-world experience”
It is true that student gain real-world experience if they succeed. They learn how to handle situations in a different point of view than others that might not have been into school.

SingIntoMyMouth said...

For the "Society is enriched when students succeed" poll, I chose "when student assumes greater responsibility for his or her own actions", because when people begin taking responsibility for their actions and stop making excuses and blaming others, people grow and mature mentally.

For the "HCC succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals" question, I chose "students graduate, transfer, or find gainful employment", because a latent characteristic of colleges in general in helping students prepare for life challenges.

For the "Students succeed when they attain their desired goals" question, I picked two answers: "student gains real-world experience" and "student satisfies intellectual curiousity", because, again, college teaches life lessons as well as academic. Also, I find it is usually the case that people who attend college want to continue learning.

rvrview3 said...

to succeed in school during any level takes the individual to suck it up and take the responsibility to do what is neccesary to be a smart intelligent human being. it might take some kind of pressure, it might take the simple thought if you go then youll get a better job, for some people they may go just because they want to be able to look upon their high school classmates and simply compare life paths after high school. here at hcc its hard to find a good teacher. during registering period you literally have to ask around of who to take and who not to take not because of the amount of work they give but the way they teach, are they here to learn the class names or are we just simply numbers. it is a community college so why does it seem like the teachers are here for a paycheck and a office. i still believe it does wonders to students all across community colleges every where when you are not just considered a number. some teachers are helping the transition from high school to college and some dont even care and there is what lies the problem.

Ms.Krissy said...

Student Success to me is such a broad topic. So many students as adults believe that they are successful at what they do when that is usually not the case. As adults i think that there is a bigger responsibility that we must uphold. Many students feel that they do enough to "get by" when they should be going above and beyond that. Although we are adults i do believe that everyone needs an extra push to do what is right and to go in the right direction. So many people are burdened with other things than school. Success to me means achieving what ever it is that may seem important to you. It does not always have to be with school work but it can be if you are a designer, you can be successful at what you do. For students to b more successful in school I think that there should be a little more advertising and activities for the students to do to realize that life isn't a game. Even though we are 18 years and older, many students are still a child at heart. So I think that teachers should be a little more involved with the students that they have and help them to achieve better. I'm sure some of these teachers could not get to where they are now if someone didn't push them.

Anonymous said...

Society is enriched when students succeed. Student develops interpersonal skills, encompassing a respect for others. In HCC I believe that it's best to develop interpersonal skills for the sake of yourself because, just like networking it can help you out in the long wrong.

HCC succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals. When students pass their classes they become more motivated to do more and take on more added responsibility. When students succeed in the classroom, they will feel more ready to porgress to a higher class and evetually that will lead to a successfull graduation in the long run.

I believe that students will succeed more when they know that they are satisfying their intellectual curiosity. For me, If I don't like the class, chances are I won't do well in that class because I am not applying myself to something I want to learn. If I am engaged in a class that interests me than more than likely able to follow through with the notes and the lectures because I enjoy it.

TOOTIE said...

Perceptions of comprises success?

Society is enriched when students succeed?
I choose: Student develops interpersonal skills, encompassing a respect for others

• This is definitely a factor involved when it comes to our success and what college brings to the table. No matter if you finish school or drop out in the first semester you still gain and need a sense of interpersonal skills that nature come with some college education. In college success you gain what you search and apply for which is why interpersonal comes into play. Person decision, person goals at the end of the day. Along with a personal goal comes respect for the choice, your future , and the way you get there. Which in return is success.
HCC succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals.
I choose: Students graduate, transfer, or find gainful employment
College only plays 20% of success involvement as students play 80%. Success it’s up to the provider of the classes or books, it’s up to the person setting in that chair deciding what to learn and what to fail because success is a individual task not as a united group of teachers and building who don’t care about you personally. The only way for outsiders tells a success is to seem a result which is higher education, or higher employment.

Students succeed when they attain their desired goals?
I choose: Student is gainfully employed or achieves professional advancement

Again success all comes down to the results, not the results that just end in a degree because anyone can get a degree and do nothing with that degree afterwards. What I mean is a job, a career, professional advancements from where they started in the beginning. That’s just one level of success, but as times goes on there are others involved from person goals that compliment there careers to family success and so on.

So overall perception of comprise success includes a lot person skills you practice, along with a respect factor for others which can be used in your career path , a accomplishment of college in the result of graduation , and/or higer education at an university , and the achievement in a professional career/.

ETERNITY said...

I strongly believe when students take on their role of responsibility they are more likely to succeed. The learn to appreciate what has been given to them and Toake pride in their work.
Abtainnig a degree is not our ticket in life. Once we graduate we must continue our learning and conformtiy to the changing world around us. However it should be our main focus and goal to finish wour education here at HCC with integrity and responsibility.
"Students succeed when they attain their desired goals."
They can succeed whether or not they attain thier goal because their goals can easily change. Success to be is having the satisfation of know that you gave it your all. Whether you reach it or not does not define who you are as an individual. HCC can only do so much but it is up to us to keep our head above water and show the world no mater what obstacles may come your way you will overcome.

NaniShauna said...

I agree with Human Rights. I think that it would have been better to have more feedback on each poll. Here are the reasons for my choices:

1. Society is enriched when students succeed.

I chose STUDENT ASSUMES GREATER RESPONSIBILITY FOR HIS OR HER OWN ACTIONS because I believe that being in college teaches you more responsibility because you have to make sure you attend classes and do the work on your own. If you don't do the work, you don't make the grade; therefore, you fail the class and waist your money on the tuition.

2. HCC succeeds when it assists students to attain their desired goals.

I chose STUDENTS BECOME INVOLVED IN STUDENT ACTIVITIES WHICH FOSTER ACADEMIC ENGAGEMENT AND INCREASE STUDENT SUCCESS because personally, I know that being involved with Student Government has made me more aware of my academic progress and given me more of a drive to succeed. It has helped me to become a stronger student.

3. Students succeed when they attain their desired goals

I chose STUDENT IS GAINFULLY EMPLOYED OR ACHIEVES PROFESSIONAL ADVANCEMENT because they want to do something productive with their time and money they have spent in college. Passing a class with a B or even an A does not show that the student will use the knowledge from that class to find a job or advance in the one they already have. But receiving a license or transferring to another "higher education" college shows progress and is a good way to achieve a satisfying and rewarding career. It's not so much getting a degree that should be the main goal, it's what you do with it once you have it that is key.