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Sunday, October 14

Gay parents

Gay adoption: A new take on the American family
By Taylor Gandossy
June 27, 2007

ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- For 5-year-old Jackson Manford-Roach, Mother's Day means it's time to see his grandmothers.

"I don't need little lace gloves, which is what [Jackson and his classmates] made this year," Jeffrey Roach, one of Jackson's two fathers, said. "The other kids always ask who he's making the stuff for and he always makes his for his grandma."


Read the whole article at

What do you think?


Unknown said...

Honestly i dont have a problem with the gay community. but i do have a problem with them being able to adopt children because i think kids are innocent and shouldnt have to be faced with adult issues bottom line. why should they be confused? how can you explain two mommies and two daddies ? come on thats a little much. a PARENTS LIFESTYLE SHOULD BE HIDDEN AND NOT IN THE OPEN

bdraper said...

If someone wants to take in a child from foster care then by all means they should. Why should the world judge people on what their sexual orientation is as long as they are great parents doing the best they can in rearing a child. I believe that homosexual couples should be able to adopt a child with out any problems. People in the adotion agencies that disagree are just so closed minded that all they think about is that the child will be "confused" or brought up "differently". Love is love and a parent is a parent. It is like when a white family adopts and african american child or a latin child; as that child grows up they wonder why am I different from my mother and father? Life is not simple and does not need to be perfectly explained, as long as the parents, either straight or gay, arnt harming their child physically then by all means, give them the god given right to start a family.

bdraper said...

I completely disagree with jeneice. If someone does 'not have a problem with the gay community but has a problem with them adopting children' they are still being prejudice against them. If you agree with their sexual orientation, you have to agree with the whole package. I personally know a boy who was adopted by two gay men. This boy was not confused when he was growing up, he was just told that their family didnt have a mother, but he had many females in his life that adored him. This young boy grew up to be a heterosexual who is married to a women with a child. He was not confused, the two fathers explained that they were different and as the boy got older he understood that his two fathers were not attracted to women; the same way he (the child) was not attracted to men.
And a parents lifestyle should not be hidden, love is love and if its your family, come on, you already know what they are doing in there when the bedroom door is closed. Parents are parents and at the certain age we all learn the truth on how babies are made, so a parents lifestyle cannot truly be hidden. The homosexual community is not announcing to the world what they do in their sex life, they just want to raise a family. If you think that the lifestyle should be hidden, then arnt you really saying you want homosexuals to not announce their personal orientation?? So why does it matter if it is a heterosexual couple or a homosexual couple. When being a child of a homosexual family the child is not faced with the 'adult issues' it is stuborn closed minded people that feel the need to bring the issues up to the child and not confront the parents.

mmedina10 said...

i mainly agree with bdraper. what they do behind close doors is their business and no one elses. all it matters is that they are willing to show love and affecting to a child that was left homeless by a heterosexual. if they cant do the job of being a parent why dont you let someone willing to take that roll of a parent do so.

mmedina10 said...

i also have a uncle that is gay. he practically raised 5 of my cousins cause their parents where always out working. and they all grew up as heterosexual as heterosexual can be. so thats also another reason why i dont believe that sexual preference has to do with raising a child. if we are so worried on how all the gay people are going to make all the kids gay why dont we just get rid of all the gay people and never have to worry about that right?

Athena Smith said...

Today on BBC you may read Canada diocese backs gay blessing

Angelica D. said...

I believe that homosexual couples should be able to adopt children, why would we deny children the right to be loved? There are so many straight couples that have children and are horrible parents and should not have children in the first place.

I disagree w/Jeneice - I do not believe that children will be "confused" about having same sex parents... or will have to face "adult issues" - My parents are divorced and my mother was a single mom when I was 13. And - Divorce is an "adult issue" - we all face different struggles or issues. It's up to the parent(s) to be open and honest about whatever situation may classify them "different" by society.

I say if an unwanted child has the opportunity to be adopted by same sex parents who will provide them a loving home - I support it 1000%. What I do not support is any parent - straight or gay, who will abuse or neglect their child.

Unknown said...


Athena Smith said...

What I find strange is the following:
"Florida is currently the only state that specifically bans "homosexual" individuals from adopting, although the state does allow them to be foster parents."

Why can't the state make up its mind?

Michael Rose said...

I truly don’t mean to offend anyone, but the only reason we as a society even have a problem with the gay community is because gays conflicts with the religious norms in which we have been built on. Society has labeled gays as deviant and in effect (even if you not a religious person) they are, but only in are “mines”. If people can look past, these injected religious polices maybe we can make a logical decision and give some kids a good home.

GatorGirl06 said...

I don't think it should matter whether the couple is gay, lesbian, straight or whatever else. All that should matter is that these children are going to homes and families where they will be loved and well taken care of. I mean think about it, would you rather a child grow up in a foster home and just be "another one in the bunch" or the child go to a loving family who will make them feel special and loved every single day no matter what the sexual orientation of the family be.

Angelica D. said...

Comment to Janeice-

I understand what you are saying about issues being "hidden" from young children - but why would you as a parent? Whatever it is, being gay, getting a divorce, having bi-racial parents - these are all "issues" classified by society - but why would you hide the truth? Parenting is teaching your children who they are and where they come from - no matter what - And most importantly - to be proud of WHO you are - no matter what the "issue" is.

What I do not understand is WHY you oppose gay parents adopting - can you please clarify? You stated that you do not have a problem with homosexuals - but - I still do not understand why you do not agree with gay adoption - you stated that the parents will show kids their "lifestyle"????
Do you think this will influence the child to be gay?? What about homosexuals that have straight parents? Are they being exposed to the hetero "lifestyle"?

Neishia said...

I do not have a problem with gay and lesbian couples. I think everybody deserves a chance to be happy. What I disagreee with is with they decide to bring a child in the midst of it. Every child needs a mommy and a daddy. They do not need to be confused in the beginning. I believe in ADAM and EVE not ADAM and STEVE!!!!

Athena Smith said...

This is kind of funny so take a break and keep an open mind wjile reading it. I copied it from Gator Gay-Straight Alliance

Homosexuality is not natural, much like eyeglasses, polyester, and birth control are not natural.

Heterosexual marriages are valid because they produce children. Infertile couples and old people cannot get legally married because the world needs more children.

Obviously gay parents will raise gay children because straight parents only raise straight children.

Straight marriage will be less meaningful, since Britney Spears's 55-hour just-for-fun marriage was meaningful.

Heterosexual marriage has been around for a long time, and it hasn't changed at all: women are property, Blacks can't marry Whites, and divorce is illegal.

Gay marriage should be decided by the people, not the courts, because the majority-elected legislatures, not courts, have historically protected the rights of minorities.

Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are always imposed on the entire country. That's why we only have one religion in America.

Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people makes you tall.

Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage license.

Children can never succeed without both male and female role models at home. That's why single parents are forbidden to raise children.

Gay marriage will change the foundation of society. Heterosexual marriage has been around for a long time, and we could never adapt to new social norms because we haven't adapted to cars or longer lifespans.

Civil unions, providing most of the same benefits as marriage with a different name are better, because a "separate but equal" institution is always constitutional. Separate schools for African-Americans worked just as well as separate marriages will for gays & lesbians.

Unknown said...

Yes i do think that if the oarents are gay it can confuse a child let alone conflict with moral and social interactions and believes, If some one wants to be gay find but leave innocent children out of it kids already have enuff issues why be exposed to more. i mean i completely agree with neishia kids shouldnt be in the equation.
bottom line is i just think its worng for kids to be faces with two mommies or two daddies bottom line.


Athena Smith said...

I do undesrtand the basics of your objection but a drug addict or a drunk by definition is an incompetent and unfit parent since his thinking process has been seriously impaired.
What do you think?

Unknown said...


yes i do think they are impaired parents but thast my whole point.. drinking ans drug abuse is a lifestyle .. just as being gay is a lifestyle. a grug abuser can love their kuds but are they good paents woth good moral and good beliefs ? my whole point is a parents lifestyle can greatly effect a kids development
and can effect children deeply.

chronos said...

I think that this is absolutely ridiculous. Americans and for that mater all people should have the right to adopt children. People should be thinking more about the children needing parents instead of how they are raised. I don't see people going to a regular families house and telling them how to raise their children. Not only that what about single parents, does this mean that they are unfit to raise a child because they are missing a mother or father. Children will just have to find another person such as a family member or a close friend who can be a good role model. The parents can even help by letting their children spend time with people they can look up to. I had my grandfather to look up to and I turned out just fine. If anything it helped me to learn how to have better control of my emotions by not having a father figure.

chronos said...

Jeneice I don't meant to step on toes but if parents lifestyles should be hidden and not in the open how are they supposed to build trust with their children. Children are going to find out about adult issues and it is better for them to hear it from their parents instead of from the media or their friends who may not even have the information correct. This is the same issue of why children are having sex at an early age because they are not getting the proper education about it. I have no problem of telling my children at an early age about adult issues, especially if they ask me about them. My mother told me at an early age because my friends and I had some pretty messed up views of how babies were made. I understand children are innocent but the world around them is not and I don't plan on keeping my children in a bubble all their lives. The bottom line is that parents have the right to raise their children however they see fit.

ssnipes said...

I would have no problem handing a child over to a gay couple. The way I look at it I would much rather have gay parents than have no parents at all, some kids go their whole life going foster home to foster home with no real establishment and family values because they have no family! Sexuality should have nothing to do with the adoption process. I know a few people who grew up with a mom and a dad, then one day one of the parents knew it wasnt right- they were really gay....That just goes to show not all families are perfect! Like bdraper said "love is love and a parent is a parent" who is the adoption agency to judge someone based on their sexuality! This article makes me very upset...

ssnipes said...

I agree with angelica....

Parents try to bring up their kids the best they can, giving them the honest to god truth about things and teaching them about the world. Being in a gay/bi-racial/different religion relationships are all things that are looked down upon, but people will do whatever their heart desires and no one is perfect, so no one should have the right to judge others based on their sexuality or the color of their skin! the world is pretty f'ed up when you really look deeply into things.

Athena Smith said...

From a utilitarian appproach an adoption agency should be looking for responsible adults. Ideally a mother and a father. Those numbers however are declining. If you go to Austria holds first divorce fair you may see for yourself.
So an adoption agency has a certain nubmber of babies but not enough couples.
What does it do?
Proceed with single parents? Single people are not that willing to adopt because their finances are not that strong (remember a couple always makes double than a single).
A limited supply of single parents as well.
Then what?
Orphanages? (Remember this is a utilitarian approach, not a moral one...don't confuse the two).
You choose.

Athena Smith said...

I agree with you that the influence of the "mother/father" ideal type often does not produce any better results than a decent strong single parent of a resilient kid.
Many students in my classes have been raised by single parents. Needless to say they are all in school.

The question is: How many of them are going to stick with school?
The drop out rates in your age group are very high but the returning rates of people over 25 are also pleasantly high. The US has the highest average student age in the world (29) but also the highest college graduation rate in the world.

So, other institutions also play a role in whether you end up in college. One of them is the educational establishment of a country. In the US we have the open door policies that allow students to drop out and come back as often as they like. In other countries you do not have this choice. You messed up a couple of times...that's it.

GatorGirl06 said...

I agree with ssnipes and bdraper. Bdraper made a very good point "love is love and a parent is a parent". People shouldn't be judged on their sexuality. Raising a child is a learning experience and no one will be perfect at it.

brooke said...

I feel that gay couples that live together should not be able to adopt kids. Personally i dont mind gay people but i strongly feel that it is unfair to the child to have to deal with such and "unfamiliar" life. Could you imagine all oof the cruel jokes and embarrassment they would feel during a parent conference or when friends came over. I just do not believe it is fair at all. Maybe if they sisnt live together and didnt let the child know then it would be considerable but for an dopted child to have to deal with two moms or two dads it just is not fair. Im sure they have already had a rough life efore they were adopted in the first place.

brooke said...

I defianetly agree with jeneice. It is very unfair to the child and it would be very confusing. If the parent wants to be gay than that is their own decision. But i do not think that the child should be involved in such a confusing situation when they get adopted they are supposed to have a better, stabile life not one where the get made fun of and dont understand why they have two mommies or two daddies.

Crimsonzero said...

Also as far as mentally affecting the child, I dont think that the child will have any problems other than the fact that he will have to go through the embarrassment of bringing his two dads to parent-teacher conference night. In that case when both his fathers are out in the open like that the child will suffer humiliation. Still however, as I previously stated in my first comment, gay parents are just as loving as regular parents and they want the best for their child, and also it's better having parents than none at all.

Natalie said...

I personally believe that being "gay" is morally wrong, just like many other things. BUT because of your sexual orientation seems to be a norm on society, that should not restrict a person from adopting children. It really helps a child when they are being loved, and if that means being loved by mom and mom or dad and dad so be it. IT is better off for a child to be placed with a stable loving family rather than be jumping from home to home. Now that is unhealthy for a child! I also think MOST parents that adopt really want a family and will do the best to their ability to raise their child.

Natalie said...

to bdraper. you are right about one thing. if you agree with the sexual orientation then you have to agree with the whole package. like i said i dont agree with it but if it means that a gay couple can save a child from a foster home than be it. so my opinion is different but i do see where u comin from.

Angelica D. said...

Response to Janeice:

I think your missing my point here-
Do you really think drug addicts or alcoholic parents can really provide the best care possible? I am not saying that they aren't capable of love - But they are not in the right mind set.

I support gay adoption, or any adoption for that matter as long as the parent(s) can provide proper and loving care. No, I do not agree that a drug addict or alcoholic should be able to adopt, I highly doubt they would be allowed anyway - But if we have unwanted children who can be afforded the opportunity to go to a loving home, why should it matter what their parents are? Gay, bi-racial, whatever... they would not only be loved and taken care of, but be given new opportunities in life.

I am married and consider adopting so I can provide a good loving home to a child - what if I wanted to adopt a child of another race, Should I not be allowed because I am "different"??

Just because you are gay parent doesn't mean that you are going to provide insufficient care. I understand that you are against it, and it is a belief that you are going to stick by, but it is unfair to compare gay parents to addicts, or state that the child would be compromised.

And as far as parents not talking to their kids about sex has nothing to do with being gay or not - that is a skill that is lacking in parenting.

Keep one thing in mind as well:
Those gay parents that you are against are most likely adopting children from those STRAIGHT addicts, or STRAIGHT parent(s) that for whatever reason had to give up their child.

Anonymous said...

From my personal point of view, I just concern the kids. Whatever the parents' sex are, the most important things needed by homeless kids or parentless are the kindness, security, health and education for their future and the safe environment. So parenting the parentless should be considered based on those necessities regardless of the fosters' sex, homosexual or straigth, as long as they can properly giude the kids and secure the kids' lives. Of course, it would be perfect if women or a couple can do the same contributions. But,whoever contibute the society, it will be gret effort...
Mg Yin

Athena Smith said...

Mg Yin
Thank you for the comment. Another dimension is that not everyone is willing to adopt. Many people want to raise their own "DNA" as they put it.

Athena Smith said...

From the U.S. Census 2000, the National Survey of Family Growth (2002), and the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (2004) one copies the following:

"An estimated two million GLB people are interested in adopting.
An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay parent.
More than 16,000 adopted children are living with lesbian and gay parents in California, the highest number among the states.
Gay and lesbian parents are raising four percent of all adopted children in the United States.
Adopted children with same-sex parents are younger and more likely to be foreign born. "

Athena Smith said...

A very interetsing and touching aticle is Both sides on gay adoption cite concern for children

jeje 21 said...

I really think that children shouldn’t be adopting it by gay or lesbians. I don’t have a problem if they get married or whatever, but the fact of raising a child is a different story. How can you raise a child from the same sex? I mean a mother love is a special kind of love that no one can give, the same with a father. Plus the fact, the way some child could react to the situation, could be very difficult to accept, not having a normal family as other kids families do.

jeje 21 said...

I don’t have a problem with homosexual to adopt kids, but the fact of how the kid would react to the situation. A homosexual environment, can model homosexual behavior to children. Remember that parents are the role models to them. It could be hard for a kid to apply to the behavior and the atmosphere. Ninety percent of child abuse is committed by heterosexual men. In one study of 269 cases of child sexual abuse, only two offenders were gay or lesbian. Of the cases studied involving molestation of a boy by a man, 74 percent of the men were or had been in a heterosexual relationship with the boy's mother or another female relative. The study concluded that "a child's risk of being molested by his or her relative's heterosexual partner is over 100 times greater than by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual, lesbian, or bisexual.

E said...

I believe that homosexuals should be able to adopt, there are a lot of children that need a good home and sexual orientation shouldn't matter. I think that it is better to give a child a home with homosexual parents that want the child more than anything then give a child a home with straight parents that aren't as interested. If a parent is homosexual it is going to make a child's life more confusing, but an alcoholic parent isn't going to make a child's life easy. Every child has struggles and how they deal with those struggles determines the person they become.

E said...

I completely agree with BDRAPER, love is love and it doesn't matter if it comes from a straight parent or a gay parent. The children that are in the system need love and attention.

peachykeach said...

I have a problem with gay adoption for 2 reasons. They are typically not a married couple and it's forcing upoun the child a lifestyle. This poor child has already had a hard life and been in foster care and now you are going to give him to a gay couple. You are taking him from one less than ideal situation to another. We talk in sociology about how important the family unit is. A family is a married couple, a mom and a dad. They each serve their own roles to help the child develop into a functioning person in society.

peachykeach said...


We know that children from 2 parent households generally are more successful. I don't think it is just because of finances. I believe that mother and father shape children in a different way. You can't get the same effect from dad and dad or mom and mom. We know how different men and women feel, act and think and all of these attributes are crucial in the development of a child.

MeXIII said...

The sexual orientation of qualified adoption applicants shouldn't matter. How could you tell a child "you were almost adopted by some nice loving people but they are gay." Doesn't that teach the child discrimination? There are a lot of children out there that need a loving family and as long as those children can get the support, structure, love, and feeling of belonging to a family it shouldn't matter if there are 2 mommies or 2 daddies.

MeXIII said...

I disagree with jeneice on parents hiding there lifestyles. Isnt that lying? Aren't parents supposed to teach their kids to tell the truth and be proud of who they are?

Sierrablue said...

I disagree with peachykeach

I was a single mother with two daughters. Their Dad was pretty much out of their lives after awhile, except for visits during the holidays(maybe) and summer, however I raised two well-adjusted successful daughters. There is no rule as to what a family is. A family is what you make it.I know families who have a mother and a father figure in the home, but they are all miserable. There was and still is love,trust, openness and respect in my FAMILY, which consisted of myself and my daughters. I think this is what is important no matter what your family consists of. And this is why I see no reason a persons sexuality should play a part in raising children. With as many unwanted children in the world I can not understand why someone would want to deny them a loving home just because you don't agree with something their parents do behind closed doors. The important fact is someone WANTS to be a parent to someone who NEEDS one. How can being raised in an orphanage or in the foster system be better than living in a stable loving home?

JeanK23 said...

I dont see any problem with a gay couple adopting or fostering a child. As long as they are willing to bring the child joy,happiness and protection just like any other hetrosexual couple would, then why not? Infact, much of the gay couples that do adopt, are probably so determined to raise a child and go through all the hassle of trying to adopt and foster, that when they do get approved, they make sure that they are the best they can be to make up for all the hard work. If they cared so much to go through all the harrassment and harsh criticsm then Im sure they are going to be wonderful parents to a child.

JeanK23 said...

I dont see any problem with a gay couple adopting or fostering a child. As long as they are willing to bring the child joy,happiness and protection just like any other hetrosexual couple would, then why not? Infact, much of the gay couples that do adopt, are probably so determined to raise a child and go through all the hassle of trying to adopt and foster, that when they do get approved, they make sure that they are the best they can be to make up for all the hard work. If they cared so much to go through all the harrassment and harsh criticsm then Im sure they are going to be wonderful parents to a child.

JeanK23 said...

I agree with ssnipes, it shouldnt matter on the sexuality preference shouldnt be a deciding factor in the adoption process. A parent IS alot better than switching around foster homes. Seems like a child would have a better grasp on life and a better chance of succeding in life if they are brought up in a loving home than being raised by a different person everyday in a foster home and not receving as much direct attention that a parent could provide.

Anonymous said...

im indifferent about the situation. im not for it but im not against it. i can arge a reason why it should be aloud and a reason it shouldnt be. i do think it would be a harder life for that child, but then again traditional families arent perfect either. should it be the law that limits gay couples? im not to sure about that but i agree with jeneice that children are innocent and shouldnt be faced with this issue. it's tough being a kid in schools where children like this are targets.

Sierrablue said...

A child does not ask to be born and in many cases is unwanted. It is an innocent victim ending up in a bureaucratic system that is responsible for finding them good parents. The word parent means someone who nurtures and raises a child. Someones gender or sexual preference should have NOTHING to do with it. I see no reason why homosexual couples should be not able to adopt a child. One important reason being "these are strong people" if they can put up with all the bigotry they face everyday in their lives they can definitely teach their child to be strong so they can do the same. Words like "adult issues","confused", and "humiliation" have been tossed around. Children face adult issues everyday. Divorce, war, death of loved ones, and bullies just to name a few. No matter who raises them there will be confusion and humiliation. Just ask a minority whether it be race or religion. Children survive this because most of their parents teach them to be strong. What you teach your child and how you nurture him, makes you a parent, not what you do behind closed doors.

Athena Smith said...

Given the divorce statistics among straights and gays (actually the gay divorce rate is higher than this of the straights) one tends to think that the only available parent may soon be the single parent...

bigbuddy said...

I don't have any problems with gay parents raising kids. There are so many children in need of a home. I have gay friends who have adopted children in need. They have given these children a stable home and are great parents.

bigbuddy said...

I agree with mmedina10. Gay couples can be great parents as well. There people just like you and me.

Anonymous said...

I really don't have a problem with this type of thing going on. I'm not exactly partial to it, but I believe that there are other problems that we should be focusing on. Things like healthcare, disease, and economy should be on the news instead whether or not two people should be getting married or not. considering how small the gay community is, I don't see this as being anything close to the fall of America in anyway, so why worry about it.

Danatrose said...

I don't think gay people should be able to adopt children. Yes I am sure that they can provide good loving homes but me personally, I do not belive two people of the same sex should "be" together. God didn't intend for things to be that way. It's othing agains them as people I just don't belive in a gay unity.

Anonymous said...

mmedina10 has a good idea and point with the "making kids gay" topic. If gay marriage couples want to adopt then let them do so. I really don't know where this whole idea of the kids are going to grow up gay comes from. If people would read a book called the "The Nuturer Complex," the would understand that it really has little to do with how parents raise their kids as long as they show them the affection that they need. Twins seperated at birth and raised in another family showed no resemblence in the characteristics and personalities of the adopting parents, and hardly any reflection of the biological parents were even viewable(that being due to the genes) Kids don't grow up to be what their parents want them to be, they grow up with what they've learned through society. People don't want to believe this cause they don't like the idea that they don't have control over something that they love, but if they get over themselves and get educated, you'll see that a kid growing up in a household has no definitive outcome of being gay.

Danatrose said...

Also as far as speaking from a Godly stand point i am wrong for being judgemental but I just think kids should have the right to keep their innocence. Having two mommies or daddies raising a kid is not the right thing to do , as far as I am concerned.

Danatrose said...

I didn't know that the divorce rate was higher in gays versuse straight marriages, huh I learned something new today!

kenny said...

i can see why jeneice doesent support gay adoption in the sense that that the child will be made fun of horribly at school.
but on the otherhand good parents are good parents! if there gay or not i dont think it makes much of a difference and the kids that do make fun of kids with gay parents well dosent that tell you something about how there parents brought them up?

kenny said...

I believe it should be gay adoption should be allowed, if they are good parents to the child and are able to take care of kids it shoudnt be a problem.

I have a friend that was brought up by gay parents and he was not affected at all by it and in my opinion he is the nicest person i know. He did not end up gay or bisexual, and has had a girfriend for 4 years. Overall i think it shouldnt be a problem.

dfrank2 said...

I agree with kenny, that gay adpotion should be allowed. I mean whats worse, a child with gay parents or another orphan that might not ever get adopted? A child would be able to make up their own mind when it comes to sexuality. Thats the least of thier worries, all they want is a loving family, and a home.

dfrank2 said...

Gay adoption is not a problem it's a solution. Even though the number of gays adopting is not a staggering number, think of its affects. First of all the number one producer of criminals is either children with a single mom as a parent and a colse second is orphanages. They feel like what do they have to lose? Also so what if they might get confused, theirs pleanty of confused people with straight parents. Thats just a decision the child has to make when the times right. The pro's out weight the con's, if you don't like it just look the other way, but be thankful another potential criminal is essentially off the streets.

Anonymous said...

i dont think there is anything wrong with same sax parents as long as they are good parents but i do think that later in life the lack of the one sex will form questions confusion for the child.

Anonymous said...

i agree with Jeneice i dont have problems with gays but i also think it will have more of an effect on the child later in life

HoneySweet G. said...

The problem with the our society is that the ones who want kids don't think of adoption when fertility is out. So why not let the people who want kids let them have them? The Gay community could probably give the child love if not more than what Hetero-couples can. So if you have a problem, kiss my big toe!

HoneySweet G. said...

I disagree with Jeneice. I think that once a child is scared, they're scared. But that scaring could be different elements, like rape/ molestation, or divorce or abuse. The list goes on, so it couldn't be just gay parents. I know ALOT of Heterosexual couples who have Gay children (more than one mind you) so who taught them? I Personally I believe that homosexuality is more nurture than nature, but Nature still comes into play, even if you don't like it. Sorry that's the way the cookie crumbles...

Anonymous said...

i agree with Chris Martinez.... not that there is nothing wrong with it.. thats everyones persoanl belief. some will agree some will disagree but all that REaLLY matters is being a good parent. i also agree that the lack of one sex can cause confusion for any child.

Jondeflorence said...

I used to be one who was semi against homosexuals. That was also before I had known ANYTHING about their lifestyle. The majority of people are still under the impression that homosexuals choose to be attracted to the same sex, that they have an option on who they want to be with. With that mentality it becomes easy to dismiss their rights because they "choose" to live the lifestyle that they do. New research however, is showing more and more that homosexuality is actually a physiological trait that can be traced back to the amount of chromosomes floating into you IN THE WOMB. With this in mind it becomes much harder to become prejudiced towards them, because they actually do NOT have a choice in the matter. It is something inherent in their psyche that they have no choice over, much like heterosexuals cannot help that we are attracted to the opposite sex. Knowing this, you can see that it is rather unfair to be biased against them. That is like saying that two black parents cannot adopt a white child because they're black. It is something they're born with, and not something they have any control over. Therefore they should be allowed just as many rights as anyone else who has no choice over their sexual preferences.

Kung fu Hustla said...

Comment to jeneice- Even if its 2 people who want to love and care for a child. You think its still Taboo to have 2 gay people adopt a child. Being in a foster home is kind of being in prison. If those gay people want to take that child out of a prison. than i think they should let them.

Monica Rivera Agard said...

I agree with bdraper. I beleive that anyone who wants to give love and a home to a child should be able to adopt a child and provide a life for them. I do not think that will cause a child to become gay or straight. I think that depends on the actual person the child grows up to be. This actual depends on a lot of factors such as relgion,peers,jobs,beliefs and the advertisements he or she sees and attaches itself to. As for the parents lifestyles no it should not be hidden I think if it is explain then that child can better be cope with when the peer presure and the demands and the abuse from the world.

anthony kolodziej said...

I agree with the top comment made by what jeneice had to say about gay parents. The gay community is something you cannot change but why should you put a child in the hands of 2 moms or two 2 dads. Its not fair.

anthony kolodziej said...

First off i personally believe that it is just an unhealthy situation. I am one to say that it doesnt matter who or what a person is because everyone is their own individual. But it is not fair to a child in a situation with gay parents because it will affect that person and would cause conflicts for them throughout the rest of their life. Ex: marriage, during the early years of their life, bein made fun of in school; all these reflect on the kid affecting their personal self-esteem.

irishbabe said...

i dont see anything wrong with a person being gay and adopting kids as long as personal affection of the couple is hidden from public view. maybe im biased but my whole family is in the army so dont see dont tell dont show is what were soldiers are taught.

irishbabe said...

i agree with angelica d. because if you deny a child the right to be loved by a parent to me it is the same thing as telling the child its worthless and dosent deserve to exist.